• Published 1st Oct 2014
  • 4,499 Views, 275 Comments

I'm a Lich and I know it! - Dream Seeker

Winter Aurora is a Lich. Not an evil, nasty Lich, but a Lich all the same. She can't help who she is, and all she wants is to meet a pony who can look past her rotting exterior to see the beautiful mare she is on the inside.

  • ...


Sombra stared, shocked, at the Grandbuggy. “What? Are you sure?”

The Grandbuggy nodded. “Completely. We have a visitor, from a nearby town. They would like some help that they believe requires magic not permitted in neither the Crystal Empire nor Equestria, and need an expert. I have good reason to believe they require Dark Magic, but not maliciously. I would like you to accompany them during their visit, as you are our current expert on dark magic.”

“But-” Sombra spluttered. “I enslaved the Crystal Empire! Won’t they be angry or fearful at the mere sight of me? And what about little Winter?”

“I already asked, and they said that they’d be fine with meeting you, as long as it helps solve their problem.” the Grandbuggy replied calmly. “Little Winter should go with you. The poor filly hasn’t interacted with anypony her age in too long.”

“Her age?” Sombra asked, surprised. “I thought you said that the visitor would be an adult?”

The Grandbuggy grinned. “The visitor is bringing their filly. The filly is, of course, related to the issue. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be much of a point in bringing her.”

“Are you sure you don’t know what the issue is?” Sombra asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I didn’t pry, but I have a good idea. How many issues do you think there are that require non-malicious Dark Magic?”

Then it dawned on Sombra. “Oh. I think I have an idea of what’s wrong, now. If it’s really that bad that ordinary magic can’t fix it, then I’ll be happy to help the little filly.”

"A visitor? My age?" Winter gasped in glee. "That's wonderful!"

Sombra frowned in response. "It's not as wonderful as you might think. The visitors have come for help, most likely from those of us who can cast Dark Magic. The filly your age is supposed to be involved as well."

Winter's smiled lessened a bit. "Oh, ok. Should we go meet them?"

"Yes, in a moment. Do you mind that we're not going to go training today like I told you yesterday?"

Winter tilted her head to the side and considered it. "No, because this is so much better!" she said, straightening her head and brightening her smile. "We get to help ponies and meet a filly my age, all at once!"

Sombra couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Well then, let's be off!"

Sombra and Winter arrived at the gates, where a small crowd of citizens had gathered for the visitors. Sombra quickly dispersed them, telling them that the visitors had important business and they wouldn't come back if they were crowded by unfamiliar faces. Finally, they waited for only a few minutes before the visitors arrived, knocking on the gates.

"Open up!" Sombra called to the gate guards. "They're here!"

The gates opened slowly, and the ponies locked eyes.

"Snowflake!" Winter cried in glee. "You made it!"

Snowflake smiled back. "I'd never forget about my only Lich friend! Nopony believed that we were really friends."

"How did you find me?" Winter asked, cocking her head.

"I figured that if you ever found a place to live where they'd accept you, it would be a place full of others like you!" Snowflake replied.

Sombra stared in surprise, Snowflake's mother stared in shock and horror before turning to Sombra.

"She's the Lich who brainwashed my filly!" she whispered angrily to Sombra. "What's she doing here?"

"Little Winter couldn't have brainwashed her, she's only a filly." Sombra replied. "Not only does she not know any spells to do so, but she simply doesn't have the magic capacity to cast such a powerful spell. Not to mention, I just scanned your filly. She's under to compulsive spells, the only trace of Dark Magic in her body is a remnant from about a week ago. Is that about when they first met?"

"Yes." she muttered, sounding a little calmer. "How do I know that you're not just lying to me for your own nefarious purposes?"

Sombra raised an eyebrow. "Well, I guess there isn't any way you could know for sure, but seeing as I'm the most experienced pony who can use Dark Magic... I don't think you have a choice but to trust me. Besides, you're far from any other civilization. It's a little late to be having doubts, when you've already crossed our threshold."

"I guess you're right... So all this time, I've had the best doctors I could find looking at my daughter, all for nothing? No purpose?" she sighed. "I guess that's what I get for being paranoid. Oh, where are my manners, my name is Ice Storm." she said, holding out a hoof for Sombra to shake. To her surprise, Sombra took her hoof and kissed it gently, causing her to blush.

"Forgive me. From the time period I was from, that was a customary greeting to a lady such as yourself," Sombra said, noticing her blush. "Would you like to come with me and Winter? We can chat over lunch."

"Of course." Ice replied, still blushing. "I look forward to seeing what good food there is to eat around here."

Sombra smiled. "There are many interesting dishes, due to the wide variety of cultures of several species meeting here. I think I know a place that you would just love."

Winter, Snowflake and Ice Storm followed Sombra to lunch, each wondering what sort of place he was taking them to. They had no idea of what wonders Sombra would show them...

Author's Note:

I told you all that Snowflake would come back! Or... did I? Well, I hinted at it in the story... If you don't remember, Snowflake is from the chapter "Aren't You Scared?"