• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 432 Views, 7 Comments

Pony-itis - Water Drop

A disease has spread through out Equestria......

  • ...

The Disease

Short History

Every thing was all fine in Equestria,
after Night Mare Moon had turned back to Princess Luna, and the ceromony for welcoming back Princess Luna.
That mist that Night Mare Moon had with her still remained and it was making it's way to spread through Equestria.......

The Present

I yawned loudly as I sat up in bed, and looked out my window, sun was shining, clouds were looking like cotton balls and on was shaped like a lollipop. I got out of bed and made my way over to my dressing table, I brushed my hair neatly and looked through the mirror at my reflection,
neatly brushed aqua hair, shining aqua eyes, white skin and a pair of white feathery wings. Sometimes i didn't think it was me it looked like someone else. I made my way downstairs then called out

"Mother! Father! Moonlight! I'm awake!"

I expected to hear chatter but i didn't, I went into the dining room and saw no pony, i was suprised because I always was the last one awake. I went up to my parent's bedroom and peeped through the door they were awake, I sighed with relief, but when i looked into the room a bit more, it wasn't a pretty sight, their hooves and hair were splattered with purple as if they had been dipped in purple paint, they started coughing like mad and I was worried sick. I checked on my sister, Moonlight, and she had just woken up, but she was fine. My brain was filled with horrid thoughts, but i won't mention them to you

I had to get information quickly, then it struck me, Twillight!
I made my way over to Twillight's libary then knocked on the door, Spike apeared at the door.

"May i speak to Twillight please?" I asked politely.

Spike said nothing but let me in, and pointed to the stairs i guessed that Twillight was up stairs and went up the stairs.



"May i please talk to you?"


Twillight replied and removed the book she was reading and put it on the shelf.
"My parents seem ill but my sister and I are perfectly fine.But i do not understand, what in Equestria is happening?" I asked.

Twillight sighed,"It is pony-itis, a vey severe disease and only ponies over age of 15 catch it, this disease is very contagious,"she said,"The princesses are very ill and the guards, the nurses and the doctors are all ill. My friends and I have the job to take care of them which i am very unsure about, since I am not the best at taking care of ponies." She added.

I nodded my head to say that I had understood.

"Thank you,"

I said and bowed, I left the room in silence and made my way back home.