• Published 24th Apr 2012
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A Collab of Stories You'll Probably Never Read - Bronymaster

I think the title says it all

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Ultimate Price

Author: ShadowFax
Ultimate Price

15th May
2 years after Night Mare Moon’s defeat.

Order is a rare word, at times of hardship.

The massive stone complex was nothing short of stoic. Intricate cravings etched at every other bridge. Ironically, it offered little neither protection nor comfort the first remains of the ‘Resistance’. A stark reminder against the burning towers of the capital. Gathered at the fortress were members who managed to escape the madness of Discord and it’s minions. One of the important heads leading this ragtag group was a particular blue azure pony.

Still, its lush trees made it a sharp contrast between the very lines of pandemonium and harmony. Perfect to capture Trixie’s current desire for calmness and stability.

Trixie had every right to be annoyed. She was forced to relate a simple truth. A truth that can best be described in shades of grey. A clammy sensation ran through her back as she slowly climbed the creaky stage stairs. Ponies jostled around the raised platform, uttering soft murmurs.

She silently scanned for her much-needed supporters among the coats of multiple colored ponies. Finally she spotted them at the back row.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie.

The small crowd of ponies held their breath, eyes pinning on the caped magician. Lips pursing. She would have soaked in in the jubilation of the roaring crowd. This was not how she imagined it was to be. The clock ticked silently.

Not this day.

Swallowing her saliva, she began her tale.

“Great & Powerful Trixie wishes to tell you that there have been a spy among us!”

She paused. The audience grasped.

“Gilda, please. Bring out the Elements of Harmony.”

The griffon rose from the V.I.P row to join her friend on stage. Swiftly, her arm went around her shoulder, pulling her closer. Another claw stretched out an intricate carved glass cover box. On closer inspection, one could see the five necklaces and a tiara encased with golden weaved emblems resting on miniature silk pillows.

Trixie trembled. Shaking.

“You okay, Trixie? We can continue this tomorrow, if you want.” Gilda’s face darkened.

“No, I can do this. Please, let me finish. I must.”

Again, she glanced over the faces of her audience. Her friends.
Slowly, fragmented memories connected. She remembered her importance.

“Fortunately, the spy has yet to land their hooves on the elements of harmony!”

“What about Twilight?” a random voice asked.

“That’s the topic for today.”

* * *
One day earlier.

Trixie was undeniably tired. Eyelids momentarily closed. She just couldn’t do it anymore. The blue caped pony was in charge of getting the final piece of logistics to the correct location.

Fatigued. Still, it was no excuse for not taking a small break. No pony would notice her absence. A brief moment of panic was being replaced by calm. Twilight would find a way to defeat that monster. She always did. Soon, she shall bring over the “Elements of Harmony”, and it will be over in a split moment. Over time, both of them had become best friends. Twilight was special indeed. Not just a mentor at Canterlot, but also pushed her to the best of her abilities.

She cantered towards the foreboding Everfree forest.

Trixie sank deeper into the rich canopy, ignoring the feared twisted claws of the willow trees resting in the foreground. She continued to take in the crisp fresh air and its familiar sights. She stopped. Something tantalized her nose. The smell of burning cedar trees began to overwhelm her senses. Air began to sparkle with dust.

Then she saw a tangled mass against the rough forest floor, painful sobs wracked her body.

Blood spattered the rocky surface. A familiar cry rent the air. Flames leaping into trees. A lavender unicorn sprawled over the rocky ground on all fours. Multiple lashes of cuts defined her body. Celestia’s sun poured a shadow over a nearby ornate object.


That once-magnificent unicorn was now a shriveled husk of the mare she once was. A weakened hoof beckoned her. The blue magician shivered as she approached her former rival.

“By Celestia! Twilight!” Trixie screamed. “What happened at Canterlot? It was just a simple task!”

“I know.”

Trixie’s hooves instinctively closed around the lavender pony.
“It’s alright now, I’m here. You could tell me what happened.”

“There’s a traitor among us. Some pony torched our food supplies! I tried to catch her but it was too late!”
She could feel the tremor intensifying within Twilight. Cringed.

“Take this.” A hoarse voice spoke somberly.
Twilight gestured towards the treasure chest.

“The Elements of Harmony.”

“Take what?” The caped magician blinked as the lavender pony repeated herself.
“The Elements of Harmony.”

“Twilight, did you see who done it?” asked Trixie.

“I don’t remember, it was quite fast…”

“But this is everything you have stood for! You can’t die now! We are your family!” Trixie’ tone became earsplitting.

Twilight turned away. Her body rolled sideways.
“I was rash and stupid. My experiment failed. It was to seal Discord, and yet he escaped and became more powerful. More Insane!”

“You can’t do this,” Trixie whimpered. “Not on my watch.”


Reaching for the box, Twilight added, “You need to tell my friends. They will understand what happened.”


“You are our only hope now, Trixie. I’m sorry. I really am. If only my friends were with me…”

“No, I can’t do this. I’m not as strong as you.”

“Trixie, listen to me, you are the most wonderful pony I know. You must continue in my place. My legacy.”

“Not without you.” Answered the blue magician.

“Promise me!” Twilight’s voice weakened. Desperation. It was not a question, but a demand. An oath.

“I promise.”

Twilight’s pale eyes rolled backwards, her last breath finally left. Trixie stood dismayed. She scooped the slumped body into her arms. Hoof tracing the contours of her fallen friend.

“Twilight, you stupid mare. Who will now taunt the Great and Powerful Trixie once you’re gone?” she said softly, trying to stop the sad tone of her voice from creeping in.

Trixie shivered. On one hoof, her greatest rival was dead. But on the other hoof, she had lost a best friend and a heroine.

Most ponies would have cowered in fear, blamed their circumstances and questioned their beliefs and thoughts. One pony, however, decided to be different.

A tint of resolve lit her eyes. This was her moment to shine.

* * *
“The Great and Powerful Trixie knows this. Earlier today, Twilight has gone to seek allies by boarding the last train out of Canterlot. She wanted to tell the rest of you but it was too late. Trixie tries to convince her otherwise. But no, she would not stay. Even if it’s Trixie.”

Stream of tears fell from Trixie’s cheeks as the last sentence of Twilight’s ‘story’ rolled off her tongue. What could she have told the roaring crowd? The lavender unicorn had been special to each and every one of them.

The least thing she could offer was a ray of hope. What happened next, was completely out of her control.

A crescendo of voices began to spread across the room. Confusion spread among its occupants. From the corner of her eyes, she spotted a certain cyan pony’s jaws dropping. It seemed a fellow pony did not take the news too lightly. Skepticism.

“No way! Not Twilight! You liar!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. A look of disbelief ran through her visage. No, this can’t be the truth. Twilight wouldn’t leave them that easily. She was the one of the most powerful ponies in Canterlot for starters!

“Great and Powerful Trixie was there, Rainbow Dash. She passed me this. Besides, I would require some assistance.” Responded Trixie dryly. Tossing the scroll high, it was plain for all to see.

No doubt many ponies would continue to deny her ‘truth’. It just was not viable. Already she felt the heat of the room rising. It wasn’t just her sweat. Dash, with her speed could easily catch up with the supposed train.

Not if Trixie could help it.

As she shifted her gaze towards the looming mountains, she saw that its once majestic ice caps started to disconnect itself, sending white waves of snow tumbling towards the valleys below. Trixie was pleased. Even the onyx clouds reeled backwards, allowing the rays of the sun to fill the land with its heavenly light.

Apple Jack had already left for the fillies.

Swiftly re-adjusting her prose, Trixie forced another smile. The pleasant echoes of her thoughts overwhelmed her with relief. Her Master’s troops would soon burst through various arched doorframes.

After all, she had planned everything.
The last thing that Trixie needed was some pony making her grand plan fall apart.