• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday


Just a cat pretending to be a human pretending to be a cat on the internet.


In spring, the land blossoms - just like Fluttershy's heart. She dreams of one pony, night and day. That is, until something gets in the way she isn't prepared for. What will she do? And what will become of her friendships? A time comes for the shy pony to prove how brave she can be.

Cover by me. (source)
Proofread by Desavlos and TheEarthSheep.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 31 )

Yay, cliche hick, homophobic Applejack. Just lovely.

While this is pretty well written and put together, the story flowing almost perfectly throughout. The plot itself is so bland and generic that I had to force myself to read the last chapter. This fic is exactky like the majority of the other thousand ship fics on this site.

"-insert name here-, I have a crush on you!"
"OMG! Wait a minute, Holy shet I think have a crush on you too!"
"Omagurr let's go out and get married and stuff."!

For once, I would like to see a romance story where they don't get together, where the characters love interest has no feelings for them what-so-ever and is in love with someone else completely. No Polymory.. No sudden surge of romantic feelings for the main protagonist. Just heartbreak. I thought this fic was gonna have Fluttershy with a crush in Dash, but with Dash in a relationship with Big Maccie, no hope for a relationship with Flutters. That would've been interesting!

Oh andI'm still gonna like this fic, simply becuase of how well writtem it is.

5401308 Holy shit, I'm writing a fic just like that!

what happened to "if you got nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all" ?


For once, I would like to see a romance story where they don't get together, where the characters love interest has no feelings for them what-so-ever ... No sudden surge of romantic feelings for the main protagonist. Just heartbreak.

Why did you have to plant this idea in my head? I mean, it's not like the concept is unheard of, but upon reading your comment, the entire plot for a fic just exploded inside my head. (a slow explosion that lasted the course of me taking a shower, but... well... it felt like an explosion.)

I'm in the middle of another fic, but it looks that's going to have to be put aside while I get this done. sigh...

(seriously though, I actually think it's going to be pretty good.) :raritywink:

5403006 I never said anything mean or offensive. I commented twice on how well written this fic is and on how well the plot seems to flow throughout. It's mainly the plot itself that threw me off of this fiction.

5403135 If you write that, I'd read the Hell out if it!

5402599 SERIOUSLY? Please Link me when you're done, I'd love to see this rare occurrence for myself.

Thanks for the comments, they actually help me a lot. See, I was worried a bit about all the dislikes, I couldn't really explain them and since I'm not a native speaker I'm always kinda cautious about my writing. If the problem really is the plot then for me that's a rather good thing because it means I just have to come up with better plots, which is like, hard, but still easier than having to fix my writing from the bottom up.

While I appreciate the gesture of trying to protect me, you have to understand that this is criticism and meant to point out the weak spots of a story. While everyone likes to hear how awesome they are, this kind of response is the best an author can get as long as it's reasonable and not delivered in an insulting manner.

5403966 You're welcome, I understand the frustration you only seem to get praise for a fic. You need to know the bad parts of your writing so you can improve and better perfect them. I'm not saying that people should completely slander and be a dick about it but, a little advice always helps!

Another thing, did that guy seriously dislikes my comments? He read into things that weren't even there to begin with. What hateful abuse did I throw your way? What mean, discouraging words of slader did I utter within my written feedback?

Oh, the way Big Mac cries is so sad. :( I'm glad you made Fluttershy come to her senses, because I thought she was overreacting way too much. It seemed pretty mean for her character.

It was well written and I liked it. Their romance seemed a bit rushed in the last chapter, but was still nice. And I like how you wrote Pinkie Pie! And you did a good job redeeming AJ, since she seemed kinda heartless in chapter 1.

5401268 Ugh, such a generic comment. I'll have you know I've never seen something like this story before. Maybe that's because I read more F/F stories.

sorry i had a paladin complex...forgive me

5407996 It's no problem :pinkiesmile:

5406108 Thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it.

I had to reschedule what I’d scheduled for today

That's a bit oxymoron if you ask me.

I had to reschedule for today

would be better.

Oh I see why this fic is getting hate. Homophobic Applejack. Riiiight... as if this pony didn't have enough low popularity you start going about how she's homophobic because?

Because she's a country girl that's ignorant and has no proper education?

I don't know... It seems strange to me.

In any case I don't really get why she didn't know about Big Mac being gay when I am given the impression that half the town knows. Is Applejack that blind so that Twilight notices?

In any case I'd rather just not tackle that subject straight up if it's my first fanfic. Bad mornings make bad days.

The story starts nice and sweet and I like this. Reading on.

It felt like Big Mac left Fluttershy sometime midway and you never mentioned it.

Fluttershy could see beauty in a mare; all mares could.

You've never seen guys or girls bitch about this kind of stuff have you? Let me just tell you they don't. People are selfish.

“Yes it is. Applebloom’ll be fine. Granny’s prolly gonna try talk me out of it but Ah don’t care. Ah didn’t choose who Ah am, but you can choose to accept it or not.”

I have something to say about this. People CAN choose to be gay. Not in the way you think... as in people who choose to be gay aren't always genuine about it. What do I mean? That they fake gay relationships or even sex just to be with someone for the benefits.

Rainbow Dash stared at her in horror. As soon as she managed to break from her shock, she fled in a rush of feathers and tears.

That doesn't sound like something Rainbow Dash would do. It would be more appropriate if Fluttershy just closed the door behind her.

Overall nice, even though a bit predictable drama. Oh well.

5408639 I felt the change of mind Applejack did was a tad bit too quick. That is all. Overall this was nice. I know how it feels faking you don't feel something about someone who's in love with someone else.

Overall few errors here like I mentioned in my previous comments. You should post more stories I think.

5412745 My idea of Applejack in this fanfiction is that she doesn't know better and is just stubborn about the topic. Like she was about Zecora in the respective episode. Maybe I didn't bring across that idea convincingly enough; I'll make sure to try and not upset people like this in the future. Just for the record, I totally like Applejack, this is just part of the story.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

What happened to this poor story? Where did all the downvotes come from? They're absolutely undeserved. I enjoyed this story a lot-- you're a srrong writer, and I wouldn't have known you aren't a native speaker if you hadn't said so. The plot was very enjoyable, but it does have some rough edges and puzzle pieces that don't quite fit together. The swiftness with which characters change their minds about fundamental parts of their identity or worldview seems odd, not to mention it messes with the pacing, and the fact that Rainbow took only a few days to get from keeping her orientation so secret that even Fluttershy didn't know to kissing a mare in the middle of Ponyville seems odd.

But your skill at characterization makes up for those flaws and then some. Most shipping stories tend to focus overwhelmingly on the shipped pair, with everyone else reduced to bit characters who behave exactly as expected and offer no surprises. But your peripheral characters are constantly dropping surprising details and sentiments that leave me feeling as though I've learned something new about each. (As others have hinted, though, Applejack needed some more development, as in the same story she holds two extreme viewpoints and swings between them so quickly that we're left confused.) There are lots of revealing moments of character development that are too complex for the show yet feel perfectly in character; I particularly loved Rainbow, distraught, prowling outside Fluttershy's cottage, trying to work up the nerve to knock, but getting caught and immediately trying to save face by being like "Oh hi there I was just in the neighborhood." Even the homophobia discussion among the six friends felt spot-on, right down to who spoke and who stayed silent and why.

I'm sorry you got downvote-bombed, because you definitely didn't deserve it. This is really good. Not perfect, of course, but what is?


The swiftness with which characters change their minds

Two or three weeks of editing already went into this alone, but I think it's more a general problem with the pacing. I'd have to dedicate more narrated time (and also narration time) to these things, but the plot doesn't really work like that for me. Then again, it's kind of an older story and I'm trying to improve on these flaws.

But I believe the reason for the downvotes isn't as much the technical side as me upsetting people about how I depict AJ in this. But that's a problem I don't think I'll have that much with future stories.

Anyway I appreciate the detailed feedback, thanks a lot for that! And I'm glad you enjoyed the story.


But I believe the reason for the downvotes isn't as much the technical side as me upsetting people about how I depict AJ in this.

I've been noticing a lot of stories getting down votes because of Applejack being depicted like this. (Although not just her, any of the Mane Six really.) I don't understand why it is so hated. To me, Applejack and Rarity would be the most opposed to same gender relationships. Applejack because of how her family is with traditions, (Even getting angry with Twilight for using magic in Winter Wrap Up) and Rarity because she has more interest in romance than the rest of them, but limits to other stallions. Twilight is debatable considering the 'human' side of her.

I'd like to see directions of other ponies being opposed to same gender relationships since it's not explored often, but with all these down votes, people won't let them.

Go Big Mac! And Go Fluttershy!

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