• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 6,942 Views, 886 Comments

Five Nights in Equestria - RandomHamster33

Luna's job is to help her subjects. Will Foxy be able to be helped?

  • ...

No More

Freddy stumbled backwards, landing on the hard pavement. He shook his head and then glanced around. The thatched-roof houses of Ponyville surrounded him . . . along with the sounds of screaming ponies and the giant footsteps of the Nightmare clomping about. Freddy got to his feet and snuck forward, peeking around the corner of a house. Smoke rose from the flattened remains of a building to his left.

Uh, okay, plan. Plan, plan, plan, plan, plan . . . aw geez, I don’t have any idea how to go about this!

Freddy ducked behind the house as a scrap of debris was sent cutting through the air above his head. Looking up, he found that the Nightmare had just ripped a small shack in half. It dropped the remains and roared in furious abandon to the sky.

Shoot. Quick, think, Freddy, think!

Freddy slumped against the house—which was now on fire—and tapped his head in thought. Images and ponies flashed through his mind, until getting stuck on one particular face—the little yellow filly. She was a brilliant engineer! Maybe she could help him devise a plot to get the Elements of Harmony or whatever they were.

Freddy followed his memories to the little farmhouse sitting in the middle of nowhere. They seemed to be unaffected by the rampaging beast just a mile or two away from them. He suspected that their peace wouldn’t last long. To him, it seemed like the Nightmare was searching for something—perhaps the ponies?

I really hope that little pony’s here.

Lifting up a metal fist, he bent his knees to get down to the door’s level and rapped several times on its wooden surface. Freddy waited a good minute before an elderly-looking green mare pulled the door open. She had a smile on her face before glancing up.

“Uh, hi, I’m Freddy Fazbear. I’m seeking the yellow one known as Apple Bloom,” Freddy said, softening his gruff voice. That was her name, right? Apple Bloom? The green mare stared at him with a wrinkled face before letting out a loud screech and slamming the door in his face. He blinked, momentarily surprised, but then figured that reaction was a given in this situation.

“Apple Bloom! Big Mac! There’s a monster at the door!” Granny Smith hollered, making her slow-yet-frantic way towards the stairs. A moment later, the two other members of Apple family appeared at the top of the steps.

“A monster? Are ya talkin’ ‘bout the one ragin’ through Ponyville? Because we’ve noticed. It’s why Applejack left earlier, remember?” Apple Bloom reminded, hopping down. Big Mac accentuated it with a strong “Eeyup.”

“No, there’s a bear at our door! He’s tryin’ to take ya away, Apple Bloom! Run!” Granny continued yowling and ‘running’ away.

“What are ya goin’ on ‘bout, Granny? A bear?” AB scoffed, very puzzled. She rolled her sunset eyes as she walked towards the door, flinging it open . . . only to be met with a crouched down Freddy Fazbear. Apple Bloom blinked in surprise as he sent a small wave her way.

“Freddy! What are ya doin’ here?” she asked, sticking her head out. She quickly glanced towards Big Mac and the retreating form of Granny Smith. “Ah’ll be, uh, right back! Don’t worry ‘bout me!” She pushed Freddy with a fore-hoof, giving her brother a sheepish smile. Then she swiftly turned around and closed the door.

“Freddy, what are ya doin’? Ah mean, Ah’m not exactly heartbroken, but shouldn’t ya be somewhere safe instead of runnin’ ‘bout?”

“Uh,” Freddy started, rubbing the back of his head, “I’m kind of on a mission.”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow at him. “What kind of mission?” Freddy quickly explained it to her. “Oh. Well, that don't seem like a very nice thing to do, but whatever. Ah know just how to help ya, Freddy! Come on, let's get to the treehouse.”

“Sweet! We get to help save the day!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she took off her helmet. She set it on her scooter and left that parked against a nearby apple tree.

“I know, right!” Sweetie Belle cheered. She ran towards the treehouse, Scootaloo on her tail. Inside, they were met with Freddy and Apple Bloom.

“Hiyah, girls,” AB greeted, standing up. “Ah was hopin’ ya would get the message.”

“Totally! We wouldn't miss this for the world!” Scootaloo declared. “So, what do we have to do?”

“We’ve got to help Freddy get the Elements of Harmony from inside the giant Nightmare Foxy that's destroyin’ the town!”

For a moment, the two other fillies stared. But then they burst out cheering and high-hoofing.

“Totally radical! We’re in!” Scootaloo laughed.

“Yeah, for sure!” Sweetie Belle agreed with a smile. “But how are we gonna do that?”

Apple Bloom patted the map that lay on the small table situated in front of her. “That's why we’re here: to think up a plan to help Freddy.” Scootaloo and Sweetie walked forward, gathering around the table. Freddy sat on hands and knees next to them as well, as he was too tall to even crouch comfortably.

“Alright, so Ah’ve already got some idea of what we’re gonna do . . .”

“I don’t know, Bloom, Nightfox doesn’t seem like he has any weaknesses,” Scootaloo commented. She held a pair of binoculars up to her eyes, peering out the treehouse’s window at the distant Nightmare.

“You’re sure? There’s no small hole or anythin’?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo frowned, face creasing. “Hmm . . . wait! Wait! I think I found something!” she declared. She adjusted the binoculars’ vision. Then, one hoof still holding them to her eyes, she pointed at the Nightmare. “There are these little claw sheaths on the paws—do you see those?”

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Freddy clustered more tightly around the window to see.

“Well, when he has his claws in, there are these small slits. I’d say they’re about,” Scootaloo explained, “I don’t know, yay-big.” She made a gesture that covered about the size of the window frame. “He doesn’t seem like he uses ‘em all that much; that may be your way in, Freddy.”

Freddy nodded, chin nearly bumping into her head. “Okay. Unfortunately, I’d have to be in front of him. I could be spotted.”

Scootaloo removed her binoculars. “But that’s why we are going to be supplying the distraction.” She made a swirling motion with her hoof to the three fillies.

“I know, but still. He could see me before I’m even close.”

“Don’t worry—we’re experts,” Sweetie Belle proclaimed.

“That is why ya came to me, ain’t it?” AB joked, elbowing him in the side. He frowned at her momentarily before smiling just slightly.

“Okay, I did come because I’m not the expert on magical nightmare Foxys, so I’ll give you that much,” Freddy admitted, reaching out a hand and ruffling her reddish mane. “Anyways, we’ve got to do this fast. We’ve got our plan down. Those ponies need the Elements of Whatever.” They all stepped back from the window.

“Alright! Let’s review the plan,” Apple Bloom decided. She made a circular motion, gesturing to herself and her two friends. “We are gonna be gettin’ Nightfox’s attention; leadin’ him on a chase through town—hopefully.”

“Then,” Sweetie Belle said, taking over, “as we’re running between buildings, you sneak up and crawl through the claw spaces on one of his feet. If all goes in our favor, it’ll just be a climb through his leg to . . . his stomach, or whatever. He did swallow them.”

“Then, simply make your way back down to the foot,” Apple Bloom finished. “If he does notice ya, we’ll be ready to fetch the Elements before he gets ‘em ‘gain.”

“Legit!” Scootaloo barked, leaping up on the table. “Come on, guys! Let’s go beat the Nightmare!”

“Yeah!” the two other fillies cried out. Freddy tried his best to smile, swinging an arm around in a fake gesture of ‘yay.’ The fillies raced towards the door. Freddy groaned.

“I’m doomed.”

Scootaloo’s tiny wings were buzzing full speed towards Ponyville. Her friends were in a wagon being pulled behind. Freddy was keeping pace just off to the side; having speed was useful in this sort of situation.

“Freddy, hide. We’ve got this,” Sweetie Belle directed. He nodded in reply and, as they entered Ponyville, he dashed off the path to follow behind. The fillies continued onward.

“Hey, Nightfox! We think you’re really lame!” Scootaloo’s obnoxious cry rang out over the sounds of panic and despair. The giant Foxy turned his head towards them in a slight expression of surprise. He looked down, pausing from where he was about to stomp a house in.

“Ha! You little ponies can’t hope to stop me!” the Nightmare laughed, deciding not to smash the house.

“Oh yeah? Well, come and get us, weenie!”

Nightfox grinned, canines glinting. “Really? You know what, this’ll be fun!” With an amused snarl, he approached the little ponies.

“Suck it! Bye!” In a blur, Scootaloo and her friends were gone, twisting and turning through the paths of their town. The Nightmare kept close tabs on them, following their motions. He opened his mouth and released a torrent of fire out of his jaws, alighting several houses in flame.

“Hey, that’s cheating!” Sweetie Belle cried, looking around at the damage.

“Hah! Hold up!” Nightfox barked. The flames were suddenly extinguished. “What, you think this is a game of kickball on the playground? You puny little ponies, so irritating.” He held up a hand, curling it into a fist. “I’ll crush all of you! Like I already have!”

Scootaloo blew a raspberry at him.

“You think you’re so cute, huh? Well, this’ll teach you.” The Nightmare lifted a claw, and the three fillies were suspended in air.

Freddy watched this from the ground, eyes wide in horror. He couldn’t let them be killed!

“I’m going to regret this,” he mumbled to himself. Without another thought, he shouted up at the Nightmare. “Hey! You leave them alone!”

The result was instantaneous. The large head snapped to Freddy’s location. With a grin, he flicked his hand, sending the fillies tumbling through the air. They landed safely in a lake across town.

“Well, well, well,” Nightfox began, bending at the middle to stare down at Freddy. “I was wondering when the ‘big guy’ would come out and face me.” A claw reached downward and snatched Freddy by the leg.

“Foxy! I know you don’t really like me all that much, but if you’re in there, please try and control yourself,” Freddy shouted, voice wavering. His blue gaze switched from the ground to the eyes of the Nightmare in quick succession.

“You did this to Foxy, you know. It was the pain and torment from all those years ago that did him in.”

“I know! I know it is,” Freddy admitted. “And I’m sorry! I’ve been sorry for so long, Foxy! I never meant—I never meant to . . .”

“To what!?” Nightfox screeched. “You did that on purpose! You never cared about him! But I do. I care. All his fear was perfect for me. Even if the princesses hadn’t made him watch those painful memories, I could’ve broken his resolve at some point! It was only a matter of time. So if your little pony friends are watching this, know it wasn’t their fault. But that’s a small moral issue when you’re here.” The Nightmare chuckled. “The one who started it.” He held Freddy a bit closer to his eyes. “I’m sure Foxy could’ve worked past that little bite. The end of his career wasn’t that big of a deal, in all honesty. It was the repercussions of it that ultimately destroyed him. You, Freddy, ruined his psyche. He’s believed he’s trash for so long, because of what you did.”

Freddy could only hang and listen to the Nightmare berate and explain to him what he’d done. But after that last statement, he seemed to be done.

“However, that’s all in the past, now,” Nightfox growled, a smile twitching upon his muzzle. He opened his jaws.

The six Elements and the two alicorn sisters watched the scene unfold. The Nightmare’s voice carried a long distance, but from there, they could only hear the angry tones. That was when it opened its mouth.

“Shouldn’t we help him?” Twilight asked, gaze switching from the scene to her mentor’s face.

Celestia watched a moment more before meeting the unicorn’s eyes. “I’m afraid we can’t without risking everything. I’m actually fairly surprised the whole town isn’t blown up by now.” Her eyes glistened with sadness and hope.

Twilight’s frown deepened, and she glanced down.

“Foxy! Foxy, please don’t do this!” Freddy shouted desperately. He didn’t try and escape—he knew it was pointless. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t try and get Foxy to listen.

“There is no Foxy! There is only the Nightmare!”

With a flick of his wrist, Nightfox tossed Freddy into his open maw. The animatronic fell into the abyss . . .

“Gah!” Freddy choked, eyes in night mode. He stood up carefully, gaze searching his surroundings. He was standing in a bunch of wires. Circuits and switches filled the room.

I’m . . . not offline? Well, that’s a surprise. Guess this does mean if I touch these things, I could power him off. Freddy hopped off the panel he was on, beginning his search for the Elements of Harmony. A case. What kind of case, I wonder. Celestia said I’d know it when I see it. I do hope she realizes I’ve never actually seen or heard of these ‘Elements.’ The animatronic grabbed onto a wire and slid down to another switch. Oh well, might as well keep searching.

Author's Note:

You can break down my lights and my doors, but I won't let you back in no more, no more! I'm sick of getting stuck in the same routine, again!

Tie me up, put me into a suit, but I'll never ever be like you, no! I know what happened here and you can't erase your past!

Maybe one day you'll find humanity . . .

"No More" by NateWantsToBattle

Thumbs up to whoever gets the quite obvious reference in here.

Also, yay! 30th chapter!!!! :pinkiegasp: