• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 18,711 Views, 1,666 Comments

Batmare Beyond - Tatsurou

After hanging up his cape and cowl for good, Bruce Wayne finds himself adopting an infant Rarity.

  • ...

Rise of Batmare

The past two years had seemed to blur for Bruce. Between the tail end of what he could teach Rarity about the family business - and business in general - helping her reach black belt level in the three martial arts he had taught her, and continuing to introduce her to society, time just seemed to fly by faster than Kal El. At some points, he wondered about how the only major things in his life were now about Rarity, but such thoughts were quickly discarded. According to the parenting books he'd read when she was younger, the child's accomplishments became the primary source of pride for good parents once they reached a certain age, so he took that to mean he was doing a good job.

Only a few major changes had occurred over the past two years that even showed any time had passed. The first was when Rarity had arranged for Wayne Enterprises to flat out acquire Powers Technology. As she'd put it, "I was already making all the decisions and having to countermand Derek through a shareholder's vote at every turn. This way I only have one set of paperwork to deal with, and I can focus on other things." Derek Powers had retained official authority over the departments that were part of Powers Tech, but he wasn't allowed to make any official policy decisions without clearing it higher up.

The second major change involved the McGinnis' boy, Terry. Rarity had continued to try to solve the mystery regarding him, but had nothing new to report. However, she had posited that she might learn more if she were able to observe Bruce and Terry interacting. Towards that end, on learning that Terry - as was normal for young boys - had an excess of energy, she had suggested to Warren and Mary that he might benefit from martial arts lessons. Since they had their hands full with Mary's pregnancy, Rarity had suggested that Terry join her in training with Bruce, since he could easily handle a second student. Once Warren and Mary had agreed, Bruce had been pleased to have another student to whom he could teach all the martial knowledge he had learned. He was glad that Rarity had shown no signs of jealousy there. If anything, she seemed even more interested as she watched Terry mimic Bruce's movements on the practice mats.

The third major change had been the increase in crime, especially with the formation of a gang calling themselves 'The Jokerz'. While they only engaged in vandalism and petty crime so far, the fact that they dressed up like and claimed to be acting in the traditions of The Joker was quite upsetting to Bruce, although at this point he refused to explain to Rarity why. As far as he was concerned, the less he talked specifics about his time as Batman, the less likely she would be to try and follow in his footsteps in that regard, and the better for her.

Having just turned 70 himself, he knew he was going to start to slow down before long, and the last thing he needed or wanted was to be stressed out over Rarity running around as a vigilante...or her doing so without him to watch over her. Still, she had started managing his diet to keep him in good shape, and the cane he now walked with was more aesthetic than necessity. That, and it had been left to him by Alfred, and had a very high quality sword concealed inside, just in case.

Today, he was training Terry once again. Rarity had excused herself from training earlier, saying she had something she needed to check on, and would be back shortly. Bruce had been distracted by how easily Terry was learning martial arts, and lost track of time until a device in his gym bag began giving off a rather loud alert.

"What's that, Mr. Wayne?" Terry asked. An enthusiastic eight-year-old, Rarity had had no trouble encouraging him to put his energy to assisting Bruce around the house during their training days to keep the aging man from straining himself unnecessarily. Bruce hadn't the heart to tell either youngster that, sometimes, their excessive youthful energy was more strain than doing things himself.

Walking over to the gym bag, he fished the device out and examined it, immediately seeing what the alarm was about. "It means it's time for you to go home, Terry."

"Aww!" Terry complained. He enjoyed training with Bruce, and when training ran late was often invited to join them for dinner. Bruce wasn't sure if it was the extra training or the elegant dinners Rarity prepared that Terry was more upset about missing out on.

"No complaints, Terry," Bruce chided. "You're here to learn discipline, amongst other things."

Terry sighed, then bowed respectfully to his teacher. "Yes, Sensei."

Bruce nodded. He pressed a button on the wall. "I've called up the robo-cab. Now go straight home."

"But I didn't get to say goodbye to Rarity," Terry pointed out. "She never came back."

"I'll give her your apologies," Bruce promised. "I'm going to check on her right now."

Guiding Terry out to his lift home, Bruce then went to check the source of the alarm. It quickly became clear what was going on. The entrance to the Batcave was open. Groaning, he climbed down the stairs, closing the entrance behind him and turning on the lights as he went. Reaching the bottom, he saw that the case for the last Bat Suit was open, and the suit was missing. Shaking his head in disappointment, he turned the computer system back on. Once it had powered up, he activated the suit communicator. "And just what do you think you're doing, Rarity?"

Rarity barely stifled a yelp as she pulled back into her hiding spot in the rafters of the building she had been scouting. "Father!" she hissed. "You have horrible timing!"

"Care to explain why you swiped the Bat suit, Rarity?" Bruce's voice came through the communicator.

"How did you find out so fast?" Rarity asked. "I'd run the scenarios, and I should have been out and back before your training with Terry was finished and you'd never have had to worry!"

"The suit displays have alarms that transmit to a device I carry with me at all times," Bruce replied, "just in case you tried something like this."

Rarity winced. "Touche."

"You didn't answer my question. Just what do you think you're doing?"

"What you trained and raised me to do, Father," Rarity replied. "Protect Gotham."


"The Jokerz haven't been too much of a problem," Rarity began. "But recently, they began getting high power weapons to engage in more serious crimes. While this would normally only be of marginal interest, the weapons have Wayne Enterprises logos on them, marking them as being manufactured by our company."

"Wayne Enterprises has never manufactured weapons!" Bruce replied hotly.

"That I well know," Rarity replied. "As does Commissioner Gordon, which is why she's been keeping that part under wraps as the police investigate the situation...but I've begun an investigation of my own."

"What have you found out?"

"The weapons are being manufactured with Wayne Enterprises resources, but off the books...from the Powers Technologies part of the company." Her teeth gnashed. "Derek Powers has been arms dealing with the criminal element of Gotham City, and he's dragging our family name through the mud in the process. He thinks if he's able to disgrace us in public opinion, he'll be able to push the Board of Directors to make you retire before I'm old enough to take over the company, and then maneuver the company around until he can take control."

Bruce was silent for a time. "And you haven't reported all this to Barbara because...?"

"I have," Rarity replied. "Unfortunately, I don't have any proof that she can act on, and given she's quietly investigating into our family and our business, she can't just take my word for it."

"So you decided to take them down yourself?" Bruce replied, sounding disgusted.

"Please," Rarity replied. "I'd have been more than happy to just use an official internal company audit to smoke him out...except that would take two weeks, and I only have two days to prevent something horrible."

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.

"Two days from now, there's a charity concert for the Widows and Orphans of Law Enforcement," Rarity explained. "Lots of money coming in, lots of young children and easy hostages...and lots of press. The Jokerz - under Powers' direction - intend to use the weapons marked with our company logo to attack the concert. That will put the gangs using weapons 'from Wayne Enterprises' on front page news. Whether or not anyone got hurt, that publicity could drastically damage the company...or a the very least, lay the path for Derek Powers - who cares more for the bottom line than for the people of the city - to make a power play. And if he'll go this far, what won't he do to make more money? For the sake of this city, he and the Jokerz have to be stopped now! And it must be by someone who has no official connection to the matter. ...Gotham needs its Dark Knight to return."

"Although I agree with your reasoning," Bruce replied after a time, "what makes you think I'll let you risk yourself to pull it off?"

Rarity smiled. "How would you stop me?"

"The suit has a remote shutdown circuitry and remote control functions."

Rarity chuckled. "Had, I'm afraid. See, I used my outfit manipulation spell to shape it to my frame-"

"And you think 'Batmare' won't be connected to the only unicorn in Gotham?"

"I don't intend to let anyone see anything but what I want them to see," Rarity replied primly. "My illusion spells may have been limited before...but the remote shutdown and control circuitry was cannibalized into magic amplification circuitry around my horn. Quite tingly."

Bruce was silent for a long while. "Nothing I say will convince you to come back, will it?"

"I guess I'm a little too much my father's daughter," Rarity replied lovingly.

Bruce sighed. "Be careful. I'm still going to spot you. I've already gained access to the local security cameras."

"Thank you Father." With that, Rarity returned to her position gazing in the window.

Seeing below her Derek Powers' agent beginning the weapons deal with the Jokerz, she decided to put her plan into action. Charging her horn, she called a bolt of lightning between to clouds up above and behind her, the peal of thunder instantly drawing attention as the flash created the classic bat silhouette.

"Batman?" one of the male Jokerz gasped in shock.

"Can't be!" another proclaimed. "He's dead!"

Smiling to herself, Rarity dropped from the window to the floor, wings spread from her forelegs to conceal her exact shape.

One of the Jokerz laughed. "No way that's Batman!" he proclaimed. "Way too small!"

"Must be some sort of Bat drone or something," one of the female Jokerz laughed. "Some new tool of the cops!"

"Take it out!" the leader proclaimed, cocking his new gun.

Rarity released her next spell. A wave of absolute darkness in the shape of a nightmarish bat spread from her body to cover the entire warehouse, plunging the Jokerz into darkness.

"This city...I protect it..." she growled, doing her best to make her voice gravely. "Time is no barrier...Death is no barrier...you defile my city...you answer to me!"

As she spoke, she warped around them with quick teleport spells, striking them in pressure points, disarming and disabling them. The overall act had left them in gibbering panic, many of them having dropped their weapons and starting to try and crawl away.

With one last warp, she pushed them all into a corner, and the darkness congealed into the image of a demonic bat. "Confess!" she growled.

They all screamed once in terror, and all of them began to open their mouths to babble out their crimes. In the instant their mouths opened, however, they all went perfectly still.

Dropping her illusion spells, Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. "Still a bit of an effort to maintain an illusion and teleport at the same time," she admitted.

"What did you do?" Bruce asked.

"I put their minds to sleep without informing their bodies," Rarity replied. "Useful spell." Calling up a Hoverbat, she used her telekinesis to pull the net down and bind the criminals up in it, storing the captured weapons in another net. "I've timed it well. It will wear off the moment these drones drop them off at the police station...and they'll eagerly confess every wrong doing they've ever committed to the police officers." The Hoverbat took off with its quarry.

Bruce was silent over the comms for a time. "Not bad for your first time under the cowl. A bit showy for my tastes, though."

"I was trying to conceal the fact that I was a unicorn and not a human or drone," Rarity pointed out.

"Still, you need to learn to conserve better. Your magic reserves are almost depleted."

"How did you know?" Rarity gasped, certain she'd been concealing the weariness and headache she'd been experiencing, sure signs she's pushed her magic too hard.

"Your suit's telling me. Now come on home, and we'll go over how you can improve for next time."

"Next time?" Rarity asked eagerly.

"You're right. Gotham needs its Dark Knight back. I'm too old, and nothing I say is going to convince you to stop. I might as well support you in it."

Smiling, Rarity took off with the jets attached to her hind hooves, using the wings under her forelegs to steer. Halfway home, though, she stopped to land atop an old church, bracing herself on all four hooves as she looked down at the city she was dedicating herself to protect.

It wouldn't be until much later, as lightning flashed again behind her, that she realized just how photogenic that pose had been.