• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 2,714 Views, 120 Comments

Ready Player One - Flutters Is Shy

Wade Watts is now one of the wealthiest people on the planet, having found the Easter Egg in Oasis's greatest game ever. But what...is this new game he found?

  • ...

6- Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol

"How?" She asked the fudge colored stallion who was muzzle deep in the book he had taken off the shelf nearest him.

"What?" He responded, ignoring her to continue reading.

"You know what! You didn't have wings before, and now you do! How!??!"

He put the book down, and looked at his back in mock confusion. "Really? When did that happen?" he returned his attention to Twilight, "I guess I had some bad food poisoning or something." With a snort, the fudge colored stallion returned his attention to his book.

"AAaaaaagh!" Twilight yelled in anger, throwing up the papers she had brought out to document the strange phenomena of the earth pony turned pegasus pony. "Why? Why couldn't this have happened on nearly any other day!??! Faust above, you could have saddled me with this on nearly any day and I would be happy with it, but today? Today was my second attempt at a day off! I was supposed to be relaxing! I made ginseng tea! I never make that blend anymore, it makes me sleepy and relaxed! What!??!" She yelled at the suddenly cowed pegasus, who had crossed the room at her outburst and was trying to console her with a hoof placed upon her shoulder.

"Look, lady...I've always had wings. I've never been an earth pony, regardless of what you say. I'm sorry if the evidence doesn't support your memory, but again," He opened his wings, fluttering one in Twilights direction, "It's not like these are detachable. Face the facts. I am a pegasus. I remember always being a pegasus. Therefor, regardless of the fact that you remember me without wings, it doesn't change the fact that I do indeed have them. Right?"

"Well, no, but-"

"No buts lady, my wings are real, just the same as your horn is to you. Now, I know we got off on a bit of a bad start, what with me getting hit with that spell and acting like a donkeys rear to you. As I recall, I broke a vase of yours?"

Twilights head whipped towards his, and a terrifying grin forming on her fuzzy face. "Why yes...yes you did. That was a vase made by my mother. Irreplaceable. I expect you to pay for it."

"What? Come on, if it was home made, all we have to do is get your mom to make a new one, right? Besides, if it was homemade, it wasn't worth very much, why can't I just buy you another one?"

Twilight let out a snarl of anger, and swatted his hoof aside. "Not worth very much? What the hay are you even saying? Whats wrong with you? That was a vase made by my mother! It might not have much use to a stallion like you- and it might not have been the prettiest thing ever- but it meant a lot to me. All right? It meant a lot to me, and that's all that matters. And you aren't leaving until you pay it off, you got that?"

"What? But its just a vase!"

"It might be but you admitted to breaking it, did you not?"


"Then you gotta pay the time for the crime. I hereby charge you with being my second personal assistant till a time as which I feel you have payed off your debt. Or I can just call the guard and charge you with destruction of property. You'll probably be put in the local jail for the night, and then forced to pay for the vase anyway."

Parzival let out a low whistle at the ultimatum. Hanging in the air before him was a text box, which he quickly read through.

Pay for the vase!
Twilight has voiced her concerns, and expects you to make amends!

-Quest objectives

Make Twilight Sparkle happy, to the point where she believes your debt to her is payed in full.

-Quest fail

Refuse her offer.


25 bits.

-Additional information

If Twilight Sparkle gains enough respect for you, that in turn might become a friendship link! Regardless if you develop this or not, Twilight Sparkle with spread word of her opinion about you among her friends.

Even the most standoffish individual will warm up to you if their friends seem to like you. It might not always work out, but the possibility of it coming to pass is there.

Parzival re-read it twice, making sure he had the gist of it. If Twilight liked him, that apparently would make opening up other 'friendship links' all that much easier.

"I guess it's in my best interest to accept your kind and generous offer," he said, bowing his head slightly. "What dost thou wish of me, oh my master?" he asked, a smile curling at the edges of his mouth.

"What? Oh, I guess... I need a quill! Go... get me one?" Twilight stammered, obviously not expecting him to be so readily willing to comply.

Parzival looked around, searching for a quest arrow or a text box to give him a little more information.

"I... okay, where can I get one?" he asked.

"You can get one at the Sofa and Quills shop, they should have plenty in stock," Twilight replied, waving him outside. "Heres a couple bits, they shouldn't be that expensive..."

Parzival found himself standing alone outside the library. Looking around in bemusement, he spotted a storefront with a sofa and a quill on the sign out front. Chuckling in bemusement to himself, he entered and payed for a 'single quill'.

The tasks continued in this fashion for the remainder of the day, Twilight becoming increasingly frantic as she realized she didn't really have anything for him to do. She finally sent him off to retrieve a 'party cake' from a place called Sugar Cube Corner.

Certainly an odd name. Not as odd as a 'sofa and quill' store, but with a game like this you had to expect a certain level of insanity.

Opening the door to shop Parzival was met with an extraordinary level of insanity. A pink pony dragged himself inside, and the next few minutes were a whirling blur of pink, confetti, icing, and random ponies faces.

Parzival eventually logged out to the program node, marveling at the eccentricities of the pink bodied pony.

"I... don't even know how to deal with that one."