• Published 30th Oct 2014
  • 1,265 Views, 4 Comments

Three Seconds of Fame - Rox

Button Mash has the day of his dreams when he's brought on as an extra for Equestria's #1 TV Show: Friendship is Magic.

  • ...

Lights! Camera! ....

Button Mash couldn't believe it. He was here! He was really here! After heart stopping auditions, several callbacks, and a nervous flight over half the country, Button had reached his goal. Not bad for a ten year old colt.

Applewood, home of the movies and their stars. It was long way from home in Winnyapolis.

But even bigger than that, Button Mash was finally seeing something he always dreamed of one day setting his hooves on. The set for the most popular TV show in all of Equestria: Friendship is Magic.

Button had been a fan ever since it premiered just the year before, and with the inaugural season winding down the second season was in full production. Surfing online chat rooms had led him to a notice that the show was auditioning young extras, and Button Mash jumped at the chance.

That was all history now as Button checked in with the a very bored looking unicorn who was the security guard. His mother walked in behind him as they entered the busy scene. The set was all Button had hoped it would be. It was the largest in Applewood, with most of it being constructed outdoors. Crew members ran to and fro, setting up the lights and cameras and the mess of equipment that Button couldn't even begin to know what it all did.

Button felt like he was going to keel over. One part of him was excitedly taking in the whole thing, but that part was suddenly getting overtaken as it suddenly hit him that he was going to be on TV. With millions who would see him. Yikes.

"You alright, sweetie?" his mom asked, giving him a comforting nudge.

"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine!" he lied, pushing her hoof off. He wished she would quit treating him like a foal, but he did admit inwardly that it was a relief to have her with him. A pegasus with headset and a clipboard approached them.

"You an extra for the shoot today?" he asked expectantly.

"Yes sir," Button Mash answered enthusiastically. The pegasus snorted in reply and motioned with a tilt of his head for them to follow. Button hopped into step behind him, careful not to trip over the rivers of wires running all over the floor. The pegasus led them to a building on the side where a sign that read "Makeup - Fillies and Colts" designated its function.

"Just wait inside, they'll take care of everything and let you know where you need to be," their guide stated. He pushed open the door to let him inside before briskly flying off to continue his work. Button's mother decided to wait outside the crowded room.

Button Mash turned around to look at the other ponies around him. There were a bunch of other fillies and colts propped up on stools as several ponies rushed around them applying powders or styling their manes. He did a double take when he realized just who some of them were.

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! he thought rapidly. It's...It's...Dang it!

Button Mash couldn't remember their real names for the life of him. He'd had short term memory loss issues ever since he was little, and it seemed particularly targeted to names. But he at least could remember their character names: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The three fillies were sitting patiently and talking amongst each other as makeup artists were busy styling their manes. Button noticed with curiosity that there was liberal body paint being applied to their flanks, probably to cover their cutie marks, but it was too late to make out what the marks were. Button made a mental note to look that up on the net once this was over. It was weird to think of these three who's faces were now famous as the "Cutie Mark Crusaders" in reality already had theirs.

"This episode's a Hearts and Hooves Day Special, right?," "Scootaloo" said, as a pink mare set to messing up and even splitting the ends of the fillies' mane.

"That's what the script says," added "Apple Bloom." Button Mash was really dying to remember what their real names, because both calling them by their stage name and asking for their real ones would be embarrassingly stupid. So Button just kept quiet as he listened to their conversation.

"Either way, it's another CMC episode," said Sweetie Belle in a serious tone. "We've got fans' expectations to live up to."

"Ya got that right," Apple Bloom agreed.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Scootaloo jumped in rapidly. "It's a Hearts and Hooves episode, so what I meant is does that mean they're going to start up a relationship for somepony? Do you think they'll pair a stallion up with Fluttershy? That would be so adorable!"

"You're into that stuff?" Sweetie Belle asked incredulously.

"You're not?" Scootaloo asked back in amazement.

"It's just Big Mac and Cherilee," deadpanned Apple Bloom. "Apparently we give them a dangerous love potion. You should really read the script before ya come, ya know? We even have a big musical number."

"We do? Dang it!" Scootaloo said. "You got a script on you?"

Apple Bloom lifted a pile of pages from a nearby counter and swung them over to the pegasus, who immediately grabbed them and started reading through.

"You want something, kid?" Sweetie Belle suddenly snapped loudly. Button Mash's heart skipped a beat when he realized that she was looking right at him, along with now everypony else. "You've been staring at us nonstop."

"S- Sorry," Button stammered, backing off and making a show of glancing everywhere around the room except at them.

"Wow, Sweetie," laughed Apple Bloom. "For somepony always goin' on about pleasin' the fans you can be mighty harsh."

Sweetie spared a somewhat sarcastic glare for Apple Bloom, but then was distracted as one of the mares started to powder her face. Button heard no more of their conversation as another mare, a pleasant blue unicorn, came over to work on him. He'd never really been very good at sitting still for very long so he was glad that she was finished very quickly. Since he was just an extra, there was no need to change his cutie mark or to do anything crazy to his mane.

Just as the mare finished and moved on to another filly, the pegasus from before leaned in the door.

"Hey! Come on, you three! Treehouse set in five minutes!" he said impatiently. The three young actresses all snickered in unison at the stallion's frustration but followed him out. Button Mash couldn't help but feel a little relief. They may be his age but their star power was still great. For two of them it wasn't their first time acting. The filly who played Scootaloo also did Spy Foals the year before, and the sharp tongued one who played Sweetie Belle had done a couple movies too. The Apple Bloom filly was a newcomer who hailed from Hoofston, and was quickly becoming very popular.

After a few minutes of waiting and some idle chatter with a few of the other "nameless," young extras, two ponies pushed open the door and instructed all to follow them. Most of them were sent to the schoolhouse set where a scene was busy getting set up, while Button Mash and a couple others were brought to another set. It was one of the outdoor ones of Ponyville with a fantastic looking park adjacent.

"Okay, so here's the deal youngin's," their guide explained once they arrived. "This set is going to be part of the big musical scene of the episode. Ya'll just wait here until they're ready, and then Director Faust will point you where she wants you. And don't touch anything!"

The busy pony shot off in another direction as several more adult crew members and extras jostled around them. Button stared in unabashed curiosity as some odd set pieces were brought in, not the least of which was several extremely large tubs that were labeled "Jelly." This was going to be a very interesting episode.

Button was so enraptured he didn't notice another famous face storming up behind him until she accidentally knocked him over.


Button recognized the voice, he had heard it a hundred times coming from his TV. But once again came up blank on the name. She was Twilight Sparkle to him, the lead star of the entire show. Button Mash didn't even get up as he watched her stride by, looking very flustered. A thin earth pony with a quill tucked behind her ear and large glasses walked straight up to the beleaguered actress.

"The Director's busy shooting a scene Ms...."

"What's the big idea having me in just one scene?" the purple unicorn interrupted with a snarl. "Why drag me down here for just two or three measly lines?"

"Hey, I'm just the editor. When he comes 'round take it up with him," the earth pony continued unfazed, pushing her glasses back up her muzzle.

"Oh believe me, I will!"

Button Mash took in a breath as he realized he'd been holding it and nearly passed out. He'd never been this close to such a superstar before. He cursed his memory for not even remembering her name, even though she was one of the greatest actors of a generation. She always got the lead roles, and had already won a bunch of awards. Starring in this show was just another star in a virtual sky she already owned. Though she didn't look particularly friendly at this moment.

"Well, somepony got up on the wrong side of the bed today."

Button Mash scrambled to his hooves, and whirled around to see another face and voice he knew very well. She very looked different out of character, her famously styled head mane was scrunched back into a ponytail and the makeup she was wearing was minimal. She played Rarity in "Friendship," but everypony also knew her has Hermiwhinny Ranger, the role she played from the time she was a filly herself. This was the first big role for the Trottingham native (why can I remember that and not her actual name?) since that movie saga ended.

"What are you doing down here?" Twilight responded, her eyes narrowing with annoyance. "You don't have a part in today's shoot at all."

"I thought I'd come down and see how it went," replied the Rarity actress. "Besides, you know how Faust is. If they finish the filming quickly they'll start on the next one and we're all in that one."

"The next one is mostly for the pink clown," replied the purple mare. "We're barely in that one either. Ughh"

Why don't they ever call each other by name? That would really help me out here, Button Mash thought as he watched completely star struck.

"Oh be nice. She may be wild but she really gives me a good laugh every time we talk," Rarity/Hermiwhinny replied. Twilight didn't answer back but instead turned abruptly and stalked off.

"Where's she off to in such a hurry?"

"Probably to threaten the writers," Rarity quickly replied with a sigh to the new voice.

Button Mash glanced back to see the newcomer but didn't recognize her right away. Mostly because her mane had only had her natural blue and a red highlighted mane instead of seven flowing colors and she was wearing a plain ballcap backwards. But when it hit a few seconds later Button didn't stop himself from stumbling forward. It was Rainbow Dash! The Crypt Raider! The Star Spider! The actress behind some of the greatest action roles of all time! How come I can't even remember her name? I have two posters of her on my freaking bedroom wall at home!

"H-h-hi!" Button Mash stuttered as he skidded to a halt in front of the cyan pegasus, who looked at him with a sort of bemused surprise. "C-could I get your autograph, Rainbow Dash?"

Stupid! Why did I use her character's name? Now I look like an idiot Button Mash already felt like he wanted to melt into the floor. But his hero who inspired so much awe from the colt just gave him a warm smile.

"Sure, ya got some paper and a quill?" she said.

Actually, Button had a photograph from a screenshot of the show, showing the fearless Rainbow Dash pulling off a gravity defying stunt in season 1. As an actress she had a reputation for doing her own stunts, and she sported the athletic build she needed for such things. Button produced the items from under his beany, which he had been saving for this moment, and the action star swooped them up and signed it with practiced ease.

"Here ya go kid," she said, giving them back. "You an extra?"

Button nodded meakly.

"Well good luck," she said with an earnest smile before turning to her colleague who had watched with great amusement. Button was going to say more but another rising voice he didn't know interrupted.

"Dear! I think he wants you!"

Dash rolled her eyes, gave a little smile and a shake of her head at Rarity, who returned the silent gesture with a smile of her own, before Dash started trotting off towards an approaching black stallion saying, "Hold on! I'll come get him."

The cyan pegasus reached the stallion and took something from his hooves, which turned out to be a little wailing foal, flapping his little wings furiously as he cried.

"Oh, come on now. There's no need to cry, mommy's here, shhhhh," soothed the actress, holding her little child close and patting his back. That was a side of her that Button Mash guessed few really ever got to see. He'd heard rumors that she was really a bit of a softy in real life but you'd never know it from her daring roles. Speaking of which, it was rumored she'd play Daring Do in the movie reboot next fall.

Button Mash backed away as the scene unfolded, rejoining his companions at their waiting spot. He showed off his new autograph, which the actress had cheekily signed, "Rainbow Dash!" and they genuinely admired it before he stowed it safely under his hat. The two star actresses eventually sauntered away to another part of the massive set, baby and husband in tow, leaving Button to once again watch the crew set up the complicated and increasingly strange scene. There were a lot of extras he didn't recognize this time around, which made Button wonder if they were really all for one scene. Just how much time would he be seen on screen with all these ponies?

"Hey, lets go get some food, I'm starving just sitting here waiting," the colt next to him, who looked a few years older, suggested pointing to another part of the set. Button Mash exchanged a look with the other filly before they both shrugged and followed the black pegasi to the refreshment table. Button Mash felt bad that he'd been talking with them for close to the last hour but had already forgotten their names, but he felt too sheepish to ask. Maybe he should talk his mom into taking him to the doctor again. Maybe there was a new spell or something.

The snack table was about as fully stocked as anypony could want. Bread, veggies, hay fries, chips, salsa, guacamole, cookies, apples.... it was a practical feast. Button Mash snagged a paper plate and filled it up with a pile of everything that looked good to him at the moment along with a juice box. Button hadn't realized just how hungry he was. He guessed his nerves had something to do with that.

Balancing all the goodies was more difficult than he thought it would be, as he lost a muffin and most of the candy corn on his trek back towards their patch. Sadly, he would never make it nor taste the simple vittles. A simple bump from behind and the floor became better acquainted with the food than he ever would.

"Oh Gosh! I'm so sorry! There I go again, more clumsy than a drunk clown on a tight rope. Can somepony come help clean this up?"

Button forgot about the food as he was practically nose to nose with Pinkie Pie (Aw forget it, I'll never remember). Turns out, her hair really is that poofy, unless she had already gone through the makeup process. She had those wide, playful blue eyes and eccentric personality that got her cast as a lovable comedian more than once, like in her movie Patch Apples. There had been absolutely no one more perfect to play the Element of Laughter.

"I- I'm fine I promise," Button stammered apologetically, even though it had been his food that had been lost.

"Think nothing of it! C'mon, where's that janitor? What's your name kid and what brings you to the Applewood?" she rattled off conversationally as she looked around.

Button gave his name as he brushed some crumbs off his chest.

"Oh, and judging by your cutie mark you're a gamer!" the pink pony said, peering at his flank. "I'm no good at them myself. I can never keep the buttons straight so pretty soon my character's doing the macerena when it should be saving the world."

Button Mash laughed along as she laughed at her own joke.

"I'll go see if I can find a cleaning crew or something," Pinkie said. "Go get yourself some more goodies and good luck on set. I bet you'll be a great extra!"

But I didn't even say I was thought Button as he watched her skip away.

"All extras! Front and center!"

A tall, white unicorn with a red mane stuffed messily under a cap was calling loudly through a bullhorn. Alongside a collection of several other ponies, Button Mash had to keep himself from running in excitement as they gathered in front of the director.

"Okay! This is going to be a music video style scene!" the director bellowed, not missing a beat. "I need you and you over there by the green screens. You go to the tubs and they'll show you what to do! Lyra! You and Doc head to the park side please. And you! You with the beanie! Yes, and the purple colt next to him! You go over there to the arcade games and sit there until we tell you. All right, ponies, let's move!"

Button craned to see where she had pointed and saw a small row of actual classic arcade games set up in a row. Button happily climbed up on the stool placed in front of the Pac-Pony game. It was actually working, but didn't have any credits so the most he could do was toy around with the joystick and buttons, which was too bad because he loved that game.

A crew member walked up to him with a clipboard in hoof and stopped next to the game.

"Okay, you don't have to say anything. Just be playing the game, and then Sweetie Belle will sing a line behind you, and you just turn to look at her a little confused," he rattled off without interest. "You think you can do that?"

Actually, that was a lot easier than Button expected. It was actually kind of a let down. "Yeah, I got it."


Button Mash shut up and spun around as they began to film the scene. The three Crusaders were singing, with of course the talented Sweetie Belle taking the lead. She had gotten famous on Equestria's Got Talent as a singing act in the first place, so that made sense. Before he knew it, they were suddenly moving very quickly towards him. He spun around and tried to act like he was naturally playing.

"Cut! Cut!"

Button looked around to see everyone moaning, and Sweetie a few steps behind him looking frustrated. To his shock, the director was walking up and looking directly at him.

"Kid, you need to calm down," she said. "Just take a deep breath and pretend you're playing a leisurely game. Not an MLG tournament."

Button nodded weakly, keenly aware of the stares from all around.

"Okay, let's do it again from the top!"

They reset and the singing resumed. Button didn't watch this time, instead just concentrating on staying calm and pressing the buttons. He followed the motions on the demo screen, just carefully mimicking the movements. It was actually kinda easy to imagine he was playing.

"This one's too young!"

Button turned, actually surprised, as Sweetie Belle shot off away and leaped onto the back of an older extra pretending to lead a funeral. That was it. The camera's rolled away as the filming continued in a strange and rather hilarious music video.

"You're done kid, you can come on off the set," the crew member from before said, beckoning him. "Just head over there and I think your mom will be there."

Button followed the instructions and made his way in the direction he was pointed, stealing glances as the production continued.

"Whoa! Watch it!"

He nearly ran into another pony as he watched, and he pulled back apologizing, "I'm sorry! I was just... just....

It was Fluttershy. She had one of the most beautiful singing voices in the world, and was still releasing albums even as they shot the show. Button owned three of them!

"Just take it easy, I just got my hooves done and it would be a real pain to do them again," the famous pegasus said, showing no trace of her shy onscreen character. She wasn't being mean, but rather was looking at him with an expression more akin to how you'd look at a strange animal. "Um, do you need help?"

"No, I'm okay, really!" Button defended. How does this keep happening today?

"Oh. Well, keep your head up so you don't run into anypony," she said, brushing some of her mane out of her eyes and walking past him. Then she stopped and turned to him. "Oh, and if you see any reporters asking for me tell them I went the other way if you would."

"Sure," nodded Button Mash, bewildered by the encounter a little. He continued his trek to the outside where indeed his mother was waiting for him. She pestered him for details which he gladly gave as they made their return trip to the hotel, but he honestly couldn't even put all the awesomeness and weird meetings that just a few hours had held into words. He went to sleep quite happy.

- 5 Months Later -

"This one's too young! This one's too old!"

"Told ya," said Button Mash smugly. His friends laughed and looked on, some giving congrats and saying how it cool it was. Others.

"You were on for only like 3 seconds, if that!" 8 Bit said with a laugh.

"Yeah, but I still got to meet everypony!" Button grinned. "I even got Rainbow Dash's autograph."

"You know her real name's...."

Author's Note:

This was random inspiration that came to me a couple of nights ago so I wrote it. Feedback is appreciated but do keep in mind it really didn't have much point. I was just having fun. If the shameless references (name them all!) didn't tip that off for ya than I don't know what will.

Also I want to know, that if you were to have written this story what kind of actors would you have made them? You saw my take (with bad references and all). So what do you think they'd be like?

Comments ( 4 )

I just loved Button forgot all the actors names. I don't even know any of the actors in any of my favourite shows/movies.

Very good sir very good!

This fanfiction is overlooked in my opinion. It needs more people to read it.

Button had reached his goala.


This was an interesting take on the show, I like it, what with the actresses being very different from the characters we all know and love.

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