• Member Since 19th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Monty Eggman

Hello. Monty Eggman here. Despite the username, I am indeed a brony. Currently working on a series based on Equestria Girls and Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL.


In the year 20XX, in the peaceful land of Equestria, Princess Celestia, the country's benevolent ruler, unveiled a great secret to the ponies that she trusted most. A secret project meant for the better safety of Equestria and all of its citizens: Mega Pony; the first fully-robotic pony!

Based on the fangame by KhaoMortadios. Since the game was what got me into MLP in the first place, I had to do something to honor it. There's a lot of introductory stuff in this (I wrote it so that people who have never heard of MLP or Mega Man could enjoy it), but it's mostly towards the beginning.

Mega Pony story series was written by Fred "Monty Eggman" Ebert
Mega Pony game and character were created by KhaoMortadios
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro
Mega Man was created by Keiji Inafune and owned by Capcom

UPDATE: Episode 113, the Season 1 finale, is uploaded! I'll be working on Season 2 for a while, but keep watch for another new series that I'll be posting soon!

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 33 )
Comment posted by Dark Colt Sabata deleted Sep 20th, 2014

You don't relies what you have done. Who made a terrible mastake.

* open up the gates!

5029526 well when people have there comments deleted it get them EXTREMLY mad. I once did that and 1 hour later I have 50 comments on that story. That's how a flam war is created. And it's annoying so please when deleating a comment make shure it's a hate comment and not someone letting you know there rude opinions. But I'm not a hater just giving you a heads up. Good stoy bro /)


Oh, that. I didn't delete that comment. That was gone when I came on. I have absolutely no idea how that happened.

So to whoever that was that commented, I can say with total honesty that I had nothing to do with the comment removal. The last thing I want is a flame war or anything of the sort. :applejackunsure:

EDIT: Okay, after looking over things here, I found out that you can delete your own comments, no matter where you post them. So, more than likely, the person probably wrote a comment and then decided to get rid of it on their own accord. That, or I may have deleted accidentally.

Alright, you have my attention, I'll see where this goes.

Btw, will there be an appearance by Proto pony in this? Just wondering.


This is based on a fangame, so whether or not there will be a Proto Pony is up to the game's creator. Until then, I'm working with what I have availiable.

Thanks for the comment, and I hope you continue to enjoy what I have to offer. :raritywink:

I wonder; what's with all the dislikes? I actually rather enjoyed this story :)
I wonder, though. Would Mega Pony be able to get OTHER abilities as well? Like, what if he copied Vinyl Scratch and got the Bass Cannon?

I feel kind of sad for Mega Pony. Because he isn't able to eat or drink he will never be able to have (wait for it)
A Glass of Water! (Ha, a Megaman Dies at the End AND an MLP reference, all in one joke!)
Anyways, great chapter, I thought that Rainbow Factory reference was awesome, even putting in the name of the guy who inspired the story, WoodenToaster (although... I haven't heard anything about Scootaloo in this story...). What's next, is Mega Pony going to be told to stay out of Fluttershy's shed? Ooh, or maybe Pinkie Pie asks him why they call it a hacksaw! I don't know, I just liked the references you keep bringing up.
The way Mega Pony settled a Vinyl vs. Octavia dispute was clever, even having him send a letter to Celestia was pretty cool.
Can't wait to see what else you have in store :)


I'm glad you liked what I've written so far. I'm currently working on the next episode (I think I might have it done by mid-December), and I plan to introduce some new Special Weapons in that one. Anyway, thanks for the comments and faves. I really appriciate it.

Hooray! You made a totally awesome fanfic! It was cool how you were able to capture the dilemenas that are DT and SS. I mean, it's just like you said: they do have the potential to become better than themselves. The silver spoon may be a symbol of inherited wealth (from the british expression, "born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth") and it could mean she's spoiled, but it could also mean that she could be incredibly charitable with her blessings (and besides, we ALL know Silver Spoon will be the first to turn, and we shall graciously embrace her arrival). The diamond tiara may be a symbol of corruption of beauty pageants, but it could also represent the kindness people can exhibit towards others who aren't as fortunate (oh, and world peace!). That's also one of the only good things that came from Diaries of a Madman: a cutie mark isn't something that's writ on stone, but merely a symbol that can be interpreted any number of ways. For better or worse, the pony's life isn't dependent on the mark itself, but what they do once they have the mark.
Though I do have to ask. What happened to Sweetie Belle? And on to more important things, WHAT HAPPENED TO SCOOTALOO (I bet it was the mare with the beautiful eyes!)!?... Heh, just kidding.
Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter. Ciao!


I'm glad you liked that, and I do agree that, if either of the two better themselves, Silver will probably be the first (if not only). As for the rest of the CMC, you need not worry: They'll be popping up sooner or later. After all I can't have just Apple Bloom in the story without her best friends.

I already have plans for the fifith episode, so it shouldn't be long before I start working on it. Keep your eyes peeled.

.F-sharp...A...F-sharp...E...A...D...E...D...C-sharp...B-" But when he tapped the last note, it gave off a sound that he knew wasn't right. "...No, no no...I meant 'A', not 'B'!"

This would be the perfect spot for an easter egg and/or reference

... YOU SNEAKY PUNK! THE MELODY MEGA PONY WAS TRYING TO PLAY WAS THE FIRST TWO MEASURES OF THE MY LITTLE PONY THEME (Good thing I've got a trumpet... but, G#... B... G#... F#... B... E... F#... E... D#... C# would be more applicable to the theme, though I'll give you points for using a different key signature.)!!! And those other references!? And that Character Developments!? BRILLIANT!!


Yeah, I was hoping someone would notice that. I had printed out the music sheet in order to make sure I got it as close as possible to the correct melody.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the comment.

Whoa... SCOOTALOO corrected SWEETIE BELLE, a character that's been called a Dictionary, mind you, on what word to use... huh, what could've happened in this mysterious future to warrant such a change?
Hmm... a brat's knocking on the door to someone they don't like's house for help to save an acquaintance in a fashion in which it's too dangerous on their own? hmm...

Nah, I don't see it.
Hmm... I can see the possibilities for two future episodes: One redeems Gilda as a character (Yeah, like what they did in the rewrite of Turnabout Storm!), while the other may redeem Angel Bunny as a character.
Ah, I've met Chic Phil Leigh before. Yes, he's the son of his pop, Iyes, and his mom, Zax Bees.
You know, if Sniper Joe is based off of Proto Man, then surely Pony Joe has to be based off of a Proto Pony (Name pending.). I know (at least, I THINK I do) that you said you wouldn't use him because he was never in the original game, but there's been a couple things that weren't in the game that are here now (Like additional weapons, conversing with NPC's, and learning morals epic morals). And even beyond that... wouldn't a Mega Pony X be pretty cool?


In the case of Scoots correcting Sweetie Belle, think about this: Even dictionaries need to get updated once in a while.

As for future episodes, I have ideas in store for the next two (I'm actually writing Ep. 107 as we speak). I'm not sure how I'll get Gilda in there or if I really want to redeem her (though knowing me as well as I think I do, I might at least try), but I'll try and think of something that would at least involve her even a little bit.

As for the enemies Mega Pony faces, I do have a name for them as well as a backstory in mind, which you'll see quite soon.

Anyway, thanks for the comment, and I'm happy that you continue to enjoy the episodes.

5874493 Well, just remember: The rewrite of Turnabout Storm? Best. Thing. EVER.

... Rest in peace, Pony Joe. I liked your name, but we must make way for a different one.
... There was a PONY named GELDING!?... Their parents must have had a sick sense of humor.
You see? THIS is why ponies shouldn't wear clothes... at least, not the kind that snags.


The name for the enemy just came to me while playing the game. Not sure how, but I liked what I thought of, so I've been calling them Equine Joes since then.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed the new chapter, and I also hope you enjoyed Addie's first steps into the world. :pinkiesmile:

6005616 Hey, any OC with Gutsman's Copy Ability is a welcomed addition.


Thanks. And I will admit, Guts Man served as a slight inspiration for Addie's Special Weapon.

"No, wait...not that; Cadbury!" she corrected him. "I need to make sure that my cannons can handle firing cream-filled chocolate eggs!

Sad thing about Cadbury: You can't find any chocolate bars in America; it's an all-or-nothing sort of deal with the eggs, whether you want to eat a little or not.

"I always put it right here, in my closet! I know it was in here when I woke up this morning! But now it's gone!! It's no more!! It has ceased to be!! It's expired and gone to meet its maker!! This is a late cannon!!"

... Say "Pining for the fjords".

"It's a stiff!! Bereft of life, it rests in peace!!"

... Come on...


"It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible!!! This...is an EX-CANNON!!!"

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... SHE DIDN'T SAY IT!!!!!

"I think I saw a Flufflepuff Marshmallow in there..."

Hmm... a pun on, not only the fluffy puff marshmallow, but the pony named Flufflepuff... neat.

"I know that, but I can never figure out whom she refers to when she calls them by those silly names..." the husband stated.

... Let's just say it's a bad enough joke that Fozzie Bear would groan... waka waka.

The two then dropped into a torch-lit room deep underground, emerging from a long, green tube that was sticking out of the low ceiling above them. They both hit the ground hard, but their flanks cushioned their fall. "Woah...what happened??" Mega Pony asked himself. Rubbing his sore bottom, he looked up at the tube that they came out from and said, "I guess we must've fallen through a trap door and came out from that green pipe; Mom and Aunt Luna did tell me that the whole castle was full of tricks and traps like that." Turning over to Pinkie Pie, he said to her, "Lucky for us, there wasn't anything in there to bump into."
"Speak for yourself, Mega..." the pink mare told him, presenting her flank and showing him a large, red plant with white spots and sharp teeth, biting her rear end. She then simply shook the plant off of her and said to herself, "What's the deal? Those things aren't supposed to pop up if you're standing on or next to where they come out!"

Heh, Mario.

"Pinkie, I'll take care of the other two Equine Joes!" Mega Pony told her. "Can you handle the rest of the Mettaur?"
Pinkie Pie then told him, "Well, HANDLING them might be tricky, since all I have are hooves, but I'll try my best anyway!"

Heh, Pinkie pointed out that no one points these things out.

Holding up what appeared to be a CD, the figure left the room and exited the castle.
"Bye-bye strange and mysterious figure!" Pinkie said cheerfully, waving her left front hoof. "See you in a later episode!"

Sometimes, teasing can go too far... other times, it's just hilarious.
You know, I bet if Mega Pony ever scanned Maude, I bet his weapon would be indestructibility. Basically, he could use his entire body as a weapon, while receiving little-to-no damage... well, unless spikes somehow work.


I'm quite glad you got all of those little jokes and references. One of the reasons that I made this episode Pinkie-centric was so that I could have the freedom to do all of that.

In the case of the marshmallow joke, when I kept saying the name, "Fluffy Puff Marshmallow", I then suddenly thought of Flufflepuff. She should totally have her own brand of marshmallows.

As for the Monty Pyhton reference in there....Well, there's a reason I go by "Monty Eggman" on the Internet. :raritywink:

Anyway, thanks for the comment. I'm glad that you still continue to enjoy the series.

Midi? I wonder what that means.

MIDI (/ˈmɪdi/; short for Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a technical standard that describes a protocol, digital interface and connectors and allows a wide variety of electronic musical instruments, computers and other related devices to connect and communicate with one another.

Ah, so you're referencing the whole music-based thing. Neat.

Yep. Keeping in with Mega Man's trend of music-based names.

"So your entire squadron in the forest couldn't prevent a pair of prissy little ponies from recovering one little cannon?" asked one of them. Although his body was concealed by the shadows around them, one could make out what appeared to be a boomerang-like object on his head area. He chuckled a bit and added, "Heh, the boss'll REALLY love t' hear about how ya screwed this one up..."

Wait... Is that? No, that can't be right... Right?

The portly figure held up a CD and told the other, "Unlike some people, I actually had a Plan B in store, just in case...Just before those two ponies showed up, I did a full scan of the cannon and downloaded all of its data onto this disc. Thanks to what I have here, the boss can construct a completely new cannon for his plans instead."

"Hmph...well, I have to say," the leaner figure told him, "that was some pretty quick thinking on your part; and I should know a thing or two 'bout bein' quick. Good to know that your brain's not made of wood."

No... No... No... It can't be.... THEY'RE HERE!!! WE'RE DOOMED!!! WE'RE ALL DOOMED!!!!

*Ahem* Awesome story by the way! 👍

From a plateau overlooking the town, the rectangular-shaped figure was watching the whole thing. It did so using a floating dome-shaped drone robot with a propellor on its head, equipped with a camera that was linked to a computer tablet that the figure was holding. "No, no, no, no, NO!!" it shouted in frustration, tossing the tablet aside. "None of that was supposed to happen! None of it!!" Sighing, the figure recollected itself and picked up the tablet. "Oh well..." it then said to itself, "at least now I can get out of this heat..." The figure then walked off before disappearing in a column of yellow light.

No doubt about it, it's HIM.... Awesome!!!

"Uh...yeah, a little bit." the white Unicorn male answered.

"He is." Cadance added. "I should know."

Yes, she should. She was used as a projectile one time!

Awesome 👍!!

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