• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 7,811 Views, 143 Comments

Five Minutes at Freddy's - Whateverdudezb

Rainbow Dash works at Freddy's... for a short while.

  • ...

This Chapter Is Also A Humorous Take On The Concept, Except This Time It's On The Sequel—Er... Prequel.

Second chapter thanks to popular demand! ...I guess?

First Night

5:00 A.M.

The light was flickering.

From the ceiling, a light bulb hanged aesthetically in the security room, brightening up its contents to reveal dirty floors, a shoddy desk, and a cheap fan that was placed upon the desk. While not the most beautiful of settings to be revealed in the light, the bulb still did its job admirably as it continued to provide a reliable light-source.

Except now.

In abjection to the prior statement, the room's lighting now flickered spasmodically between a state of light and darkness. The reason for this stray from reliability was a simple one.

Something wrong had entered the room.

And Pinkiemena Diane Pie stared in abject horror from behind her Freddy Fazbear mask as a long shadow passed over her form. Frozen from fear, her breathing stilled to nothing as she held it in as long as she could; to be as quiet as she was capable of, so that it wouldn't notice her anymore than it already had.

The flickering light stopped, and, for a brief moment, darkness took over.

When the light returned, Pinkie found herself alone in the security room.

Taking off the mask, she let out a sigh of relief, thankful that that thing had left her alone. Checking down the long hallway in front of her with her flashlight, she became even more relieved when she saw nothing. Lighting up the two vents she was sandwiched between revealed nothing either; no mechanical monstrosity in sight.

For a second, Pinkie thought that she had this job in the bag.

That was before she heard the faint jingling tune.

Sitting up straight stiff, her pupils shrunk in horror as her ears twitched at the jovial tune that, at any other time in her life, would have brought a smile to her face.

"...No," she whimpered, before bringing up the tablet and tapping at the button that connected with the wind up box in a frantic manner, "no-no-no, please no," she said with each tap of her pink hoof, praying that it would silence the music box.

But no silence came, and the music only seemed to increase in volume despite her attempts.

In a fit, Pinkie threw the tablet across the room and curled herself into a ball, her hooves against her ears as she fruitlessly tried to block out the unbearable music that seemed to bounce around in her skull. Tears streamed down her face as she trembled uncontrollably in her seat.

She didn't want to die. She didn't want to die!

It wasn't fair! She was only just barely entering marehood, ready to enjoy the joys of finally being an adult, and now she was going to die. All because she took this stupid summer job.

The music sounded louder; closer.

And Pinkie did the only thing she could think of to do.

"G-Giggle at the ghostie... Giggle at the ghostie!" she choked out between her crying, singing out the song her grandmother taught her for the last remaining comfort that she was ever going to have. She then closed her eyes tight and waited for the painful inevitable.


...DING! ...DONG!

Pinkie's tear-strained eyes opened wide at the sound of the loud bell.

6:00 A.M.

She couldn't believe it. She made it! She survived the first night!

Pinkie's happy smile stretched as wide as wide could be, immensely relieved that she was going to continue on living.

Now all she had to do was go through four more nights at Freddy's.

Her smile faltered.

Second Night

11:50 P.M.

As the night guard for Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, Pinkie was supposed to be in the security room, getting ready for her shift.

But she wasn't, instead she stood in front of the stage show, staring up at the trio of animatronics that occupied it. Turning on the flashlight she had wrapped up in her cotton-candy mane, Pinkie Pie gave them a quick once over before turning away from them as an involuntary shiver ran up her back; memories of the previous night assailing her. Knowing that it was only a few more minutes before the animatronics reactivated, Pinkie quickly set out to do what she was going to do.

"Hello!" she called out, her voice echoing across the rooms of the restaurant, "I'm the night guard and my shift is about to start! Is there anyone still left in the building!?"

Silence answered her.

Pinkie wore a bright grin, "Well, okie-dokie then," she said to herself, before then happily skipping to her intended destination.


Pinkie Pie slammed the door of the restaurant's front entrance closed behind her as she exited the building, before pulling out her security-issued key and locking it.

"Great!" she proclaimed loudly in the night air, "Now that I've got the restaurant super-secured, I'll just patrol around the building all guardy-like. This makes my job much-much-much-much easier, 'cause now I'm actually able to concentrate on keeping this place safe and secure like I'm supposed to do, instead of just focusing on my survival."

With that, Pinkie Pie began to whistle as she started her patrol around the restaurant's perimeter.


Pinkie stopped.

She stopped when she heard the distinct noise of what sounded like a metal hook lightly tapping against glass.


Not turning around, Pinkie opted to ignore the sound and continue on with her patrol.

Third Night

2:00 A.M.

"Hey c'mon, hurry up. I want to get this over with."

"Don't rush me, dude. I've only got a couple of these lockpicks to spare."

"Lockpicks? Please, I seriously doubt your sister calls her hairpin a lockpick."


"STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!" shouted Pinkie Pie as she shone her flashlight on the two nefarious youngsters in front of the restaurant's entrance. The two colts, one a unicorn and the other an earth pony, were attempting to unlawfully enter the premises of her employers' property and Pinkie wouldn't be doing her duty as a night guard if she didn't apprehend them posthaste.

"Oh buck! It's the security guard!" shouted the earth pony.

"I thought you said that this place didn't have a guard anymore?" asked the unicorn, the hairpins dropping away from the door's lock as his magic stopped.

"I only heard it from a rumor, dude," said the earth pony before looking back at Pinkie in desperation, "please don't send us to jail or call our parents, Mrs. security guard. We weren't really breaking in, it was just a dare, honest."

"Wow, way to wuss out, dude," snarked the unicorn.

Pinkie Pie let out a big, long gasp as her eyes grew wide, "Somepony actually dared you to break into Freddy's Pizzeria!?" she asked, her tone full of shock, "Don't you colts know that this place is haunted at night by the murdered foals that take control of the animatronics!?"

The two colts exchanged looks, before the unicorn spoke up with an indignant tone, "Okay, you caught us, fine. But you don't have to insult our intelligence by making up some story to scare us into never trying to break in aga—"

Pinkie raised her flashlight up to the glass doors of the restaurant's entrance, lighting up the interior and allowing everypony to better see what was on the other side of the doors.

And on the other side stood Bonnie the Bunny.

The old one, not the new one.

Standing there like a decrepit zombie of metal and wires, its fake fur costume had become moldy and torn over the years of disuse, hanging from the animatronic's figure like that of decaying flesh. One of its arms looked to have also been torn off, exposing fleshy wires and metal bones that hung from its open limb. What was worse though about this patchwork of a machine was its face.

Like how it didn't have one.

Instead of the cartoony face of a bunny that it was meant to have, all that was left was the exposed cranium of its endoskeleton. Faceless, it's inner, metal jaw created a sense of wrongness when seen behind the fabricated marshmallow teeth of the first one. Where there once was supposed to be large, cartoonish eyes, there was now only two glowing, red dots that were more suited for a demon-possessed monstrosity than for anything that was actually intended to be kid-friendly.

Bonnie the Bunny stood there, just a couple feet away from the trio of ponies, with only the glass door and the rule against breaking Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria property embedded in what was left of its mainframe between them.

"AAAUUUUUGH!" screamed the two colts, zipping past Pinkie Pie as they ran away from the mechanical nightmare. Pinkie Pie calmly watched them go, assured that there wouldn't be anymore trouble from them tonight. Turning back to Bonnie, Pinkie flinched nervously as the terrifying machine continued to stare at her hollowly.

A purple paw was placed on the door's glass.

Pinkie decided to check if the back of the restaurant was still secure.

Fourth Night

3:00 A.M.

Pinkie Pie threw another doughnut into her mouth, chewing the delicious morsel with glee as she cheerfully skipped down the street with a box full of donuts bouncing on her back. She had, after much thought on the matter, decided to take a quick trip down to the Sugarcube Corner bakery to order some donuts for a late-night snack. Great place Sugarcube Corner, the couple there were really nice too, maybe Pinkie should ask them for a job position there some time.

Turning the corner onto the street that Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria was located on, Pinkie Pie froze in mid-step.

There, at the entrance of the restaurant, was a pegasus in a dark hoody. A stallion, the pegasus had a deadly knife gripped between his teeth that he wedged in between the two glass doors.

Seeing this, Pinkie Pie gulped down her doughnut nervously, this wasn't some delinquent colt breaking into the restaurant on a stupid dare. This was some dangerous hoodlum who might just be entirely willing to get violent with anypony that got in the way of his break-in. Luckily, as Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria's night guard, Pinkie knew exactly what any underpaid security guard was supposed to do in this situation.

Slowly, Pinkie Pie quietly walked backwards to hide behind one of the street's buildings, only letting her head peak out a couple of inches so as to continue watching the trespasser. Finally, after a few more minutes of the hoodlum tinkering away, he managed to part the doors open and proceed inside, closing the doors behind him.

Seeing her chance, Pinkie got out from behind the building she was hiding behind and calmly walked over to the restaurant's entrance. She then took out her key and, after checking to make sure the mechanism still worked properly, proceeded to lock the doors.

Glad that she made sure the animatronics wouldn't get out after they were done with the criminal, Pinkie took a large bite out of another doughnut.


Pinkie Pie looked up from her doughnut to find the pegasus hoodlum banging against the glass doors with a horrified look on his face.

"Let me out! Dear sweet Celestia, please let me out!" he screamed, his tone filled with terror.

Before Pinkie could even make an attempt to do anything, long and thin, black arms wrapped around the trespasser's body, and Pinkie could just barely make out the smiling, white face that appeared behind the stallion's own before he was immediately pulled back into the restaurant's consuming darkness. His soul-piercing wailing the only part of him to make it out of the restaurant's shadows, before even that too was soon quelled by a distant, sickening crunch.

For a long moment, Pinkie stood frozen still as she stared into the restaurant's ichor-like darkness, before slowly walking away and dumping her box of donuts into a nearby trashcan; her hunger gone as her stomach churned uncomfortably from what she knew just happened.

"I am so gonna repress the hay out of my memories here," she muttered to herself with a small whimper.

Fifth Night

6:00 A.M.

"Well, I'll be..." muttered the manager of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria as he stared at the smiling, pink pony, "I didn't think that you'd be able do it. Most night guards quit halfway through the week most of the time for some reason. But you've managed to make it through the entire week. Congratulations!"

"Thanks," said Pinkie, not breaking her grin, "can I have my reward now?"

"Sure thing," he replied, "I've got your check right here." Just as he was about to fish out said check, he stopped when he noticed the look Pinkie was giving him.

With a deadly serious stare, she said, "You know that that wasn't part of the deal we made."

"Ugh, fine," he groaned out, before pulling out a colorful card with a picture of Freddy Fazbear's face plastered on it, "one unlimited access pass to Freddy Fazbear's confetti storage room."

"Yippee!" shouted Pinkie Pie as she threw her hooves up in celebration as an explosion of confetti sounded off behind her as if to magically match her joy.

Author's Note:

And that's how Pinkie Pie never ran out of confetti again. The end.

It's also how Pinkie knew about the killer animatronics in the previous chapter. And you guys thought that she was just all-knowing. Hah!

So anyways... why does Freddy's even need a security guard at night? Say like, in the game, there's this part where some criminals break into the restaurant. What do you do? What can you do? I tell you what you do, you sit on your ass and watch as the animatronics mangle their bodies as they forcibly stuff them into suits! I mean, I sure as heck ain't gonna take the chance to stop the criminals when there are killer animatronics on the loose. Seems to me that the killer animatronics are doing a better job anyways. So I say, just keep the night guard outside to stop any stupid kids from breaking in, but if any dangerous criminals try, let'em.

Also, for those who were looking forward to the third main installment of the Tutelary Spirit universe, do not worry. I am working on it, but not tirelessly, tirelessly starts after Finals week is done. This was just something quick and easy, barely only took me a day to do.

And finally, for you Five Nights at Freddy's fans, here's this video:

...I found it hilarious.

Comments ( 46 )

The first chapter was funnier. But that video...

The fucking video. Bloody hell, lol. Nice story though, very clever.

5289725 Who is the last bossitron from bossitrinio?

At least now we know where she got all her confetti.

I unno what people are talking about, I liked both chapters, and this one a bit more. Nice job m8, I r8 it an 8 outta 8.

I need to watch that video... Maybe later...:ajsleepy:

Good chapter, I liked it =3

Oh. Okay. So this Pinkie is a horrible murderer who felt almost nothing at letting, and watching, someone die because of her purposefully deadly actions.

It was at that point in the story that I started hoping she was going to get stuffed into a suit. But nope, nothing bad can ever happen to the mane six. For some strange reason.

5365712 if I wrote I story like this then she WOULD die, only she would die last. Gotta save ur fav for the last

I wonder how you will cover FNaF3 when it comes out...?


Oh. Okay. So this Pinkie is a horrible murderer who felt almost nothing at letting, and watching, someone die because of her purposefully deadly actions.

Well, that's Cupcakes for ya. *shrugs*


That was both horrific, and wonderfully comedic at the same time. As well as the fact that it was adeptly written to both genre's here.

Kudos to the author, this was delicious~


Hmm, I see your point. Tell you what, the next time I see a dangerous criminal trying to break into a restaurant with a deadly weapon I'll let YOU walk up to the criminal and kindly inform him that he shouldn't break into said restaurant because its filled with homicidal animatronics.

I'm sure that'll go well.

My thoughts on chapter 2:

-First part was pretty scary, but I'm glad Pinkie survived. Whew!
-Who would even DARE somepony to break into the haunted pizzeria? Whoever did that is totally insane.
-I bet that criminal was the one who told the colts to break into the pizzeria. If he was, then he deserved his fate. :flutterrage:
-Confetti! Yay! :pinkiehappy:


You know what, I'm just gonna say that that's canon. Yeah, criminal got what was coming to him.

5366318 ...It's one thing to not put yourself into danger for the sake of a dangerous criminal.

It is another thing entirely to make absolutely certain said "dangerous criminal," which she only assumed he was, dies that night in a very horrible way. Say you see someone trying to break into a room they have no idea contains a dangerous, deadly animal that you know for certain will kill them in a very horrific and painful way, and they have no hope of killing or overpowering it. So you lock the door behind them to make sure they can't escape and die, not doing anything even as they beg you to let them out. All because you want some confetti.

If someone does that, congratulations, they are a horrible, sociopath murderer.

Holy shit, Pinkie just locked that guy in with the killer robots! That's murder if I ever saw it!


The reason that Pinkie locked the door behind the criminal was because she assumed that he would've been quickly killed by the animatronics. She basically saw him as a lost cause as soon as he stepped inside the restaurant, so instead she did the one thing she could do: lock the door and make sure the animatronics didn't escape. You wouldn't leave a cage with a dangerous animal inside open would you?

That said, I wouldn't say that she just 'watched him die,' as he only banged against the doors for like a couple seconds before the marionette got him. That was way too fast for her to do anything.

I also went back and edited it so that it's more like what I stated above and less like Pinkie just being heartless.

5365712 This was a pony who was undoubtedly more than willing to kill innocent bystanders. I have a very hard time feeling even the slightest bit sorry for him, personally.

5367049 Yes, because having a knife means he was going to stab anything and anyone he saw. And not that he may have just been using it to get into the building.

Also, my comment was posted before the author updated the chapter to make Pinkie seem like less of a sociopath.


I appreciate that you acknowledged my efforts to make Pinkie seem less like a murderer.

And you know, the whole scene could be viewed as pretty depressing too. Maybe the stallion really is just some pony down on his luck and he's only using the knife to break in. The sad thing is, is that Pinkie doesn't know, she's just a pony barely out of her teens that sees another pony with a dangerous weapon breaking into the restaurant. She's not gonna risk her young life for a potentially dangerous guy, but that leaves her in the uncomfortable situation of a horrifying restaurant with an unlocked door. What happens if the animatronics follow the fleeing pegasus outside? Homicidal animatronics in the streets always moving to areas where there are a lot of people and noise. Pinkie did her job, and now she's got to deal with the fact that she's got blood on her hooves.

...Damn, and I actually have the gall to put a comedy tag on this story.

5367207 I didn't realize that the chapter was ever updated or changed. Sorry if I came off as a bit of a jerk.:applejackunsure:

5366932 Well, according to google, murder is, "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another." In this case ponies, but my point is she did not kill that guy, the animatronics did, so she is technically safe! Technically...

5367973 She locked him in knowing full well that she was preventing his only means of escape from robots that were going to kill him. If that's not murder, I don't know what it is. Besides, if you really want to split hairs on the definition of murder, I could point out that neither of them were humans.

Still, at least the author's taken notice of the issue. Maybe the changes he's talked about will make it better.

5368015 like I said, she technically wasn't the murderer. She probably should be locked up or something, but it was an indirect "murder" and there were no witnesses besides the animatronics and pinkamina. So, she is technically safe

Okay, the chapter's a bit better now that it's been updated. At least now we know it wasn't her intention to trap him inside, just the animatronics.

Still, that had better have been some good confetti.


So anyways... why does Freddy's even need a security guard at night? Say like, in the game, there's this part where some criminals break into the restaurant. What do you do? What can you do? I tell you what you do, you sit on your ass and watch as the animatronics mangle their bodies as they forcibly stuff them into suits! I mean, I sure as heck ain't gonna take the chance to stop the criminals when there are killer animatronics on the loose. Seems to me that the killer animatronics are doing a better job anyways. So I say, just keep the night guard outside to stop any stupid kids from breaking in, but if any dangerous criminals try, let'em.

...... I have not thought of that. :pinkiegasp:

But, they need the guard so the animatronics wouldn't leave the restaurant and kill everypony/one. :facehoof:

Hell, why should they have a security guard anyway? Just lock the front door at night and if some idiot picks it and sneaks in, then Charles Darwin will be the biggest genius in history for his Natural Selection

I thought the official reason for a security guard was that they were bait to keep the animatronics entertained so they wouldn't break out and murder random passer bys on the street.



Isn't that what I wrote?

the animatronics wouldn't leave the restaurant and kill everypony/one.

Ah, yes. I thought I was replying to the person you were replying to.

Best chapter yet... though the part where the puppet grabbed the moron who tried to do... whatever crime, and pulled him back in sent chills down my spine.

I'd just sentence the planet to exterminatus but i guess pinkies idea worked out, for now.....

This chapter was great and Pinkie is a bucking genius for working OUTSIDE. I am a little uncomfortable at how easily she is able to quickly recover after nearly dying on the first night, though.

And that video. Fuck I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

long and thin, black arms wrapped around the trespasser's body and Pinkie could barely make out the smiling, white face that appeared behind the stallion's own

Omg that's the marionette :applejackconfused::applejackconfused:

Well, Phone Guy even says that they should be paying the animatronics to protect you, so... :pinkiehappy:


And on the other side stood Bonnie the Bunny.

The old one, not the new one.

:rainbowderp: I didn't think it was possible to write jumpscares.

I didn't think that you'd be able [to] do it.
Nice story, like it. Makes so much more sense than the game.
On the same note, why would closed doors require power? =P

What was worse though about this patchwork of a machine was its face.

Like how it didn't have one.

You are an artist of comedy.

One more game, one more chapter.

funny this is exactly what i would do if i were the security guard

If I where the security guard and some fools broke into the restaurant, and there was a PA system, I would tell them over the PA system to leave immediately, or I won't be responsible for what happens to you. "This is not a threat, but a warning. I'm not here to keep people out, but to keep these... things... in."

You get a follow and a like because the Illuminati told me to:pinkiecrazy:

Found this in my favorites list and noticed there was a second chapter I had never read; what a pleasant surprise. That was pretty hilarious! :pinkiehappy:

Nice idea to have Pinkie working from outside. That's what I would do, lol. Who wants to sit in a boring, creepy security room all night? :facehoof:

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