• Published 12th Oct 2014
  • 3,896 Views, 518 Comments

DayBreak - MyHobby

After an attempt is made on Celestia's life, Twilight Sparkle must assemble a team to track down the assassin and bring her to justice. Danger awaits as they delve into the origins of both the attacker and alicorns.

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It was warm for an autumn day on Canter Mountain. Mist surrounded the towering stone monolith, obscuring the capital city from view. From within the city itself, the outside world was bleak white. Ponies could barely see a block away before details were obscured by the enormous cloud.

Princess Luna rubbed her eyes as she walked down a lineup of Royal Guards. “Have the Weather Ponies on duty been alerted yet?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Snipe Hunt said. “They should have the fog cleared within the hour. The captain sends his apologies. There was apparently a freak accident at the local cloud bank.”

“Freak accident. Truly.” Luna snorted. She stared off into the mist and worried her lower lip. “Three guesses who the freak was. Stolen ambrosia from the hospital, damage to the cloud bank, an attempted assassination, murder at the construction site… This mare has quite the repertoire.”

Snipe and Skyhook shared a glance. The latter tilted his head towards Luna. “You think they’re all done by the same pony, your Majesty?”

“I feel quite comfortable blaming any and all of my problems on her.” Luna’s ears twitched at the hint of a deep buzzing noise. “Here comes another one.”

Two full lines of Royal Guards snapped to attention, their alternating gold and silver armor clattering in response. Luna’s personal guards closed in on her flanks, their eyes burning holes in the air straight ahead. Luna herself did her level best to mimic her sister by standing tall, spreading her wings, and raising a regal hoof.

The prow of an airship cut through the clouds, parting the mist in its slow approach to the docks. A long, sharp rod led the way, followed by an almost cylindrical cloth envelope. Metal rigging webbed around the air pocket like the ribcage of a dragon. Stabilizing wings swiveled and rotated on hinges. Propellers whirled on the sides and back of the airship. Steam poured from mechanical devices near the aft, driving the gears found all throughout the dirigible.

The bridge— a rounded box with equally spaced windows—was atop the midpoint of the metallic skeleton. Luna could almost see the griffons scurrying around inside, relaying and obeying orders. She laid her ears flat when the airship docks sounded out with their bellowing foghorn.

Now that it was closer, she was able to see the ship’s entire body. It was shaped like a fish with a narrow front end, wide middle, and tapered rear. It even had the vertical tail of a salt-water fish. It turned as it lumbered towards the mountain, showcasing its starboard side.

The side opened up. A phalanx of griffon soldiers stood at attention, spears gripped in their talons. The first line stepped forward, flared their wings, and dropped off the edge in concert. Each additional line of griffons did the same, until the entire squad was circling overhead in aligned V-formations.

“The airship would be enough for some people,” Luna murmured. Shardscale could be heard scribble, scribble, scribbling off to the side.

A larger griffon flew from the airship’s hanger. His wingspan was the width of a city street. His talons could crush a cart. His eyes could see for miles. His beak was sharp as a razor. A mane of feathers framed the bare-skinned head of a condor, while bear claws scraped the air behind him. A ceremonial sword the size of a lamppost hung from his side, decorated with veins of gold and crowned with a ruby pommel stone.

He landed with a rush of wind. The platform shook from his sheer heft as he marched towards Luna. He turned his head sideways to look her in the eye. “High Princess Luna. It’s a shame we can’t meet under better circumstances.”

“King Andean Ursagryph.” She gave him a polite nod. “An impressive display, as usual.”

Andean grinned. He opened his beak wide and shouted at his soldiers. “Kretchwaugh! Fetack!

The griffons, Andean’s Blitzwings, thundered down from the sky. They landed in five perfect rows of five behind their king, their wings folded and their spears upright.

Andean’s sharp eyes surveyed the city. “Perhaps you should let us loose. All Blitzwings have some experience with weather manipulation.” He smirked. “Though with not nearly the raw ability of a pegasus, of course.”

“While it is kind of you to offer help, I must decline.” Luna’s eyes flicked to one griffon soldier after another, all of which were staring dispassionately at her own guards. “You are guests here, and we have our own people removing the problem.”

Andean cocked a brow. His talons danced as he raised his foreleg. “‘Removing’ the problem, are you? Decisive. I like it.”

“I hope the rest of the trip is similarly to your liking.” Luna turned, joined by her assembled guards. “If you will follow me, I will show you to your suite.”

“Not just yet, Princess.” Andean held up a talon. He turned his eyes to the airship as it docked. “We still have some unpacking to do.”

Luna’s jaw tightened. “I am sure the servants can handle it.”

Andean harrumphed. “You misunderstand. Some in my flock aren’t necessarily the strongest of fliers. I won’t leave them behind.”

Luna gave him a curt nod. “Then I shall lead the way.”

Ropes looped within rings as they drew the airship into the harbor. Clamps the size of small buildings rose from below to grab the ship and allow it to rest. A gangplank extended from the vessel’s hanger, acting as a bridge. Griffon servants hurried across the bridge with luggage strapped to their backs. Behind them, accompanied by a few particularly strong griffon soldiers, were two young girls. The littler one fluttered her wings and rushed forward. “Sheesha!

She leapt into Andean’s embrace, her fuzzy head rubbing against his chest. She was small enough to fit in the palm of his talon. “Kretchwaugh gawrock!

“Manners, Stella,” Andean said. “We’re in Equestria, now.”

“Oh, right.” She looped her lion’s tail around a talon and bowed her head bashfully. “The… Blitzwings were wonderful, Father.”

He smiled and tapped her beak. “As usual.”

The elder griffon girl curtsied to Luna. “Thank you for allowing us to visit, High Princess.”

“We are…” Luna smiled. “We are honored to have you. It’s a pleasant surprise. I didn’t know Andean was bringing you two.”

“How could I pass up a chance for my daughters to see the Equestria they’ve heard so much about?” King Andean nudged his littlest daughter forward. “High Princess Luna, please allow me to introduce Princess Stella, my youngest.” He rested a wingtip on the other griffon. “And my eldest, Princess Corona.”

Belatedly, Stella also curtsied. “Will we see Princess Celestia raise the sun?”

Andean smirked. “Yes, where is the ‘Sun’s Sovereign?’ Dealing with some sort of fallout from the fog, I assume.”

Luna’s reply got caught in her throat. Her eyes turned down before focusing on Andean’s. “You mean you have not…”

As a frown spread across Andean’s face, Luna bent down to Stella’s level. “I’m sorry, Princess,” she said, “but Celestia is not feeling well. If you wish, I can wake you in the morning to watch the sunrise.”

“Princess Celestia gets sick?” Corona asked. “I thought you said she was immortal, Father.”

“Yes, but she is still a pony.” Andean’s expression darkened a few shades. “A fallible, yet unfathomably wise, pony.” The thundercloud around his head disappeared as he turned to Stella. “Why don’t you and Corona follow the guards to your room? You can get set up and ready for the party tonight. Do you have your costumes ready?”

At eager nods from both, he chuckled and sent them on their way. He stopped laughing as soon as his daughters were out of sight. “Celestia is ill, is she?”

“There was an assassination attempt a few weeks ago. I had assumed Felaccia got word of it.” Luna shook her head. “It appears I was wrong.”

Andean reached into a pocket at his side. He pulled out two smooth stones, which he rolled around in his fist. “How successful was the attempt?”

“She is hurt, but recovering,” Luna said. “I have taken over her duties in the meantime.”

“Indeed. Then I suppose it’s you I need to speak to.” He took a stone in each talon and held them a few inches apart. He let one go, and it jumped to the other. “You may have surmised that this is not necessarily a holiday.”

“It rarely is, to a griffon.”


“You’re too practical, Andean.” Luna held her head high. “You may as well spit it out. Why did you visit?”

“Advertising.” He tossed the rocks in the air. They clattered together as they fell back to his waiting talon. “There’s been a breakthrough, and I wish to share it with the world. For a price.”

Luna nodded. She started walking with Andean at her side. The guards followed at a respectful distance. “Very well,” she said. “What sort of price?”

“Ambrosia.” Andean scratched his beard of feathers. “How do you feel about a little bit of noise at your Nightmare Night party?”


The sun sank low over Canterlot as Daring Do and Care Carrot exited the train car. Daring gave her grayscale mane an extra ruffle and set a pith helmet on her head.

“You’re dressing up as… Daring Do?”

Care stared at Daring as the latter paraded around in her traditional khaki shirt. Daring tossed her mane. “Yeah? So?”

“It’s sort of all…” Care tilted her head. “It seems kinda circular. Maybe redundant? A little egotistical?”

“Look, if an author doesn’t shill her own stuff, nopony else will either.” Daring adjusted her hat. “This is grade-A authentic movie merchandise, I’ll add.” She squinted. “And what are you supposed to be, a diamond dog?”

Care jerked her head back. She polished a gem-studded bracelet on her hoof. “I’m Radiance. From the Power Ponies. One of my favorite superheroes when I was a kid.” She looked over her diamond-patterned jumpsuit. “I thought I did pretty well with the design.”

“Yeah, sure thing, Cap.” Daring glanced around Canterlot’s train station with a huff. “What’s taking Sparkle so long? We’ve got a schedule to keep! The Masquerade starts in two hours.”

“Give her a few moments. She’s gotta… gotta…” Care slapped her forehead. “I’m going to meet my idol dressed like a clown.”

“Huh? Your idol?” Daring Do lowered an eyebrow before smiling. “Oh yeah, Velvet. Heh. Gotta be careful who and what you worship.”

A car a short ways down opened up. Twilight Sparkle strode out, covered in a simple brown, hooded cape. Her mane was done up in a braid that looped over her shoulder. “Ready to head to the castle?”

Daring Do stretched her wings out slowly. “You’re wearing your Clover the Clever costume again this year?”

“Hay, it’s a nice costume.” Twilight flipped the hood back. “It’s made of authentic sackcloth.”

“Sounds itchy.” Daring waved her forward. “Come on, come on, time’s wasting. Let’s get this teleport over with.”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m not teleporting us. I can’t risk exhausting my magic before we run into the assassin. Otherwise I’d have just teleported us from Ponyville and cut the trip time into thousandths.”

They stood inside the marbled, gold-swirled epicenter of the station. The setting sun shone through the windows, casting an orange glow over everything. Twilight Sparkle gestured towards the front gate. “Hail a carriage and see what you can do to set up our little surprise. I’m gonna go meet my parents.”

Daring Do rubbed her forelegs to get the tingling feeling out of them after sitting for so long. “Avoiding another lecture?”

“It’s just been a while since I dropped by.” Twilight shook her head. “I told them that they shouldn’t come to the party, but you know my mom. She smells that something’s up.”

Care wrinkled her forehead. “So you’re gonna make sure they get here and home okay.”

Twilight’s wings drooped beneath her cape. “I don’t usually invite my parents to assassination attempts.”

“Hay, it’ll be fine.” Daring placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “We’ll keep it nice and contained, away from the party. Hurricane won’t know what hit her.”

Care adjusted the gems in her mane. “If she does, she’ll have about enough time to curse her rotten wings.”

“Yeah, that.” Daring chucked Twilight’s foreleg. She grabbed Care and made her way to the gate. “Go on, Sparkle. We’ll be ready when you get back. Warn Velvet that I’m gonna say hi sometime tonight.”

Twilight waited until they were outside before turning away and spreading her wings. Her left wing bumped into the chest of a passing stallion, just about knocking the wind out of him.

Twilight covered her mouth. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry! I didn’t even see you there!”

“It’s alright,” the stallion wheezed as he clutched a pink hoof to his chest. “I’ll manage…” He looked up and his eyes widened. “Your Highness. It’s been a while.”

Twilight Sparkle folded her wings against her sides and helped him up. “I’m sorry, I don’t recall…”

The stallion chuckled to himself. “You might remember me as the colt who always pulled your tail in magic kindergarten.”

“D-Dulcimer?” A smile broke out across Twilight’s face. “It really is you! I haven’t seen you since you were a palace servant!”

Dulcimer grinned. “I haven’t seen you since the coronation. You seem to be moving up in the world, Princess.”

“Well, what about you? Viscount of the Blueblood Estate, of all places.” Twilight shifted her eyes from side to side. “How’d you manage to convince Blueblood to name you that?

“I basically carried him through secondary school,” Dulcimer said. “He may not have learned anything, but by golly he memorized it. I suppose he thought he owed me a favor.”

“Knowing Blueblood, he probably did.” Twilight smirked and spread her wings. “So you’re gonna be at the Nightmare Night Masquerade?”

“Absolutely.” Dulcimer lifted a golden ticket from his jacket pocket. “Being viscount has a few perks. Maybe we should take a few moments to catch up.”

“It’ll have to be later; I’ve got to pick up my parents.” She walked backwards, flapping her wings slowly. “So, I’ll see you at the party, I guess.”

“See you then.” Dulcimer waved a hoof. “I’ll… ah… I’ll save a dance for you. Sound good?”

“Uh. Yeah, sure.” Twilight felt her cheeks warm up. “That sounds great. See you then. On the dance floor.”

Dulcimer pursed his lips. Just before she took off, he added, “Great Clover the Clever costume, by the way!”

Her wings flapped erratically. She flashed him a smile and jumped into the air. “It was great seeing you again!”

Dulcimer watched her fly off. He took a deep breath in and straightened his collar. “I couldn’t have planned it better.”

The sun sank beneath the horizon just as Twilight touched down outside her family’s house. It was squeezed between the building on either side, tall and thin. Small candles burned in the windows, casting an inviting light. She knocked on the door, and was almost instantly greeted with a clatter.

“Coming, coming.” The door latch clicked. A blue-coated stallion opened the door, a bright smile on his face. “Twilight! You look absolutely adorable.”

Twilight wrapped him in a tight hug. “Hi, daddy.” She held him at foreleg’s length. “Wh-what are you dressed as?”

Night Light looked down at his ensemble of cloth wraps. He lifted a turban onto his head. “This? I’m the Djinni of the Lamp. From One Thousand and One Evenings? Remember that book?”

Twilight giggled. “I remember that djinn tend to be trouble. Better be careful what I wish for.” She wiped her hooves on the welcome mat. “Where’s Mom?”

“Still getting a few last-minute things put together,” Night Light said. “We should have time, though. You’re teleporting us, right?”

“Well, actually, no.” Twilight nibbled on a strand of her mane. She switched to sucking on a caramel candy from a nearby bowl. “There’s something I need to do tonight that might need a bit of magic. Don’t wanna drain myself too much. There’s a carriage coming to pick us up.”

“Oh, well that’s fine.” Night nearly tripped on his own robes. “I’ll just go encourage your mother to hurry it up.”

“You do that.” Twilight snorted. “Good luck.”


“Ladies and gentlecolts,” King Andean Ursagryph announced. “What you see before you is a marvel of modern engineering!”

He was dressed in a loose-fitting shirt, heavy boots, a tri-corner hat, and an eye patch. “The Dread Pirate Blackfeather,” he had called himself when he and his daughters entered the ballroom. Stella laughed with delight while Corona shook her head with a gentle smile.

The nobleponies and honored guests at the Nightmare Night Masquerade were decorated in a wide variety of costumes. From simple mask and dress combinations, to accurate replicas of historic figures, to ponies from popular culture.

“Please be warned that these are highly trained griffon warriors,” Andean continued. “These tools are not to be trifled with.”

Five Blitzwings stood at attention behind him, holding their spears tight. The spearpoints were not attached to the end of the rod, but off to the side. They curved forward until they ran parallel with the length of the shaft itself. Instead of the head, a shining tube was fused to the end.

On one cleared-out end of the ballroom, a series of training dummies had been set up. The griffons swiveled to face them and lowered their spears.

“Magic powder from faraway lands.” Andean clenched his talon. “Iron ripped from the mountains of home. Wood carved from the Beefland forests!” He pointed to the waiting targets. “All to call upon the fire of the dragons!”

A roar shocked the hearts of the partygoers as flame erupted from the ends of the spears. The dummies crumpled, their cloth hides shredded by flying pellets of iron.

“People of Equestria,” Andean said, “the volleygun.”

Hoof pumped the ground as the crowd applauded. Two pair didn’t join in. Care Carrot circled around the edge, looking past the enthusiasm for things that didn’t fit. Her eyes jumped from guest to guest, appraising them.

“Yer lookin’ jumpier than a sheep in a lion’s den.”

Care crouched, ready to send her hooves into the pony’s chest. She relaxed when she saw it was Lord Mayor Applejack, dressed as a breezie. “Maybe I am.”

Applejack adjusted the giant purple wig on her head. “Nice costume. Looks jus’ like the real thing.”

Care returned her attention to the guests. “You’re a fan of the Power Ponies?”

“Ah’ve had experience with ’em.” Applejack made a face like she’d eaten an unexpected firepepper. “Trust me when ah say stay away from Enchanted Comics.”

Care observed a servant as he slid expertly between ponies. “They shut that place down years ago. Mister Quesadilla got nailed for selling reality-altering texts to minors.” She pouted. “Not all comic shops are evil.”

“Spike still seems to like ’em good enough.” Applejack shrugged her shoulder, which caused her fake wings to flap. She sighed. “Looks like it’s just about showtime.”

Luna, who was not wearing a costume at all, lifted her head close to Andean’s to listen. She made a reply, and then flapped her left wing once.

Applejack clicked her tongue. “Eeyup. That’s mah cue.” She looked up at the pegasi who had decided to hover around instead of stand. “Where’s Darin’ Do? Ah figured she’d be getting’ a bird’s eye view.”

“Yearling’s probably at the bar, pretending she’s ordering a drink.” Care grimaced. “I hope she’s pretending, anyhow.”

Care saw the same servant walk past with a tray on his back. His coat was black, and his mane was pure white. He walked with his hooves close together, almost shuffling his way around. He kept his head low and his eyes downcast most of the time.

When they weren’t down, they were focused on Prince Blueblood.

Care narrowed her eyes. “Hay, can you hold off Luna for a few minutes? I gotta hunch.”

“A hunch, huh?” Applejack shrugged. “Ah live an’ breath hunches, so go with yer gut. Y’ got maybe five minutes.”

Care walked behind the servant at a slow, steady pace. She closed in on him gradually, doing her best not to appear as though she was focused on him. When they were finally beside each other, she nudged him with her flank.

The tray on his back rattled. He steadied it with a hoof. “I-I-I’m sorry, p-please excuse—” His eyes met hers. His voice deepened in the middle of his sentence. “Excuse me, madam. May I assist you with something?”

“Yeah. You can get me a quiet room.” She looped her foreleg around his and dragged him towards the kitchens. “Mister Blank.”

The servant’s pupils shrunk. “I’m afraid I haven’t the slightest—”

“Can it.” Care pushed the kitchen doors open and shoved him inside. “I’m on to you, spy.”


Applejack cleared her throat and stepped closer to the griffon king. “Howdy, Andean.”

Her throat dried out as she realized anew just how large he was compared to ponies. The smallest adult griffon could give the biggest stallion a run for their money, and Andean was definitely not the smallest griffon. His beak alone could fit her entire head inside easily.

She suddenly found herself wishing Big Mac was there. “Been a while, ain’t it?”

“Lord Mayor Applejack.” Andean gave Luna a glance. “You are the exact last pony I expected to greet me during my stay here.”

“Well, ah know we didn’t exactly part on the best of terms…” She rubbed the back of her neck. “But that was awhile ago, right? Ain’t no reason to hold a grudge.”

Andean tapped a talon against the floor. “That’s rather big of you.” He smiled wide. “While you’re here, why not introduce you to my daughters?” He raised a few feathers. “Corona, Stella, come here, please.”

Corona was dressed as a purple dragon with a green underbelly. Stella was painted white, covered in sparkles, and wore a five-point star around her neck. Andean bent down to their level. “This, my daughters, is the famous Lord Mayor Applejack. Hero—”

“Hero of Equestria!” Stella yelped. “Bearer of the Element of Honesty! Gawrock pochy!

She clutched her tiny talons together and opened her eyes wide. “C-can I hug her?”

Corona’s beak fell open. “You know Spike, Legendary Hero of the Crystal Empire?”

“Uh…” Applejack held a hoof to her chest as she searched for something to say. “How d’you—?”

Sheesha—” Stella covered her beak. “Sorry. Father’s bedtime stories. You’re the one of the heroes in them.” Her fuzzy face looked on in awe. “Did you really kick a manticore in the face?”

“Uh…” Applejack looked at Luna, who was staring off into the crowd. “Uh, actually, that was Rarity.”

“I apologize, Andean, but I have some things I must attend to.” Luna bowed her head. “I trust we’ll continue our talks at a later date?”

“Of course.” Andean clicked his beak. “I think my daughters and I shall remain occupied for the rest of the evening.”

“Uh, Princess Luna, uh…” Applejack tapped the alicorn on the shoulder. “Ah had this question to ask about, uh—”

Luna’s horn glowed with a faint spell. A tiny voice spoke in Applejack’s ear. “If you are trying to cover for Care, your intentions are honorable but they may result in permanent damage. Please excuse me.”

“Ah’ll save it fer later,” Applejack said. “Enjoy the party.” She turned to the griffon girls. “Now what were you wonderin’ ’bout Spike?”


Care pressed a hoof to the servant’s throat and backed him against the stove. “Who are you really, Blank? Huh?”

“Y-you’ve got the w-wrong pony!” the black-coated servant yelped. “I-I have no idea who this—”

“Who this pony is who just happens to have the exact same voice?” Care lit her horn, which intensified from pink to orange. “Who just so happens to have the exact same speech pattern? You didn’t even try to hide your gait and posture, Blankety Blank.”

“I-it isn’t what it l—” The servant’s voice cut off when Care leaned against his throat.

“If it isn’t what it looks like, what is it?” she snarled. “Who are you working for?”

“He is working for me,” Princess Luna said.

Care turned her head, but didn’t let Blankety Blank go. “For you.”

“He has his own mission, just as you have yours.” Luna took a breath in through her nose. “And you are going to be late for your part in it.”

Care lowered her hooves. The stallion slumped to the floor, rubbing his neck. She walked past Luna without a word and headed back to the party.

“You are not supposed to be here, Mister Blank,” Luna said. “I was told Twilight Velvet explained the concepts of both vacations and deep cover.”

“I h-had to follow my mi-mission.” Blankety rose slowly to his hooves. “I d-didn’t think a whole new persona was n-n-necessary.”

“It certainly is now.” Luna frowned. “Is Blueblood in danger?”

“N-no more than usual.” Blank closed his eyes and tasted the air. “M-most of the em-m-motions are excitement and a-anticipation. Nothing h-harmful.”

Luna sighed. “Keep looking for that solid evidence, Blankety Blank. I believe the attempted assassination of both Blueblood and my sister are related.”

“Y-yes, ma’am.” Blank engulfed himself in green flames, reconfiguring his face, body, mane, and tail. A red and blue pegasus mare, dressed in servants clothes, winked at the princess. “Pip, pip, marm.”

“Please do not call me ‘marm,’” Luna said. “And do not say ‘pip, pip.’ It is not you.”

The servant chewed the inside of her cheek. “Exactly.”


“We are so late.”

Twilight Sparkle rode in the carriage facing backwards. She stared out the window at the ground they’d already covered. “We are late, late, late, late, late.”

“What’s the big deal, honey?” Twilight Velvet asked. She stuck her bubble pipe between her teeth. “We’re always a little late. Fashionably.”

“I think that’s just you, dear,” Night Light said.

Twilight fidgeted with her braid. “Yeah, but if I’m late this time something catastrophic could happen.”

Velvet leaned out the side window. “Snipe Hunt, how long until we arrive?”

Snipe Hunt, who was hitched to the carriage’s reigns, called back. “We’ll be there in less than ten minutes, Chief Velvet. We’re just passing Dulcimer’s construction project.”

“See? We’re nearly there.” Velvet placed a deerstalker cap on her head. “Now, don’t I just look the part of Fetlock Hooves? Hmm?”

“We even have Princess Luna’s personal guard with us, Twilight.” Night Light squeezed his daughter’s shoulder. “Everything will be just fine.”

Twilight Sparkle rested her head on her foreleg. “But what if it’s not?”


Luna opened the doors wide and stepped into the gardens. The bright lights of the party gave way to the dusky blues and silvers of the night. The doors shut with a final thump.

She looked up and saw Shardscale atop the roof, recording everything she saw through a skylight. The alicorn princess sighed and walked to the center of the garden, where the ancient oak sat idle and leafless.

Daring Do watched from a high window. “How much easier does it need to get for this Hurricane pony to show up?”

Care shushed her.

A moment later, Daring spoke up again. “Twilight should be here by now. What’s keeping her?”

Care shushed her more forcefully, planting a hoof to her lips.

“Of for the love of—” Daring pushed the brim of her pith helmet up. “You wanna shush something, shush the stinking griffon volleyguns. Nearly jumped out of my skin when they went off.”

“Do you understand the definition of clandestine?” Care hissed. “Hurricane could show up any moment and you’re worried about a little noise?

Daring flashed her a flat grin. “Isn’t that what you’re complaining about? A little noise?” She grumbled and planted her nose against the window. “Do you think we can even take her without Twilight to help?”

“We’ll have to.” Care’s head turned sharp towards the door. “There! Something’s coming out.”

A small, gray lump darted through the shadows. Daring scratched her forehead. “Looks smaller than I expected.”

“Shush!” Care opened the window without a sound. Her horn glowed bright in preparation to light a flare. “Three, two—”

“Princess Luna?” a voice squeaked. “Princess Luna? Did you come out here?”

Luna turned and beheld a short, fuzzy, sparkly griffon. “Princess Stella?” She looked at the rooftops around the courtyard, just in time to see Care’s horn fizzle out. “You shouldn’t be out here. You should be at the party with—”

“I wanted to see you,” the girl cheeped. “You’re one of the oldest persons in the world. You must know a million stories!”

“It will have to wait, little one.” Luna extended a wing towards the oak tree. “Skyhook, please return the princess to her father.”

The bat pony in question materialized from among the branches. He dropped to the ground and held a hoof out to Stella. He smiled as best he could without showing fangs. “Come with me, Stella. There’s something Princess Luna needs to do alone.”

“Aw. I wanted to hear—” Stella’s shiny wings dragged along the ground as she took the guard’s hoof. “Okay. I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“Later, Princess Stella.” Luna swallowed hard. “Later, I shall tell you the grandest story I know.”

“Thank you.” Stella looked up. “Do you know any stories, Mister Bat Pony?”

Skyhook chuckled even as he scanned the skies. “Oh, many. Have your heard the one about how the Crystal Empire returned?”


“Okay. How about when the plunder vines kidnapped the princesses?”

“Uh huh.”

Luna smiled despite herself. The leaves on the ground and in the bushes rustled as the wind picked up. She spread her wings and felt the air blow through her feathers. “Perhaps one story?” she whispered to herself.

She stared at the moon that had been under her charge for so long. She hummed softly to herself, an old tune, close to her heart. One written just after Celestia had raised the sun for the first time.

Wake up and see the rising morning light
Its stands so tall, a symbol of our might
Freedom from the chains of evildoers is our right
And so we wake and see the morning light

Stella slowed. She dragged against Skyhook’s grip to listen.

Look out and see the early morning light
She calls us to the battlefield, there monsters we must fight
With her at our helm we’ll set the evil ones to flight
And so we look out at the morning light

Luna blinked. Her ears twitched this way and that to catch noises that were not her own voice.

Stand tall and watch the shining morning light
She burns up our enemies and harries them from sight
She’ll never forego her battling despite
The ones who stand against the morning light

The temperature dropped. Shardscale’s wings spread to cover her body, even as she dipped her nose into the skylight. Luna stood up, her expression firm.

Awake and see the rising morning light
Her sun comes to banish all the shadows of the night
Daylight reveals the furthest depths and greatest height
Awake, my friends, for the rising morning light

“Commander Hurricane?” Luna trotted around the tree. “Commander Hurricane? I’m here! I’m waiting! You sought to slay my sister and failed! Do you now seek to slay me as well? Do you seek to see your entire legacy undone? Here I am! Face me now, thou monster!”

Stella twisted away from Skyhook. She ran towards the princess, jumping from bush to bush. The guard rushed after her, his keen, sensitive eyes never losing sight of her. “Stella, come back! It’s dangerous out here!”

“Why keep to the shadows now, villain?” Luna shouted. The wind whipped her starry mane across her face. “When you made such a spectacle of your attack on Celestia! Come forth now and face me! Face me and die!

Daring Do leapt out of the window, her wings locked in a glide. Care lowered a rope ladder and shimmied down. The leaves whirled around the oak tree in a tornado of autumn colors, lit by the light of the full moon.

The wind stopped. The leaves settled down as though they had not been disturbed in the first place. Everypony paused, their breath held, their muscles tense.

Stella pushed herself through a bush. She touched Luna’s hoof. “Princess? What happened?”

Luna glared at the sky. She winced and lowered her head. “I don’t know, child. I don’t know.”

The temperature rose back to the cool night air, rather than the harsh chill of before. Luna’s eyes gradually opened wider, her ears drooping in concert. “Did I do the right thing, sister?”


Snipe Hunt’s hooves clomped against the road as they rolled past the construction site. Twilight had unbraided her mane and re-braided it several times that night. “I should be there.”

“Twilight,” Velvet said, “it will be fine. Luna’s a tough pony. If she can’t handle something, then she can hold out until you get there.” She reached across the car and touched her daughter’s cheek. “If you’re that worried, then leave us. We’ll be well taken care of. You go and save the day again.”

Twilight held her hoof over her mother’s. “These are dangerous times. I’m not leaving you guys alone on a night like this.”

“We can handle ourselves.” Twilight Velvet chuckled. “Give me a pony and see if I don’t knock them on their butt in ten minutes. Have a little faith in us.”

“I can definitely vouch for your mother,” Night Light said. “After over thirty years of marriage, I should know—” At an elbow to the ribs, he clarified. “Thirty years of blissful marriage that seem like less than a day in hindsight.”

“That’s a stretch, dear.” Velvet giggled. “Really, Twilight. Go for it.”

“I’ll be right here beside them, your Highness,” Snipe Hunt said. “If anything happens, they’ll have to go through me to—”

The roof buckled as something heavy fell on it. Iron claws ripped through the sides of the carriage. The entire vehicle tilted to the side as it was lifted into the air. Velvet fell on her husband, while Twilight Sparkle screeched and steadied herself with her hooves and wings.

The windows were blocked off by the massive iron talons of the construction site’s crane. The suspended carriage rotated slowly, giving them a view of all around. Twilight peered through the bars of their makeshift cage and spotted the crane’s control box.

Standing at the box, her hoof on a joystick, was the scarred mare. She opened a wing, sending razor-sharp blades flying at them.

Author's Note:
