• Published 6th Oct 2014
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The Misadventures of the Renegades - reading is magic

Explore Equestria with Frost Bite the changeling and Sing Song the breezie as they brave out and walk out into the world! Probably causing trouble.

  • ...

V: Cantering in Canterlot

Sing Song woke up.

She was pretty sure she had died from that crash, so it would make sense to her if she could go through walls and haunt every pony. But first, she had to look around and confirm where she was. Wait, this is Frost Bite’s mane!

Sing Song poked her head out of Frost Bite’s mane and realized they were probably pretty much dead, seeing the place looked immaculate with fancy décor on the walls worthy only by royalty. She looked down and saw a bunch of empty plates that once held food, food that were now in Frost Bite’s belly.

"Frost Bite?" Sing Song asked.

"Sing Song! You're awake! You got to try these uh, what are they called... Macaroons!" Frost Bite held one up into Sing Song's face.

"Put that thing away from me, or so help me."

"Geez, no need to be sour there." Frost Bite then ate the macaroon in one bite.

Sing Song—looking at the room they were in—thought the place had to be really expensive. It was like a princess's dining room, which begged the question; whose place was this?

"Hey, where are we?" Sing Song asked.

"We're in my mentor's house! Or mansion? I'm really sure, this place is huge but I really think this place is Celly's property."

Sing Song flew down from Frost Bite's mane and landed on the table. "Who's Celly?" she asked.

"She's a really nice pony." Frost Bite stared into space, almost like daydreaming. "Like really nice. I like being around her."

Frost Bite had a crush? It was a thought Sing Song found funny, but she had to think about that later. There were pressing matters she had to check.

"Frost Bite, how did we get here and how did you get them to feed you?"

Frost Bite ate the last of macaroons. "Remember we were crashing to a pillar?" He licked his hooves and lips. "Luna caught me before I crashed into her. I really thought I was dead when I opened my eyes, but Luna did this shield magic thing and saved us."

Ah yes. She just remembered their moments of flight and terror. Who knew a cannon could actually send a pony to the next town? At least now she knew, which was useless information to her was. Sing Song realized she must have passed out before they were saved. Wait, Luna? That name seems familiar. Isn't she the princess of...?

"We're in Canterlot Castle!?"

"I didn't even know we are in Canterlot! This is great, we don't even have to travel by hoof or even by train." Frost Bite clapped his hooves in delight. "Anyways, aren't you hungry?"


"Come on, you got to eat! They have everything, and I mean literally everything."

While Sing Song was still skeptical about where they were, she was pretty hungry. Literally everything, huh.

"Okay, could you get me chocolate marble brownie?"

Frost Bite levitated the bell in the middle of the table and rang it three times. In a few seconds, a pony dressed in white dress shirt with a bow tie came into the room and went to Frost Bite’s side.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Right, uh,” Frost Bite said, rolling his eyes at the waiter’s words. “Can you get me chocolate marble brownies?”

“Certainly. Will that be all?”

“Yes, thank you Kindred.”

The pony waiter then went away to get their order.

“That’s so amazing! I feel like a princess.” Frost Bite giggled at the thought.

Sing Song was reminded upon hearing princess. They probably were in Canterlot, but Sing Song was worried if they are in Canterlot Castle. If Frost Bite got caught by the princesses’ themselves, she couldn’t imagine what could happen to her bug friend.

“Frost Bite, do they know about your true form?”

“No, they think I’m some student looking for an apprenticeship. By the way, being Luna's apprentice is pretty sweet! I learned how to teleport, you know?”

“Okay, isn’t that basic magic?”

“Not for us! It’s amazing when Luna gave me the instructions just by touching her horn with mine and bam! I got it so easy.”

It seemed Luna didn’t know about Frost Bite’s true form yet. Sing Song could only hope it stayed that way, however her sister Celly—who was probably Celestia—might be a different case. Before Sing Song could ask another question, the Royal Sisters entered the room.

“Luna!” Frost Bite called. “Wait, should I call you master or Master Luna?”

“Please, Luna is just fine, Frost Bite,” Luna answered as she and Celly sat down on their designated seats.

Forget the name Celly. This is Princess Celestia!

The presence of the Royalty made Sing Song nervous, not only because of Frost Bite’s secret but also because she had never met them before—perhaps it was more of Frost Bite that was making her heart jump repeatedly.

“Oh? I did not know you brought a friend with you, Frost Bite,” Princess Celestia said as she looked at the breezie atop their table.

“Oooh, such a wondrous creature!” Princess Luna said excitedly. “I have never seen such beauty before.” Luna moved closer to Sing Song, which surprised her. Sing Song was about to thanks Princess Luna for compliment but then she said “Where did you capture this one?”

Princess Celestia cleared her throat, calling Princess Luna’s attention. “Luna, breezies aren’t creatures to be caught. They are sentient beings, like us.”

Sing Song was thankful for Princess Celestia’s words. Princess Luna could only blush in embarrassment. Sing Song could only think that Princess Luna hasn’t seen a breezie, or maybe their kind wasn’t big back then a thousand years ago.

“I apologize for my rudeness, little one,” Luna said.

“It’s alright, Princess,” Sing Song replied, in which Luna smiled at.

“Frost Bite, I was wondering if you can tell us about your studies about happiness,” Princess Celestia said.

“Oh, right, the theory of happiness. Yeah, big theory that is,” Frost Bite replied nervously.

Sing Song noticed Princess Celestia eyeing Frost Bite. While the princess was smiling, there was something behind it. She wasn’t sure if it was sinister or not, but knowing that Frost Bite’s identity was on the line, she was sure Princess Celestia might had suspicions about Frost Bite.

“Oh yes,” Princess Luna said. “This theory does sound like quite a story!”

Sing Song looked at Frost Bite and knew he was in trouble. His sweat and darting eyes obviously told Sing Song he didn’t know what to say. She had to save him.

“Princess Celestia!” Sing Song called out.


“I really want to thank you sisters for treating my friend Frost Bite here so well. I expected no less from royalty such as you.”

“Of course. I always give my best to every pony, especially to Luna’s student,” Princess Celestia said, looking at Frost Bite. There was no doubt; she was onto him. Then, Luna giggled rather loudly.

“Is there something wrong, dear sister?”

“What’s wrong, Luna?” Frost Bite asked.

“’Princess Luna? Did I say something wrong?” Sing Song inquired.

And then, Princess Luna let loose. Howling laughter came out of Princess Luna. It was quite a sight, seeing a dignified deity-like being going on about like a maniac. Princess Luna even slammed her hooves on the table, unable to control her excitement from laughing. Princess Celestia can only look in confusion at her sister. Frost Bite just stared at his mentor, thinking if she had always had fits of insanity like this. Sing Song only furrowed her eyebrows at the sight before her.

“Oh my goodness! I-HAHAHAHA!”

So Princess Luna went for another straight minute before she calmed down.

“So, do you mind telling us what it is you find amusing?” Princess Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Okay, okay,” Princess Luna wiped her tears as she answered. “The breezie’s voice! I have never heard of such accent before! Forgive me little one, but I just can’t help but laugh. I am so sorry.”

Unbeknownst to Luna, breezies have different accent from normal ponies. In the years Princess Luna lived even a thousand years back, she had never heard a breezie speak. Sure, there are thousands of accents she had heard over the years being a princess of Equestria, but nothing was more bizarre to Princess Luna than the breezies’ accent. I find it weird, but to Princess Luna? It was hysterical. Nothing could ever prepare her for that, not even Nightmare Moon’s emergence. In fact, Nightmare Moon would have laughed hysterically too.

Sing Song wanted to poke Princess Luna’s eye so much, she’d be blind, but there were more important things to mind, like Frost Bite’s life.

“Luna, I can’t believe you just did that,” Frost Bite said.

“And so am I, sister,” Princess Celestia said. “Though it is understandable you have never met breezies, but that behavior is unacceptable.”

Princess Luna looked like a child who got scold for breaking a plate; her eyes looked down and her head down.

“It’s alright, Princess Celestia,” Sing Song said, twitching her eye. “We do sound different from other creatures.”

"How mature of you. I am grateful for- pfft, HAHAHAHA!!!" Princess Luna fell to floor and laughed some more. "Oh my stars! I can't! My stomach!"

Princess Celestia, however did not find that amusing. She just glared at Princess Luna. Frost Bite just sat there, watching, unsure of what to do.

"I am very sorry for my sister's behaviour. I'll be sure that she will be taught her lesson," Princess Celestia said. "Maybe it is time to finish lunch."

Princess Celestia took Princess Luna somewhere, probably to lecture her. Sing Song thought it was weird to see Frost Bite's mentor to be towed away by her tail lifted by magic.

Frost Bite and Sing Song was led out of the dining room and was brought outside, with instructions from Princess Celestia that they are free for the afternoon.

Sing Song was perching on Frost Bite's mane when her stomach growled. She was also upset she didn't get her order back in the dining room all because of Princess Luna. Sing Song knew she had to save Frost Bite, but she never thought she did just by talking. On the other hoof, it saved Frost Bite from Princess Celestia. Hopefully that will take her mind off of Frost Bite. Still, she was hungry.

Frost Bite, however, was just happy to be outside.

"It's great to be back!" Frost Bite said.

Sing Song remembered that Frost Bite was here during the invasion, though he didn't really harmed any pony.

"Hey," Sing Song called out. "You owe me."

"Really? I don't have money on me right now."

"That's not what I meant! I mean you owe me a favor!"


"Because I saved you from Princess Celestia's probing!"

"What? Nah, she wouldn't do that. Why would she? I mean she was just curious about my theory. A theory that currently does not exist."

Sing Song flew off Frost Bite's head and floated in front of his face, her hooves folded. "Didn't you see how she was looking at you?"

"With kindness and grace?"

She rolled her eyes. "More like doubt and suspicion."

"Yeah, right!"

Sing Song was just about to pull Frost Bite's mane in annoyance, when a pony seemingly appeared out of nowhere before them, making them shriek.


Sing Song noticed it wasn't just a pony; it was one of Princess Luna's personal guards. One can easily tell due to their distinct bat wings, yellow slitted eyes, and their gray coat covered in lavender-colored armor.

"Miss Frost Bite and companion, I am here to guide you around Canterlot," the guard said in a deep voice, like a story teller.

"Are you a vampire?" was Frost Bite's question. Sing Song placed her hoof on her forehead.

"I am not," he responded automatically, as if he was asked several times before.

"Oh. I thought so. But you have fangs..."

"Princess Luna has ordered me to give this to you, as she cannot do it herself at present."

The guard took out a silvery necklace, with a crescent moon pendant hanging in the middle. The moon seemed to shine brighter than the chain. Frost Bite took it with utmost care from his hoof.

"Wow, what is this?" Frost Bite lifted the chains, observing the moon's unnatural glimmer.

"It is best if you read her letter, ma'am," the guard said as he took out a letter.

Frost Bite took it and ripped the envelope into pieces. It amazed Sing Song that he didn't tear the letter inside. Frost Bite opened the folded paper inside.

To my dearest student Frost Bite,

I sincerely apologize for laughing at your friend. It was terrible of me, especially as part of royalty to mock the subjects of our homeland.

Anyways, I give you this gift; the Lunar Chains! I just made it up, so do not worry; it is no legendary artifact or anything of the sort. I thought the name could be the Necklace of the Moon, but I shall let you decide. Oh, The Chains of the Moon! That is a good name too.

You might be wondering what this gift is for. It is for being my personal student! Yes, perhaps I am hasty in giving you this gift. I mean, we haven't actually spent time doing mentor and student things, but I wanted you to have a symbol of my friendship. Please accept and cherish it.

Your mentor and friend, Princess Luna

P.S. Don't forget to put a name on it! It'll be an amazing artifact for the years to come. You won't believe what useless stuff they have as artifacts around now. Back a thousand years ago, a vase is just a vase, but now I came back, it's the Vase of Solidarity. Go see it in the garden if you want. Seriously, it is a boring vase. So keep that necklace and next thing for sure the future will have something truly amazing for it is my very own student's relic from her mentor!

To Sing Song, the apology from Luna kind of annoyed her. Okay, it really annoyed her. It was so short that It was like as if she wasn't important. Sing Song can already tell that Princess Luna was way too eager to be a mentor figure. Not to mention her P.S. was too long.

Nevertheless, Frost Bite wore the necklace, which fitted his neck perfectly.

"This looks so cool," Frost Bite said as he looked at it.

"It look great on you, ma'am," the guard said.

"Uh, just call me Frost Bite, please."

"Very well, Frost Bite."

"Nice chains, dude," Sing Song commented with a hint of sarcasm.


"Frost Bite, is there anywhere you'd like to go to?" Ombré asked.

"I still haven't eaten anything, you know," Sing Song reminded.

"Oh yeah. Do you know where I can get a small snack?" Frost Bite asked their entourage.

"Of course. Please, follow my lead."

The trio started walking through the city. Frost Bite was giddy and all, while Sing Song just felt miserable with her empty stomach.

Canterlot was surely a massive and beautiful city. The white streets, buildings with golden spires, and even the posts they passed by were gorgeous. It was her first time here, and while she expected it, she can't help but feel amazed at her surroundings. Sing Song noticed how the other ponies they passed by held their heads high. She never understood why they did; it looked like they were sniffing for something.

The guard brought them to an outdoor restaurant. Ponies were already at some tables eating snacks and meals and they did so silently. Little chatter can be heard.

"Should I acquire a table for you, ma'am?" the guard asked.

"Yes, uh, what was your name again? And please, it's just Frost Bite."

"Forgive me. I am called Ombré," the guard said as he bowed his head. "I shall find us a table shortly."

The guard named turned around and went to look for a waiter. A few seconds later, he returned.

“This way, Frost Bite.”

Frost Bite sat on the cushion before the table, while Sing Song flew down the table. Ombré, however just stood next to Frost Bite.

"Hey buddy, aren't you going to sit?" Sing Song asked.


"Sing Song."

"Sing Song, I am entrusted with the duty to watch over Frost Bite, therefore I must be vigilant and remain active. I only serve with the best of my abilities."

Sing Song kind of understood what he said. He was doing his job; that was the gist of it. She wondered if all guards were like Ombré.

"Nonsense!" Frost Bite exclaimed.

"Uh, what?" Sing Song could only say, looking dumbfounded at Frost Bite's statement.

"Come on! Sit with us," Frost Bite pulled Ombré next to him and made him sit.

"Frost Bite I can't! I am supposed to be on duty," Ombré said he reluctantly sat down.

"Come on, don't be a party pooper," Frost Bite insisted, gesturing her hoof for Ombré to sit. "There, just chill for now."

"If you wish, then I will 'chill'."

Sing Song wanted to make fun of Ombré's reluctance, but she was too hungry to even just talk.

Sing Song felt full. She never felt so full before, or maybe she did? It did not matter to Sing Song since her Canterlot Sundae Special was more than enough to her. The mixed fruits and honey and ice cream combination proved to be quite a delight worthy of royalty. Frost Bite ate a banana split, and it surprised Sing Song that he could still eat even when he just did at the castle. Ombré was hard headed so no matter how much Frost Bite try to convince him, he didn't order anything.

Frost Bite didn't let up. Since Ombré refused to order, Frost Bite fed him a spoonful when Ombré didn't expect it. Of course, Ombré could not stop the blue unicorn from feeding him. In the end, he ate the banana split with Frost Bite.

How sweet.

For now, they just sat and relaxed. Frost Bite patted her stomach which was full to the brim, if it there ever was a brim. Ombré just sat there, stoic and silent, probably guarding them. Sing Song was full as well, and she was lying down on the table.

“Hello there,” a voice said.

Sing Song turned and saw a white stallion wearing a suit and tie, and a monocle.

“I haven’t you ‘round here and seeing you have a guard with you means you’re some pony special.” He sounded funny to Sing Song, but to Frost Bite, he sounded classy and sophisticated.

“Oh, I’m actually a student of Princess Luna herself,” Frost Bite proudly stated, puffing her/his chest out to show the glimmering gift from the princess.

“Oh jolly! That is quite an accessory there. I didn’t know Princess Luna took in students. It does explain your knight in shining armor here.”

“Oh please, you make it sound like he’s my prince or something.”

“Now I know you’re Princess Luna’s protégé, I simply must invite you to my little party.”

“A party?”

“Yes! Ponies would love to meet Princess Luna’s new student.” The stallion gladly told.

“Frost Bite, a word,” Sing Song called out.

Frost Bite came closer to her little friend on the table by leaning, and then they started whispering loudly to each other.


“What are you doing!? You know you can’t just go announcing you’re popular!”

“Why not? Wait, I’m not.”

“You will be if you go to this pony’s party!”

Frost Bite smiled at her statement. Sing Song frowned at her words. She could only think this: I shouldn’t have said that. I shouldn’t have said that.

Sing Song fell flat on her face in Frost Bite’s head. She couldn’t believe it; they just consumed the whole afternoon doing one invitation to another. At first, it was just Fancy Pants’ tea party, where they just mingled a bit to other ponies. It was unremarkable, though Frost Bite talked too many of the party guests. Ombré was just silent from the whole affair.

Then they got invited to a golf game by a pony named Straight Shot, which was surprising how Frost Bite got another invitation. Again, unremarkable for Sing Song, but not when Frost Bite accidentally swung a golf ball into a pegasus doing weather duty. The pegasus got hit right in the head and he went down like a popped balloon. Luckily, Ombré knew first aid and the pegasus wasn't seriously harmed. Much. Ombré reluctantly played a bit, though he ended up hitting more grass than golf balls.

Weirdly enough, Frost Bite also went to an art gallery by a unicorn whose name Sing Song can't remember, which was okay for Sing Song, but Frost Bite immediately got bored. However, the two of them agreed on one thing; that painting that was just a canvas painted fully blue wasn’t art. It was weird that ponies find that piece interesting. Ombré liked it though.

And now, they reached the castle halls. Exhausted and fatigued, Sing Song and Frost Bite just wanted to sleep, while Ombré still looked the same, as if he was never with them the whole afternoon.

Ombré led them to a room near the end of the hallway. Night guards already were patrolling around. Ombré saluted to every pony guard they encountered as they were walking to Frost Bite's room. When they arrived, the double doors stood twice their height and it made Frost Bite do little jumps of joy.

"Oh boy, my own room!" Frost Bite exclaimed.

"You can stop jumping now! You're making me dizzy!" Sing Song protested.


Ombré pulled one of the doors, and Frost ran into the room.

"This is actually my room!"

The room was not as immense as Luna's, but it was still pretty spacious and exquisite. Frost Bite's fatigue seemed to have faded as he looked at everything from the bed to the cabinets. Sing Song got off his head before that.

"This is so nice!" Frost Bite then jumped onto the bed. "I love being a student."

Sing Song thought differently; she knew students don't get invited to parties and eat with the princesses. She noticed something on the study table and flew to it.

"Hey, there's a note here," Sing Song said as she picked it up. "Want me to read it to you?"

"Go on," Frost Bite replied, positioning himself on the bed.

Dear Frost Bite,

Your mentor, Princess Luna, will be unavailable for the next days for reasons I cannot discuss. However, your studies shall continue under my supervision and I hope you will have the same enthusiasm as you did with Luna. I look forward to teaching you.

Your temporary teacher, Princess Celestia

This is bad. Sing Song suspected Princess Celestia had suspicions on Frost Bite, so seeing that she would teach him directly was a bad idea. He'll get busted, that's for sure.

"Frost Bite, we have to get out of here!" she frantically said to Frost Bite, who was already asleep when she looked at him. "Yep, you're screwed."