• Published 25th Apr 2012
  • 5,081 Views, 123 Comments

Queen of the Predacons. - Gyvon

side-story to Stranger in a Strange Land. Queen Chrysalis meets with the Predacon leader, Megatron.

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Intermission: What Comes Next

What Comes Next

It was a few hours later when Rarity decided to head back to the Boutique and the rain had not abated one bit. This did not bother the white Unicorn as she merrily trotted away from the Library. She had promised the new couple a wonderful ensemble and she planned to deliver.

Back at the Library, John was busy hooking up Twilight's television and DVD player. The two of them had decided to just spend the rest of the day together watching documentaries and enjoying each other's company. She had originally planned (despite what she had told John earlier) to patch up their friendship. However, it was no longer necessary, so she decided to just wing it for the rest of the day.

John had just popped Planet Earth into the disc tray when the Library's phone rang and was promptly answered by Twilight. "Hello." she said as she picked up the receiver. Her eyes widened when the person on the other end responded, and Twilight promptly levitated the receiver over to the Stallion sitting on the couch.

"It's for you." she said, as she levitated the receiver over to John. Curious as to who was calling him at the Library, he took it and held it up against his ear.

"Who's this." he asked.

"Your boss, Commander." replied the familiar voice.

"Mr. President!" he said, unconsciously stiffening as if the Commander in Chief was in the room.

"At ease, sailor." replied Eden, chuckling under his breath. "This is just a friendly chat. You don't need to stand at attention, son. Especially when I'm several thousand parsecs away." One thing John loved about the sitting President is that he was so damn casual with the worker bees. "I just read Colonel Golovko's report. How you holding up, John."

"Pretty good, all things considered." he replied. "I'm just waiting until Admiral Morrison gets a hold of me. That's when the shit's gonna hit the fan."

"Tell me about it." said President Eden. "You're lucky you have Admiral Greene up here watching your ass, otherwise we'd both be hearing from him."

"Yeah, Jim's good people, and one hell of a SEAL." The operations, at least the ones that were known, that Admiral James Greene pulled off in Vietnam and Grenada were legendary in the SEAL community. "He actually taught a class at the Academy when I went."

"I heard." said Eden. "Well, I got a busy day here. Enjoy the rest of your vacation, Commander." with that, the President hanged up. John set the receiver back on its base, picked up the remote, and turned the TV on as Twilight snuggled up to him. Today was shaping up to be a good day.

Deep in the Everfree, a great and terrible army was on the move. The combined forces of the Predacons and Changeling Swarm had begun their campaign. Thousands of Predacons marched under the rain soaked forest canopy, joined by an equal number of Changelings. Their goal for today was the old Palace, where Nightmare Moon met her downfall.

Following close behind was a convoy of very precious cargo, especially for the Changelings. Predacon scientists had been working around the clock with their Changeling counterparts ever since they met. The cargo was a series of pods that would allow the Changelings to extract love-energy from Ponies all while leaving them completely unharmed. They had even been tested on a few captured Pegasi and were proven to be completely safe for the victims, so long as their exposure to the pods was minimal.

Altogether, however, Chrysalis couldn't help but feel that everything was moving too fast. The Predacon Changeling Alliance hadn't even existed for a week, and now they planned to make war with the most powerful nation on Equis. They only had four extraction pods, not enough to keep her Changelings fed. Megatron had assured her that more could be made swiftly, and indeed had plans drawn for that. The Ponies themselves would make the instruments.

Megatron, how she loathed that machine. The Predacon leader was infatuated with her, but it was a one-way relationship. She wanted to ensure her people's survival. All that bastard craved was destruction. If Chrysalis could steal the extraction pods and beg Celestia for mercy, she would in a heartbeat. But she did not know how the Solar Diarch would receive the Queen of the Swarm. Chrysalis suspected that Princess Celestia would be merciful, but, for the sake of her people, she could not take that chance. The Queen had thrown her lot in with Megatron. Now she had to see it through to the end.