• Published 18th Sep 2014
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Pony POV Gaiden: History of Tirek - Alex Warlorn

After the changeling invasion, Applejack hears from Princess Luna the history before Equestria, before the three Tribes, even before the Age of Myths. The origins of Tirek, and his relationship with his brother Scorpan are revealed.

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The small pack of giant meat eating tyrannosaurs were smelling the air for prey, the alpha dinosaur of the pack, Tiamat, lead the way. Her kind was normally solitary or only hunted in small groups, but Tiamat had a special sway over the others to make them work as a unit. Finally, they came across a big lake were a herd of duck billed dinosaurs were quietly eating. Tiamat charged at the duck billed dinosaurs, and the rest of the hunting pack followed her. Hunting for prey was the one way Tiamat's pack would survive in the harsh world.


The big herd of duck billed dinosaurs were quietly eating plants, the adults surrounding the smaller ones to keep them safe. The duck billed dinosaur leading the herd was Tiamat, she ate and raised her head constantly, looking out for danger. Suddenly, she saw a hunting pack of tyrannosaurs. Sounding the alarm, she and the rest of the duck billed dinos ran away as fast as they could. Tiamat knew that there were safety in numbers, only by staying together they would survive in the harsh world.


At the other side of the lake, a herd of triceratops looked up as the herd of duck billed dinosaurs ran away from a hunting pack of tyrannosaurs. The alpha of the triceratops herd, Tiamat, kept a watchful eye in case any of the tyrannosaurs got any ideas and try to hunt her herd of triceratops. She wasn't too worried, however, if any of the meat eating dinosaurs tried to attack, they would all defend themselves with their sharp horns. It was kill or be killed, and Tiamat knew that it was the way to survive in the harsh world.


The herd of armored ankylosaurs looked from a distance as the duck billed dinosaurs ran away from the hunting pack of tyrannosaurs. They weren't worried at all. Their mighty armored skin and shell like skeleton would keep them safe from any predators, and if that didn't do the trick, they had the thagomizer on the end of their tail that would teach the creatures not to mess with them. The alpha of the pack, Tiamat, didn't even give the tyrannosaurs a second look. They didn't need to attack the carnivores, they just need to keep a good defense and they would be left alone. Tiamat knew that this was the way to survive in the harsh world.


The giant long necks of the apatosaur herd was completely oblivious to their surroundings as they ate the leaves of the branches from the tallest trees. Tiamat, the alpha of the herd, could hear some other dinosaurs running in the distance, as others were chasing them. She didn't really care, their giant size made for an excellent deterrent for any predator to hunt them, and they were far from defenseless, as much of that bulk was pure muscle and their multiton tail could break the sound barrier in a tail whip. Nobody dared to cross the herd of apatosaurs. Tiamat knew that being big enough that everyone respected you was the way to survive in the harsh world.


Suddenly, every dinosaur stopped what they were doing and looked up, what seemed like a giant rock made out of fire! The fireball was approaching the ground at a distance. Five heads of the five Tiamats rose up and looked up at the skies in confusing, as they didn't know what to make of it.

The giant fireball finally hit the ground, and a blinding explosion brighter than a hundred suns blinded the dinosaurs, and that was the last thing they saw. The sound of the explosion wave reached the dinosaurs, and that was the last thing they heard, the sound deafening them. Finally, the shockwave of the impact, stronger than a thousand tornadoes, swept them away... and that was the last thing they felt.


"What in Dad's name was THAT!?" exclaimed the concept of Evolution, as she grabbed her head with her two regular, non-stoned, hands/claws, as she saw the destruction all over Earth. The giant asteroid's impact had killed everything around it, and the impact was so hard that it made pieces of Earth fly up and then fall down, the skies were darkened for days, causing the temperature to drop drastically and most plants to die from lack of sunlight.

There was no way to avoid it, after over 165 million years the dinosaurs, the most successful species ever to populate the world, were going extinct.

"Hey, Strife, don't look at me," said the concept of Destruction defensively, "I wasn't going to do anything, but Chance asked me to."

The concept of Luck got closer to Strife and placed a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder, "I'm sorry sis, the odds of the asteroid hitting the Earth was one in 300 thousand... pretty fair odds if I say so myself, but if they stay long enough, if I flip the coin enough times, then one is bound to land in the asteroids favor. It had to happen, I can't go against the coin."

"They were so perfectly adaptable... a masterpiece," said Strife as she could do nothing but watch helplessly as the dinosaurs died from cold and starvation, "They were adapting to everything! Cold weather, hot weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, fires, an increase in the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere... over a million years... all gone in an instant."

"It's... it's not so bad, I mean, look, all the roaches are fine," said Chance.

"The roaches are ALWAYS fine!" snapped Strife, "that's not the point!"

Pandora teleported there as well in a flash. "The Water Bears survived too," pointed out the concept of Imagination.

"Yes... I think I overdid it with those," replied Strife, the impact of the asteroid had hurled some of them into space, and they were still alive.

Strife sighed, "No, you're right. The dinosaurs were fine to adapt to anything that nature could throw at them... but I didn't account for any external factor. Well, it's time to start over... again," said Strife, remembering that big extinction event at the end of the Permian period, she was sure that the dinosaurs that emerged at the Triassic were going to be able to survive anything, but the meteor just proved her wrong. She took out a notepad and began to take notes, "Now, it's not enough for them to survive things that come from Earth itself, like fires, changes in the weather and atmosphere, earthquakes and volcanoes... whatever comes next needs to be able to survive things from outside the Earth. So... they would need to develop sapience, become smart, be able to manipulate their environment, and eventually be able to either stop celestial bodies from killing them, or travel to other planets. So better if they start putting emphasis on the size of their brains... now, let's take a look." Strife scribbled some things on her notepad and looked back at the world.

"Let's see what we have to work with here... well, the dinosaurs are out of the question, of course, just a few birds there, and while they're smart they don't have hands. The giant flying reptiles and giant sea reptiles are out too. Land reptiles are fine, but I already gave those an opportunity... hmm... those mammals, they emerged right at the same time as dinosaurs, small, easy to hide, warm blooded, not much to look at... but they were ALSO able to survive as long as the dinosaurs did... they are good at climbing things... hmmm, Pandora, got any ideas?"

"Oh, certainly," said the concept of Imagination happily as she joined her two sisters, and Destruction. Pandora snapped her fingers and a big file cabinet appeared, she opened one and took out a piece of paper. She handed it over to Strife, "I call it an ‘opposable thumb' I think it's going to be big!"

"Opposable thumbs, yes, this could work out," said Strife.


A few million years later...

"Well, these mammals are quite adaptable to this new environment, I must say," stated Strife. "They are covering basically all the niches that the dinosaur's extinction left open."

"Wow, look at the primates go!" stated Pandora, "See? What did I tell you? Opposable thumbs."

"I must say that the primates are the best candidates to develop into a sentient species and develop a society and such. Well, maybe the dolphins too, but they don't have the right anatomy... And the elephants, but their developing is simply taking too long..."


"Well, the humans are coming along nicely," stated Chance.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure that Anarchy is going to be quite busy with them," said Strife.

"If he ever gets around to it," stated Chance, rolling her eyes. "But Dizzy is getting quite excited about them as well."

"That's nice to hear... I just hope he doesn't overdo it," replied Strife.

"Oh, don't worry about Discord," said Chance, "As his dear twin sister, I make sure he takes his medicine. He wants to cause Chaos, not destroy everything. No point in there causing so much that there are no more sentient species, what would be the point of causing chaos if nobody is around to be affected by it?"

"Well, I see there are quite a lot of these humans," said Pandora.

"Yes, there are about four different kinds of them, wanted to keep it interesting. Kind of boring when there is just one sapient species in a planet," said Strife.

"Yeah, personally I think it's better that we and the Alicorns all agreed that this was going to be a technologically focus world," said Chance, "No magic. Which means no elves, no unicorns, no pegasi, no dragons..."

"It will be interesting to see how far they can progress with just technology," said Pandora, "How far will their creativity and inventiveness take them?"

Chance noticed a volcano on some islands in Asia, she flipped her coin, and snapped her fingers when she saw it land.

Suddenly, a volcano erupted on one of the many islands on the Pacific near Asia. The eruption was so big that it killed off all the Homo Florensis.

"What!?" said Strife.

"Ooops... well, make that just three of these humans," said Pandora, she then saw how the Denisovans were also dying out, "Wait, make that two."

"Why did you do that for!?" said Strife to Chance.

"Hey, I'm just doing my job here!" stated Chance, "The volcano was going to erupt no matter what! I just flipped the coin to see if anyone near it would survive. Turns out, nobody did. If you have a problem then take it to Destruction, he's the one in charge of the volcanoes!"

"Well, that's okay, we still have the Homo Sapiens and the Neanderthals, I'm sure it'll be fine," said Strife.

"... the Homo Sapiens are all killing the Neanderthals..." said Destruction.

Pandora sighed, "Why do those have to be such JERKS!"

"Well not all directly...they're just kinda outcompeting them in a lot of places... And the rest will just intermarry with the homo sapiens and be bred out."

"Well...thus is me..." Strife looked at the world and saw that now only one species of humans remained. "Well, okay, new plan. We have a world with just one sentient species."

"Well... I could start introducing metalwork ideas to them, have them stop using stones for everything," said Pandora.

"You do that," said Strife.


The small tribe of hunter-gatherers were making their way towards the stone pillar circles of Gobekli Tepe. Like they did once all the cycle of the seasons was over and the days were longer and warmer, signaling that the cold days were over and the hunting could begin again.

The leader of the tribe was a woman named Majesty. She had been the leader of the tribe since her parents passed away, unless someone else would challenge her for the position of leader, which she doubted, her skills as a hunter and tracker were better than everyone else's.

Finally, they reached their destination. The stone circles of Gobelki Tepe were waiting for them, as were several other tribes of hunter gatherers. All of them greeted them warmly. Tribes from all over came to Gobelki Tepe to have the Sun bless their future hunts, so their tribes could prosper. Some of those tribes would even go and trade some of their goods with one of the walled cities. Majesty had been to Jericho once, when she was younger, the people there seemed to actually be able to grow their own fruits and vegetables, instead of gathering them in the wild like Majesty and her tribe did. They even had tools and weapons made of a strange hard material which they called "copper" instead of the stones and sticks Majesty and the other hunting tribes used. She still didn't understand how they made these, and she really didn't care. The wild provided her with everything she and her kin needed.

Majesty was making small talk with some of the other tribal chiefs, exchanging stories and useful information, when they saw a large group approaching in the horizon. It wasn't any tribe Majesty or any of the other chiefs had ever seen before. In fact, it wasn't a tribe at all!

The incoming group was big, over a thousand men strong. And they were all men, no women or children. They wore bright colored clothes made of handmade fabric, instead of the tanned skins Majesty and the other tribesmen wore. Their chests and heads were protected by copper armor, they were all holding a spear which also ended on a copper tip, and a round shield made of wicker and leather. The protection on their head was painted with the symbol of the moon: and these men's faces were just as cold and barren.

Behind the men was a massive throne set on wheels, needing a dozen men to pull it along. A horn moon symbol painted upon it.The dozen men were clearly slaves, dressed in rags, and near dead from exhaustion, but they continued to pull on out of pure fear.

On the throne sat an imposing looking man. He wore the finest clothes Majesty had ever seen, not even the wealthiest people in a city would wear something like that. His face, arms and legs were painted in red (the same color as his eyes) and his head was adorned with a crown made of copper with two large bull horns protruding from each side, and a red jewel decorating the front. He was holding a leather whip which he used on the men pulling the throne if they slowed down. Next to the throne walked a man in the same uniform and armor as the other men, but his looked more decorated.

The man on the throne looked at Majesty and the other tribesmen in contempt as he and his men got closer and closer. "Well, it seems that these so called 'sacred grounds' were exactly where we were told. And just look at these savages! They still even use stone tools! They are no better than the animals they hunt. And they even have the gall of worshiping the Sun! Well, today we put an end to these heathens once and for all. These lands now belong to me! And where I rule, only the Moon will be worshiped!"

Majesty's tribe knew talk of war when they heard it, and gathered their weapons and began a war chant. They yelled and ganged their weapons trying to intimidate the intruders, but Lord Tirek was unimpressed.

He turned to look at the man walking alongside the throne. "General Scorpan, have the men kill half of them, the rest will be made slaves."

"As you wish, Lord," replied General Scorpan.

Scorpan took out a hollowed ram's horn and blew into it, giving a signal to the soldiers marching in front of them to attack.

The tribesmen were outnumbered, their stone weapons were no match for the copper weapons and armors of the charging soldiers either. The battle, if it could be called a battle, a massacre would be more accurate, was short lived. In the end, half of the people laid dead on the ground, the rest were tied with strong ropes. Majesty was one of the ones left alive.

"Lord Tirek, your men have carried out your orders," said Scorpan to Tirek as the throne finally reached the battlefield.

"I didn't expect any less," said Lord Tirek as he climbed down from his throne and looked at the prisoners.

"Today is your lucky day," said Lord Tirek to the prisoners, "I am Lord Tirek, and from this day forward you will no longer have to live like the savage beasts that you are. I have come here bringing civilization and enlightenment, you will have the honor of being my slaves, and you will stop worshipping the Sun like heathens and instead worship the Moon. The Moon Goddess has spoken to me, and given me this task to exterminate the cult of the Sun so only the Moon will reign."

One of the seemingly dead tribesmen laying on the ground suddenly sprung from the ground and rushed Tirek with a spear, aiming to run him through while his attention was elsewhere. The conqueror simply raised his hand and the tribesman froze, as if some invisible arms held him in place. The spear flew from his grasp and snapped in midair. Tales were told of magic in the world, but none of the tribe had ever seen it until now. Tirek gave an amused smirk and lifted the man off the ground by the throat.

"Such heroic nonsense..." he muttered, before crushing the man's neck with a sickening snap and throwing him dismissively to the ground. "Anyone else wish to see what becomes of those who defy Lord Tirek?"

"I am Majesty of the Tribe of the Dark Forest, and if this is what civilization has to offer, I would rather die than be a part of it!" yelled Majesty defiantly from the side.

Lord Tirek turned angrily to look at the woman who had dared address him.

"You worthless beast of burden, how dare you speak to me with such insolence!" he walked over to Majesty and looked her in the eyes. Majesty looked back defiantly without flinching.

"I am Majesty, and I dare all!"

Tirek smiled evilly, "You have strong eyes, it is always good to break a slave like you. It makes the rest fall in line much quicker."

Tirek ordered two of his men to tie Majesty to a big tree, then proceeded to use his whip on her over and over. Majesty bit her lips until she drew blood, but never gave Tirek the satisfaction to hear her scream.

Tirek continued until his arm got too tired, he angrily walked over to Majesty who still looked at him definitely, even if her body was covered with scars from the whip. "You are strong, but everyone breaks eventually. Just surrender, and you'll live. Even a savage like yourself can understand that life as a slave is better than no life at all."

In response, Majesty spit Tirek right on his face.

Lord Tirek angrily wiped his face clean, leaving the red paint he used all smudged and revealing his very pale skin beneath that like his hair under the crown, was as pale as the moon. "So be it. I will leave you to my men, and when they finish having their fun, your body will be left here to rot and be eaten by the animals!"


"And it's another busy day for Mortis," commented Destruction.

"Again that Tirek guy... he was already a power hungry maniac, but Morning Star's stupid stunt made him a POWERFUL maniac," said Strife.

"I should have been more careful... didn't even notice that he released that to the mortals before it was too late," said Pandora.


Majesty's body laid still in the small clearing, surrounded by the dead bodies of her fellow tribesmen. She was covered in scars and bruises, her clothes in tatters. Crows and other scavenger birds descended over the dead bodies. Pretty soon bigger animals would arrive.

One of the crows approached Majesty's body, it was beginning to peck at her when suddenly something scared it away, a small wolf, a little cub, who approached Majesty's still body. The little wolf was completely alone.

The wolf cub sniffed Majesty's face, then began to lick her wounds over her face. Suddenly, Majesty took a deep breath, and opened her eyes. This scared away all the crows that still remained in the clearing. But the little wolf stayed put, just looking at Majesty curiously.

"I'm... I'm still alive..." she said as she painfully stood up, she immediately noticed the small wolf cub, "Did... did you wake me before the crows began to eat me, little wolf?" she said out loud, the wolf just looked at her curiously.

She clumsily walked to a small cache of food and water her tribe had brought with them, and began to eat and drink hungrily. She saw the wolf approaching and just looking at her food. Majesty looked back at the wolf, and threw some of the dried meat she still had. "Here you go, little one, I owe you after all." The wolf approached the food and began to eat as well.

After Majesty and the wolf cub finished eating, Majesty stood up and looked at all the dead surrounding her. Determined, she began to dig holes on the ground and began to bury the dead one by one.

Hours later, she finally finished. She noticed that the wolf cub had stayed with her the whole time. She realized that no other wolves had come for the cub, "Why are you still here, little wolf? Where is your pack? Are you alone? Is there something else you need me for?"

As if in answer, the little wolf gave a small bark, and walked away, then turned around to look at Majesty, barked again and walked away again. The message was clear to Majesty, the wolf wanted for her to follow him. She did so, and a few minutes later, the wolf led Majesty to a big rock shaped like a spire, next to it laid the bodies of two adult wolves, and several little cubs. All of them dead.

The small wolf that had lead Majesty there approached the dead wolves and nuzzled them, then it began to whimper and cry.

"I see... this is your family," said Majesty, she noticed the teeth marks on all the wolves, and the footprints leading away from them. Her skills as a hunter told her everything that happened. They were attacked by another wolf, a big one. The adults tried to defend the young, but were killed, and the little ones were killed too. It was incredible that this little cub had survived, just like it was incredible that Majesty herself had survived. "You are all alone now, just like I am, aren't you, little wolf."

Majesty picked up the wolf cub, it began to lick her face, Majesty smiled, "Why don't you come with me, little wolf. I'll track down your family's killers, and you can come with me... in my quest to take revenge on the man that killed my family."

The wolf barked happily in reply, "I believe you need a name," said Majesty, she looked at the spire like rock where the remains of the wolves laid, "How about I call you... Spike?"

Again, the wolf barked happily.


"Amazing... against all odds, Majesty is still alive," said Chance.

Strife smiled. "She is quite something, isn't she. Her will to live is outstanding, she just doesn't give up."

"She could be the one we need," commented Anarchy, "she might be able to overthrow mean old Tirek. Help us clean up Morning Star's mess."

"Agreed, I have to admit that at first Tirek seemed like fun, his whole powergrab move to get to power caused so much nice chaos in the world. But then it turned into the WORST kind of chaos. The one that eventually leads to ORDER, yuck!" commented Discord.

"She desires revenge, but Tirek made quite a lot of enemies so her drive might be for justice too," commented Rancor, "I'll talk to Justita and Justina... see what we can work out here."

"You do that," commented Chance, "I'll go talk to Rota and see what paths of fate and luck can be ahead of her, we have to work together to get this to work. This world might survive after all."

"Oh it'll survive under Tirek, and possible become an empire. Under an immortal emperor. Doomed to never evolve or change. Bringing death across the galaxy. Mother I hate immortals!" Strife hissed.


The cooperation of the concepts was the direct result with interference of Morning Star on the whole plane of reality.

It was agreed by all the concepts, both the Draconnqui and the Alicorns, that magic was not going to be part of this world. The humans would develop only using their wits and intellect, and their skills to innovate and create new things.

So Magic was the only thing that Pandora would keep in her box, never to release it.

All Alicorns had agreed to this, except for Morning Star. To him humans were just imperfect abominations, a waste of sentience, mistakes that had to be destroyed. They dared to control the perfect harmony of the universe, daring to try not only to understand it but to control it, by changing their environment they were able to survive in regions where they weren't supposed to. They found ways to carry water and have shade in hot deserts, and create fire to keep warm in cold areas.

He had to destroy them, but Destruction wouldn't be swayed, and Chance would not force her coin to give an outcome different than what it had landed on.

So, he would have to do it himself, and to do it he was going to give the humans knowledge that they were not only not ready for, but could not fully understand. He was going to release magic into the world. He stole Pandora's Box, and released the rainbow of darkness into the world, in the form of a jewel.

By the time the other concepts had noticed it was just too late, the jewel had been found by the humans.

Morning Star had been put on trial by the concepts and found guilty, and imprisoned by Havoc. But the damage had been done, and now they had to find a way to fix it, otherwise the humans were on a downward spiral to their own demise at worst. At best, Tirek would become an immortal emperor of a galaxy spanning empire in a mere 7000 to 10,000 years.

So it was that an emergency meeting was called for all the concepts to try and find a solution to this mess that would not end in a disaster. A plan was made and a course of action decided upon. One of such was that there would be no more direct interference with reality. Concepts would not manifest to humans, and would not interact with them directly except for being born mortal to live a mortal lifetime without any knowledge of them being a concept. Which the Alicorns usually did.


A few days after Tirek's massacre of her tribe, Majesty walked out of the forests with her new wolf friend in tow. Wearing a brand new wolf skin, and carrying a new spear and stone ax she had made herself. Which had replaced the tattered remains of what she had worn before and her broken tools and weapons. The wolf skin came from the killer of Spike's parents, a rather large and smug wolf male. As Majesty had used her hunting skills and accurate mental map of the forest to track the wolf down, kill it and skin it. Little Spike had become even closer to her after that.

Majesty's bruises had began to heal by then, and so do her scars, although some of them were clearly leaving a multiple flower like pattern on her face, on her right and left cheek.

She now had a goal. She was going to kill Tirek, and avenge her fallen kin. But she knew she couldn't do this alone. She needed not just another tribe, she needed to raise an army. And to do that, she would need allies. To find these allies, she would have to go to places she really didn't consider before... cities.


Chance, concept of Luck and random events, walked through the road of time, looking for the other concept besides herself in charge of looking over it, Rota Fortuna, concept of Fate and choices.

"Hello Rota, how's it going?" asked Chance.

Rota Fortuna turned to look at Chance, smiling. The two concepts had started their work relationship disliking each other. But eventually, and after seeing what Morning Star had done (which also included that he tried to kill Rota Fortuna, and Chance actually had to step in to help save the Alicorn of Fate), they were now one of the best duos of all the concepts. Rota Fortuna gave Chance a more leveled headed confidant than her twin brother (they WERE born from the same concept egg) Discord, while Chance gave Rota Fortuna something that she really lacked before: The opportunity to feel surprised at the unexpected.

"Well, Chance, I've been following Majesty's quest. She has arrived to a city, one of the few in the region not in control of Tirek...
yet... and is looking for allies," said Alicorn, looking back at the time stream.

"Well," said Chance, taking out her bag of infinite coins, and taking out one coin from the back, "Let's see if she'll get lucky and find one." Chance flipped the coin.


In the city, Majesty got distracted and bumped into another person by accident.


Chance dusted off her hands, "And that's how the story goes."

Rota Fortuna smiled, "Pretty good, that's Wind Whistler. A scholar and probably the smartest person of that time period. And not a big fan of Tirek as well. She would be the perfect guide for Majesty to find more allies, and everything else, she will need to defeat Tirek."

"Yeah, she was lucky to just bump into her." smiled Chance. "But I do admit she did have good odds."

Rota and Chance looked back at the timestream following Majesty and Wind Whistler for the next days, "Well, they seem to be getting along well," commented Chance.

"Yes, their objective to take down Tirek is what drives them," said Rota Fortuna, "They are now going to look for Magic Star."

"Magic Star... isn't she the woman that my sister Pandora said she was going to give the idea of mixing tin with copper to make Bronze?" said Chance.

"That's the one," replied Rota Fortuna, "And with Bronze weapons, Majesty will have a clear advantage over Tirek."

"Well, Magic Star is a recluse that lives far away from any city and settlement." Chance took out another coin from her bag, "Let's see if they have any luck finding her," and the concept of Luck flipped the coin.


Majesty and Wind Whistler were walking across the mountain path.

"And you believe this Magic Star person will help us?" asked Majesty.

"Yes," replied Wind Whistler, "She hates Tirek with a passion, and from what I heard from travelers that have met her, she is quite a skilled inventor. Nobody seems to know exactly where she lives, but it is somewhere in this mountains."

Suddenly, Wind Whistler steps on a twig which triggers a weight which pulls up a hidden net on the ground beneath them. A second later, Majesty and Wind Whistler are hanging several feet from the ground, from a branch, inside a net.

"Hm... fascinating," said Wind Whistler.

"What is this trap doing here!?" asked a surprised Majesty.

As if to answer the question, a woman stepped out from a hiding place behind some large rocks, "Aha! So, Tirek sent someone to get me, huh? Well, it will take more than a few spies to capture Magic Star! The greatest of inventors!"

"Well, Majesty, it seems like we found Magic Star after all," said Wind Whistler calmly.

"Look, we're not spies of Tirek! I'm looking for people to raise an army and take him down once and for all. I came here looking for your help," said Majesty to Magic Star.

"A likely story!" said Magic Star walking over to Majesty and Wind Whistler hanging inside the net, "That's exactly what spies from Tirek would say!"

"I'm impressed that she was able to design a trap like this, quite a remarkable accomplishment of design and functionality, I must say," said Wind Whistler.

"Yes, and if it were up to you, Tirek would use my inventions for war!" said Magic Star, "But he's never going to get his hands on them, because you two are never getting down from there!"

"Well, I wouldn't count on that," said Majesty, "You captured me and Wind Whistler, but you didn't capture all of us."

"Ha, nice try," said Magic Star, "You were the only two persons walking up this path the whole time I've been watching."

Majesty smiled, "Well, Spike isn't a person."

"Spike? Who's Spike?" said a confused Magic Star.

As in reply, a growl could be heard behind her. Magic Star turned around to see a big grown wolf standing there, teeth bared, looking at her growling and snarling.

"Spike, pounce!" said Majesty.

Obeying her, Spike jumped on Magic Star who was unable to react at all, the wolf pinned Magic Star to the ground with his weight, showing her his sharp teeth.

"Good work Spike, just hold her there, don't hurt her," said Majesty, taking out a copper knife and starting to cut the vines on the net. A moment later, she and Wind Whistler were free and with their feet on the ground once again.

"You and your wild beast might have bested me," said Magic Star, "But I'll never have my knowledge be at the service of Tirek! I'll die first!"

"I said it before, WE ARE NOT AGENTS OF TIREK!" said Majesty, as she walked over to Spike. "Spike, heel." she commanded.

Spike obeyed immediately, getting off Magic Star and sitting besides Majesty, waving his tail.

Majesty reached down with one hand to help Magic Star stand up.

"She speaks the truth," said Wind Whistler, walking over too, "In fact, I'm sure you will find Majesty's sheer determination and resourcefulness quite remarkable. I know I have."

Magic Star got up with Majesty's help, she looked at Majesty and Wind Whistler, then at Spike, then back at Majesty. "Yes... it looks like I can trust you."


"Well, that worked better than expected," said Chance, "What are they doing now?"

"It seems Magic Star is taking them to see her secret laboratory in one of the caves of the mountain," explained Rota Fortuna.

"Ah, yes! I love that place. It is FILLED with so many great new ideas," said Pandora.

"Pandora? How did you get here?" asked Chance.

Pandora took out a small key, "You forgot your key at Discord's again."

Chance took the key looking embarrassed, "Oh. Heh, heh... oops."


Majesty and Wind Whistler looked both in awe and confusión on everything that Magic Star had in her laboratory.

"Impressive, huh?" said Magic Star proudly.

"I don't even know where to start... what is all this?" asked Majesty.

"Quite a lot, I know. There's plenty of things to see, but I believe THIS is what you were most interested in," said Magic Star as she pointed at a wooden table filled with tools made of different metals. They weren't copper tools.

Majesty looked at the tools, there were axes, hoes, plows, knives... and a sword. Majesty grabbed it, "Is this...?"

"Bronze. Yes. I found a way to mix copper with tin, a rare metal from far lands in the west, to make it. Stronger than copper in every way, just watch," said Magic Star, she grabbed a copper bar and placed it on the table. "Strike at this solid bar of copper with that sword."

Majesty did, and the copper bar was cut in half, Majesty looked astonished. "Amazing... with such a strong metal, a warrior wielding this sword would equal ten warriors using copper swords."

"Exactly, which is why the technology should never fall on the hands of people like Tirek," said Magic Star.

"Magic Star, what are this strange drawings?" asked Wind Whistler, looking at said drawings on wooden tablets on an even bigger table.

"Ah! That's my best idea yet. Those aren't drawings, I call those symbols an 'alphabet'. By combining them, and understanding each meaning individually, one can interpret full words, and then sentences. It will change forever how we exchange knowledge, by using this system, which I call 'writing', people will be able to transmit knowledge with this instead of just talking with each other," explained Magic Star.

Wind Whistler didn't look impressed, "Sounds awful. This 'writing' will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves. The specific which you have discovered is an aid not to memory, but to reminiscence, and you give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome company, having the show of wisdom without the reality."

"Oh, really? That's what you think?" said Magic Star "Well, I guess only time will tell."


Rota Fortuna and Chance kept watch as Majesty and her new allies were now traveling northwards to find more allies.

"Well, everything seems to be coming along," said Rota Fortuna, "She now has the weapons she will need to fight Tirek."

"Yes, but as my sister Strife usually says, 'a sword is nothing when compared to the hand that wields it'," commented Chance.

"Yes, that's why Majesty is now looking for warriors to join her," replied Rota Fortuna, "Which is why she's traveling northwards."

"Yes, the steppes where those people that Pandora decided should get the knowledge to tame and use wild horses." added Chance.

The two concepts kept watching as Majesty along with Spike, Magic Star and Wind Whistler found the nomadic group they were searching for, and Majesty was able to arrange a meeting with their leader, a fierce woman named Firefly.


Majesty and Firefly were sitting inside Firefly's tent. Outside Majesty could see Firefly's tribe taking care of their horses, and the small chariots they used. She was also impressed by the "bows and arrows" their hunters used. While smaller than a spear, the "arrows" could certainly fly faster and further away, giving any hunter a clear advantage over others.

"So, you want to recruit me and my people in your campaign to fight Tirek," said Firefly.

Majesty turned again to look at Firefly. "Yes, with your people I'm sure he can be defeated."

"I've heard of this Tirek, they say his armies are so vast, that the ground shakes when it charges towards their enemies," replied Firefly, "How do you think we could beat him?"

"You saw Magic Star's bronze weapons," said Majesty, "You have seen what they can do. A warrior clad in bronze armor and wielding bronze weapons will be vastly superior to anything Tirek has at his disposal."

"Maybe. But even if a single warrior can kill ten enemies, there is always the enemy number eleven that gets him," replied Firefly, "Why would I risk myself and the lives of my people to help you?"

"Tirek is a menace, not just to the people living in his territories, but to everyone else as well. He might not be a threat to you now, but give him a few years, and he will eventually come here...He will not stop until he has no more worlds to conquer..." Majesty started to untie the top of her clothes, "... and when he does, you can be sure that he will slaughter you all, take your horses, and use them for more conquest in farther lands..." Majesty turned her back towards Firefly, "... and those unlucky enough to survive will have THIS to look forward to." Majesty lowered her vest, showing her bare back to Firefly, horrible scars decorated Majesty's back.

Majesty placed her vest back on, and looked at Firefly again, "You have a choice, fight him now when you might have a chance to beat him, or wait and be destroyed by him anyway, and everything you ever loved or cared about will go out in flames."

"I must admit, Majesty, you are quite blunt," replied Firefly, "But you speak the truth. Very well, me and my warriors, and my horses, and my archers, will fight alongside you."


The concepts all looked as Majesty and her followers marched towards Tirek's capital. Along the way, more people fed up with Tirek's tyranny began following them as well. As the days passed, Majesty's army increased in size more and more. Finally, they reached Tirek's capital.

Tirek's general, Scorpan, suggested that they waited inside the safety of the city's walls and call for reinforcements, since they had enough food and supplies to last for months. Tirek killed him on the spot for suggesting such a cowardly tactic, then decided to take his army out of the walls and defeat Majesty's army in a single blow, since he still outnumbered her. His plan was to simply overrun her with superior numbers.

The battle was a horrible ordeal as both sides suffered several casualties. Finally, Tirek decided to step into the battle himself. He put on his best armor, took his best battle sword and looked for Majesty in the battlefield.

He finally found her, as Majesty's armor and sword was covered in the blood of many fallen soldiers, Tirek singled her out and challenged her to battle. Which she accepted. Majesty knew that the battle was still not decided for either side, and she knew that if she could take out Tirek, then it would all be over. His army would be broken.

"Well, here we go, now we will finally see all our work come into fruition," said Rota Fortuna as she watched the events unfold.

"Let's just hope it works, and humans civilization can survive," said Chance.

"It'll survive either way, it's just a question of what form it shall take," Anarchy said with a grin.

"We can't do more than what we did, it would be directly involvement and we all agreed that was not going to be how things would be done," commented Pandora.

"Yes, this is something that humans have to grow past themselves. It is a test. A ‘life filter' event. Or they will become the extinction level event for many worlds," added Strife.

"Yeah, yeah, now quiet, I wanna see how it goes!" said Rancor.


"You worthless mortal, you dare challenge me? The great Lord Tirek! Who are you!?" asked Tirek.

"It has been many years, Tirek, but ever since I first saw you, and saw what you did to my people, I swore that I would kill you!" replied Majesty.

"Saw me? Have we met?" said Tirek.

"I am Majesty, of the Dark Forest! Leader of a dead tribe! Mother of dead children! And the one that will end your wretched life!" replied Majesty. "And I will not fall until you lay dead at my feet!"

"Oh, yes, now I remember. You are that worthless woman that dared defy me," said Tirek smugly, "I am amazed that you are still among the living. But that is easily fixed."

Majesty and Tirek clashed in combat, Tirek was clearly more skilled, but Majesty would simply not give up. Tirek was surprised that she could match his strength, as none ever had. She finally landed a fatal blow and pierced Tirek's chest. She pulled out her sword covered in Tirek's blood. But to her amazement, Tirek just laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha! You fool! You really think you can kill me?" he gloated, "I am the chosen one! The darkness made me immortal! My rule shall last for millennia!"

Majesty saw how the red jewel on Tirek' crown was shining brightly as his wound healed. She didn't understand how and why it did it, but she knew she needed to take that away from him if she wanted to beat him.

Again they clashed in combat, by now Majesty was getting tired and Tirek was winning, as the jewel also kept him from getting tired, Majesty knew that if she didn't do something fast, then it would all have been for nothing. And Tirek will now have access to bronze, horses and bow and arrows. She wouldn't have helped defeat him, she would have made him invincible! She had to stop him now, no matter what the price!

Majesty took out a small knife and moved closer to Tirek, Tirek took the chance and stabbed her in the stomach, as the tip of his sword protruded from Majesty's back. Majesty had managed to stab him right in the middle of his chest, through his heart.

"Ha ha ha. You fool! You should know a simple stab like that could not finish me as long as the darkness protects me! You will now die!" said Tirek.

Majesty smiled and showed him something laying down on the ground next to them. Tirek's eyes opened wide in fear when he saw it. He didn't know how, but Majesty had managed to take off his crown while he was stabbing her! "Who's a 'worthless mortal' now?"

"No..." Tirek's eyes rolled back into his head as the stab through his heart killed him, and he fell down in a puddle of his own blood.

As Tirek's men saw him die, they began to run away in fear. Majesty's followers began to cheer. But Wind Whistler saw how badly wounded Majesty was, and understood that she will die soon as well. Wind Whistler knelt down next to Majesty, as she saw more and more blood seeping out of her wound.

"He is dead... we... we did it," said Majesty. Spike curled next to her and tried to clean her wound.

"No, Majesty, you did it," said Wind Whistler, "Everything here, all this people, all of this, it happened because your determination, your spirit that can simply not be broken."

"I'm... I'm going to die, but it is worth it knowing that the world I leave behind will be one without Tirek," said Majesty.

"You will not be forgotten, Majesty," said Wind Whistler, "I will tell your story. I will pass it on. You will be remembered as the hero you are."

"Don't lie when you tell my story. Tell all of it, and let history be my judge," replied Majesty. And with that, she closed her eyes as she gave out her last breath.


The draconnequi and alicorns smiled at a job well done. Majesty had died too, that was too bad, but Tirek and the menace he presented on reality by wielding magic in a world that was never supposed to have any, was finally averted.

Sane Reality, Father of Alicorns, gladly took Majesty to rejoin her family in eternity, while Tirek ...

"But does morality exist in such a society yet? In their world? Can Tirek be judge by a morality if none exists? Remember it was only yesterday that slavery was considered a step-up for them in actually valuing the lives of other tribes," Asked Judicium, the concept of reality that was judgement.

"And he did bring order and unifying many warring tribes, reducing the killing in the longer run," Currus added.

Justitia however said, "Tirek murdered his own father for a position he'd have gained anyway, then his step-mothers, who were no threat to his position. Before the last battle, he even murdered his general, his own brother, for suggesting a strategy he disagreed with. These things were against the values and laws of his own tribe, kinslaying most of all. He tortured for no reason other than his own satisfaction. Torture for torture's sake was again against the values of his own tribe. And he cared not for the prosperity of his people, only his own power, again in violation of his own tribe's values."

Currus said as Morning Star's advocate, "In the context of this stage of development, he was hardly the first to offer living sacrifices. Observe the humans on the other continent offering beating hearts to Celestia."

Luna slammed her fists together. "Those are the winners of their games, who know what the 'prize' for winning is, and fight their hardest to win that 'honor' because they love their god. Tirek offered slaves and prisoners. He offered me losers with no love for the deity their lives are given to. That is not a sacrifice. That is putting on a show thinking I would not notice."

So Tirek was judged, and found only the gaping maul of Havoc waiting for him.

"But, what if someone takes Tirek's stone and tries to use it as well?" asked Luna. "Look, that Magic Star woman seems to be working on it in the future. Trying to see what it is and what it does."

"Maybe, but don't worry about it," said Pandora, "the only reason Tirek understood how the jewel containing the Rainbow of Darkness worked was because of Morning Star's meddling on mortal affairs. If nobody explains it to them, then nobody will understand the nature of the Rainbow of Darkness, and since we all agreed that none of us was going to intervene, I'd say that's good enough. We might not be able to remove magic from the world, but we have succeeded in mortals seeing it as nothing more than a myth, a legend, and nothing more," explained the concept of Imagination.

"Yes. We can finally rest easily and let mortals find their path in the universe, forge their future through their choices," said Rota Fortuna.

"We sure can," said Chance.

Suddenly, the concept of Fate and the concept of Luck looked astonished, they felt a great disturbance in the time flow.

"Something isn't right!" said Chance.

"What? What's going on?" asked Pandora.

"The time flow... it is being contaminated!" exclaimed Rota Fortuna.

"What? By who?" asked Celestia, "We're all here, and none of us is doing anything to interfere with the affairs of the mortals. And Morning Star is still imprisoned by Havoc."

"The interference is not from within... it's from without," said Rota Fortuna.

"ANOTHER timeline is interfering with THIS timeline," said Chance.

"Everyone, take a look," said Rota Fortuna as she zoomed in on the meddling of the timeline.

The concepts saw a portal of sorts opening, as three beings fell from it, and then the portal immediately closed again.

The three beings WEREN'T human... but their appearance was human. It would fool any human that laid eyes upon them, but the concepts clearly saw that they were...

"Sirens..." exclaimed Pandora.

"But... Sirens aren't supposed to be REAL in this world. We all agreed on that!" said Strife.

"It's like Rota Fortuna and Chance said, they aren't from our world," said Pandora, "Look, those necklaces they are wearing... they seem to be copies of the Rainbow of Darkness... but its not a copy from OUR Rainbow of Darkness."

"Are they some sort of invasion?" asked Strife.

"No... it looks like they are as confused in being here as we are," commented Rota Fortuna, "from the looks of it, it seems that they were dumped here... they were a menace in their home world, so they were banished to this world."

"Wait, what are those Sirens doing now?" asked Celestia.

"They seem to be able to feed of conflict," said Pandora.

"They are singing, causing all those sea peoples to attack bigger civilizations," said Strife.

"Well... there goes the Bronze Age," commented Anarchy.


The Sirens were the first meddling of the timeline, and they were also the ones that had the most lasting effect. They were immortal, those copies of the Rainbow of Darkness they had allowed them to basically live forever. And since they fed off conflict, they were drawn to it like moths to a flame. Sometimes they simply watched and fed, other times they would spark up the flames of war.

They weren't the first, however. All the concepts were worried when this... unicorn... that also looked like a human while in this world, hid a piece of LADY ENTROPY herself in the middle of a small stone formation, apparently with instructions written in the native language of the other world on how dangerous the "Memory Stone" was. Afterwards the unicorn went back to the other world.

Chance flipped her coin a few times, but luckily, nobody would find the stone in eons. Which was a relief for everyone involved.

She also flipped her coin to see if the Sirens would ever find the Rainbow of Darkness of this world, and again, to everyone's relief, they never found it, even after they were in the same continent.

This meddling, however, made the concepts having to rethink their entire plan. Having magic be nothing but a myth and legend in the world wasn't going to be enough anymore. If the Sirens ever regained their true strength or if the Memory Stone were discovered, the Earth would be helpless before either without knowing just what it was. The plan now was to have humans "discover" magic, but only after they were technologically advanced. That way, magic will be discovered scientifically. It will be studied scientifically. Humans would see magic not as a supernatural force, but as a new form of energy, something to be studied and understood with machines and formulas, like Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces...

Magic will simply become another part of science, scientific thinking will be predominant, it was as close as the original plan of a non-magical world as it was going to get. Now, the question was HOW the concepts are going to help humans achieve this without direct meddling.

"Humans are meant to be technologically inclined," explained Strife, "That's how they evolved to become."

"I told you, opposable thumbs," said Pandora.

"So, while the magic introduced by Morning Star remains dormant, humans will have some millennia to advance their technology. Pandora will introduce new ideas to them faster than what we agreed on, but still very slowly," explained Strife.

"Yes, too many new ideas too fast and humans will simply fight each other over them," said Pandora.

"But, those Sirens are causing half of the wars," said Rancor, "They might be weakened, but the right people in the wrong places are easily moved. Every once in a while they destroy each other and some technological advances get lost."

"Yes, that is unfortunate, but the Sirens will not downright kill all humans, they aren't as powerful here as they were in their home world, and even if they were, they NEED others to feed from," said Strife.

"Wait, what about that piece of Lady Entropy, what that Clover unicorn called a 'Memory Stone'?" asked Celestia.

"Our Father already spoke with Our Mother," said Pandora, "If anyone ever finds it by accident, then Our Mother will simply erase their memories of the event and leave the 'stone' right where it was. For all intents and purposes, that 'stone' does not exists for humans."

It didn't take long to have Entropy help with that. After all, SHE was the one that decided when things Ended. Not anyone else, but SHE and SHE alone.

"Okay, so humans advance their technology a few thousand years, even with the Sirens causing conflict between them. Then what happens?" asked Luna.

"Not so easy, actually, we need still to have some 'inside' work done in their progress. Making sure that they are nudged in the right direction so they don't end up killing each other with nuclear explosions over whatever political system or economic system is better or something equally stupid," said Chance.

"It's not stupid to me," Anarchy huffed.

"Yeah, I HATE it when that happens," said Discord, "Chaos is meant to cause random change, not cause random explosions."

"Hey!" Destruction said.

"Oh, brother, you know I didn't mean it like that." Discord rolled his eyes.

"Can't we let them cause a nuclear explosion or two?" said Destruction.

"Okay, fine, at least so they come to see that they should never take that kind of power lightly and make them pursue other goals than weapons of mass destruction," said Strife.

"But, what do you mean with some 'inside' work? I believe we all agreed that there would be NO meddling from us to the humans," asked Cadance.

"And that is true," said Rota Fortuna, "However, it is also true that the members of the Alicorn clan must spend a single lifetime as mortals."

"Yes, but we don't actually KNOW we are Alicorns while we do it, Rota, you should know that," said Luna.

"True. But we CAN choose at which point in time and where we will get to live. AND we do keep a CORE desire within us, what we ARE is still deep inside us when we live as mortals," said Rota Fortuna, "If every one of us lives a mortal life in a specific point in time, in a specific place, then he or she will be able to stir humans along. All we have to make sure is to make the right choice, and with a little bit of luck," explained Rota as she looked at Chance, "then the world will get its desired outcome. One where humans thrive instead of one where they all die."

Strife was okay with this, of course, since this wasn't really interfering with the natural course of a species, this was damage control.

"Okay, now what about the Rainbow of Light and the Rainbow of Darkness?" asked Celestia.

"When Morning Star introduced magic, those two spawned in two different continents in two different sides of the world. The Rainbow of Light manifested as separate colored geodes, inside a cave surrounded by a forest. It will help the plants around them grow and humans will leave it be, or consider it some sacred place at the most," explained Pandora. They didn't yet know why the Rainbow of Light manifested in 7 geodes representing its 7 core elements of Harmony, while the Rainbow of Darkness remained whole, but it most likely had something to do with Morning Star's meddling. "The Rainbow of Light will likely be buried underground over time, but given what it is, it will resurface when it's reawakened."

"As for the Rainbow of Darkness," Pandora continued, "Tirek used it, but didn't really understand its full power, because the thing doesn't come with an instruction manual and none in the Draconnequi clan told him how to use it properly or what to do with it. Majesty took him down, and while his desire for power might have tainted and rubbed off onto the Rainbow of Darkness a little, the damage is basically minimal. Magic Star kept it for a few years, tried to study it but came out blank too. The Rainbow of Darkness DID get imprinted on her life force, and will most likely call on her descendants, tempt them with power and such, but as long as they stay away from it it will be too weak to do so. Besides, she seems to have rubbed off on it too, so it'll be more 'dangerous but potentially helpful in the right hands' than 'evil artifact of doom'. The Rainbow of Darkness has manifested as a red jewel and it will simply be seen like that. It might cause some conflict over itself. But Humans will think its cursed at the most."

"Like the Hope Diamond!" said Discord.

"Both the Rainbow of Light and the Rainbow of Darkness will remain as nothing but a myth, until humans are advanced enough to discover magic, and understand it under THEIR terms," said Strife.

"Well, it sounds difficult," said Celestia, "But it is something worth struggling for. Let's do it."

"Once humans reach the desired point of progress, there comes the final part of the plan..." said Pandora, as she proceeded to explain it to everyone.


The plan was going along nicely, and while the Siren's meddling did cause more wars than what would have naturally occurred, human technology progressed. The Alicorns and Draconnequi all did their part, while Rota Fortuna and Chance kept their watch on the timeline, looking for a perfect candidate for the final stage of the plan.

Finally they found her, or better said, they found THEM. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, a shy girl but with a big heart and desire for knowledge that rivaled only Starswirl when he invented the telescope to look at the stars.

Rota knew that, if the paths of life took her there, Twilight Sparkle will grow up into a smart young woman with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand the mysteries of the world, but always through a scientific approach. Cadence already was living her mortal life and, while being her babysitter, help her stir her along the right road without human Cadence ever knowing that she was really an Alicorn, of course. (And having a bit of a crush on Twilight's older brother, apparently.)

Eventually she will attend a school where the other six candidates would go as well; Canterlot High. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy would already be friends when attending the school for the first time, but something will cause them to meet Twilight Sparkle, and the seventh candidate: Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle will be the bearer of the Geode of Magic, Fluttershy will be the bearer of Kindness, Pinkie Pie will have Laughter, Rarity Generosity, Applejack Honesty, Rainbow Dash loyalty and Sunset Shimmer Trust.

An event will cause them all to first meet each other and become friends. Sunset Shimmer will try and run away from home in her teenage years, while they never met her, the other five girls will try and find her, and during that time they will run into Twilight Sparkle (Chance would have tossed her coin for that random encounter), and Twilight will use a new invention to find her. Twilight will use this event to choose to go to Canterlot High, so will Sunset Shimmer. The mortal lives of Celestia and Luna were already well underway of becoming the Principal and Vice Principal of that School.

The seven girls will become friends. Eventually they will go to Camp Everfree, a camp built right next to the forest and lake where the Geodes that form the Elements of Harmony as the Rainbow of Light just happened to be (again, a coin toss from Chance for them to run into them). Twilight will invent a machine to read the "strange energy" coming from them, and will take the first steps of humanity to understand and control magic. Afterwards, Trixie Lulamoon, one of the descendants of Magic Star, will stumble upon the jewel that is the Rainbow of Darkness, although it would be more on the lines of being drawn to it, now being used as a book ornament. A book about 'magic' of all things (all of the Draconnequi and Alicorns didn't fail to see the irony). Rota Fortuna will oversee her choices and Trixie will eventually take up the "book" on its offer, the other seven girls will face off against her, use the Elements of Harmony to remove Tirek's influence from the Rainbow of Darkness, and Trixie will be its bearer. All 8 girls will become friends, and the first foundations to have humans understand the complete magical spectrum will be well in its way, ensuring a future were humans will survive from magic instead of it being the source of their destruction like Morning Star had intended. Also, their magic will draw in the Sirens and all girls will combine their powers and finally defeat them.

The final stages of the plan was commencing when suddenly, it happened. Another inhabitant from this other world came through a portal in a statue at Canterlot High. She was a unicorn... and she was Sunset Shimmer. She was the Sunset Shimmer of this other world. And she basically tossed a giant wrench into the whole plan.

She took the place of the native Sunset Shimmer when she ran away from home, taking over her life since she basically IS Sunset Shimmer, just not the one native to this world. That was bad enough, but this foreign Sunset Shimmer knew things and she wasn't here just for sightseeing.

Being a unicorn she was well aware of Magic. But she also seemed to know about ALICORNS. She had recognized Celestia's mortal form by name. Apparently the Celestia of her native world was an actual Alicorn, not one living a mortal life, but an Alicorn living among Mortals! What line of events would have driven an Alicorn to actually have to do that!?

This foreign Sunset Shimmer "returned" home before the other girls went to look for "her". Twilight Sparkle never attended Canterlot High, instead she went where her former babysitter worked as the dean, a school called Crystal Prep. A private school who's principal Abacus Cinch, simply ran in a way that caused all students to see each other as rivals. Twilight sank deeper into her studies, but never socialized or tried to make friends. She was so reclusive that her eyesight began to suffer from it and soon she had to start using glasses. She still loved science and discovering new unknown things, but it just wasn't the same.

Even worse, the foreign Sunset Shimmer apparently had some grand scheme to take over her home world. And it involved bringing in magic from her home world, which she called "Equestria", into THIS world.

They watch her brining the Element of Magic through the portal (which meant that the Rainbow of Light ALSO got divided into its core elements in the native world of these unicorns), losing it, the native Fluttershy finding it... then the Twilight Sparkle of that world came, and it caused even more problems. The Twilight Sparkle of that other world was ALSO an Alicorn. The Alicorn of Magic (fitting, since several of the Alicorns were thinking about making the native Twilight Sparkle be reborn as the Alicorn of Magic once she finished doing all her research and awakening magic for the humans with her scientific research).

Having the Alicorn of Magic of a FOREIGN world caused a lot of problems, not because she intended to, just for BEING HERE. Being foreign magic from another world, it caused the magic native to the world to go haywire and becoming more difficult to understand and research, but it also caused it to "awaken" before the girls intended to find them found them at Camp Everfree! But it DID awaken the Rainbow Light and cause it to resurface... which now caused Gloriosa Daisy, one of the owners of the Camp, to find them herself and now she would wield a power she not only didn't fully understand, but was never intended to find in the first place.

The birth of a Nightmare of the alien Sunset Shimmer caused the Pantheon to briefly hold their breath, but thankfully she was vanquished.

At least the foreign Twilight left, after beating the foreign Sunset. But the damage had been done, plus the foreign Sunset actually STAYED in the world. At least these foreign entities finally were able to get rid of the Sirens, drawn to the Equestrian magic that was introduced to this world, and then to the girls who's native magic was beginning to awaken prematurely because of all the meddling. Which in turn caused the foreign Sunset Shimmer to awaken Trust and become its bearer, like native Sunset had been intended. And calling forth The Father of All Alicorns in the process, who proceeded to blast the Siren's powers away. (It didn't count as meddling since he was simply responding to the call of the Elements being used by their bearers... even if two of them were foreign to this world at the time). But it was just a speck of good news in an ocean of bad ones.

Rota Fortuna did a desperate attempt to find fitting girls in Crystal Prep to become friends with the native Twilight Sparkle and find the Geodes. But it was hopeless, the mentality of every kid going to that school was eat or be eaten thanks to their Principal, so the best the girls were to Twilight were acquaintances, and while under the right guidance they could have become worthy, Abacus Cinch was most definitely not that, and Dean Cadence was kept in the dark about Cinch's worst traits. They became perversions of their virtues, for instance Sugarcoat was Honest, but like her classmates her sense of empathy was smothered out of her. And not a single girl in Crystal Prep could take the place of native Sunset Shimmer and Trust... the students were simply too untrustworthy with one another.

And then came the Friendship Games, the first ones since foreign Sunset Shimmer had stepped over this world... and it was a disaster, the end of days was barely averted. Native Twilight FINALLY came to Canterlot High, but was more interested in finding out what the "strange anomalies" were than on making friends. She started to collect the magic of the native bearers, even managing to disable the portal on the statue by absorbing its magic as well. But then she basically got consumed by it... and became a NIGHTMARE.

No native Alicorn had ever become a Nightmare in this world! (Vice Principle Luna's teenage heavy metal goth phase didn't count). The Nightmare form of Twilight was about to tear apart both this world and Equestria. Amazingly the foreign Sunset Shimmer was able to ascend into Alicornhood just in time to fight her, and after a small stay inside Fauna Luster, native Twilight was turned back to normal. She didn't become an Alicorn... she simply wasn't at that point yet. It was agreed that Sunset Shimmer would not be greeted by the other Alicorns. She was technically an Alicorn for HER world, not this one. Let the Alicorns of her world welcome her into the pantheon.

The native Twilight finally transferred to Canterlot High. However, Venus called it a sad waste with the Shadowbolt 5 finally in a position to be opened up to true harmony and friendship and the native Twilight would have been perfect to help them see the truth and form a new circle of friends. But Venus was overruled. Leaving the Shadowbolt 5 under Dean Cadence's care to learn friendship's true meaning bit by bit the hard way still surrounded by ruthless classmates the five of them now with a bond they didn't yet understand.

They reached Camp Everfree, stopped Gloriosa Daisy from misusing the Elements of Harmony and finally claiming them as their own. The damage was done however, the plan was too torn up by now to work properly.

Rota Fortuna and Chance saw how reality was splitting, then merging and splitting again... and all split parts were all true at once!

Sunset Shimmer had to take a driving test... Rarity/Applejack/Fluttershy helped her pass... all three possibilities couldn't be true at once, and yet they were. Rota Fortuna basically saw how Sunset made three separate different choices at the same time, and all three choices were suddenly true.

Even Chance's coin toss was affected. The tire of the car Sunset was supposed to use to take the driving test got a flat tire, but at the same time it didn't! Both side of the coin toss couldn't be true at once for the random event of a flat tire!

Rarity decided to inspire the next fashion statement on Pinkie Pie/Twilight/Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy asked Vinyl Scratch/Rainbow Dash/Applejack for help to overcome her stage fright for the school play.

It simply wouldn't stop... the timeline was going to collapse. Even if the girls were now in the right path of finding out more about magic and native Twilight analyzing it to see how it worked, the meddling had caused too much damage, the timeline was going to collapse on itself.

Then there was the icing on the cake, Discord had incarnated as he was supposed to. But in preparation to help Trixie understand the magic she'd one day find, he'd had long talks with Morning Star... Morning Star words proved more deadly and corruptive than any of them imagined... Thankfully Discord was now under house arrest and likely to spend the rest of his mortal life cause no more harm to anyone, but Trixie was left with no one to help prepare her for her meeting with the Rainbow of Darkness.

Drastic measures had to be taken if this world was to be saved.

First someone new was introduced into the world. For this Entropy had to do something nobody ever though she would do... she MADE something EXISTS. Something so foreign to her that one might as well ask Fauna Luster to unmake something. This new entity would come the closest to being a child of Entropy without actually being a Draconnequi herself. Some wondered if calling her a Yokai was accurate, but the Yokai of an Elder? It felt strange.

Wallflower Blush came to be, and since the Elders were eternal in the sense that they existed in all points in time and reality at the same 'time', Wallflower was born almost two decades earlier, grew up, and came to Canterlot High, seeing so many magical events like a ghost, slipping along not disrupting anything.

The Draconnequi called her "cousin". She would be guided to the "Memory Stone", something that was NEVER supposed to be found or used. But the concepts were getting desperate. And desperate times called for desperate measures.

There was talking of using Entropy's unawakened avatar Maud Pie, created by some cosmic level splintering that even the concepts of this world had no clue of, but Entropy simply refused, Maud Pie simply didn't have the right motives or goals to do such a thing, let alone to her own sister and she was not in the quite right time or place.

Wallflower Blush will be the only "mortal" able to use the piece of Entropy safely. She will erase all the memories of the foreign Sunset and Twilight. And then the foreign Sunset Shimmer will be removed from this world and the wounds to the timeflow can finally heal.

But Wallflower can't really do it alone, that part will have to be done by something else. Something MEANT to remove foreign contaminations to timelines.


"You are SURE about this?" asked Chance to her friend, Rota Fortuna.

"Yes, this is the only way. I have to do this. We have to save this timeline. The foreign Sunset Shimmer must be removed from it," said the Alicorn of Fate.

"Rota, you are my friend, I don't want to hurt you," said the Draconequus of Luck.

"Please, Chance, this is the only way. I need you to do this," replied Rota Fortuna.

Chance sighed and nodded, "Very well, I'm sorry Rota, this is going to hurt." Chance grabbed one of Rota's wings.

"I know," said Rota Fortuna as she braced herself for what was about to come.

Chance ripped out Rota's wing. The Alicorn screamed in pain as the Blank Wolf was born.


"... and that was basically the Epic of Majesty and Tirek," said Miss Cheerilee to the class, "One of the oldest known texts, considered to be as old as the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Iliad."

"Your homework for the weekend is to write a book report about the Epic of Majesty and Tirek, and what influences one can find on it on modern literature," said the teacher as the bell rang signaling the end of the school day.

Sunset Shimmer knew she had to write the book report fast. The portal was going to open this night and she needed to do more experiments before her grand plan to take over Equestria could be set in motion.

She was still surprised that some ponies she had seen in Equestria still existed in the world as humans. Even their myths were somewhat similar. They had this "ancient evil" Tirek as well... which now was the main bad guy in a video game "Rise of Tirek", which Sunset happened to own. A sequel was even announced. It wasn't all similar, of course, Sunset Shimmer had never heard of this "Majesty" person or a pony equivalent from Equestria's legends.

Author's Note:


Edited by me and Wolfram and Hart

I'd have edited this more, but I have family matters this weekend and I didn't want this hanging over my head!

Comments ( 9 )

There was one, but I felt it weakened the prequel feel, it'll be added in later as a separate drabble, also, just made some major edits regarding Tirek, the Shadowbolts, Wallflower, and Discord and more!

I was going to ask that, because I noticed that the story is not quite finished yet and was wondering if I should proceed to the next sequels, fearing I might get lost and miss something important.

9148908 Yeah, the story or rather the OTHER side of the story that details the pony's side of all this time, goes on in Pony POV Series Origins: Queen Majesty. And that stuff needs to be read to give more context to everything that happens in the finale of this arc.

Once you get through Majesty's origin, you can hit up Pony POV Series Origins: MAJESTY vs TIREK! for the end of this saga, wrapping up the story of how the world went from the one Tirek was born into and the one that G1 MLP knew. As well as the fate of Tirek and the G1 Ponies.

....this was an interesting look on how deities have to struggle on a century basis without directly interfering in the mortal realm. And then to have a great plan that could have actually worked, set it in motion, only for some outside force to come in, yell "suckers!" and throw a giant wrench into their plans. Man, that must be frustrating.

As for the confrontation between Majesty and Tirek. It was good, but could have used more description. I still liked it though.

Indeed. Deities don't exist as outside meddlers, but are PART of creations.

Comment posted by Alex Warlorn deleted May 17th, 2019

It won't work for some reason.

Those were good stories. I wonder if the Alicorn's always planned to Uplift ponies or if it was just a happy coincidence.


We know griffins weren't "planned" to become sapient, that came about due to the magical fall out that ended the Age of Wonders.
Boreas is the name of the griffin's deity for the record. Don't ask me how that happened.

As for ponies, it MIGHT have been planned, maybe, but it wouldn't happened in a much more controlled and careful way if it had. If there is one thing the plans of any deity are, it's dynamic.

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