• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 1,116 Views, 29 Comments

Competing From the Heart - Aramadon

Rainbow Dash and Applejack both ask Rarity on a date. This kind of situation has torn apart countless friendships…but when the fate of Equestria may depend on you remaining friends, how do you handle competitions of the heart?

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Rarity Faints

Rarity sat back from her work and had the best sigh of relief she’d had all day. She closed her eyes, taking a moment to rest mind, body, and soul. After a moment more, she decided that it was probably a good time to close up shop – it was already getting dark out, and if she was honest with herself, she wanted to be done for the day. Her “creative energy,” as it were, felt just about spent, and she still had days left before she had to be done with her next big order. That was plenty of time…truly. Well, truly-ish. Anyways, if worst came to worst, she could just ask her friends to come in and help her last minute. That usually worked.

In that case, it was settled – she was done for the day. She could let her mind wander to more whimsical things…like her spa date with Fluttershy tomorrow, or the dance on Saturday. Another sigh escaped her lips – once again, it looked like she would be dateless. Nopony had asked her out, or courted her, or shown up at her doorstep with flowers…she laid down on her couch. Truly, she led a hard life. Romance was something she wanted so much in her life, but she seemed to catch glimpses of it so rarely. She seemed to have no problem getting other ponies to approach her when she was in Canterlot. Oh, if only that wonderful Fancy Pants fellow hadn’t already been in a relationship! Perhaps Ponyville was simply the wrong place for her to find the romance she craved – she so loved the Canterlot culture, after all.

Even so, there wasn’t much she wouldn’t give to have a bit more of a dating life now. It was just like a hole where she felt she should really have something in her life. On the other hoof, it’s not like she couldn’t enjoy her life now. After all, her memories of the last town dance had all been positive. Rarity giggled to herself – it had been a blast. She spent a good portion of the event teaching Twilight how to dance. To tell the truth, that had been more fun than any “date” she’d ever had! Rarity let an even bigger grin cross her face. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad to go with her friends once more – and even if Canterlot was the place that she would find her special somepony…she wasn’t sure she was ready to move there just yet.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Coming, dear.” Rarity walked over to the door of her boutique and used her magic to open it. “We’re actually just closing, but if you have…oh, hello Applejack! What a pleasant surprise! Do come in.”

Applejack, a little more red in the face than usual, walked stiffly into the boutique with a set of saddlebags on her back. Rarity looked Applejack over and quickly pulled up some chairs and a circular table for them to sit at. “What brings you by the boutique today, darling? Are you all right? You know you can always talk to me, Applejack. I’m here for you.”

Applejack put down her saddlebags, and shuffled a bit in her seat. “Well, gee, thanks Rarity. I really appreciate it.” Applejack paused and swallowed a lump in her throat. “Ya see, Rarity, I came over to ask you something. To ask you something big, actually. It’s…”

“Yes? I’m all ears, dear.”

Rarity watched as Applejack took a deep breath and steadied herself. “Rarity, you’re a very special pony, and I think you’re amazing.” Rarity blushed, surprised by the sudden shift in the conversation. “I’m very grateful for having met you, and getting to know you. I know that the start of our friendship was a bit rocky, but we got through that, and I think that our bond is all the better for having overcome our differences. I believe…or rather, I know…that all of my friends are special, but their’s something in particular that’s special about you.” Rarity’s face reddened even further as she sat reeling from the sudden praise and compliments. She actually felt a bit silly, sitting here and listening to her friend go on like this…but where was Applejack going with this?

“And most especially, there’s something…between me and you.” Oh. OH. Ohhhh…Oh dear. Wait, was this really happening? She had to be sure – so she kept listening. “What I’m trying to say, Rarity, is that I feel something with you that I don’t feel about anypony else, and I hope that maybe you feel something like that, too.” Yep, this was happening. No doubt about it. Oh my. “It would make me very happy…I mean, um…I would like to ask you if you would please be my Very Special Somepony.”

Silence reigned in the boutique. After a moment, Rarity thought to herself that remaining silent this was probably a fairly large faux pas. Your friend has just asked you a very deep and personal question, Rarity, so you should probably give her an answer, and tell her how you feel. Well, how DO I feel about this? To her horror, Rarity’s internal search discovered that Rarity didn’t actually KNOW how she felt about this. Well, it would have helped if this hadn’t been so ridiculously sudden! I didn’t see this coming at all!

Rarity watched the color drain from Applejack’s face as time wore on. You should probably say something now, Rarity. Your friend really needs to hear from you. Rarity finally managed to find her voice. “Um…” Yes. Well done Rarity. I’m sure Applejack is very reassured now. Then again, what am I even trying to reassure her of? I don’t know how to deal with this.

Then, almost miraculously, an idea crossed Rarity’s mind. “Applejack, thank you for everything you’ve said. That was very brave and kind of you, and I am flattered to have your affections.” The color had drained so much from Applejack’s face that she was starting to look a sickly white, and Rarity thought she saw her pupils shrink – and Rarity realized that it probably sounded like she was trying to let Applejack down gently. In that case, it was time to be more direct. “What I’m trying to say, dear, is that I honestly don’t know what to say. I don’t know if a relationship between us is a good idea – but there is something I can do. What I’d like to do, Applejack, is to go on a date with you and see how it goes.”

Applejack suddenly began breathing again. It was her turn to have her brain stop down and process what she had just heard. Swallowing, she forced herself to say something. “Thanks, Rarity. I’ll do my best to make it a great date.” She tried to sound sure of herself, but her confidence was still rather shaky.

Once again, the awkward silence returned. Applejack and Rarity looked nervously around the shop, occasionally looking at the other in faint hopes of some sort of signal for what to do next. Then, Applejack’s mind caught on something. “Oh! I brought you flowers, by the way.” Applejack picked her saddlebags back off of the floor and put them on the table. Then, from one of the pouches, she took out a vase with six roses in it. “So, um…these are for you.”

Rarity felt herself smiling. “You know, Applejack, ponies usually give the flowers before they ask somepony out.” Applejack blushed. Rarity got out of her seat and took the vase to a windowsill, where the flowers would be able to get sunshine. Applejack got up as well, and put her saddlebags back on. Rarity walked her to the door. “Thank you for stopping by today, Applejack. It’s always lovely to have your company. And if I may say, I look forward to our… ‘date.’” Rarity gave Applejack a wink.

“Me too. Of course.” Applejack blushed again, and felt like she had pretty much reached her blushing quota for the year. “See you tomorrow.

“See you tomorrow, dear.”

Applejack walked out the door. Rarity closed it behind her, and finally had time to process what had just happened. In fact, Rarity knew just the place to do that – she took a few steps and collapsed on her fainting couch.

* * *

Applejack stood outside Rarity’s boutique, and took a deep breath. To be honest with herself, she had no idea what to do now. She was confused as to what to think, what to feel…everything. Before Applejack knocked on Rarity’s door, she had thought that she was either about to be extremely happy or extremely sad. What she thought for sure, though, was that once her meeting with Rarity was done, her emotions would at least be sorted out and understandable. Nope, they were just as confused and jumbled as ever. Feeling a state of Limbo come over her, she began to walk home.

* * *

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Rarity’s eyes flittered open. Groggily, she scooted off of her fainting couch and shuffled toward the door. She grabbed the door in her magic by instinct, but then stopped herself – a lady always needed to look presentable. Shaking herself awake, she peeked a look in a mirror. Deciding that she still looked fabulous (it’s a good thing she had practiced how to take emergency naps without messing up her hair), she opened the door, and was greeted by the sight of a Rainbow.

“Well, what brings you around tonight, Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash looked around hesitantly, and after a moment, asked “I wanted to talk. Is now a good time? The sign on your door still says ‘open.’”

“Yes, yes, come in! It’s a great time. In fact, I stopped working a while ago, I just got…distracted by something before I could close down the shop.” Rarity quickly corrected her oversight with the sign and ushered her friend inside.

Rainbow straightened up and puffed out her chest a little as she walked in, moving once more with the confidence that befitted her. “So, Rarity, I came to ask your advice about the dance this Saturday – how do you think I could make the most awesome entrance? I was thinking I’d actually come this time.”

“Oh Rainbow, that’s wonderful news! We missed you dearly last month. Hang on a second, I know JUST the dress.”

Rarity disappeared behind a set of double doors, and when she re-emerged, she had a clothesline with no less than two dozen dresses. Rainbow’s eyes widened. “I didn’t necessarily mean a dress…and I thought you said you had one for me.”

“Oh, but of course, darling. I wouldn’t think of letting you show up without a new dress for the occasion…not if I have anything to say about it, anyways. And of course it will be discounted for you, dear. Now, I did have one in mind, but while your here, I thought, ‘why not try a few?’ You could have come when the shop was open, really.”

Rainbows cheeks flushed with a slight tinge of red. “Well, I was hoping to talk to you alone…” Her eyes flitted about the shop for a moment, but she shook herself and continued as normal. “Anyways, with the dresses, why don’t we start with the one you had in mind, and just see if that works?”

Rarity sensed Rainbow’s aversion to spending time trying on dresses and smiled knowingly. “Of course, darling. But if you have time, I’d really like it if you could stay awhile so I could try a few designs on you. After all, it is so much more than finding something that “works.” We want to find what complements you the best! And that takes time, Rainbow.” Rarity looked at the collection of dresses she’d pulled out – now, she’d gone with a rainbow pattern for both the Grand Galloping Gala and the royal wedding (after all, it can be difficult to find a color to match somepony who had the entire rainbow in her hair), but she thought perhaps it was time she tried something different. She had a sneaking suspicion that she had a different style of dress would fit her well in a slightly less formal situation. “Here it is. Could you try this one on?”

A few minutes later, Rainbow Dash was in a green dress with blue accents – that was actually somewhat similar to Fluttershy’s Gala dress, but simpler and without as many flowers. Rarity watched as Rainbow sized herself up in a mirror, and eventually gave herself a little nod. Rainbow struck a few poses, and even a few dance steps, to make sure she could still move freely – it seemed she was happy with the result. It was always nice to satisfy a customer, and even more so to make a friend happy, but Rarity was still hoping to get Rainbow into a few more designs. She scooted closer to her friend and gave her best eye flutter. “Now, if you stay a moment, I have a few more dresses that I think would make you look just gorgeous. Surely you could stay a minute?” Surprisingly, she saw a big grin break over her friend’s face.

Rainbow thought it over a second, then responded, “Yeah, I could do that. I don’t think I’ll need to, though. There’s something else that I think would help me have an awesome showing at this dance.” Rarity felt Rainbow reach a foreleg across her shoulders. “That would be…if you came with me.”

Rarity tilted her head to the side. “Well of course I’m going to be there, Rainbow. You’re the only one who wasn’t there last time.”

Rainbow’s eyes shifted around a for a second, and she cleared her throat. “Um…what I meant, was…for you to come with me. You know, as my date.”

The world stopped for Rarity for the second time that day. Rainbow’s foreleg was still across her withers. Neither pony moved as Silence re-entered Rarity’s boutique. Silence sure seemed to like the place today – maybe she would become a regular customer. New customers were always great, but Rarity wasn’t sure she was very enthusiastic about this one.

“Um…Rarity?” Rainbow’s voice cracked as she tried to elicit a response from her friend.

Oh, right. Reality, Rarity. Once again, your friend requires an answer. Rarity took a deep breath and gave Rainbow the best response she could manage – “I’m not sure…I can.”

Rainbow slowly removed her foreleg from across Rarity’s back. “Uh…but I thought you said you were already going to the dance?”

Rarity’s breath left her slowly and painfully. Things were just about to get even more awkward. “You see…I’ve already been asked on a date by somepony else. Well, we’re not going to that dance, and we’re not together together, like, in a relationship…but I think it might be disingenuous of me to also go on a date with you at the same time.” Yes. Good job, Rarity. I’m sure that was perfectly clear, and she’s not at all confused by what you just said.

Fortunately, Rainbow Dash took the simple approach. “Wait, another pony? Who asked you out? When did this happen? Why don’t the girls and I know about this?”

Rarity quietly shuffled her hooves. “Actually, it was Applejack. And she left shortly before you showed up.” Rainbow’s jaw dropped. It looked rather unhinged, to be honest. Rarity stood helplessly as Rainbow’s brain took a few moments to process. Oh, good, Silence is back. We’re getting to be such close friends.



“She asked you out.”


“But she isn’t your special somepony?”


“And you’re date isn’t to the dance this Saturday?”

“Well, that’s not really decided…”

As they stood staring at each other a moment longer, Rainbow’s face straightened into a look Rarity could only call resolute. “If you’re not together, then I totally deserve a chance. I just need to tell Applejack.”

Oh dear.

“Wait just a minute, Rarity. I’ll fix this.” Rainbow took a hop, skip, and a jump, and flew out of the door. Her voice came from the distance – “Be back soon!”

Rarity’s heart sank – she didn’t want to be the cause of a problem between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. It would break her heart to hurt their friendship.

On the other hoof, her brain was telling her that it had had enough, and was done for the day. Fortunately, the fainting couch was conveniently still nearby.