• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 2,251 Views, 49 Comments

The End of This - Liechtenstein

Octavia and Vinyl have been seeing for a while, but Octavia can't continue with the relationship.

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A Letter to Vinyl

Vinyl Scratch rose with the sun at her back, facing the wall in the corner of the room where her bed lay. The familiar warmth of Octavia beside her was absent this morning, but this wasn't a rare occurrence; Vinyl tended to sleep late into the day. She thought no more of it and instead decided to drag herself out of bed and to the kitchen to make her morning cup of bitter coffee. Octavia's apartment, while large and intimidating at first, had grown on Vinyl of late. It began to feel like home to her as much as her own unkempt abode. While setting herself down in the sitting room she noticed a folded note on the coffee table. She ignored it at first, instead focusing on eating her breakfast, but as she went to raise the day's newspaper towards her she realised that the note was addressed to her. It said "To my Vinyl". The white unicorn set aside her bowl and coffee mug; intrigued by the note. As she unfolded it she seen that the note was more substantial than she had previously thought, so she decided to read it immediately.

To my Vinyl,

I didn't want to say this through an impersonal letter, but as I thought it over I realised that this was the only way I could say what I'm about to say.

I don't think I can continue with this relationship. I don't know why, but I don't feel as if I can be with you anymore, I just don't. It's not for the reasons I thought we'd have problems initially; about me and you being almost entirely diametrically opposed. It's not because you and I are so different. Indeed, I do believe that was one of the more exciting aspects of our relationship. It's nothing shallow, either. You are beautiful, and I know that, and you should too.

Instead it's something different, something more. Before all I held was love for you, but the love has faded, obscured by other feelings. I used to look into your eyes, your beautiful eyes, and be take aback. I used to feel that when we were together there was nothing else in the world; nothing but you and me. But now, when I look into your eyes I see nothing. No glint of intelligence, no personality, no sparkle in the rubies of your eyes. These things have gone now, replaced by nothing. When I'm around you now I feel nothing. Now every little thing you do, for me, is an excuse for anger; an outlet for emotions that are stockpiled within myself. I see your flaws, the little imperfections you have; your roguishness, crassness, the tomboyish way you carry yourself. I've seen you drunk, complacent, hateful, satisfied and I hate you for being all these little flawed things, and then I realize that I, too, can be each of these little loathsome things. And then I hate myself for realizing that; I hate myself for hating you.

I can't ask for perfection, I know I can't; no-one can. But then I realize that I demand perfection from you because anything else gives me a reason to let go. Let go of you, let go of this relationship. I can remember the love that I once felt, I remember when we went to the country to visit my parents. Everyday was a day where I fell in love with you more. This image I have of your face on that day, in front of the lake, lying on the grassy knoll that overlooked the fields and lakes that stretched out around of us, the view that might as well have been the entire world. That image I will cherish forever, your blue hair so perfectly matched the lake and the sky, your flaming eyes contrasting the purity of your white coat. That love that was so clear to me then has gone now. All there is now is apathy.

I'm sorry, Vinyl, truly I am. There is a part of me that will forever cherish the time we spent together, a part of me that will always love you, but now I feel that if we continue this resentment inside me will build. I don't want to hate you Vinyl, I want to love you, but I can't, not anymore.

Vinyl finished reading the letter, tears flowing freely from her eyes. She had no idea how to take what she had just read; the mare she loved was revealing that she had growing feelings of resentment towards her, that she no longer loved her. Vinyl would do anything to have Octavia love her like she still did. She wanted to forget what she had read; pretend that it wasn't true, that this was all just a dream, but it wasn't, Vinyl knew that. After a couple of minutes the news seemed to settle in, and Vinyl broke down entirely. She just lay there, on Octavia's couch, crying into Octavia's pillows. After a few minutes of near-hysterical crying the emotional pain she felt transcended emotion and became real.

As she was still crying the front door opened; Octavia had returned home. Immediately Octavia heard Vinyl's hysteria, the roaring weeping coming from the lounge. Slowly she walked into the sitting room, as silent as she could be, and observed Vinyl as she was, a shell of the pony she normally was. Seeing her like this made Octavia cry as well, but not in a hysterical sort of way, but a more quiet, repressed sort of way.

"O-O-Octy, p-p-please say it's not true. Please take it all back, everything. Just say you love me again, please." Vinyl pleaded when she realised that Octavia had returned. She was begging to take the pain away. A solemn figure stared down at the pitiful sight of Vinyl as she was. She looked her in the eyes, and could see the pain within, the pain she caused.

"I'm sorry." She said, as a lone tear trickled down her face.