• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.



You have been warned.

Pony POV Series Futures:
In Sunset We Trust
Written By Alex Warlorn
With Help from Kendell2.
(( Kendell2 and I had the exact same idea at the exact same time (when we both saw Sunset TF and aid in the rainbow blast) and it was detached from the main storyline (and is technically NOT even 100% canon to the pony pov series since it's only a POSSIBLE future), so he wanted to do it with me. ))

A possible future of the pony pov series from Sunset Shimmer's POV, telling of her experiences and the moment that changed everything for her in Rainbow Rocks. How in the heck she found a place to live on Earth. How in the heck she managed to know where Twilight Sparkle was to steal her crown. And why she acted the way she did in the second film. Along with how things go slightly differently with the factors of the pony pov verse in play. To say more would be spoilers. Not for the movie, but for the shattering reveal contained within for the pony pov verse as a whole.

This is only a possible future for the pony pov series universe, not a definite one, just one of many, but I felt it was one that needed to be shared. This does not set anything in stone in the pony pov series universe, this is, again, just one of infinite possibilities.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 56 )

This was really good.

The only thing you didn't cover is her feelings (or lack thereof) regarding Flash Sentry, and I suspect you avoided the issue because it's likely to be a focus of the new series.

Having read your other work, I fully realize the significance of Sunset attuning to Trust. Both in terms of what it means in terms of her character development, and in its larger significance. Sunset Shimmer has learned to trust in others. And if bringing Magic to the Humanoid world re-sparked magic there, it is possible that brining Trust to Pony world might regenerate the element there.

Good work with the Diamond Diggers. You realized that Rarity could use them against the Dazzlings and that the direct physical approach would be worth a try. Incidentally, Rarity is the most pragmatic member of the Six (either Universe) and hence would be the one most likely to attempt a simple resolution. She's also very aggressive when she feels the need to be.


"This was really good."

Thank you.

"The only thing you didn't cover is her feelings (or lack thereof) regarding Flash Sentry, and I suspect you avoided the issue because it's likely to be a focus of the new series."

Should I got back and add it? Or would that just be clutter at this point?

"Having read your other work, I fully realize the significance of Sunset attuning to Trust. Both in terms of what it means in terms of her character development, and in its larger significance. Sunset Shimmer has learned to trust in others. And if bringing Magic to the Humanoid world re-sparked magic there, it is possible that brining Trust to Pony world might regenerate the element there."

Give how much you love to play the cosmic forces angle I really hoping to hear everything you have to say about that part. Because the moment Ken and I both saw Sunset add her ribbon o the rainbow, both me and Kendell2 thought "Element of Trust!" And we saw it in different theaters! But maybe at the same time!

So yeah! Anything you have to say about the 'bigger picture' in Sunset being chosen by EARTH'S cosmic forces to be the Element of Trust in THAT reality, I'd love to hear.

"Good work with the Diamond Diggers. You realized that Rarity could use them against the Dazzlings and that the direct physical approach would be worth a try. Incidentally, Rarity is the most pragmatic member of the Six (either Universe) and hence would be the one most likely to attempt a simple resolution. She's also very aggressive when she feels the need to be."

Ironically that was only added in the second draft, after I read one of those 'simple solutions to the canon story's problem' and decided to address it. And I had to tone it down and add some details, just so Rarity didn't come across as heartlessly USING them.

Comment posted by ShadowLDrago deleted Oct 8th, 2014

Even I wasn't that merciless as to hurt a baby


Nightmare Inferno was born

So Sunset's demon form, was essentially a humanized Nightmare, yikes.:twilightoops:

I can't help but think of that OTHER Sunset Shimmer out there

Same here Sunset, and we've seen that Twi has a human counterpart at the end of the movie from what I know, I've yet to watch it, so, perhaps in the 3rd Equestria girls, or in Equestria Academy, the TV Show set in EQG, which, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that, will give us some resolution to that.

I still wonder why Rarity didn't get a horn in that hybrid form they have while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy get wings

You and me both Sunset.

There are different kinds of dark magic.

I KNEW IT! Because the dark magic Sombra used is different from the type Sunset and Rarity used when in their Nightmare forms and Inspiration Manifestation spell, so, Dark magic isn't that simple, it'd probably be fascinating to study it, completly theoretically of course.

I felt chills imagining what might have happened if they'd been around when I turned into Nightmare Inferno. If they were absorbing this much power from just teenagers bickering…

You'd probably have Uber Charged them massively.

A lack of fear isn't always bravery. In my case? It was foolishness.

I like this line, it's a good one, it shows how much she's changed since the last movie, how much she's grown as a character.

"Oh! Maybe we could steal them and throw them into a volcano?!"

That, might have actually worked now that I think about it, but how would you steal them, eh Pink?

"We've been around a long time, you think we didn't have to deal with pick-pockets before?"

Dangerously Genre Savvy, not surprised.

They kicked him when he tried to get close

They, kicked, SPIKE?! Who has done nothing, and is a DOG here? Someone hold me back before I do something I regret to those two!

I didn't say I watched every moment of their lives like a TV show.

You enjoyed writing that line, didn't you?

"...Your life is weird…"

You have no idea.

"Actually, they're a newer form of entertainment in my world. Enchanted comics that let you play the role of the heroes in the story. Spike just happened to pick up a starter module without realizing it."

Wow, that makes Power Ponies make a lot more sense.

"...Okay, that's just awesome. Think you could bring us one?"

My thoughts exactly Rainbow.

Also, Pinkie's sister is still bucking creepy.

Amusingly creepy for us, but yes.

How can somepony without visible emotions make themselves look that clopped off?

Because, Pinkie's sisters are awesome, she's the premier party planner of Ponyville, Octavia is a reknown musician, Photo Finish is a fashion idol and Maud can become a pony jackhammer and reduce a bolder to rubble in seconds as well as be faster than any other Earth Pony we've ever seen, short of Pinkie Pie.

(how in the Tartarus are her, Octavia, Pinkie, and Maud related?!)

*shrug* Ponies change over time.

"And YOU should have rolled over and played dead for the REAL MUSICIAN in this family!!!"

*furious eyetwitch* She is so lucky she is under the influence of the Dazzlings.

For our friendship to twist into something they could feed on.

Bingo Sunset.

And Vinyl Scratch and Spike saved us. The girl who always sat at the back of the room, jamming on her headphones and driving Octavia nuts, just rescued us so we can save the planet. I'm not complaining.

To quote Joshscorcher, "Deux Ex Vinyl Scratch"

Besides, she's an extremely popular background pony, has her own humanized short, and now is a Deux Ex Machina, all right Vinyl!

Sometimes bravery is doing what you're afraid to do.

Exactly, again, this movie shows how much she's changed since the original EQG.


Wasn't the Element of Trust destroyed by Discord? Forever?

"But...Discord destroyed the Element of Trust...how is this possible?"

Good question.

"I guess he destroyed it in our world, not all of them," I replied, actually feeling confident in my answer...but not arrogant. "If I introduced magic to this world by bringing the Element of Magic here, and if humans can use the Elements...maybe the ability to be an Element of Trust has always existed here, it just needed a spark."

That, actually makes sense.

Pinkie's sisters apologized for how they acted, especially Octavia for the horrible things she'd said to her sister.

Much better. You're forgiven Octavia.

My name is Sunset Shimmer...and I'm the Element of Trust...I've made mistakes throughout my life...horrible mistakes...but I will make up for them...I will be a good friend until the end...and for the first time in years?...I feel truly free…

That line is pure yes.

That so? Well, you might be happy to know, that in a nearby universe to this one, you helped establish King Sombra The Kind's peaceful and beautiful Equestria. You went down in history as saints and spiritual healers. When the wicked Queen Celestia threw you into another universe to be rid of you, you were mourned by the people! They still have statues of you and churches named after you in that Equestria.

In the Mirror Universe, that is pretty nice twist, but if Discord can be a superhero, then why the hell not.

I'm sure that Trixie can get better, Sunset did and so did you.



Persona22 5 days ago
The worst part? Pinkie had just been trying to tell Octavia she'd done a good job...

I can just imagine how that must have gone like:

Pinkie: Octy, we won but you were really good too, no hard feelings?

Octavia: Don't you "Octy" me, you... you TRAITOR!

Pinkie: What?

Octavia: You would help your friends win this contest? Placing them above your own sister? Your own FLESH AND BLOOD?

Pinkie: Octy, it's not like that...

Octavia: You would do anything to hold me down, wouldn't you!? Making that noise that you dare to call music! My own sister!

By now Pinkie Pie would be totally in tears...

The intro part where we get a recap of things that are almost entirely the same as canon (with the occasional difference like mentioning Fluttershy becoming an alicorn) felt like it dragged, I'm afraid. There's a lot of Sunset telling us things before the story shows anything actually happening.

Not your best piece.


" Sonata pleaded. "Look! We really weren't THAT BAD! I mean, uh, we didn't ASK to be made to eat hate and stuff! I bet eating all that hate made us bad! We're just victims of our nature!"

Aria yelled, "She's right! Punishing us is like punishing a jellyfish for being poisonous!"

Adagio declared, "What happened to us was totally unfair! What were we supposed to do!? Nobly starve to death? That's stupid!"

Havoc, currently in the seapony pony form of their foalhood singing instructor, said, "That so? Well, you might be happy to know, that in a nearby universe to this one, you helped establish King Sombra The Kind's peaceful and beautiful Equestria. You went down in history as saints and spiritual healers. When the wicked Queen Celestia threw you into another universe to be rid of you, you were mourned by the people! They still have statues of you and churches named after you in that Equestria.

"You know what the difference was? . . . NOTHING! You had EXACTLY the same hunger as you do here! You saw your sisters die in front of you! You were treated as outcasts and saw your only friends violated by a gang drive mad with revenge. You had exactly the same powers and they awoke at the same time and place!

"But instead of CAUSING fighting and misery and feasting, you traveled helping ponies be free of their suffering, their hatred and fear, giving them the peace and strength of heart they needed and letting them think clearly. You three on the other hand chose to be pigs who couldn't stop stuffing your faces. This was the path of your choosing!" "


I think Sonata is the only one of the three who will feel even the tiniest bit of remorse on learning that. The other two won't really care though. Yeah, only Sonata will be remotely sorry.

5123020 Yeah.

Sonata is a ditz and when made to realize the truth she will be sorry then.

The other two however went into it fully aware of what they were doing and understood it.

They don't have the excuse of being mentally retarded like she does have right now.

I like the number 7, but 6 elements of harmony was fine with me. It's okay, just feels a tad contrived.

Personally, I will always be bothered that Sunset is trapped where EQG takes place. It doesn't feel like a proper resolution leaving her there.

Otherwise, not too bad as a story, aside for being pretty close to a RR retelling.


Actually, the seventh Element was shown in my fanfic verse, having been destroyed by Discord 2000 years before the series takes place.

I see. I'll have to read a few more of them then.


You did REALLY good!!!


Thanks for the praise. What was nice about it?


I like the determination in Sunset Shimmer!
I also like the Element of Trust idea! That was genius!


There are seven colors in the rainbow after all.


Yeah, they totally gave it away! WE KNOW THAT SUNSET IS THE SEVENTH ELEMENT HASBRO, YOU CAN'T HIDE IT ANYMORE!!!:pinkiehappy:

I noticed a lot of the same issues I mentioned before: Clunky writing, weak narrative voice, sloppy mechanics, etc. However, what made it pretty miserable in the other story, the weak narrative voice, read much better this time around. Your interesting ideas and alterations to the movie were a lot easier to take in since I wasn't also trying to slog through a boring narrative voice. So while I wouldn't say I liked this story, I can also say I didn't dislike it, which is a pretty big jump from my previous thoughts.

Also, speaking of sloppy mechanics, do you have an editor? There were a lot of misplaced and missing commas, inconsistent ellipses (... vs. . . .), and other such grammatical flubs. Given all that, it feels like you don't have an editor, and I'd strongly suggest getting one.

You know, considering how you tend to portray mind magic in Pony POV, Battle of the Bands, Under Our Spell and Welcome to the Show just got 20% creepier, especially since they're probably going to remember everything they did while under Sirenic influence, or at least the majority of it I'd imagine. Also, I shudder to think what would happen if Tirek got his hands on the Dazzlings magic if he even could, which wouldn't surprise me, he can drain the magic of all 3 pony tribes, alicorn magic, and Discord's own magic, so, I doubt Siren magic would be very different, though he'd probably find it very exotic.


Yes I do have an editors.

What do you mean by clunky, sloppy, and weak exactly?

I thought you might like these:

This Chapter was AWESOME!!!:twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::heart::rainbowkiss:

I like the way Solaris sounds.

Ooh! I like it! I like it! I like it!

This better be cannon...please be future cannon...I'm gonna die if it's not!

Awesome job on this chapter!


Princess Solaris is my OWN idea for Sunset's Alicorn name.

And no, none of us have checked if we get Cutie Marks when we 'pony up'. Even I'm not curious enough to ask one of my friends to play music naked.

*snerk* Pity.

And no, I didn't care the old me was on one of those posters she brought up. I'd conquered her by now as much as they had, just in a different way. My past does not define me, my past is not today.

Eh, didn't like the song much.



Indigo Zap... I couldn't help but feel there was something just a little bit off about her. Rainbow Dash told me later she swore she felt familiar SOMEHOW but couldn't pin it down, and I don't mean in the 'like me, but can't see she's like me' way. More like knowing someone but not being the someone you know. At any rate, she was seemed to be nearly the only Shadowbolt seemed to want to win for the thrill of it, instead of just to prove she was better than others or avoid Principle Cinch's wrath. She CLEARLY didn't get there was a difference between peer pressure and loyalty.

And she's a Lightning Dust recolor.

As for Sugarcoat... Personally I think that she was one of Crystal Prep's best students was the only reason she hadn't been expelled yet if she was that open and blunt with her opinions to both her classmates and her teachers. Applejack was honest to be sure, trust worthy and sincere. Sugarcoat held nothing back, and always gave the cold hard facts about anything. She wasn't CRUEL about it, but she wasn't NICE either.

And it is hilarious!

For all these counterparts, sometimes I wonder where the human Discord and Queen Chrysalis are. Twilight told me about Starlight Glimmer, maybe she's a teacher at Crystal Prep, or will be the one to bring the dreaded school uniforms to Canterlot High.

Hey, uniforms aren't that bad, Leather Jacket, it helps save a bit of time in the morning.

Nightmare Midnight
Vivisector Of World

I swear having a cool name is part of the whole Nightmare Package. Also, worlDS.

Rainbow Dash suggested 'Daydream Shimmer' later on...but personally? I like the way Solaris sounds. Why no Princess? I'll wait till Princess Celestia chooses to call me that.

Eh, it sounded better than Dyadream Shimmer.

Since the season finale hasn't aired yet, I don't know if Twilight still wouldn't be able to meddle or not. Or if her presence would make things WORSE or BETTER even if she could come.

Unable to meddle, and arguably worse due to making things even more confusin due to 2 Twilights.

Even Trixie was opening up to others, dropping down that facade she does all the time and trying to be the center of attention.

Twilight was right, Trixie was a middle child who just wanted wanted some attention. Her older siblings were graduated, her younger sister shared a class or two with the CMC. She just needed some help to open up.

BTW, I still think that in between this movie and the last one she became friends with Octavia. Or at least they hang out together a lot.


I just realized that the really interesting thing would be a POV story of Friendship Games NOT through the eyes of Sunset Shimmer... but through the eyes of Human Twilight! Just think about it, this is a girl that goes to a school where everyone is either mean or indifferent, she's the best at school but feels incomplete. She finds this strange source of energy. When she gets to Canterlot High all this kids that she never met before greet her like if they were all good friends and they even know the name of her dog. And that's just the start...

6778515 None, except made up stuff about Human Twilight's life. Like her life outside of school, what motivated her to get to Crystal Prep, how is her relation with her brother and her parents, that sort of things.

This was good. I enjoyed seeing Sunset redeeming herself after what happened in the previous. My only nitpick was that this was not entirely different from the canon itself, but hey, it was still a good piece.

Well, factors and variables. Glade it entertained ya!

Well, your narrative certainly made it better than the movie somewhat. The movie's biggest weakness was that it had two to three story focuses. Since you only focused on Sunset's POV, it made the story more coherent. Nice job.

I've been looking forward to reading the EqG chapters ever since I've started reading the Pony POV series and I have to say you didn't disappoint.

This is gonna be a much, much longer response than I usually make because I'm jotting down all my thoughts while I'm reading and I was just really, really eager to read it.

Sunset was worried her memories would eventually be revised next to make her fit properly into this universe. Thankfully, that never happened. Nor did some cosmic force come to see her as an infection and try to remove her.

Good thing too, because I doubt Sunset would've had any defense against the wolf. And given how none of the pre-Legends of Everfree EG movies seem to take place outside of Canterlot, travel/running might not be much of an option.

That was when Sunset Shimmer saw herself . . . she had a duffle bag with her, she was wearing a hood and sunglasses, and clearly didn't want to be recognized.
But Sunset knew herself, even in this odd world.
She hadn't expect truly to find herself, there was the only Sunset Shimmer as far as she was concerned, these were all cheap fakes of the ponies she knew.
Sunset Shimmer stayed out of the sight of her other half, at least the universe wasn't exploding, they didn't spontaneously fuse together upon being within a few feet of each other, both good signs.
She watched her double get on the bus, pay fare, and the bus riding clear out of town.
Sunset wondered what had driven THAT Sunset Shimmer to run away from home. Did she have Princess Celestia controlling her too?
That girl had to have run away for SOME reason. That Sunset's guardians could likely be the most abusive creatures on the planet. But her other self didn't LOOK dirty, bruised, or the like, but that meant little. Still, it was better than nothing. And Sunset hid a knife in her boot in case they turned out to be like the monsters she heard in horror stories.

Well considering THIS passage:

Her 'parents' apologized with tears in their eyes, with the same time telling her what an idiot she had been to run away, but also hugged her telling her how much they loved her.

...There may or may not be room to believe that.

Or maybe it's just anger born from stress, I dunno.

In a way Sunset was disappointed . . . somewhere in her, she had WANTED that rumor about Celestia indeed being her biological parent to be true. She was even more disappointed, though she'd never admit it, that her guardian wasn't this world's version of Celestia (who wasn't this world's supreme leader for some reason).

Awww. :twilightsmile:

Yes, I saw Twilight Sparkle, and saw that filly grow under Celestia's wings . . . Celestia taught me too well, I was able to disable the detection spells on the Equestria side of the mirror without her even noticing.
...I felt wronged just looking at Twilight. Like she was a thief just for existing. No, she didn't give Twilight my old room. I think she kept it in perfect condition. Instead the purple brat took my place at her side! The anger I felt towards the purple invader made my enmity towards Cadence look like a fire-cracker.
And meanwhile the inner Element inside me . . . I felt it change, I thought it was becoming better, stronger, greater . . . I dominated all those around me. The Element of Magic within my soul, truly became something ugly. The scariest part was, at the time I liked it.
Yes I saw Twilight Sparkle 'steal' my destiny AGAIN.
Yes, I saw Discord's Day, some of it, I felt the portal... go

I was only more determined to remind the little thief who was the real Element of Magic.

YES, this is definitely something they should've pronounced more in EqG1; the similarities and differences between Twilight & Sunset. Sunset was obviously meant to be a foil for Twilight. Similar names, similar talents, Twilight's status as a friend-maker compared to Sunset's manipulative bitch streak. But they could've done so much more with it!

I remember people discussing EqG1 way back when saying adding some jealousy of Twilight like you did here would've definitely fleshed Sunset out more. And there's a lot to be jealous of.

She has great friends. She has a loving family. she's a princess. She's the personal student of country's God-queen. She had immense magical power and knowledge even BEFORE (canonically) becoming a demi-goddess herself.

So it makes sense that seeing how much of a good life that Twilight had would drive Sunset completely nuts.

Especially if my headcanon about her growing up an orphan on the streets having to fight her way to survive with dead parents and a deadbeat brother who eventually abandoned her giving her or contributing to the future development of a "survival of the fittest" mentality until meeting Celestia and being taken under her big white wings was even remotely true since her IDW origin doesn't go back father than her days as a student, but that's neither here nor there

Like I said: my Element of Magic had twisted into something ugly. Domination always wants things its way.
You know what it all came down to. Stealing what should have been mine to begin with (after having betrayed all it stood for), only to lose it, and having to get the crown like I had the non-magical ones the years before.

I also felt my inner Element, Magic, Dominance, whatever you want to call it, I felt it BREAK into pieces when the beam stripped away my Nightmarification. My power was broken, my magic was broken, I had reached for more, only to lose what I had. The Elements themselves had passed judgement. I had BETRAYED what I could have been, what I was supposed to have been.

One of the things I've always liked about this series is the examination of both the Elements of Harmony AND Chaos and how both sets can be used for both good and bad. Like with Fluttercruel using the concept of cruelty as a means of being kind for the greater good and betterment of someone as opposed to keeping the truth from them because sometimes the truth's a bitter pill to swallow and getting a loved one to take that pill is hard, but it has to be done. I remember in the dark world saga reading about the chaos elements and how apparently they had their own "purified" states like Treachery becoming Free Will when Dash finally got herself together and realized Discord was just screwing with her. Anger, when properly contained and directed, is a powerful motivator but can easily consume you. Ambition gives us the drive to reach what we want, but hurts ourselves and others when we let it overtake us and become greed. Deceit, generally, is bad, but under the right circumstances can ease suffering instead of spreading it more (hiding a would be victim from forces of a brutal dictator out to get them comes to mind).

And I REALLY loved on the flipside where the harmony elements can be taken to extremes as well shown via the nightmares. Honesty can be brutal, cold and sometimes shared for no purpose other than to hurt others. Loyalty means nothing if it's forced on you or others. Laughter and kindness are wonderful, but if we focus too much on them keeps us from growing and facing reality. Generosity shows that you have a good heart, but giving away everything you have is foolhardy and strains your mind and soul.

Nightmare Eclipse seemed to be the odd one out in that her focus was on taking revenge on Discord and less on aspects of magic/tragedy, sans her justification of making him suffer on behalf of his victims, her friends included, while oblivious to how her punishments not only exceeded the crime but made everyone she set out to "save" suffer over and over again as a result.

So I'm glad to see another take on the Element of Magic taken to it's "overloaded" extreme, this time a bit more straightforward.

Tying into the "Harmony Queens" timeline with it's similar approach to Harmony becoming domineeringly orderly and fascist in contrast to Discord's chaos, have the other elements of Harmony had their "overloaded" statuses officially named yet? Have all the "Purified Chaos" elements gotten their titles?

Getting what I thought I wanted . . . and feeling my greed and ambition devour me from the inside out, the spirits of black magic empowering me ... and Nightmare Inferno was born.

That's an incredibly fitting and kickass name.

I was freed of my insanity. And before you ask, it was all me. Every horrible thought and actions, they all came from me. There was no dark parasite controlling my actions. Nightmare Inferno wasn't some dark spirit possessing my body, she was my shadow. She was my true self. A dark mirror that I'd never wanted to see.
It was all my own fault.

And the crown's magic just brought it out.

Or it just came out naturally given how the elements work in this universe.

But if there was no crown, then what prompted Sunset to come out the mirror, have Twilight chase her to the human world, and start this whole rigmarole in the first place?

[If that was answered earlier in the passage and I just somehow missed it, or if it's later down the page I'm sorry. I had to get this out and I keep stopping to jot down my thoughts.]

Even if . . . even if they were doing it only out of their promise to Twilight Sparkle . . . I was happy they were willing to accept me into their group. I was grateful. And they didn't just treat me as a burden...they treated me as someone who needed help.

Personally I figured they would've been at least somewhat suspicious of her at first and she would've had to earn their trust in some way, but that's just me.

[To be continued]


Thank the mirror ADAPTS those who travel through.

I...I don't know how I think about my parents...they love me, they've never stopped but...would they love me if they knew the truth? I don't know...I like to dream of the real human Sunset coming back and us living as sisters, but I know that's not realistic.

Girl, you're a talking magical unicorn turned into a hairless monkey via a magic mirror, "realistic" is out to lunch here.

I felt chills imagining what might have happened if they'd been around when I turned into Nightmare Inferno. If they were absorbing this much power from just teenagers bickering…

Goddamn, there's some fridge horror for ya. :twilightoops:

Another reason I was quiet was...when I reopened the books' connection...when I reopened the diary to send the message...time caught up...Celestia...I'm sorry, but it took all my willpower to hide how I felt reading 'I love you, my little sun. Please come home, all is forgiven'...written over and over…

Damn you Alex, you've torn my heart to shreds yet again! :raritydespair:

Yes, fearless Sunset Shimmer who chatted with Queen Tiamat and faced the Shadow Queen's army as a FOAL was afraid of her best intentions blowing up in her face.

That's pretty normal.

"Oh! Maybe we could steal them and throw them into a volcano?!" Pinkie Pie asked...being Pinkie Pie. "That worked in Lord of the Rings!"
"I don't think even that would destroy them Pinkie Pie, they survived being hit with solar flares. But nice try..." Twilight replied. "Wait, Lord of the Rings?"
"Think Lord of the Horseshoes, just replace ponies with humans and take out a lot of words based around horses or ponies," I replied, only because I was the only one who knew both books.
Rainbow Dash facepalmed. "What is it with your world and horse puns?"
"Horse puns?"

Oh man, the jokes you can make in EqG world...

Twilight shuddered when she saw it. She said it brought back bad memories to one of the villains she'd faced named Queen Chrysalis who's brainwashed her Sweetie Belle. I...I admit it was odd to hear her trust me not to tell Rarity about that last one.

I think I may have read ahead a bit more than needed.

Oops. :twilightoops:

"Trust me, if she's anything like our Maud, letting her know about the Sirens will just put her in harms way," she explained.
"Twilight's right...Maud would probably go after the Dazzlings if she knew what's going on…" Pinkie Pie said in an odd moment of seriousness.

I almost want to see her do it, tbh.

Just have her go full on Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star (WARNING: VIOLENT), it'll be great!

I was Twilight's processor,

You mean predecessor?

It wasn't every conflict...but looking closely...I found pictures. Some dating back hundreds of years. And that isn't counting beforephotography...I don't know if they caused all those conflicts (doubtful, seeing as they hadn't taken over yet) or simply were drawn to them...Where there was conflict, they'd been there. Like sharks drawn to blood in the water. They hadn't been thrown ahead into the future. They'd been here for hundreds of years.

Now that's a conspiracy theory I can get behind!

Yeah, I was still afraid...I was still scared my best intentions would backfire. But just like a lack of fear isn't always bravery, being afraid isn't always being a coward. Sometimes bravery is doing what you're afraid to do.

Wonder how Havoc would feel about this. Would he be proud?

"I'll prove I'm worthy to be called friend
And I'll trust my friends until the end!"
The cocoon shattered off piece by piece in a burst of orange light, washing over her soul as it revealed a beautiful orange gem, polished to a brilliant shine in a gold setting. Self doubt was burned away. Sin was cast aside. Hope burned brighter than ever.

"What?! Seven Elements of Harmony?!" Adagio yells in utter disbelief. For once, the three of them look scared. Terrified.
Seven hearts called out seven virtues to one another:
Magic. Honesty. Loyalty. Laughter. Generosity. Kindness…Trust.
We finish our song, and finish the Sirens. I don't know what the giant energy Alicorn means...but I know whatever it is, it made me feel complete just seeing it. Familiar. Their Avatars are blown away by a seven colored rainbow...and their precious pendants shatter like glass.


Hell yeah! Bring back the last element Sunny!

"Don't bother...they're not a threat to anyone now," I explain but left unsaid, 'They don't have much time left, with those amulets are what kept them immortal all this time, now...with all that power gone, time is going to catch up with them. I think. Maybe.'

...Well shit. They're bastards and all but I certainly wouldn't want them to go out like that-

Twilight nodded. "Their singing and power are both gone, they're just a bunch of teenaged girls now." She sounded almost like she was hoping they'd live normal lives now. Anything is possible.

Oh good. Maybe they can become better people.

Twilight then rubbed her chin. "But...Discord destroyed the Element of Trust...how is this possible?"
"I guess he destroyed it in our world, not all of them," I replied, actually feeling confident in my answer...but not arrogant. "If I introduced magic to this world by bringing the Element of Magic here, and if humans can use the Elements...maybe the ability to be an Element of Trust has always existed here, it just needed a spark."

My name is Sunset Shimmer...and I'm the Element of Trust...I've made mistakes throughout my life...horrible mistakes...but I will make up for them...I will be a good friend until the end...and for the first time in years?...I feel truly free…
I read over the now tear stained letter one more time.

Even the vilest of acts can make fertilizer for the sweetest and most beautiful of flowers.

If EqG's human world's past is as bloody and violent as ours, then congratulations Sunny! With both you eliminating the Dazzlings manipulating and feeding off conflict AND bringing magic into the world, you've laid the foundation for a bright new future!

My little sun...not only did she finally find friendship and a place she belonged...she did what I'd always wanted her to do. Exceed me. She and Twilight put to rest an enemy I couldn't. And they did it together. I admit, I'd often dreamed of this...my two pupils being as close as sisters and working together, not being enemies.


Even I don't know if they merely allowed its birth in that world, or somehow managed to restore it despite all odds (stranger things had happened).

Perhaps the latter since Sunset wasn't originally from the human world.

'Sunset, I love you, enjoy your life and be happy. I'm proud of you, my little sun.'



Also, I love the bits at the end and how they both show in their own opposing ways that we can all choose to be good and bad. They're like mirror images of one another.

I tip my hat to you Alex, I was expecting great things with Sunset Shimmer and you more than delivered!


Girl, you're a talking magical unicorn turned into a hairless monkey via a magic mirror, "realistic" is out to lunch here.

Everything's relative.

Goddamn, there's some fridge horror for ya. :twilightoops:

Thank you.

Damn you Alex, you've torn my heart to shreds yet again! :raritydespair:

Hopefully not for arbitrary reasons.

That's pretty normal.

In general or one of Celly's students?

I think I may have read ahead a bit more than needed.
Oops. :twilightoops:


I almost want to see her do it, tbh.
Just have her go full on Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star (WARNING: VIOLENT), it'll be great!

Did you read the Dazzling origin story yet?

You mean predecessor?


Now that's a conspiracy theory I can get behind!


Wonder how Havoc would feel about this. Would he be proud?

Mystery is fun.

Hell yeah! Bring back the last element Sunny!

I had a friend, he and I thought the same thing seeing that scene.

...Well shit. They're bastards and all but I certainly wouldn't want them to go out like that-

Did you read their origin story?

Oh good. Maybe they can become better people.

... Don't get your hopes up.

I tip my hat to you Alex, I was expecting great things with Sunset Shimmer and you more than delivered!


Perhaps the latter since Sunset wasn't originally from the human world.

Or Earth adopted her.

Also, I love the bits at the end and how they both show in their own opposing ways that we can all choose to be good and bad. They're like mirror images of one another.

That's the idea.


Glad to help!

Hopefully not for arbitrary reasons.

Arbitrary nothing! It makes perfect sense Sunset would feel ashamed after doing all that and learning that Celestia still loves her. That's the kind of shame that reminds me of Valjean realizing he'd been an asshole to the Priest who just saved his butt from being thrown in prison again and swearing to turn his whole life around, that's raw emotional cartharsis! That is some good stuff!

In general or one of Celly's students?

In general. That's something pretty much anyone except maybe the biggest and most apathetic slacker on earth can relate to.

Did you read the Dazzling origin story yet?

The one showing how they're pretty much the only thing left from the G2 apocalypse and Sonata fried her brain with the Alicorn Amulet and that's why she's a total ditz?

Yeah. Could've sworn I gave it a like.

Also not to be a bother but did you see the rest of what i said here?


Agreed. So hard.

Persona, you did amazingly well with the FG chapter! I especially love the small bits of analysis you had for the shadowbolt 5 and the Alicorn name you gave to Sunset and the way you handled Nightmare Midnight/Midnight Sparkle.

The Shadowbolt 5 in particular I feel are definitely a group that would benefit from the Pony POV multiverse treatment. One of the aspects of this Fic's mutliverse is the "there's no such thing as a minor character" deal where damn near every character's had their personalities fleshed out to a noticeable extent, and Foil characters like the Shadowbolts always have the potential to be interesting, though FG sadly pushed them aside in favor of Cinch. (Sunny Flare especially. The others had their noteworthy moments, but that poor gal barely had anything.)

Lemon Zest is a pushy escapist, Sugarcoat's the living antithesis of her namesake, Indigo Zap's a competition junkie, Sunny Flare's obsessive and rude and Sour Sweet's mood swings faster, harder and more wildly than a Pendulum in a Gothic Horror tale. So what's their deal? How'd they get this way? Did people hurt them? Are they abuse victims? Is Cinch the source or does she make it worse with manipulations? Could they serve as secondary elements of harmony like Trixie and Fluttercruel? Elements of CHAOS even? The possibilities are endless!

Do you plan on adapting Legends of Everfree when it's out?


Persona, you did amazingly well with the FG chapter! I especially love the small bits of analysis you had for the shadowbolt 5 and the Alicorn name you gave to Sunset and the way you handled Nightmare Midnight/Midnight Sparkle.

Actually that was all added by Alex's edits after I sent him the story.

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