• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 10,463 Views, 659 Comments

Stars in the Making - Borsuq

Princess Starburst, who dreams of becoming the Captain of the Royal Guard, begins dating scarred by past Starfall, who cares for little other than having fun. How will this end?

  • ...

Morning's Shenanigans

“Be sure to behave,” Flash Sentry said, as he made sure for the last time that her bags were strapped.

Starburst suppressed an angry retort as she blushed. “Dad,” she said, trying to remain calm and dignified, “Starfall and I have been dating for just a day! We’re not going to do anything like that!”

Her father raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so a colt that sleeps in the ruins of an old castle can afford his own tent?” While Starburst opened her mouth, searching for a reply, Flash Sentry added: “Also, who said I meant anything along those lines?”

Blushing ever more fiercely now, Starburst just facehoofed.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Flash,” her cousin, who was standing near her, said. Valiant also had a folded tent and sleeping bag strapped to his back. “I’ll keep an eye on them.”

Starburst glared at him, but before she could say something, her mother joined in. “Now, would you two stop?” she said, coming into the living room. Around her head there were several documents being levitated by her magic. Princess Twilight put them all aside on a table and continued to look at her husband and nephew with disappointment. “I trust Starburst to be responsible, and so should you.”

“Thanks Mom,” Starburst said, grateful… and still a little bit embarrassed; the memory of their talk from last night after Starfall had left was still fresh in her head.

Valiant frowned. “I trust Star,” he said defensively, and Starburst was pleased to hear shame in his voice. “It’s that other Star that I don’t trust.”

Starburst glared at him. “Just what are you accusing my coltfriend of planning to do?”

Baffling her cousin was something Starburst was starting to find really satisfying. Before the confused and embarrassed Valiant could think of a reply, Twilight spoke: “I’m certain that Valiant hadn’t meant anything of malicious nature, and is just concerned for you.”

Concerned, Starburst thought, annoyed. As if I need protection.

“However,” her mother added, looking at Valiant sternly. “you’re an adult, Valiant, unlike Star or her coltfriend. I expect you to act like one.” Or your mother will hear about this, Starburst was certain she said in her thoughts.

“Yes Aunt Twilight,” Valiant replied, folding his ears.

Twilight nodded and smiled, happy to see him convinced, and turned towards her documents. As such, she missed the look her husband gave Valiant. Starburst rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything. Starfall has told her that he would prefer if she would let him deal with her cousin; she might as well let Valiant act like that and learn from her coltfriend just how stupid this was of him.

Also, before she could say anything, her little brother came into the room. Like their mother, Nighty was levitating something as he walked; a magic book. Nerd, Starburst thought, half sneering and half affectionately.

“Have fun camping,” he told them as sat on one of the couches.

“Thanks,” Starburst replied; she still had to repay him for spying on her for Candy.

I wonder if I should ask Starfall for advice about that…

“Are you and your friends going to do something fun during the long weekend?” she asked, putting the plans for revenge for later.

Nighty shrugged. “Well, I hope not camping,” he said; unlike Starburst, he wasn’t much of an outdoor pony. Playing with his friends was one thing, but camping for several days was too much for him. “I dunno, maybe I’ll go to the movie theater with them; Pixel mentioned something about a new movie based on a game she likes…”

“Oh,” to Starburst’s terror, their mother exclaimed in a very similar tone she used in their talk last night, “when she said that, maybe she meant that she would have liked to go if just the two of you went to see it?”

It said something that despite their many differences, her younger brother replied identically to Starburst. “M-mom!” he exclaimed, blushing.

Starburst tilted her head at the sight of his cheeks growing red. Perhaps…

As she pondered, Twilight giggled and waved her hoof. “Oh, don’t worry, Nighty, I was just kidding. Although,” she added, glancing at Starburst, “it would have been so nice if both of our kids would already find their special somepony.”

That’s my cue to leave, Starburst thought, facehoofing. Preferably before Nighty figures out what that means, she added, noticing that her brother was still too caught up in his own embarrassment.

“Mom,” he said, stomping (and still blushing), “I’m not… wait,” Nighty paused, blinking, “what did you say, Mom?”

“Okay, we’re leaving!” Starburst said loudly. Turning to Valiant, she started to push him. “Lance, let’s go,” she whispered.

“Star is dating somepony?!” Nighty exclaimed, shocked.

Oh joy, he figured it out…


“Oh, for the love of-” Starburst exclaimed, forgetting that she wanted to get out as soon as possible. “I am not even going to dignify your surprise with a response. Lance, we’re going to be late,” she told her cousin.

But her cousin must have already figured out by now why she wanted to leave. “I’m sure our friends and your coltfriend Starfall will understand if we’ll be a little late,” he said, narrowing his eyes.

“YOU’RE DATING STARFALL?!” Nighty exclaimed, his jaw on the floor.

Starburst facehoofed again. Why did I think my friends were the worst problem…

“How did that happen?” Nighty continued to ask, still perplexed.

“I don’t have to explain anything regarding my personal life to you,” she replied coldly, getting more and more angry as this morning dragged on.

Their parents frowned hearing her tone, but Nightly quickly shrugged it off. “Nevermind; can I go with camping with you guys?”

Having expected that things might go this way, Starburst had a reply ready: “No!”

“Please!” Nighty begged. “I want to know how he did that ‘cutting in half’ trick!”

Not sickening at all, Starburst thought, but out loud she said: “Out of the question!”

The last thing she needed on this camping trip was the company of her geeky brother. Starburst loved him, of course, but that didn’t stop her or him from arguing and fighting every once in a while. The upcoming few days were already going to be embarrassing enough for her, with her friends seeing her and Starfall together. She did not want them also seeing her and Nighty fight, or worse, see her be affectionate towards him.

Also, if he were to go, she would have to spend time looking after him. Nighty, in turn, would probably bombard Starfall with questions about his magic tricks. It would be hard for them to be alone.

“C’mon, pleeeease?” Nighty pleaded. As Starburst continued to glare at him, he turned to their mom. “Mom?”

Twilight looked unsure at Starburst. “Well…”

Okay, forgetting plans for revenge.

“Mom, Nighty has been spying on me for one of my friends for bits.”

Night’s jaw fell. “T-that’s not true!” he quickly defended himself as everypony looked at him with surprise. “I haven’t told Candy anything about-”

Seeing Starburst’s suggestively raised eyebrow, Nighty had realized what he just let slip and covered his mouth with his hooves, but it was already too late. Their parents heard that, too. “Night Light!” Twilight hissed disapprovingly.

Despite how satisfying that would be, Starburst didn’t wait to see what sort of punishment he would receive. “Alright, let’s go,” she said, turning to Valiant.

Her cousin frowned. “But-”

“Now!” she cut him off, spreading her wings and stomping.

Valiant cringed as she used her talent for intimidating others on him, and nodded reluctantly.

“This day is off to a good start,” Starburst muttered several minutes later as they walked towards the agreed meeting place. She glanced sharply at Valiant. “Lance, listen; Star asked me to not interfere if you two would start to argue. I hope you know that means that if you start something-”

“Why do you think I would start something?” the alicorn looked at her, offended. “Last night he started to make fun of me.”

“You mean after you had the royal guard surround us and take us to my parents?”

“... those were their orders.” Despite his excuse, Valiant blushed with embarrassment.

“As I was saying,” Starburst continued, ignoring the interruption, “if you would provoke Star, he would reply either by poking fun at you, or by some prank. So for the love of Celestia, don’t mention again that he might be the son of King Sombra.”

His embarrassment deepened. “I should apologize to him. That was uncalled for,” he admitted reluctantly and sighed. “And I also should apologize to you as well. Sorry,” Valiant said as she looked at him with confusion. “For interrupting your date.”

“Oh… it’s okay,” Starburst said dismissively, not wanting to dwell on the subject. Especially since their meeting spot came into sight, with all their friends already there. “I thought I would get in trouble anyway.”

“Still, it wasn’t nice. Not to mention that my attitude was kinda hypocritical, considering how often I told you that you should loosen up,” he added with a chuckle. “To make it up to you, I will try to be nicer to Starfall.”

“Thank you.”

“I still don’t like him,” Valiant warned.

“Noted,” Starburst replied as she waved with her wing to their friends.

As she had said back in the house, they were close to being late. Everypony was already waiting for them beside the tree growing next to the road leading to the Winsome Falls. Prism and Hot Head were shooting daggers at each other, but seeing how they weren’t arguing, Starburst assumed that the others convinced them to be try and be nice to one another. The rest were talking among themselves, Claire laughed at some joke a slightly sleeping-looking Nidra told her…

... but Starburst had eyes on only one of her friends.

“ANNIE!” she shouted as soon as she noticed the blind unicorn beside her coltfriend, T. She ignored everypony else and focused solely on her. “I am going to kill you!”

Annie turned to her, startled. “W-wha...?” she started to say, but Starburst quickly crossed the distance dividing them and landed in front of her.

“Do you have any idea what the hell my parents thought when they found those condoms you gave me?” she shouted in her face, blowing off the steam from last night on Annie.

As Annie stared at her with wide eyes, Starburst noticed that her other friends started to laugh. Though embarrassed, she was way too pissed to react to that. However, when Annie started to smile? That was another matter. A growl was all the warning she got.

“EEP!” Annie shrieked as she jumped behind her massive coltfriend, but it wasn’t going to do her any good. Starburst chased after her, forcing the unicorn to run. “I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY!” Annie shouted as the two of them run around T in circles.

Blinded by her rage, Starburst couldn’t really tell, but she was sure they’ve circled T at least three times before Candy and June finally grabbed her. “Let me go!” she shouted while they held her, trying to escape.

“Come now, darling,” Claire said, stepping into her view. Starburst’s narrowed her eyes; it was clear that the half-dragon was holding back laughter. “You cannot expect poor Anthea to know her joke would bring such results.”

“I’m soooorryyy!” Annie added… looking at her from behind T. “I didn’t mean to… if your parents would have mentioned something about it yesterday, I would have told them that I gave them to you, I swear.”

She had tears in her eyes. Celestia damn it Annie, Starburst thought as she started to be ashamed of lashing out at her friend and regretting it now, a pony can’t stay mad at you…

“I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble,” Annie continued. “Although,” she added suddenly, with a spark in her eye, “they wouldn’t have found it if you had used them…”

And there it is again. The rage, Starburst thought, deadpanning at Annie while others snorted.

However, despide her thoughts, she was now more annoyed than angry. “I am not even going to reply to that one,” she said, sighing heavily.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Candy and June let go of her. “So…?” Annie asked her unsurely.

“I am not going to kill you,” Starburst explained, deadpanning. “But for the love of Celestia, never ever give me any condoms again!” she added, doing her best to ignore the renewed burst of laughter her words had caused. In an afterthought, she said: “And nothing related to them!”

“I’m not promising anything,” Annie replied. As if sensing Starburst’s gaze, she added. “What? You might need-”

Thankfully, whatever rest she planned on saying, was stopped by Claire. She pressed her hoof-claw to Annie’s mouth, silencing her. “Alright, that’s enough Annie. Now,” Claire added, looking the others, “boys, go away for a minute. We’re going to have a girl ta-”

“No!” Starburst quickly interrupted her. To be safe, she flew out of anypony’s reach and landed beside the tree, wanting to have her back turned somewhere safe. “I will not go through that again!”

“But we wanted to know how your date with Starfall went!” Candy said, pouting.

“It ended with us being surrounded by a bunch of guards, that’s all I am going to tell you,” Starburst replied angrily.

“Oh, we know that part,” Claire said. Starburst shot Valiant an angry glare; of course the commotion they’ve caused last night attracted the attention of others in Ponyville. “As well as that when Starfall picked you up, your parents were there. But we’re curious about where you two disappeared to.”

Starburst groaned and facehoofed. Why do I feel that they will get this out of me anyway?

“And while we’re at the subject, where is Starfall? You did invite him, right?”

“Of course,” Starburst replied. “He’ll be here shortly. Probably.”

“Probably?” Claire asked, raising an eyebrow.

Starburst snorted. “Who knows with him? He can be perfectly on time, late if he would think it was funny, or can be already…” she trailed off as her friends looked at her. “He’s standing right behind me, right?” she asked with a sigh.

Claire tilted her head. “Um… no?”

That actually surprised Starburst. “Huh,” she said, beginning to turn around, “I was sure-”


“Gah!” Starburst uttered in shock as she jumped away. Which, of course, made Starfall’s grin (that an instant ago was right at her face) even wider.

She looked at her coltfriend as he hung from a lower branch of the tree by his tail. The branch was shaking, indicating that he had just that instant leaned down from it.

“How long have you been there?” Starburst asked, shaking off the shock as best she could. Her heart was still racing.

Not worried at all by her angry question, Starfall continued to hang down from the branch smiling. “I could have teleported here this instant,” he said, shrugging. “I could have been here since dawn, or I can still be someplace else. Who knows with me?”

Hearing him practically repeat after her, Starburst frowned. “I hate you sometimes,” she said quietly enough for just the two of them to hear.

“No you don’t,” he replied, sticking his tongue out.

Before she could retort, Starfall lifted his body up, grabbed the branch with his forehooves, then hurled his body higher so it was vertically above it, and then laid on it. “Hi guys,” he said as he put his hooves under his head, getting more comfortable on the branch. “What’s up? What did you think about my show?”

“Well, hello Starfall,” Claire replied politely. “It is a pleasure to see you again, and I think I speak for all of us when I say we loved your show. Well, minus one pony maybe,” she added, glancing at Prism.

“Am I really the only one who thinks that taking such joy in seeing your friend cut in half is kinda sick?” Prism grunted while the others chuckled.

“Oh, lighten up,” Nidra said, poking him with her wing. “It was fun.”

“Next time you can volunteer then,” Prism retorted. “We’ll see how much you’ll like it when you’re in two pieces…” he trailed off and his eyes went to the side, as if thinking about something, then shook his head.

What the hell did he think?! Starburst wondered briefly.

Her attention quickly shifted back to Starfall, however, as he looked at Prism and Nidra with confusion. “Do you want me to go get my saw and box or-”

“NO!” Prism quickly said.

“I didn’t say they’d be for you.”

That made Prism reconsider, but before he could ponder about it, Candy said: “Silly, you can’t solve all social problems with a saw and box.”

“I’d ask how you know that for sure,” Starfall replied, “but I feel that this conversation is starting to get dark, so…”

“Still, we could probably use some entertainment once we set up camp,” Illusion said, smirking.

“If it means you’ll get cut in half, maybe,” Prism commented.

“Oh, that would be fun,” Illusion agreed with a strange gleam in his eyes.

Starburst quickly caught up with what he was thinking. Being half draconequus, he could use his magic for many things. Illusion probably wanted to see first-hoof what Starfall’s trick was about… and then pull a prank on him.

I should probably be happy that he has the decency to do that in our group and not in front of the crowd, Starburst thought with annoyance. She turned to her coltfriend. I wonder what Star would have done if Illusion had volunteered before he picked Prism… she trailed off when she’d noticed that Starfall had a smirk on his face.

“Indeed, Your Highness,” he agreed with Illusion. “Alas, I do not have my trusty saw with me, and I don’t have the time to go back for it.”

Liar, Starburst thought, thinking about his skill with teleportation spell.

“But don’t worry, I might show you all a few tricks,” Starfall finished with a smile only somepony blind wouldn’t call sinister.

“Well,” Annie said, “you won’t show me anything. Blind, remember?”

“Can’t see,” Starfall corrected her, as usual.

“What is your obsession with correcting me like this?” Annie questioned.

“Cause my stalker took my eyeballs once,” Starfall replied casually. “She put them back when she got bored. Still, those were dark days. Get it?” he grinned while everypony stared at him in confusion. Once he realized that his joke made nopony laugh, he continued: “Well, anyway, the experience gave me an interesting perspective on the subject.”

“She took your eyeballs?” Starburst repeated.

Normally, she would have thought that he was making it up, but after yesterday…

Starfall disappeared from the branch and appeared next to her. “Yeah, that was a weird prank, even for her. Or maybe it wasn’t a prank and she wanted to have a memento, or build a weird-flank shrine? I dunno, it’s kinda hard to tell when she’s serious…” he trailed off, pondering.

Starburst glanced at her friends, and saw that they were looking at her. She shrugged. What? Do they expect me to know when he’s serious?

“Perhaps we should start to get going…” Claire began carefully. “It is a bit of a long walk.”

“Ugh, walk,” Starfall grunted. “Like some commoner.”

“Commoner?” Hot Head, who was standing beside Whirlwind, asked with a raised eyebrow. “Who do you think you are?”

“A god,” Starfall replied casually.

Candy, Annie, Illusion and Nidra snorted with laughter, the others looked confused, or dismayed. Starburst just rolled her eyes.

“Do you seriously believe your own hype that much?” Prism asked.

“I am the hype!” Starfall replied, stomping and getting serious… for whole two seconds. He then grinned. “So, are we going?”

Author's Note:

Sorry that the chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but it's been so long since the last update that I wanted to publish this sooner rather than later.