• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 400 Views, 2 Comments

The Pit - IndiBrony

Cranky wakes up to find himself trapped in a pit. Where is he? How did he get there?

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I found myself covered in a horrible sticky substance. It was red, and smelled like rotten fruit. It stuck to my clothes and my face. Ew. I wiped off as much as I could. I looked around. It was dark, but a single light source shone through above my head just enough that I could tell I was in some sort of pit.

"Hello?" I shouted. "Can anybody hear me?" I listened for an answer, but none were forthcoming. "Hello!" I shouted again. Nothing. I took the time to look around. I noticed bodies - mutilated bodies - all around me. My God; where the hell was I?

I looked closer at the first body. He was missing an arm and had clearly visible teeth marks on several areas of his body. I gave him a shake "Hello?" I whispered, but I got no response. I let him lay as I walked around to inspect the other bodies.

One of them was laid in the corner in a mangled mess. I tried pulling his body into a more comfortable position to see if he was still alive. I grabbed him by the feet in an attempt to lie him flat, but as I moved him, his whole body collapsed, and his head rolled out from underneath his body. I stepped back in horror, and tried to contain my emotions as the dismembered head rolled into the middle of the floor. How did this happen? What sick monster could have done this? My eyes glanced from side to side, observing the other bodies, seeing if any of them moved, but it looked like I was the only one left alive down here. Did someone forget to finish me off?

I don't even know how I got down here. The last thing I remember was being in the house with my wife, and... Oh no, oh God, no. A flood of memories began to come back all at once. I remember my house being dismantled. I remember; it was some sort of giant single-handedly destroying my house, my livelihood, everything I'd ever known! It must have been the one that put me in here!

I wasted no time in checking the other bodies. The first one I came to was my wife! I couldn't see them very well, which is why I didn't notice her immediately. I shook her. "Matilda!" I cried. "Matilda, wake up!" I picked her up in my arms. "Please, Matilda, it's me, Doodle!" She was still warm. She must have been alive, surely. My beautiful wife had to survive. I couldn't bear life without her. I sat there with her, embracing her, hoping she'd wake up. I burried my head in her shoulder, crying. It couldn't end like this. Thankfully, I felt her breath on my neck as I held her. She was alive! My fears and anguish subsided, replaced an overwhelming sense of joy. I laughed out loud as she opened her eyes. I was so happy I even continued crying. "Matilda, you're alive!" I smiled.

"Cranky?" she murmured. "What happened?" she asked. I wasn't sure how to answer her. What was I to say?

"I'm not sure, honey." I noticed she was trying to stand. "Here, let me help you up." I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. I walked with her to the wall of the pit. She will still too weak. I sat her down with her back against the wall. It was weird, though. The pit, I mean. It felt like it was made of plastic. I knocked on the wall. Hollow. Maybe I could break through? I took a few paces back before charging for the wall. Clunk! It wasn't phased. In fact, I think I hurt myself more than I hurt the wall during the impact. I rubbed my arm and headed back into the middle.

I noticed some strange objects propped up against another part of the wall. They were long, cylindrical objects which drew into a point at one end. They were about twice the height of me and were made of wood. The only thing I could relate them to were javelins, but they were far too long and thick. I tried pulling one from the wall, but it was much too heavy. I pulled again, but it wasn't moving at all. I gave it one last shot. I pulled as hard as I could. It began to move. It rolled to the side and the top edge moved its way around the top wall of the pit. It wasn't quite as tall as the pit was wide, so the top end rolled off the wall and began to fall into the pit. I darted to the other side of the pit in an attempt to stop it from falling on the people below me, but my efforts proved fruitless. Thankfully, the javelin was long enough to get itself caught on the wall about half way down. Great! Perhaps I could climb up there and escape this horrible place with my wife.

I took to the lower end of the javelin. I wasn't sure if it'd even support my weight, so I proceeded carefully. Thankfully, as I edged my way to the top, it seemed to hold. As I got to the top, I felt my hand reaching just a few feet short of the top. Damn. If I was going to get out of here, I'd have to use another javelin. I was taken by surprise on the way back down as the light shining into the pit suddenly disappeared. A loud, thundering boom shook me and I fell from a great height back down to the floor and the knock rendered me unconscious. When I came to, it was still dark, but I could hear voices. One of them was my wife, but the other two I didn't recognise. I forced myself onto my feet, but I was a little uneasy. My head was still kind of shakin g, and I almost fell over, but I managed to regain my composure after holding myself up against the wall for a minute or so. My wife heard me stumbling about.

"Cranky?" She called out.

"Yes, dear?"

"Are you alright?"

I nodded, then remembered it was dark and that she wouldn't see me nodding... "Yes, dear. Are you okay?"

"Yes. A couple of others woke up whilst you were passed out. We've been trying to move these poles around to make our escape, but it's almost impossible to do in the dark."

She paused, and a deep, manly voice began to talk. "Cranky? The name's Braeburn. Do you know how we got down here?" He quizzed.

"No, I don't. I was trying to find a way out when I was plunged into darkness. I fell off this weird javelin thing and hit my head on the ground pretty hard."

"Come over this way, Cranky. I think we're almost done building our way out." I creeped through the pitch black, trying to avoid the bodies on the floor. As I made my way, the light began to shine into the pit once more. Before we could get too happy, we looked up to see something moving about above us. It was the giant! It dipped its hand into the pit, grabbing Braeburn. My wife and I huddled close together, hoping it wouldn't come back to get us, but we had no such luck. It knocked me across the room as it took Matilda from me. I frantically tried to climb up the javelins in pursuit, but before I had the chance, the giant came back and took me in its hand. My face was covered, so I couldn't see what it was doing as it shook me around, making ungodly noises and laughing. I heard loud steps coming close. I had no idea what they were going to do to me. My body jerked back and forth as the hand of the beast unfolded and I dropped to the floor.

"Justin!" It yelled! "What have I told you about letting your baby sister play with your pony toys?" As my body fell to the floor and came to rest, I was looking straight into a mirror. My moulded, plastic body laid stiff on its side amongst a mountain of other toys. I looked helplessly at my own reflection, noticing the shining glimmer of my plastic face. A Brony's blind bag figure; that was my existence...

Comments ( 2 )

I saw an episode of The Twilight Zone like this a while back.

6199684 Wow, heh. Thanks for adding this to your favourites, and the comment, actually. I thought this story was dead and buried. Good to know it's still getting a couple of views! :yay:

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