• Published 14th Oct 2014
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The Cool Brazilian Wind - Lazy_

Samuel Rodriguez: Deadly Assassin, Samurai Mercenary, Handsome Rogue, Adorable Pastel Coloured Pony... wait, what was that last one again?

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"The Swords-pony" by Dr. Steady Hoof Canterlot Royal Infirmary R&D Patient Archives (7 Days Comatose)

Canterlot Royal Infirmary Patient file #073 "Swords-pony" by Dr. Steady Hoof (This is classified material. Tier 2 or higher clearance level required to view this content legally. Un-authorised access could get up to 2 years incarceration and a fine of 1000 Celestial Bits).

Patient #073 is a curious matter for those who have had the privilege of knowing about him. From what we know he is a male Pegasus around his late 20's to mid 30's, he sports a light grey coat and a longish black mane. His heart rate, temperature, and basic biology are all normal.

His muscle density gives away the idea of a strong warrior. So in the flesh, he is simply a healthy stallion and there are no differences that we can tell off, aside from the scars on his right shoulder and face. Strange considering he was unconscious with any injuries of abnormalities at all. The peculiar thing is that he has no history. Magic cannot provide a known DNA match, and no matter how hard we try there is no birth certificate to be found anywhere in Equestria. It's almost like he never existed!

But the interesting bit is yet to come. What he was found with. It's not everyday somepony happens to stumble upon an unconscious pony just sprawled out in the middle of the road. Even less often is that pony wearing full armour and carrying a 35 inch sword with them. It is because of this that the staff that are assigned to his safe-keeping and secrecy, and have dubbed him as the 'Swords-pony".

The reason we are sworn to secrecy is that the technology he carried is out of this world and the written language inscribed on his equipment is all foreign and matches no known language. The style of sword and armour designs are also unknown and are far beyond that of any Equestrian design, technology wise. Not even the Griffons have anything to rival this type of weaponry.

Investigations are currently being carried out into where this pony came from and who he is. I hope we can decipher his secrets soon, this could be a breakthrough in our culture and science to be remembered for years to come. But for now we wait for him to awake from comatose so we can learn more from this extraordinary find.

Dr. Steady Hoof

Research and Development- Canterlot Royal Infirmary

Canterlot Royal Infirmary Patient #073 "Swords-pony" Medical report (Right Shoulder).

Extraordinary. When this patient was brought in, we would have never even thought such a thing was possible. Yesterday one of the nurses came into my office to tell me that she was concerned for patient #073 as she could not feel a pulse in his right shoulder. I followed her to him and she told me to put on a stethoscope. Then she placed the sensor on all of the locations where there would usually be a vein or artery and there was no pulse, just like she said. The strange thing was that the area around the shoulder had no problems. However upon further inspection...

With the use of some high level X-Ray magic, we discovered that nearly his entire right shoulder is bionic! That's right, his shoulder has no pulse because all of the bone, flesh and even the skin is made from some sort of Synthetic material. Judging from the scan and the fact that no other part of his body was found to be like so, it seems he may have sustained a heavy injury at some point and had it all replaced with highly resistant and surprisingly light materials such as those.

This is a massive and important progression in my department. But it's also a huge addition to the mysteries that this stallion holds. Its so frustrating that we find such things, but we cannot understand the mechanisms involved. But I guess that's what I'm here to figure out, these problems are the dealings of R&D and it will be amazing if we can come to comprehend the incredible technology we have here.

Dr. Steady Hoof

Research and Development- Canterlot Royal Infirmary

Canterlot Royal Infirmary Patient #073 "Swords-pony" Research Report (Right Shoulder)

Today myself and a few other doctors from the R&D department went to study the Swords-pony's right shoulder, along with a select few junior scientists who have been permitted to study patient 073 under supervision. We started off by using magic to create a 'Blueprint' of the shoulder mechanisms and well... Lets just say that its complex. Really complex.

It took our scientists a long half hour just to figure out what did what no matter find out how it works. The systems involved have an outstanding use of molecular science and elemental chemistry. The substance that was heavily used in the structure appears to be lightweight and strong enough not to alter the pony's natural sense of balance and increase the resilience of the skeleton in the shoulder.

The spell used to determine the materials used in the bionics was designed to measure the atomic weight of the substances and judge their overall strength along with melting, boiling and freezing points, as well as the temperature of which the materials will undergo sublimation. We are still attempting to discover exactly what this material is, as the results from the spell have not yet returned from our scientists. The data should be with us in a day or two.

Dr. Steady Hoof

Research and Development- Canterlot Royal Infirmary

Canterlot Royal Infirmary Patient #073 "Swords-pony" Royal visit

Today something completely unexpected happened. It seems that the princesses themselves took an interest in our mystery patient and found time among their schedules to come and visit. A problem with having the regal sisters visiting is that the press decide to come out of their holes and visit, too. And in Equestria's biggest and busiest hospital, space is need in order for our doctors and nurses to get around and care for our patients. An advantage of having the regal sisters visiting is that they can (Pardon my language) tell them to buck off. In a polite way, of course.

Anyway, we showed them to our unknown guest and they took the liberty to perform a couple spells of their own. The tests they carried out where for a different purpose than our scientific endeavors, and the results they received were just as such. They were searching for any residual magic left over from a possible teleportation spell, in hopes they could reverse the spell and create a counter spell that they could use to find where the Swords-pony came from. Creating a ten figure grid reference for the exact place in the universe where the spell was originally cast.

They concluded that some form of advanced teleportation spell was used to transport the stallion from somewhere, and we say 'somewhere' for a reason. Their results were as followed:
0. 0. 0. 0. 0, -0. -0. -0. -0. -0

What does that mean? Not quite sure myself, and neither were the princesses. They said that according to this, our stallion came from nowhere and everywhere at once. Being transported from an infinitely small point in space-time which also just happened to have an zero mass in total, to Equestria.

Next question. How does that work? Be damned if I knew. According to Princess Celestia, these co-ordinates would imply he did not come from here at all. Like, not from this universe. Not from this plane of existence. Not from here. At which Princess Luna stated was an impossible feat in magic due to the fact that it would take an infinite number of in-definite magical matrix's. Comparing this to everything else, 90% of all known pony magic spells on require on at least one definite matrix. To put that into something that we could more easily understand, they said this.

"Imagine trying to fit an object of infinite size into a space of infinite smallness, moving that object without losing track of it, and then taking that object out of it's space." To which we had no reply. Princess Celestia sent a message for her protege to figure out the quantum physics. Again, this stallion continues to melt our brain cells.

Dr. Steady Hoof

Research and Development- Canterlot Royal Infirmary

Canterlot Royal Infirmary Patient #073 "Swords-pony" Material Test Results (Right Shoulder)

The results from our shoulder came back today. According to the boffins over at our Bio-science department, the material we have at hoof has never been seen before! And not only this, but there is evidence that a second material at play. However we've already had enough complex thoughts from #073, so lets stick to what we know.

The substance that we know of appears to be composed of a material that is almost 100% Carbon. Countless numbers numbers of microscopic strand of Carbon woven into shape. The structure is comprised simply of these strips being woven in a cross pattern and manufactured to head in the desired direction. Estimated to have a melting point of somewhere around 3000 Degrees Hoofigrade (give or take a couple hundred), this material is incredibly resistant to temperature and is thought to be able to withstand high amounts of stress and pressure.

However simple the structure may seem, it would be incredibly hard to reproduce. Even with the magical capability we have today, it would take years of trial and error before we could get a successful replica. This is something that as a member of the R&D department, I hope will be achievable. For it would be the only thing that we understand about our beloved number 73.

Dr. Steady Hoof

Research and Development- Canterlot Royal Infirmary

Canterlot Royal Infirmary Patient #073 "Swords-pony" Material Test Results #2 (Right Shoulder)

The results for our second material came in today. This time we have the substance that coat's our first one in some sort of protective lining. It looks to be a compound of Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen, and has been estimated to have a strength and resistance 5 times that of steel. Now that's what I call a strong material.

The structure represents a polymer unit that is formed into sheets that have been molded over the previously mentioned Carbon structure to provide a large amount of impact protection. There are multiple layers of this material all placed over each over each other and amount to about the space that the fat layers cover on the opposite shoulder, on top of the Carbon material.

Unlike the Carbon 'stuff', this material looks to be more easily copied, and my department are looking into ways of replicating this material. It seems that R&D are finally getting more deeply involved with the experiments, and it may prove to be a large task orchestrating the experiments with this new compound. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me.

Dr. Steady Hoof

Research and Development- Canterlot Royal Infirmary

Canterlot Royal Infirmary Patient #073 "Swords-pony" Medical Report #2 (Waking up)

Today we received some great news! 73 is finally coming out of his coma! Well, showing signs of it anyway... Scans show an increased intensity of brain waves, and dormant parts of his brain are starting to 'wake up'. However it seems that progress is going slow, and he may not be out of his comatose state until tomorrow or maybe the day after.

Still we must hold our excitement, for he may not fully regain his strength for a while even after he wakes up. Judging by how healthy he is, the medical staff estimate 3 or 4 days and he should be able to walk and speak properly. This is amazing news and we hope that we can speak to our dear friend soon.

Dr. Steady Hoof

Research and Development- Canterlot Royal Infirmary