• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 970 Views, 14 Comments

Rising of the Sun - Starlight Comet

It's amazing when a bad event can turn out to be the start of something great

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Ends and Beginnings

December 14, 2010 11:50pm

Sunrise was walking down the hall with a worried look on his face. He had scheduled to meet with a certain someone and hoped that nobody else would see them together and get the wrong idea. He was deep in thought when he came face-to-face with a certain yellow and red haired girl. As they stood facing each other, a deep loathing began to brew inside Sunrise.

"You know why I wanted to speak with you, right?" Sunrise asked.

Sunset Shimmer gave Sunrise an annoyed look. "Well, I can't see why you would want to speak with me. We haven't spoken to each other since October."

"Listen, Shimmer," Sunrise began, "You can say mean things to me, threaten me, or even try to cause harm to me. But when you do any of those things to my fellow glee members, then its not cool. They're my friends, Sunset, and you will do well to show them respect."

"Your friends?!" Sunset said as she laughed at this statement. "You really think they're your friends? Please, the only person you're fooling is yourself." Sunset then got into Sunrise's face and said, "Listen Sunrise, you may try to make friends, but deep down, you're the same bully that everyone fears and hates. You were a bully then and you're a bully now. There's no way you can ever change."

After what she had just said, Sunrise was almost tempted to slap Sunset across the face. However, he resisted, knowing full well that performing that action would prove that Sunset was right.

"Well," said Sunrise, "that's where you and I are different. As for us, we...are...done."

Their conversation over, Sunrise and Sunset turned around and headed in opposite directions, not looking back. Sunrise was so furious with Sunset that he didn't know where he was going and accidentally bumped into someone. As he was snapped back to reality, he realized that he had bumped into Sonata, who was rubbing her forehead.

"Oh Sonata, I am so sorry; are you hurt?" Sunrise asked.

"I'm fine," Sonata replied, "how are you; you look upset."

"I got into a fight with someone. Not physically," he added hastily, as Sonata had taken the opportunity to cover her mouth in shock. "It was more of a verbal fight. It was with someone I thought I cared about dearly."

Sonata nodded and said, "I kinda know how you feel."

"You do?" Sunrise asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah," Sonata replied, "It's the last Tuesday before the holiday break and the cafeteria isn't serving tacos! This has got to be the worst Tuesday in the history of all Tuesdays!"

At this, Sunrise couldn't help but smile at Sonata's comment. He could always count on Sonata to brighten up his day, no matter what bad things happened.

"Well," said Sunrise with a sly grin on his face, "let's see what they're serving today. Maybe we might be able to make a holiday-style taco."

At this statement, Sonata's eyes widened like dinner plates and her mouth formed into a toothy grin. "WELL, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!" she cried out, "LET'S GO!!!"

As Sonata dragged Sunrise to the cafeteria, Sunrise couldn't help but laugh as he felt a giant load being taken off his shoulders.


The rest of the day went great for Sunrise. He was given no homework for the holiday break and The Doctor promised him that he would get an entire tour of the weird phone booth that The Doctor and Derpy arrived to school in. At 3:00pm, Sunrise entered the choir room where he was greeted by everyone in the room. Since his first meeting with the glee club, he had become friends with all of the members. Even Flash Sentry started to respect Sunrise after hearing about what he did for Caramel back in November.

As he took his leather jacket off, Sunrise suddenly got the feeling that he was being watched. He turned around and saw that everyone was gawking at him. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing," said Derpy, "it's just that we never knew how buff you were."

Sunrise looked down at his arms and understood what she meant. He smiled and begun to explain. Back in September, he had started to do daily workouts. By November, he had developed muscles big enough to rival Mark Wahlberg. None of the other glee club members had seen his muscles because he had always worn a leather jacket.

As he lay back in his chair, waiting for Ms. Stone, Sunrise couldn't help but overhear Vinyl and Bon Bon talking about him.

"Man, I'd totally date him if he weren't a guy." he heard Vinyl say.

"I know what you mean," Bon Bon whispered, "that's one piece of candy I'd like to bite into."

Both Vinyl and Bon Bon giggled at that last comment, but were quickly silent when they each received glares from Octavia and Lyra.

Just then, the door opened and in walked Ms. Stone, wearing a dress made of diamonds in red and green, most likely as a way to commemorate the holiday season. "Alright class," said in her usual jazzy voice, "since this is our last glee club meeting before the holiday break, I think we should sing Christmas Carols! So who wants to go first?"

Flash then took the opportunity to say, "How about Sunrise and Sonata perform a duet together?"

While the rest of the glee club expressed their interest, Sonata and Sunrise looked at each other nervously. They had never sung together, let alone a duet.

"Um, sure." Sunrise and Sonata said in almost perfect unison.

As they walked toward the center of the room, Sunrise whispered in Sonata's ear, "I don't know which duet to choose."

"Don't worry," Sonata whispered back, "I've got the perfect one."

After song was over, the whole glee club stood up and cheered for them. Before they even knew it, Sonata and Sunrise had embraced each other in a hug. They suddenly pulled away from each with brick-red faces.


When glee club ended, everyone gathered their things and began to head home for the holiday break.

"We'll see you on the 22nd, Sunrise!" Derpy called out as she and The Doctor headed for the door.

"Sure thing, Derpy." Sunrise called out. "By the way, what's you're physical address?"

"Oh don't worry about that." replied The Doctor, "We'll bring ourselves and the Tardis to your house."

"Ok." said Sunrise, even though he was a bit confused about how the two of them were going to carry that heavy thing all the way to his house. As he begun to pack up his things, he noticed that he and Sonata were the only two left in the choir room.

Nervously, Sunrise walked over to Sonata and said, "Hey Sotana, I want to give you an early Christmas present. I hope you like it."

Sonata unwrapped her Christmas present; it was a velvet hoodie sweatshirt.

"I bought it because I noticed that you were cold these past few days and..."

"Sunrise," Sonata said in astonishment, "this is perfect. It's even in my favorite color; thank you!" She then looked at him and said, "I guess this means that you've earned your Christmas present."

"Sonata," Sunrise began, "You don't have to give me anyth-" He couldn't finish his sentence, for he had felt two things that belonged to Sonata that touched his face: two of her fingers placed on his chin and her lips as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

As her lips parted from his cheek, Sonata smiled and said "Happy Holidays, Sunrise." She then grabbed her backpack and walked out the door, leaving Sunrise all alone in the choir room.

Sunrise touched the cheek where Sonata had kissed him and said "You too, Sonata." As he said this, a small smile formed on his face; the loathing toward Sunset Shimmer had been replaced with something warm and pleasant.

Three months was all it took, he thought. That's all it took for me to love you, Sonata.