• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 604 Views, 1 Comments

Lonesome - TheExhaustedBrony

The story of a lonely stallion that only wants to have a friend.

  • ...


Author's Note:

I dunno what to make of this. Happy Halloween!

"I'm so lonely. When was the last time I had any visitors? Too many years to keep track of." I ran my hoof along the mantle as I answered my own question.

". . . ."

"Of course I haven't forgotten about you!"

I do have, him, to talk to but he's not enough. Sometimes I wonder if I'm hurting his feelings on days when I pretend he doesn't exist, but he assures me that I'm not.

That's good. I don't want to hurt anyone.

When I was little, this house seemed so big to me. Sometimes, I would get lost and because I was alone, I got sad. It was then that I met him and he told me that he'd be my friend. Forever.

He keeps saying that it's okay. He says his love for me is unconditional. That we'll be together.


For many years, the only voices I'd hear on a regular basis was my own and his. Could it be? Could somepony actually be at my door?! Oh finally, I see the rainbow through the dark clouds!

I make my way to the door and look through the peephole to see a small filly with a beautiful red ribbon in her mane.

Somepony has given me the opportunity of a lifetime and I am not willing to mess it up. I suppress my giddiness and open the door with my magic.

"Come in dear."

The filly recoiled and her eyes widened. I can even hear the sound of teeth chattering.

Oh no. Did I do something wrong? No.

"It's alright, you don't need to be afraid." I decided that assuring words was the best way to keep the child from running away in tears, like they used to.

I stepped back and allowed the child to enter. I directed her to the living room.

"Please, sit down." I ushered her to sit in the chair across from me which she, somewhat reluctantly, agreed to and sat down.

The filly shook in her seat, nearly shaking off all the dust that I wasn't able to brush off earlier. I've been waiting for this day for a very long time. I've prepared myself for this specific moment.

"Can I interest you in something to eat or drink?"

The yellow filly stared at me with wide, fearful eyes, not saying a word.

"It's okay, you can tell me."

Still no response. If I'm going to have a conversation with her, I need to make her aware that I only want to be her friend. Nothing sinister.

"Well, I'll go to the kitchen and bring some things out. I don't have much, but I do hope you find what I have to offer tolerable."

I headed off to the kitchen, containing my joy and excitement to the best of my ability. I opened the refrigerator and retrieved a block of cheddar cheese that I had already taken a bite out of. I cut off the part with the bite in it with a knife and ate it. I don't think my guest would be too happy to see already eaten food. Next, the tea. I opened the cupboard and grabbed the small, lonely tin container that housed my tea leaves. It's been a while since I've had tea, there's a lot of dust on it. Thank Celestia that it's an airtight container. I put some leaves in two teacups and heated up some water with my magic which I slowly poured into the cups.

I put everything on the cleanest platter I could find and brought it out to my guest in the living room.

The filly was still shaking in her seat. I gently placed the cheese and tea on the small table between the two chairs and sat down in mine.

"Can you tell me your name? My name is Rose Hip."

"A-Apple Bloom."

"Apple Bloom? What a pretty name. Are you from around here? I don't get many visitors and I don't go out much so I don't know the area very well." I chuckle and try to hide my embarrassment.

Apple Bloom seemed to have calmed down a bit, her teeth stopped chattering and she had some of the cheese and took a few sips of the tea I offered.

". . . ."

"No! It isn't like that at all. I'm still your friend, always."

". . . . ."

"What's the matter? Apple Bloom wants to be my friend, why do you sound so upset?"

". . . . ."

"No! I'm not trying to replace you! I'd never! You're my friend forever, remember? Now Apple Bloom can be our friend together."

". . . . ."

His voice is very loud and it's giving me a headache. I feel like my head might split in half. He's telling me that I don't want to be his friend anymore, but he's wrong! I want to have many friends!

". . . . ."

"M-m-mister? A-are you alright?" Apple Bloom asked fearfully.

". . . . ."

"No. I'm not going to do that! Not when I've finally had a chance to talk to another pony after all these years!"

". . . . ."

Now he's screaming at me. He wants me to do something horrible to Apple Bloom. I don't want to hurt her! I don't want to hurt anypony!


". . . . ."

"NO! Don't-" Before I could finish my plea, I felt something in my throat. It was forcing its way up from my stomach and it felt like razor blades were being dragged along the inside of my esophagus.

". . . . ."

At that moment, the lump tore through the back of my neck. Please. Don't do this! I desperately wanted to tell him to stop, but I was unable to speak.

"NOOOOOO!" Apple Bloom screamed in terror as she looked at me.

Now I finally understand. No living creature should ever come near me. I'm a monster. We're monsters.

Apple Bloom. Run. Please run away!

Those were my final thoughts before my world faded to black.

Ugh... what the? Why am I on the floor?

I stood up and regained my bearings. All the lights were out. I must have rolled out of my seat in my sleep.

". . . ."

"Oh, good morning to you too."

The silence in the house was broken by the sound of a low growl coming from my stomach. When was the last time I ate? Did I eat dinner last night or breakfast this morning?

I stumbled into the kitchen an opened the refrigerator and was surprised to see that the cheese I had been saving wasn't there. Where could it have gone? I decided to head back to the living room and just sit down in my chair.

From my seat, I could see a small white square poking out from under the guest seat. I reached for it with my magic and to my surprise, it was my cheese. How the hell did it get here? Did I put it here? I also noticed that there was a half-finished cup of tea on the table. Was this mine?

". . . ."

"Yea, you're probably right. I'm probably just imagining things."

Comments ( 1 )

Felt a little short and open-ended. I can't tell if AB survived or not, and I have no clue if the other "presence" was real or not.
That being said, I did enjoy the story. Thumbs up.

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