• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 663 Views, 10 Comments

After Equestria - Prometheus7

1000 years after the fall of the equestrian empire ponies are still trying to survive in a harsh and alien world that was once their home.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Stephan stared at him, he looked completely flabbergast at the notion that The Lord Of Chaos would help anyone. David couldn't blame him.

"Wait," Stephan said, clearing his throat loudly. "Discord sent you? As in, Discord The Lord Of Disharmony? Why the hell would he-?"

"I don't know." David replied unhappily, "all I know is that Starswirl The Bearded beat the crap outta me, erased my memories and sent me to equestria to save it." He snorted at the idea.

"Wait," Stephan said, bewilderment clear in his eyes. "Starswirl beat you up? The old dude?"

David smiled humorlessly, "oh, Starswirl didn't directly beat me up, but he tried to erase my memories and every time I resisted his cronies would beat the crap out of me."

Stephan winced, "then what happened?"

"Well, then I woke up in some ruined building in Ponyvile and-"

"Wait, Ponyvile?" Stephan asked, looking more and more confused and frightened. "What do you mean 'ruined building'? Ponivile doesn't-" His eye's widened, "don't tell me, they got to Ponyvile too?"

David groaned,"dude, just shut-up and listen! I don't know what happened, why it happened or how it happened okay? So let me just finish my damned story!" Stephan looked taken aback, but he stayed quiet, probably out of the urge to hear more.

"Anyway," David continued. "I woke up in a ruined building in Ponyvile, it looked completely trashed, books were all over the floor, the wood was burnt and it seemed as if someone or something had been searching for something." David paused letting that sink in.

Stephan nodded, worry and fear present in his eye's. "Go on."

"Okay," David sighed. "I tried to find out why I was in a burnt building and how I got there, but I couldn't. I had lost my memories. So I was getting up and trying to figure out what to do when I heard a strange hissing sound. I-"

"Can you shorten it?" Stephan asked smirking a bit, " 'cause I doubt we have time to wait for you to narrate the whole story."

"Fine!" David grumbled, " I woke up in a weird burnt house, fought and defeated a Changling. Then Lyra knocked me out cold and I woke up tied to a bed being interrogated by Lyra and Big Mac. Lyra let me go when Big Mac vouched for me and then the two of use became good chums. Shortly after Discord hijacked my body, restored my memories and sent me back home, the end. Happy now?" He demanded sarcastically.

"Very," Stephan replied, gravely. "So what happened to Equestria? I mean, if Lyra was interrogating you thing's must have been pretty bad."

"No freaking kidding genius." David muttered, loud enough for Stephan to hear.

"So?" Stephan asked, "why aren't you in Equestria?"

"I left." David responded coldly. Stephan eye's narrowed,

"you did what?!" He demanded getting to his feet, his fist's clenched at his chest, as if he was preparing for a boxing match.

David shot to his feet matching Stephan's glare, "I left, Discord restored my memories and sent me home." He answered coldly.

Stephan's right hand shot out to grab David by the collar, but David swung his hand and knocked aside Stephan's. He shoved Stephan, who stumbled but held his footing.

"I left." David spat, "just like you and everyone else did. Don't lecture me on loyalty you son of a-"

"What's going on here?" Some one asked.

David and Stephan turned to see Twilight Sparkle marching towards them. She had a frown on her faced as she eyed David suspiciously.

"What are you two doing?" She demanded, then she turned on David with disgust written across her face. "Why were you fighting Sp-I mean, Stephan?"

David looked across the room to see nearly everyone watching them, I spoke louder then I should have, huh?

No kidding genius. But, now would be a great time to use chaos magic.

Oh, yeah! That's a great! You're a genius Discord why wouldn't I use a branch of magic that I don't even know how to use?

Hahahahahah, so funny. Here's how you use chaos magic;first close you're eye's.

Why would I-

Just close your damn eyes!


David hid his face in both is hands like he was frustrated. Now what, oh wise chaos master? He asked sarcastically.

Now open them.

David opened his eye's to see Twilight looking confused and dazed. Thank God, the last think I need is to get in trouble on the first day!
David looked around to see the entire student body chatting away as if nothing ever happened.

"W-what?" Twilight murmured, "what am I doing here?" Strangely, she didn't seem to be completely fooled by what David assumed was Discords magic.

"Oh, nothing Twilight. Go back to your seat." David told her, he turned to face Spike, who raised an eyebrow at him and sat back down on his seat.
David did the same, he opened his mouth to apologize when he heard Twilight ask,

"wait, how do you know my name?"

Oh, crap.

Oh, crap.

You're screwed.

"Um ... Stephan told me!" David said gesturing to Spike/Stephan.

"Oh, um ... Okay, welcome to CHS!"

"Yeah, it's great to be here." David lied.

You're a terrible liar.

Shut up!

Boy, you got one hell of a temper.

I said, SHUT-UP!

"Um ... are you okay?" Twilight asked tentatively.

"What?" David said, blinking. He looked at Twilight who was staring at him like he might go crazy and try to bite her face off. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you were scowling at no one in particular so .... yeah ..."

"Oh! Um ... just, you know," David lied unconvincingly. "Thinking about stuff."

"Oh yeah?" Twilight asked suspiciously. Her eye's narrowed and her frown turned to a scowl. "Just thinking about stuff huh?"

David's own face soon broke into a scowl as well. "Yeah, I am!" He snapped at Twilight irritably. "You got a problem with that?"

"Hmph!" Said Twilight as she stormed off, heading back to where mane six were sitting.

"Dude," Stephan said from behind him. "You got a way with words, really."

"Oh, shut up." David snapped at him,he was in no mood for this."you know Stephan, you're a real pain in the-" The bell rung, interrupting David and Stephan's conversation.