• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 12,284 Views, 299 Comments

Diary of a Foalsitter - Hivemind

Princess Cadence's well kept diary entries of her time as Twilight Sparkle's foalsitter.

  • ...

Wasn't It Obvious?

“Wait a minute,” objected Shining Armor. “Didn’t this all lead up to--”

Before he could finish, Cadance angrily slammed a hoof on Shining Armor’s lips, forcing the blue-haired stallion to rear back in shock.

“What did I say earlier, Shining?” Cadance sternly asked, glaring into her husband’s wide eyes.

“Ta nut ashk queshins?” spoke Shining Armor through muffled lips.

“Exactly!” exclaimed Cadance. Wives; nature’s sticklers.

“Geez, Cadance. What’s with you today?” asked Shining Armor, sweeping away Cadance’s hoof from his mouth. “It’s not like you to act so angry all of a sudden.”

“I’m not angry,” replied Cadance with a sigh. “I just want some time to myself. Is that too much to ask?”

“Too much to ask?” said Shining Armor, baffled. “I’ve only been here for five minutes! What’s so wrong with that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. You didn’t get the addendum to our little agreement?” asked Cadance with a sly smile, raising an eyebrow.


“If I allowed you to listen in, then you must allow me some peace and quiet.”

“But when--”

“Unless otherwise noted.”


“No excuses!”

Dumbstruck, Shining Armor’s eyes started to twitch, his mouth hanging open as his brain tried to piece together what had just happened. It seemed as if no amount of knowledge could string together the mystery that was the logic of married mares. The formula seemed pretty simple though: Anything and everything you say is subject to doubt. Try putting that to the test in the fields of academic study. All these thoughts of knowledge and learning were starting to make him feel a little like Twilight.

“So, now that we’ve got that in order...” started Cadance, smiling as she opened the bedroom door with her magic. She did not finish, but instead silently shooed Shining Armor with her hoof, keeping a stout and uptight expression. The awestruck stallion did not budge.

“I...j-ju--what?!” stuttered Shining Armor, mouth hanging open in disbelief. No part of what Cadance said made any sense whatsoever. Everything suddenly felt backwards and awkwardly token. Only bits and pieces of sensible thought remained, none of which could be used to start a counter argument, leaving the ‘high and mighty’ stallion stuck in a deep, dark rut. It was as if his wife had complete and total control over his life!

Oh, wait...

“What agreement?” yelled Shining Armor. “We never had an agreement!”


“I asked you if I could stay and you said you were fine with it.”

“F-fine?!” said Cadance, equally baffled. “I wasn’t fine with it! I wasn’t fine with anything! You didn’t even ask me if you could stay! You just barged in here, swiped my diary, and didn’t give it back unless I let you stay for a little while!”

“How did--”

“Well, guess what! Your little while is a little overdue! Now, out!”



“Cadance, just listen to me!”

This arguing wasn’t getting them anywhere. All they were doing was throwing pointless insults at one another when either of them claimed to be right. No problems get solved that way, except in politics. Having to stand guard in the princess’s court and listen to noblepony after noblepony voice their complaints wasn’t exactly Shining Armor’s cup of tea. For a split second, he felt a little sympathetic for his royal spouse. One could only imagine what is left of a princess’s sanity after a stressful day in court.

“I can’t believe you’re acting this way, and only a day after our wedding! Brutish...” Cadance groaned, slumping down on the bedspread, letting her forelegs hang limp over the bedside.


With a rough temper go with it, Cadance added insult to injury by stuffing her face into her comfort pillow, outright refusing to speak with her husband. Minutes passed by as the strained couple sat there, not a word nor sound spoken between them. Strangely though, Shining Armor felt a little guilty. Cadance was a delicate mare. She needed to be handled with love and care, just like the princess she was. He knew something had to be done, lest he risk a tension-filled life with a princess whose special talent would be more ironic than helpful.

Reluctant at first, the blue-haired stallion slowly positioned his forelegs closer to his wife. He poked her once. No response; a good sign, maybe. Slowly but surely, he wrapped both of his forelegs around the pink princess’s upper body, pulling Cadance out of her pillow cover and into a loving hug. The castant princess held fast a scowl of disgust, both upset and angry for Celestia-knows-what.

“Come on, Cadance,” Shining Armor whispered into Cadance’s ear. “There’s nothing to be mad about.”

Cadance harrumphed, keeping her eyes clear away from Shining Armor’s surprisingly adorable gesture. She knew what he was trying to do, but it wasn’t going to work this time! If she avoided it once, then she can certainly avoid it again!

“Don’t make me do it!” warned Shining Armor playfully, raising an eyebrow. “I think you know what I mean...”

Too late.

Cadance’s eyes shot open, frantic with alarm as she tried desperately to wriggle out of the hug, but Shining Armor was way ahead of her as he comically tightened his hold. No matter how hard she tried, the noble guard proved to be the stronger one. He merely chuckled blithely as the pink princess grunted and groaned, trying her best to resist his grip. She kicked and squirmed as hard as she could, but to no avail.

“Shine..ing!” Cadance mumbled in between strains. “Let...me...go!”

“Not until you let me stay!” demanded Shining Armor.

“I...already said...no!”

“Is that your final answer?”

“What do you think!?”

Shining Armor sighed, but kept his smile bright. With her chances of success of breaking free already on a downhill slope, Cadance gave up and leaned back into her husband’s charming, but uncomfortable embrace.

“I’m still mad at you...” huffed Cadance.

Suddenly, Shining Armor leaned down and very gently planted a kiss on Cadance’s forehead, keeping the pink princess held close. Eyes wide and red hot with abrupt, overwhelming blush, the awestruck mare slowly pulled out of the hug, thankfully without resistance, looking up and staring deep into her husband’s cerulean eyes. Whatever hate that was held within in her washed away as the caring stallion nuzzled her softly.

“Shining?” whispered Cadance.

“You won’t be mad at me for long!” exclaimed Shining Armor, breaking the feel.

“What are you--”

Before Cadance could finish, Shining Armor pushed the pink princess away and rolled her onto her back, exposing her soft, pink underbelly. Now they were getting somewhere. Deeply embarrassed, Cadance gasped and quickly covered herself with her pillow.

“Shining!” yelled Cadance, shocked by Shining Armor’s change in behavior. “What on earth has gotten into you?!”

Once again, the blue-haired stallion proved that he had planned ahead. Before Cadance could let out an insult or two, he reached around to his wife’s sides and gave a light tickle to her midsection, throwing the royal bride into a fit of giggles. Within moments, her angry mood was a thing of the past. Cadance kicked and bucked her legs wildly into the air as Shining Armor continued his irresistible assault, powerless against the barrage of tingles.

“Shi-ne-ning!” stuttered Cadance in between giggles. “Cut i-it ow-ha-out!”

“Still mad at me now?” asked Shining Armor, laughing along with her as he dodged each of Cadance’s wild, excited kicks whizzing past his face.

“Ple-he-hease! S-staw-ha-hop, hahaha!”

“Only if you let me stay!” demanded Shining Armor with a smile.

“F-fi-haha-hine! Hahaha!”

“Didn’t quite catch that,” trilled Shining Armor.

“I sai-haha-ed--!”

“Just a liiitle bit louder.”

“Alri-hahaha-ight! You-hoo-can stay! Hahahaha!”

“Meh. That’ll work,” finished Shining Armor, shrugging his shoulders.

The playful stallion released his hold on the funfare mare, helping Cadance roll back onto her belly. By the goofy smile on Cadance’s face, it could only be said that “negotiations” were a success. If only every argument could end as joyfully as this one; a round of laughter and a happy mood. Nothing but pure fun for everypony!

“I always knew you were ticklish,” said Shining Armor. “I just never had the chance to show it.”

The pink princess sighed deeply through her nose, tiredly scooting closer to Shining Armor before comfortably nuzzling into his neck.

“That was...fun, actually. I enjoyed it,” said Cadance, staring up seductively into the stallion’s eyes. “We should really do that again sometime, you know?”

“Yeah...sometime...” Shining Armor chuckled dryly, wearing a stupidly nervous grin. In that moment, the stallion realized that the tables have turned. Within a coin’s chance, he was no longer in control. Beads of bashful sweat ran down his neck as the sleazy princess snaked up sides like an enticing medusa.

Beautiful, almost passionate. Truly, he felt like taking the advantage, but after remembering their earlier struggles over something as simple as a book, only time would tell what the enticing, yet unpredictable royal would do next.

“Mmm. You know what this reminds me of?” asked Cadance, starring alluringly into Shining Armor’s eyes whilst running a hoof down his chest.

“Not really...” Shining Armor replied.

“C’mon, this is an easy one. A cool, spring night, you and I, looking deep into each other’s hearts like the two little lovebirds we were...”


“The magic of love tying us in the moment. Your hooves in mine. Oh, you were so much more romantic back then...”

“I...give up.”

“Our first kiss, silly!” giggled Cadance, lightly booping Shining Armor on the nose. “You remember, don’t you?”

Yeeeah! Sure! I...remember...” The stallion swallowed hard. “There was you...and then there was me, and uhh...”

Shining Armor hastily darted his eyes left and right, hoping that there would be something to redirect the conversation to. He desperately searched for the diary, hoping to convince Cadance to get back to reading, but it was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, he felt a disturbance in the lower...region of his body. Was it him? No, it couldn’t be him. He much too nervous to suddenly become aroused.

“I’m pretty sure you felt that,” murmured Cadance, smiling timidly as she fluttered her eyes.

Oh boy...

“So, what else do you remember about our first kiss, hmm?” asked Cadance, snaking her head closer to her husband’s lips.

“Well...hehe, there was the...part when....”

There was no way out. Nothing could save him from this, and he knew it. Cadance had not only turned the tables on him, but she did so with lustful intentions; even worse. Who knew that tickling could get a princess off? He could only sit there and wait for the inevitable. In his mind, he crossed his hooves, bracing for impact.

“You completely forgot about our first kiss, didn’t you?” asked Cadance with a stern look of disapproval.

His heart stopped cold.


Despite his current situation, Shining Armor kept his courage up, expecting a flurry of insults, but much to his surprise, Cadance just sighed and backed down, vigorously rubbing her forehead.

“You’re not...mad, are you?” asked Shining Armor, taking a brave leap into dangerous territory.

“No...” replied Cadance, sighing again. “I’m not mad...”

“Oh! Good, umm...wow. For a second there, I thought you were going to--”

“I’m not mad! I’m furious!” yelled Cadance at the top of her lungs, grabbing and shaking Shining Armor’s head like a stubborn piggy bank.

“W-wait!” stuttered Shining Armor.

“No! Not this again!” On those words, Cadance slammed shut the bedroom door before magically locking it along with every other door and window in the room, sealing off any and all points of escape.

Before Shining Armor could utter another word, the ferocious mare grabbed him by the forehooves and yanked him to her side before grabbing a nearby throw pillow and stuffing it into his mouth, muffling his speech.

“Now, just sit there and relax,” spoke Cadance in a surprisingly calmer tone of voice. The pink princess magically levitated her cherished diary out from behind her back before scooting closer to her stickler of a husband and wrapping one foreleg tightly around his midsection, pulling him close. She took her time in opening the diary and flipping to the correct entry, half-expecting her husband to make an escape attempt. When he did nothing, she simply shrugged it off and began reading, making sure to tighten her chokehold beforehoof.


Little Twilight Sparkle smiled and waved goodbye before stepping back into the carriage. After saying their own goodbyes, with a quick hug to follow, Cadance and Shining Armor backed away to allow the guards to come around and close the carriage door. All they could do was sit there and watch with smiling faces as the carriage took off from the ground, climbing high into the sky before circling the playground and leveling out, bound for Canterlot Castle.

“It’s always so sad to see her go...” said Cadance, watching the carriage shrink into the orange sky as it flew away. “I wanted to have more fun!”

Shining Armor chuckled. “We’ve been having fun for weeks! Nonstop actually. Captain of the Guard’s been getting a little suspicious lately since I started skipping training sessions.”

“It was Twilight’s idea, you know,” implied Cadance. “A princess can’t stroll out into public on her own, right? She needs protection, and there’s nopony more qualified than a strong, thoughtful stallion such as yourself.”

Shining Armor grinned sheepishly at the flattery.

“I’m pretty sure that old bag of bones won’t find out,” reassured Cadance. “Besides, I can take care of that old stallion any day.”

Shining Armor rose from the ground, brushing away dirt from the soles of his hooves.

“Well, I think the captain’s starting to get used to those little threats of yours.” Shining Armor dusted off one of his forehooves before holding it out to the pink princess. Blushing, Cadance kindly took the young stallion’s hoof and rose from the ground.

“Aren’t you supposed to be the princess of love?” Shining Armor asked.

“Love is a mystery, right?” Cadance implied, smiling.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Shining Armor replied with a shrug. “It’s getting pretty late. I...need to head back to camp.”

“Mind if I tag along?” asked Cadance.

Shining Armor’s eyes went wide at the young princess’s request. “I...I guess?”

Cadance could only sit and stare at the flustered stallion, curious as to his sudden change in behavior.

“Is something wrong?” she asked.

“No! I’m fine, really,” stammered Shining Armor, shaking his head vigorously.


“Sure, you can come.”

The royal pair of two started off down the cobblestone pathway leading out of the playground just as soon as the street lamps came on. The walkway lamps came on shortly after, illuminating for them a long stretch of path leading into the main gardens. Crickets and owls sounded the way as they passed by the flowery fields of glory, their sweet smells filling the air and adding to the serenital atmosphere. Neither pony chose to start a conversation, instead allowing the sights and sounds of such a tranquil place to keep them entertained.

After the rather enjoyable stroll, the two reached the end of the pathway, only a few dozen meters away from the front gates of the boot camp. Thankfully, the old coot wasn’t present down in front, leaving them both with some spare time to say their goodbyes.

“Well, thanks for letting me tag along,” said Cadance. “I really--”

“Cadance, m-mind if I ask you a question?” Shining Armor interrupted. “It’s just something that’s been bugging me for a while and...geez, I just can’t it off my chest.”

Though it was rude to have been interrupted, Cadance took no harm in Shining Armor’s outburst and instead opted to acknowledge his request.

“Sure. What is it?” Cadance replied with a friendly smile.

“You’re the...princess of love, right?”

Such a sudden question stirred in Cadance’s mind. It was suspicious without a doubt, but what was his reason for asking it?

“Well...my special talent involves love, yes,” replied Cadance. “I spread love to those who need it the most. Why?”

“Have you ever had any...doubts about love?”


“Like, big doubts!”

“I...don’t understand.”

“Self-doubts, actually, like you know that you’re going to do something stupid!”

“Do something...what? I still don’t understand.”

“I-I’m sorry. F-forget what I said. I need to get back to camp.”

“Shining, c’mon!” Cadance giggled. “We’re friends! What’s bothering you? You can tell me anything! Honest!”

“Are you...sure?”

“Of course I’m sure, silly! That’s what friends are for. They help each other, no matter what!”

“Well...alright,” Shining Armor sighed, lowering himself to his haunches.

“There we go,” cooed Cadance, patting Shining Armor on the shoulder. “Now, out with it. What’s the problem?”

The two must have sat and stared at each other for at least five minutes, not a word spoken between them, but Cadance respected this. It was clear to her that the brotherly stallion was going through some troubles, and as a friend, she knew that it was the right thing to do. If there was anything that bothered him, she would see to it that it was a thing of the past.

“There’s this...pony I know,” Shining Armor finally spoke up. “A close friend of mine...”

“Who is he?”

“Well, it’s a she, actually...


“Yeah. She’s a great pony to be around, and she’s an even greater friend, but she’s also pretty special to me...”

“How special?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that. I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Why? There’s got to be a reason, Shining! Just let it out. It’ll make you feel better.”

“I-I want to let it out, to her!”

“To her?”

“Yes, to her! Truly I do, but I just can’t! Every time I see her, it’s like my nerves j-just leap into the air and abandon me on the spot! Every time I see her, I just can’t bring myself to speak with her in private! Every time I see her...I just don’t know what to do...”

“Well...have you tried other methods?”



Shining Armor sighed. “Where to begin? Firstly, there’s...err...”

“You haven’t tried anything new, didn’t you?”

Shining Armor sighed. “No. Instead, I just stood there, frozen like an idiot while I let my weak nerves get the better of me.”

Off in the distance, a bell tower tolled eight times before echoing off to the hills and going quiet. Nearby, the front gates of the boot camp creaked open, and out walked the old war stallion himself, looking both angry and stubborn as usual.

“There’s the bell...” whispered Shining Armor, looking over his shoulder. “The captain’s gonna have my hide for being late...”

If there was anypony more deserving of love right now, than it would be none other than the kind, caring, devoted stallion standing before her. Cadance could only imagine what his troubles were doing to him everyday. Anypony else wouldn’t even pay a blind eye in his direction to help him. Something had to be done, and fast. She couldn’t go to sleep tonight knowing that a dear friend was toiling with such nerve-racking thoughts of dismay! Thankfully though, she knew exactly what these troubles were.

She had been waiting a long time for a moment like this. She didn’t want to admit it, but she has been going through these troubled feelings as well, and for the exact same reasons, though she kept them under wraps with the help of a strong, mental focus. As an expert in love, there was only one solution to it all; one that would benefit them both, and in one of the most deserving ways possible.

“Look, Shining,” started Cadance, leaning forward and placing one hoof on the stallion’s shoulder. “I can feel it inside you, and there’s no mistaking it. It’s love, Shining. Truly, it’s love. There is no greater feeling in the world than to have such a sense burning brightly in your heart. There’s a special way to handle this, Shining. One that will assure you happiness for the longest of whiles.”

“Yeah?” replied Shining Armor, looking up and staring deep into the pink princess’s eyes.

“Love is a mystery, Shining, as I said before, but even the greatest of mysteries can be solved. I should know. Talk to her, Shining! Talk to her, and tell her about your true feelings.”

“Yeah, but--”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. Just come out with it! She’ll appreciate you more if you do. I know it! Hold nothing back.”

“Yeah, I...guess you're right, Cadance.”

“You and you alone can do it! Pull through these negative feelings, and just let it all come straight from your heart! Let them flow smoothly and freely, and you’ll be just fine. I believe in you Shining, and I always will.”

Shining Armor sighed, smiling happily after hearing such encouragement come from a dear friend. “Thank you, Cadance. I feel much better.”

Feeling proud of her work and keeping her smile bright, Cadance slipped her hooves down to Shining Armor’s forehooves, wrapping hers around his in comforting indulgence. Surprised, Shining Armor looked down at their conjoined hooves, peering on with eyes full of bewilderment.

“Shining?” whispered Cadance, leaning in closer with a face full of red hot blush steadily growing by the second.

“Y-yeah?” replied Shining Armor, doing much of the same.

“It’s me...isn’t it?”


“Wasn’t it a bit obvious?” Cadance giggled, keeping close.

“...yeah. I guess it was.”

It was as if all the world stood still in a moment of serenity as both princess and stallion equally closed the distance between each others lips. The stars twinkled from on high as a true, loving bond was forged between them, a bond of which would be next to nigh impossible to break by hate nor sadness. In that moment, their friendship formed into something more; something bright and full of warmth.

This was the feeling of love’s embrace. From that moment on, they vowed to never let go of it for the rest of their days.

As enjoyable as it was, somepony had to break the kiss. Fiercely reluctant, Cadance slowly pulled away from the moment, a wildfire of loving passion burning brightly all over her face.

“Wow...” murmured Shining Armor. “That felt--”

“Incredible...” whispered Cadance.

“Actually, yes. It really was,” said Shining Armor.

“I know love, and that was more than just a tender moment,” stated Cadance, looking back up at Shining Armor with sparkling eyes. “Will you be alright?”

“I’ll be alright, trust me. After that...”

“Let’s talk about it tomorrow, during Twilight’s reading time, ok?”

“Ok. Thanks Cadance...”

The royal lovebirds shared a quick hug and another short kiss before Shining Armor sped off the garden path and trotted his way up to the front gates of the boot camp. Cadance watched with a smile from the shadows of a nearby oak tree as the old stallion at the front gates shouted a few insults before escorting her blue-haired treasure inside. She should have expected that. She thought about “taking care of it” right there and then, but it was already very late into the evening, and the moon had risen long ago. Unfortunately, she was without transportation, but why wait for a ride when you’ve got the best of both worlds with you at all times?

With a soothing song resounding in her heart, the pink princess stepped back onto the path and spread her wings wide, siding for a long, enjoyable ride over a quick and slightly painful one despite that it was getting later by the minute. Cadance did a quick once over of herself before leaping into the air, ascending higher and higher with each motion of her regal wings.

But before making lines for Canterlot, she turned around and looked down upon the illuminated complex below her. Even from such a great height, she could make out the electric blue hair of her darling in white, walking alongside the stubborn mule of a captain. The feeling of truly loving another pony for the first time was more than just a soft gimmick to her. It was an experience unlike any other. Nothing could outmatch it. So much so, that her heart was still beating with warm ferocity. For countless days (even though she wasn’t keeping track of them), she long dreamed of spreading the love to more than just close relatives. Of course, she could do that anyways at a moments notice, but she wished for something different; a more direct, longer lasting approach.

At long last, her wish was granted, and it was all thanks to one of the sweetest fillies she has ever met.

Cadance continued to happily stare down at Shining Armor from high above. When he was led inside of what appeared to be a barracks tent, all the torches in the camp were suddenly blown out, leaving behind a blackened smear in the middle of Canterlot. Magic was the only answer to the sudden blackout, but she didn’t care. So long as she got to see him again, whether it be from close or afar, and hopefully spread the love some more, she could give two flying feathers less about anything else in the world.

The moon was rising higher now, and the temperature was falling even faster. On top of that, her royal aunt was expecting her return some time ago. Getting scolded by aunt Celly for having to be retrieved by a late night search party again wasn’t the best idea. After waiting for a good headwind, Cadance powered through its force and soared through the starry sky towards the topmost towers of Canterlot Castle. Maybe she could sneak in through her bedroom window and slip into bed before the whole castle was put on some ridiculous high alert...