• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 8,707 Views, 915 Comments

Twilight Manages to Screw Up More Than Usual - Fire Gazer the Alchemist

Twilight has to find the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon... and she screws it up.

  • ...

Sleep is For The Weak

If it was possible for Twilight to get paper cuts on her eyes from reading, it would’ve happened hours ago. Nevertheless, they weren’t holding up so well. The whites of her eyes were bloodshot, and dry from minimal blinking. Her pupils were dilated heavily, attempting to make up for the dim light, and after eighteen straight hours with no breaks they too were sore. The muscles behind her eyes strained as they were dragged the the right once again, their owner absorbing another line of information without care for their well being.

Twilight’s stomach rumbled with hunger in the midst of all this, and distantly she wondered how long it had been since she’d eaten. She tried to ignore it and turned her focus back to the book. Two paragraphs later she heard the rumbling again. Actually, she felt it. Her stomach practically caved it on itself, and at the same time wailed with the need for sustenance.

All right, fine. I’ll get some food. “Spike!” she called out. “Spike!”

“Yeah?” Spike’s voice was distant. He was probably downstairs in library. “What do you need?”

“Can you bring me some lunch?” There was a slight pause.

“Twilight… I already brought you lunch. Six hours ago.”

“What?” Twilight looked off to the left, and saw a daisy sandwich and a glass of orange juice right beside it. “Oh…”

She heard footsteps as Spike made his way upstairs. “Are you okay, Twilight?”

“Yeah… I’m just reading a lot is all.”

“You know, you still haven’t told me what the heck happened while I was asleep.” Spike cleared the last few steps and walked towards Twilight.

“I know, sorry. I’m really busy.” Igniting her horn, she levitated the sandwich over and took a bite. It was cold. Freezing in fact. She finished it in three bites, and proceeded to swallow all of the orange juice in a single gulp before turning back to her book.

“And you still haven’t told me who those ponies were that were with you in the hospital,” Spike reminded her. Twilight unconsciously glanced down at the splint on her leg as he did.

“I know.”

“Annnd, you’ve yet to tell me why you brought all this jewelry back with you.” Spike pointed to the table in the center of the room. Twilight turned her head and saw the five necklaces and one tiara that had become the bane of her existence.

“Yes Spike. I know.” Her voice contained just a hint of irritation, but Spike likely wouldn’t pick up on it. She flipped to the next page in her book and hoped that the subject would be dropped.

He did at least give her the courtesy of waiting a few seconds before responding. “Are… you going to tell me?”

Twilight groaned louder than she meant to. “Yes,” she covered quickly. “But not right now, all right? Like I said, I’m really busy, and there’s a lot on my mind.”

“Okay… Also, there’s a pony here to see you.”

She slowly blinked, the mere action did little to alleviate her eyes unfortunately, and turned. “Can’t you help them find whatever book they need?”

He shook his head. “She’s here to see you. And uh… I don’t really think she’s the type to read.”

“What makes you say–” A immense blast of sound rocketed through the library. Every fiber of Twilight’s body vibrated with the force behind the noise, and if forced her out of her own chair. When it finally let up she was on the ground, stunned.

“Hey, Smart Mare! Get down here already!”

Spike rubbed his ears in moderate pain. “That’s why.”

Twilight recovered, taking great care not to put too much weight on her bad hoof as she did so. It took her five seconds to recognize that voice, and she bolted for the stairs when she did. Hobbling down the steps, she saw a smirking Vinyl Scratch with an entire sound system set up in the dead center of the library.

“Hey, check it out!” Vinyl shouted, flipping a switch on the turntables. Ear-grating electronic music began assaulting Twilight. “I got my amp back!”

“Turn it down!” Twilight screamed over the music. Vinyl didn’t seem to comprehend her, so Twilight motioned with her splinted hoof to lower the volume. At first, Vinyl appeared reluctant, but she eventually softened the music.

“Geeze, I was hoping you wouldn’t want to kill the wubs like Tavi always does.” Vinyl flipped off her shades and walked around the equipment. “Guess that was too much to expect from a bookworm.”

Twilight took a deep breath before answering. “Vinyl… why did you set up possibly the loudest sound system in Equestria in a library?”

“Pssh, quit the flattery. I mean, it’s good, but far from the loudest system out there.”

“My question still stands, why in my library?”

Vinyl’s mouth curled into the kind of grin that would make a thief's skin crawl. “Well, I figured you’re probably itching to celebrate now that you're out of the hospital, so I figured I’d take you clubbing. Though considering how lame you are I decided to bring the club to you, that way you can’t say no.”

Twilight groaned. “Vinyl, I don’t want to go club– Wait, lame?”

“Aww, come on, Smart Mare. I know you’ve got a wild side to you. Don’t you want to let loose, dance around like you’re having a seizure, and maybe meet a few choice stallions while you’re at it?”


Vinyl’s eyebrow arched over her shades. “Oh… so you’re into mares then?”

Twilight smacked her good hoof to her face and let it slowly slide below her chin. “Vinyl, I’m not interesting in clubbing, period! I have to keep researching the Elements of Harmony and find a way to fix my mistake.”

“Are you still hung up on the fact that you wrecked up priceless, ancient artifacts that would’ve allowed us to wield unbelievable power and reform Nightmare Moon in a matter of seconds?” Vinyl wrapped her hoof around Twilight’s shoulder. “Dude, that was like twenty-four hours ago. Forget about it already.”

Groaning, Twilight wormed free of Vinyl. “I can’t! Apparently I had some sort of important destiny – which Princess Celestia purposely neglected to tell me about – that I completely and utterly messed up! How am I supposed to fix it if I just ‘forget about it’ literally one day after it happened?”

The corner of Vinyl’s mouth curved upward into a smirk. “Is that a note of bitterness I detect in your voice?” Twilight grumbled. “All right look, so you screwed enough pooches to make a breeder blush. Get over yourself. I know what a pony like you needs, and what you need, my acquaintance, is to dance until you’re dizzy. And we are going to make sure that happens.”

“I really don’t–” she stopped short. “We? Who’s we?”

Instead of answering, Vinyl raised her forehooves into the air and clapped them together twice. Twilight knitted her brow together at this gesture, her question far from answered. Vinyl frowned, and looked over towards the door to the library expectantly. Shifting her gaze there as well, Twilight waited for something to happen.

“Ahem!” Vinyl coughed loudly. “A-he-hem!”

The door creaked open slightly and a gray snout poked through. “Was… was that our cue?”

Vinyl groaned. “Yes, Derpy! Come on, do the thing already!”

Pushing the door open, Derpy along with three other mares Twilight recognized, walked in.

“Sorry, Vinyl… I-I dropped the disco ball and it broke, and Bon Bon couldn’t get a fog machine in time, and it turns out Lyra only thought she had a lava lamp, but she really didn’t.” Lyra and Bon Bon hung their heads, each a little ashamed.

Vinyl groaned, shaking her head. “Tavi, did you at least bring the whipped cream and confetti?”

“No,” Octavia replied sharply. She earned a murderous look from her friend. “Well what did you expect? You told us your idea twenty minutes ago!”

Groaning again, Vinyl turned. “Twilight, I’m sorry about this. We had an epic entrance planned out, with lights and stuff, and Lyra was going to do a somersault… maybe... but now it’s trashed.”

“Sorry,” Derpy mumbled again.

“Heard ya the first time, Derps.”

“Look,” Twilight interjected. “This is… nice and all, but I really need to get back to my research.” She inched towards the stairs.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Vinyl blocked her. “Look, cool entrance or no, – disco ball or no – we’re still going to show you a good time. We can go out to Club Stirrup instead of hanging out in this dusty place.”

Twilight cringed. “I really don’t–”

“But you deserve it, Twilight,” Lyra interrupted.

“After braving the Everfree Forest, spraining your hoof, and fighting Nightmare Moon, you need to take a break.” Bon Bon stepped forward, determinedly. “And we’re prepared to make you take that break.” Derpy firmly nodded.

Twilight turned to Octavia, the most sensible of the ponies, hoping for support. Instead, she got a shrug. “Don’t look at me, Twilight. I agree with them; overworking yourself won’t help anypony.”

Seeing that it was five against one, she sighed. “Spike,” she called up. “I’m going out. Don’t eat all the ice cream while I’m gone.”

There was a brief moment of pause before he responded. “No promises!”

Around her, the five mares cheered in their victory. Twilight’s ears folded down in defeat. Vinyl grabbed her hoof and led her to the door. She begrudgingly allowed this to happen while the rest followed.

Twilight couldn’t believe it, but she actually found herself missing Vinyl’s sound system back at the library. She had discovered that it was rather tame, compared to the ear-pounding noise that currently jarred through every bone in her body; it also provided her with a complimentary headache which was doing wonders for her mood. Being dragged away from her studies had made her irritable. This? It was making her grumpy.

Music currently rattled her body while she sat at the bar. She refused to turn around and subject herself to the constant flashing of lights from the stage as well, preferring to view the faint glow that bounced off of the wall before her.

She must’ve been a rather lugubrious sight; her ears were folded down in a pitiful attempt to block out the monstrous noise, her head was lowered onto her hoof which pulled the side of her face back slightly. She must be the only pony in the dance club who actually wanted to sit alone at the bar rather than fling herself about like an animal, and even then she was finding it rather unpleasant. The bartender noticed her empty glass of apple cider, and moved to refill it.

“No thanks,” she mumbled, moving her splinted hoof over the top of the glass. “I’ve had enough.” He shrugged in response and moved away.

A yawn suddenly bubbled inside Twilight, and she struggled to force it down. In the end, she failed. Her mouth stretched open wide and a powerful yawn crawled out. When it finally ended, Twilight felt an aftershock coming and found herself unable to suppress it as well. She blinked slowly, wondering how she’d become so tired; it wasn’t as if she hadn’t slept recently… but she was certain that she must’ve.

Well, I slept the night before I came to Ponyville, despite staying up late to read, and that was only a day ago… or was it two. Huh... I know I didn’t sleep the next night because of that pink mare’s party and the Summer Sun Celebration… and the morning after I was in the hospital till noon. Afterwards I was researching for… how long?

“Whoohoo!” A recognizable cheer tore through her thoughts, and Twilight turned. Both Derpy and Lyra had just stage dived off of the DJ platform, and were letting the crowd carry them aimlessly around the room. She shuddered at the amount of physical contact that must involve.

“Feeling okay?” Twilight turned to see Octavia right behind her. She pulled up the stool next to her and sat down. “I only ask because you appear to be rather dismal.”

“What, not going to party like everyone else?”

Octavia shook her head. “This style of music and ‘dancing’ aren't really my forte. Usually when Vinyl drags me here I wait by the corner until she’s ready to leave.”

“Why do you come then? Sounds like a waste of time if you ask me.”

“It is, but Vinyl tends to follow to mantra of ‘party till you drop’, and when she drops, it’s up to me to drag her home.”

“Well I don’t have time to wait for that!” Twilight fumed. She knocked her empty cider glass over the edge of the table. It shattered, much to the annoyance of the bartender. “Sorry.”

“I suppose this is a quasi-nightmare for an introvert such as yourself,” Octavia said, bringing back Twilight’s focus to her.

“How’d you know I’m an introvert?”

“Takes one to know one.” Octavia smiled. “I guess you can say I get where you’re coming from. You just prefer being alone rather than in large crowds. It clears your head, and makes you feel a little better.”

“Exactly.” She was cut off by another sudden yawn. If it weren’t for the blaring music, she would’ve sounded like a foghorn. When it passed she ignored Octavia’s look of intrigue and continued, “and I really need to be alone to research the Elements.”

“Don’t talk about your research,” Octavia asserted. “You’re supposed to be taking a break.”

“Yeah, well this break is making me want to break a golf club over my skull.” The music suddenly changed as a low-pitched instrument went silent the blared back at full volume, leading to mass hysteria which Twilight could only describe as a musical seizure. She threw her head between her hooves a tad dramatically. “Gah! Why won’t it end?”

Octavia looked on her with sympathy. “I’ll see if I can gather up everypony and convince them to try something else,” she suggested, patting Twilight on the back. “You just wait here.”

Twenty minutes later, the entire group gathered just outside of the dance club with only muffled musical beeps to accompany them.

“All right, Tavi, this better be good. You’re killing the wubs again.” Vinyl lifted up her shades just to drill Octavia with her red irises. She was fairly angry that her partying had been cut short.

“Sorry Vinyl, but I believe the, er… wubs needed to die. Just this once.”

Excuse you?” Vinyl looked ready to punch somepony, and Lyra, being the closest, inched out of range.

“Vinyl, we only came here to help Twilight unwind, and so far it hasn’t been working.”

Rolling her eyes at the understatement of the century, Twilight opened her mouth to add something, but found herself cut off.

“What’s more unwinding than dancing to incredibly loud music in a small, confined space with a bunch of sweaty strangers?”

"Lots of things," Twilight interjected. “Aneurysms, using sandpaper for toilet paper, eating scissors…”

Vinyl waved a hoof to dismiss her, barely paying attention. “Can it, Smart Mare. We can try all that stuff later. Right now I want to know what Tavi thinks is better than wubs.”

Octavia clenched her jaw slightly, looking at the ground. “Well, I don’t know about Twilight’s personal preferences, but for me a nice relaxing evening playing my cello always makes me feel–”

“Lame.” Vinyl flipped her shades back down, preparing for an outburst.

Octavia scoffed. “Lame? Vinyl, playing a refined, classical instrument in the privacy of one’s quarters is far more relaxing than that banal trite you call ‘wubs’. Not to mention that my cello is–”

“Totally lame.” This time Vinyl’s comment got a snicker from Lyra, who quickly covered her mouth with her hoof.

Her face scrunching into annoyance, Octavia huffed. “Do you honestly wish to be so childish? Fine. I’m more than willing to debate the superiority of orchestral–”

A low rumbling noise suddenly surfaced from Twilight stomach, interrupting Octavia. With a blush, Twilight sheepishly tried to blend in with the background as the eyes of all her acquaintances turned to her. Clearly, her stomach had not been satiated earlier from the sandwich, and chose now of all times to express it’s consternation.

Vinyl smirked. “See, Tavi, even Smart Mare’s stomach thinks your idea is lame.”

“It does not!” Octavia shouted, clearly becoming fed up with the argument.

Bon Bon scooted around the argument and walked over to Twilight. “You know, if you’re feeling hungry we can always head over to my bakery. I can whip up a snack for you in no time.”

Twilight fought back a yawn and offered Bon Bon a smile. “That would be nice, thanks.”

She shoved her face unceremoniously into a third tray of brownies. Whether it was her immense hunger that drove Twilight to eat so much, or the ambrosial taste of the soft, chocolate treats, she couldn’t say. All she knew that that she had to have more.

Bon Bon gave her a wide-eyed stare as she attacked the baked goods. “Wow…” she said softly.

Twilight glanced up, momentarily torn away from the brown deliciousness before her, and realized just how much of a slob she was being. Sheepishly, she forced her snout out of the brownie tray.

“Sorry.” Crumbs spilled from her overflowing mouth as she spoke.

“Oh, don’t let me interrupt,” Bon Bon insisted. “It’s okay, I’ve seen way worse eaters than you.”

Swallowing, Twilight responded, “Okay, but are you sure you’re fine with giving me all this? I can still pay if you want.”

“Nah, don’t worry about it. I can afford a couple trays of brownies.” Bon Bon began preemptively mixing the batter for a fourth tray

“Can you afford a few quarts of ice cream too?” Bon Bon and Twilight turned their heads in the direction of Vinyl, who was sitting at one of the tables in the confectionary. In her grasp was a full cartoon of cookie dough ice cream, and next to it was a levitating ice cream scoop. There was a brief pause, as if Vinyl was actually expecting a response. Slowly, she levitated the scoop in the tub, extracted a massive amount of ice cream, and inserted it between her lips.

Bon Bon narrowed her eyes. “Yeah… no. You’re going to have to pay.”

“Well you should have told me that before I ate some!” The ice cream scoop dipped back in.

Twilight almost hurled. “Why are you doing that? It’s so unsanitary!”

“Says the mare who is literally shoving her face in a tray of brownies.”

A sheepish blush creeped onto Twilight’s face. “W-well… that’s different!”


Twilight inhaled before realizing she didn’t have anything justifiable to say. Her ears lowering, she turned and grumbled into the brownies. She heard Vinyl laugh with victory and noisily dig into the ice cream again.

Octavia took the stool next to Twilights. “Don’t feel bad, I can never win an argument against her either.”

Sighing, Twilight poked at the brownies, her appetite fading. “What, was she captain of the debate team at her high school or something?” She heard Octavia snort back a laugh. “What?”

“S-sorry,” Octavia struggled to say in between giggles. “But the thought of Vinyl doing any sort of organized competition is just hilarious.”

Twilight glanced back at Vinyl, who was too engrossed in her ice cream to pay attention to them. “Oh come on, I’m sure if she applied herself she could–”

“Yeah… no.” Bon Bon put away the unfinished batter mix. “Twilight, I’ve known Vinyl about as long as you have, and I can already tell she’s not exactly the type to apply herself to anything.” Her eyes cut over to the white mare in question. “Except gorging on ice cream.”

“I'm willing to apply myself to that too, come to think of it." Lyra materialized out of the kitchen with a spoon in her magical grasp. She trotted over to Vinyl, who promptly pulled out a chair for her.

Bon Bon groaned. "Great, sure. Just eat it all. Vinyl already doubled dipped the scoop, so it's not like I can sell it anyway."

"Relax, Bonnie, I'll pay for it." Lyra reached her spoon into the carton and pulled out a chunk of ice cream. It was only after she shoved it in her mouth that her eyes bulged out. "Wait, what did you say Vinyl did to this?"

“Oh gosh that’s disgusting.” Twilight felt ready to hurl.

“So, Smart Mare hates germs. Good to know.”

With her nausea taking away what remained of her appetite, Twilight pushed away the rest of the brownies, and seriously considered finding a suitable place to throw up. Her face tinted green as she did so.

“Seriously, what?” Lyra asked, her concern rising after seeing Twilight’s dramatic overreaction. “Guys, what the heck did Vinyl do to the ice cream?”

“Geeze, Twilight, calm down a little,” Octavia said. “Yes it was gross, but it wasn’t that gross.”

“I think I’m done eating either way.”

“Is nopony going to tell me what Vinyl did to the ice cream?” Lyra was getting just a bit frantic, causing Vinyl to laugh.

“I couldn’t find any muffins.” Derpy walked into the room looking crestfallen.

“We’ve got some brownies.” Bon Bon indicated the half-eaten tray that still had Twilight’s face imprinted on it.

Derpy brightened a little. “Okay, those’ll do.” Bon Bon slid the tray over, and Derpy shoved her entire face onto the pan, scarfing down whatever she could. Twilight nearly retched, barely able to hold back the bile that lurched through her throat.

“Derpy! That’s so… my face… oh Celestia!”

Coming up for air, Derpy turned her head inquisitively at Twilight. Her face was coated with chocolate, and Twilight noted a few dark purple strands of her hair among the mess. Bon Bon indicated the mess, and Derpy merely licked her face completely clean, hairs and all.

Twilight turned around and threw up.

“Fantastic,” Bon Bon groaned.

All four of Octavia’s hooves lept from the ground and clung to the stool as she yelped. Lyra shoved her hoof into her mouth in an attempt to stop herself from throwing up. Vinyl burst into laughter.

“Was there a problem?” Derpy asked, nonplussed.

Her throat on fire, and most of her muscles deciding to give into weariness, Twilight moaned. “Ohhh… I don’t feel so good.” She felt her body fall forwards, only to be caught by Octavia before she landed in her own vomit.

“Clearly, the food idea didn’t plan out,” Bon Bon noted.

“I’ll say.” Octavia struggled to get Twilight sitting upright again.

“Sorry…” she mumbled. “I’m just… eyes… paper cuts… Imma nap now.” Her head slouched forward.

“How’d she get this tired?” Octavia asked. “She was better at the club.”

“Ha! Wubs were good for her!”

“Shut it, Vinyl.”

“It must’ve been all the sugar in the brownies,” Bon Bon concluded. “It was probably keeping her awake.”

“And now it’s keeping the floor awake,” Derpy threw in, one eye focusing on the mess, the other on the last remaining brownie.

“Uh… sure.”

“Let’s get her back to her library,” Lyra decided. “She clearly needs to sleep.”

“No!” Twilight suddenly shouted, snapping to attention for all of two seconds. “I gotta keep awake. I need to work on the Elements. Research… jewlery… whipped cream…” Twilight fell back again.

“Oh snap! Somepony catch her before she lands in the–”


Twilight blacked out.

Twilight opened her eyes. She was in her bed… or at least, the bed provided by the library. The comforter was pulled over her body, and tucked in. One side of her face felt a little sticky, but she chose not to dwell on it.

Kicking off the comforter, she sat upright. It took her a moment, but she realized how rested she felt. It was like all the burnout from the past few days of stress and studying was just completely swept away.

She stood up, and her ears flicked as she heard some distant talking, likely from one floor down. Hopping off the bed, Twilight decided to investigate.

As she walk towards the voices, they became more distinct and clear. She immediately recognized Spike, followed by a few others.

“... and that’s when Twilight realized just how feisty newts can be when you try an to turn them into an orange.” Twilight cleared the last few steps as Spike wrapped up an old story. He turned, hearing her hoofsteps. “Oh, hey Twilight.”

“Hi, Spike.” Her eyes surveyed the five other mares in the room. “Hey… girls.”

They each nodded or waved a hello.

“I was just catching up with your new friends, Twilight,” Spike said. “They’re all pretty cool.”

“Eh, some of them are,” Vinyl interjected. “But I think for the most part you’re just thinking that I’m cool, and assuming the rest of them ar–oof” Vinyl shut up when Octavia buried a fetlock in her ribs.

“So are you feeling okay, Twilight?” Lyra asked.

“A little bit,” she admitted. “Actually, a lot now that I think about it.”

“That’s a relief. You were asleep for like, two weeks.”


Octavia slapped Vinyl. “No she wasn’t. It was closer to ten hours.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh thank goodness.”

“You really did give us a scare, though.”

“Yeah, taking a header into your own puke was pretty shocking.”

“I did what?”

“You passed out in your vomit,” Derpy clarified. “We had to carry you home.”

Spike nodded. “It’s true, they brought you in with half your face covered in green gunk and–”

“Wait, you didn’t even clean me off?”

“We did… eventually.” Lyra looked away. “I found some old rags in your kitchen and wiped it off.”

“Thanks… I guess.”

“You really should’ve gotten more sleep, though.” Octavia indicated the Elements of Harmony, strewn about on the table nearby. “These aren't worth sacrificing your health.”

“I guess you’re right,” Twilight admitted. “I did get kinda carried away, but I just wanted to fix my mistake.”

Vinyl walked over and patted her on the back. “Hey, you’re a smart mare, Smart Mare. You’ll find a way to unscrew up someday. I don’t doubt you.”

“Thanks Vinyl.”

Octavia nudged her.

“And… sorry for forcing you into a club. I get it now; it’s not your scene.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. You just wanted to help.”

Derpy leaped in the air, flaring one of her wings, as the other was tightly wrapped to her body with gauze. “Group hug!”

She immediately wrapped Vinyl and Twilight around her forelegs, followed by Lyra, who managed to get Twilight in the middle. Bon Bon and Octavia trotted over, making up and outer layer of the hug, but still able to ease their heads into the center. Even Spike managed to get a hug in.

At first, Twilight wanted to scream a protest. She pushed the instinct down, however, for the sake of her acquaintances. After a moment, the hug didn’t seem too bad to her. Sure she was pressed up against the bodies of other ponies, with massive amounts of physical contact, but it was tolerable at the least. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to smile.

Then the room exploded into a mass of light.

Everypony suddenly became envious of Vinyl’s shades, as they squinted against the sudden, violent light. Twilight managed to force her eyelids open for a second, and her jaw unhinged. The Elements of Harmony were glowing.

Forcing her way out of the group, Twilight darted to the Elements. Whatever had just caused them to glow seemed to have worn off, because they dimmed exponentially until the light had faded.

“Did you see that?” Twilight exclaimed at such a high pitch that most would consider it a squeal instead of an eureka moment. “They glowed! They glowed!”

“Yeah… that was something,” Octavia said, rubbing her eyes.

“Oh my Celestia, this is a breakthrough! Spike, hurry! Grab my notes and a quill. I need to record every single factor of this room in order to replicate this in the future. We need to determine everything: the temperature, the time of day, number of dust particles in the air, number of dust particles not in the air....”

She trailed on, while her acquaintances all shared a look.

“Should we… do something?” Bon Bon asked.

“Nah… best to just let her work,” Lyra said. “She seems pretty ecstatic.”

“If she doesn’t take a break after a few hours, I’ll blast her with the subwoofers,” Vinyl stated. “That oughta make her stop."

“How quaint.”

“Come on,” Derpy told everypony. “Let’s leave her to her work for now.”

They shuffled to the door as Twilight prattled on. As they began to shut the door, Vinyl piped up with one last thing to say.

“Should we tell her to wash the rest of the puke out of her hair?”