• Published 27th Oct 2014
  • 7,335 Views, 169 Comments

Love or Power? Which Will You Choose? - atomicpuffin

What happens when two beings in power are supposed to get married but find themselves attracted to somepony else? Only one way to find out, as we watch what they choose...Love?or Power?

  • ...

Chapter Six

Author's Note:

Okay so Chapter Six is all Fluttercord and through Discord's POV, please enjoy!

Discord took in a deep breath and lifted his claws to knock at the door. He waited for a few minutes not hearing anything. He started to frown when the door opened a crack and Pinkie stuck her head out.

"Oh no! You're earlier your majesty!" She shouted and glared at him slightly. He shook his head at the shock of finding the other maid in this room and smiled. He checked a clock on the opposite wall and grinned,

"Actually I'm right on time…"

"NO! I CHANGED MY MIND! I CAN'T DO THIS!" They heard her high voice and the sound of something crashing. Discord frowned and tried to see into the room around the mare, but she stood up and blocked his view. She smiled and said,

"Will you excuse me your highness for one teeny-tiny second?" The door slammed in his face and he scratched his head. Then he put his ear to the door and heard scuffling inside, he also heard the distinct voice of Princess Cadence.

"Flutter...you can't...get back here! Sweetie please, he's out there waiting for you!"


"Applejack grab her!"

He pulled back and chuckled, it seems the mare in question was suddenly getting cold hooves to see him. Normally this would upset him, but for some reason it only amused him, he couldn't exactly explain why. He felt like giving the princess a hand and opened the door. He walked in and took two steps when a yellow blur ran into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling back, instantly his body reacted to her. She looked up at him with her wide teal eyes and gasped at being held by him.

His heart began to race as he stared into her beautiful face, he brushed a few stray strands away from her face and she shivered in response. He smiled, just as he thought,

No matter how much she protests...she wants me just as much.

"Are you ready to go my dear?" He whispered and she blushed, then nodded and he let her go so she could hover next to him. He turned to see the other three mares from before panting in the doorway. Cadence then held her head high and smiled in triumph at the pair.

"Enjoy the gardens Fluttershy." The princess said as she winked and Fluttershy blushed. Discord met the princess' eyes and she winked at him too, he grinned, realizing he somehow had made another ally in this battle. Just to be sure though,

"Will Princess Twilight be okay with me stealing you away for the afternoon my dear?"

Fluttershy looked away, hiding behind her mane and didn't answer, but Cadence did.

"Oh I think she'll be okay, after all I have a feeling she'll be spending most of her time today in the library. After the last novel, all of us are anxious to read more."

Again he chuckled and took Fluttershy's hoof and tucked it into his arm, loving the way that motion just felt so right. He smiled at the pretty mare beside him, then gave a small bow of his head to the others in the room.

"Excellent...shall we be on our way then my dear?" He purred to her and she blushed deeper, but gave him a bright smile that melted his heart.

"Yes your highness…" She whispered and her soft voice caressed his already sensitive skin. He nodded and led her out of the room and towards the gardens, he only hoped that once they were alone she would say his name and not his title.

You mean like your dreams?

He mentally swatted the thought away, not needing those kinds of thoughts clouding his mind at the moment. He looked down and admired the mare on his arm, she was the most beautiful mare he had ever seen. She was a natural beauty, like the many roses in his garden. Once they were outside, he noted how true that comparison was. When she was outside, walking in the sun's light she was absolutely radiant. Her soft, yellow fur glowed and her beautiful, pink mane shimmered in the bright light. She looked like a goddess and Discord felt himself falling further under her spell. Even the simple, white dress she wore only enhanced her beautiful looks.

"Hmm the air is so refreshing…" She said and her voice brought him out of his thoughts once again. He smiled down at her and led her down one of the covered paths, planning on taking her to a secluded area that held a surprise just for her. He had added this particular area after realizing his love for her, he wanted to show her what she meant to him.

"So...Miss Fluttershy…"

"Oh...you...you can just...call me Fluttershy...if you want to…" She whispered and blushed again. His smile widened and his heart skipped a beat,

"Of course...Fluttershy...do you know much about gardens?"

She nodded and smiled up at him, her eyes shining just as they had the first night in his music room. It seems he had found her favorite interest, which would work perfectly with his surprise.

"Oh yes! I adore flowers and gardening, but I love animals even more. I love being able to help those poor creatures that are unable to help themselves. Back home, when I'm not helping at the castle I go to visit my mother. She owns this cute little cottage in Ponyville still, even with how Princess Fleur and King Blueblood treat everypony...She cares for so many animals there, I love all of them so much. It seems like some days I can actually talk to them...but that's silly...oh my...I'm sorry your highness...I didn't mean to ramble so much...I just...I…"

He stopped walking and lifted her chin with his claws to make her look at him. He smiled softly at her and chuckled.

"My darling Fluttershy...you never have to apologize to me for anything. I love to hear you speak so passionately about something so wonderful. It only shows me that I was correct in saying what a kind heart you have. You truly are perfect my dear." He leaned closer to her, his claws still holding her chin. Her eyes widened and when his lips were inches from hers, she turned away blushing. He stopped and sighed, then pulled his head back and smiled again.

"Come...I have something to show you." He whispered and started them walking again. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and noticed her frowning. He felt his chest tighten, she had pulled away from him this time. He wondered if she was trying to tell him that she wasn't interested?

Don't lose hope yet Discord. The battle's not over until the cotton candy cloud runs out of chocolate milk.

He grinned at the thought, he looked down and Fluttershy again and she looked even more upset. He wanted to see that smile again so he asked,

"So this cottage...is that where you grew up?"

She jumped as if she had been deep in thought and smiled again, not as brightly as before, but he was happy to see even a small smile once again.

"Yes...Although I didn't enjoy going into town, I love that cottage and my mother. When my father passed away...my mother worked twice as hard to keep it. It's also the reason I left to Canterlot and took a job with the princess. It was the best decision I could have made, I met Twilight and she's like a sister to me...and now my mother doesn't have to worry about keeping the cottage...unless…" She stopped and frowned again, he looked down at her waiting for her to continue. When she didn't he frowned as well and said,

"Unless what my dear? Is your mother facing financial troubles? If she is I would be happy to..."

"Oh no...I mean...well not exactly...it's nothing to trouble yourself with my lord...it's just...well Ponyville's taxes seem to be raising rapidly each month and...and even with my help...sometimes my mother has a hard time...she has her animals too and they require special items sometimes...but really your majesty it's nothing to worry about. We have always made it work." She said with a bright, optimistic smile, he frowned further.

From what he had heard Princess Fleur and Blueblood spent money as if they had an endless amount. From what Fluttershy had just told him the opposite was true, most likely the two were keeping the money they took from citizens for themselves and not putting any back into their lands. He growled low at the thought, everything he had he put back to those who relied on him. He would have to find a way to help that kingdom without it looking like direct interference. Another problem for another day though…he stopped walking and turned to face her, he placed his hands on her shoulders and said,

"Well my dear...I just want you to know that...if there is ever anything I can do for your mother...or you...all you have to do is ask."

She smiled up at him, some tears in her eyes and the sight made his chest twist. He reached up and wiped away the tears, hating to see them in her gorgeous eyes, then he rested his claws against her cheek. It was an instinctive move, one he did without thinking.

Fluttershy's eyes widened again, but this time she didn't pull away or flinch at his touch. That fact alone made his heart rate triple, she didn't seem disgusted at having his claws touching her fur. If anything, he could swear her breathing was becoming more rapid.


"Th-thank you...Discord..." She whispered and the sound of his name on her lips sent a shiver through his body. He let out a small groan and took a step towards her, but this time she didn't pull away, instead she lifted her head up to meet him. He placed his lips over hers and sighed, he loved how they softened beneath his. She let out a small moan too, as if she had been secretly waiting for this again, just as he had. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer to him, feeling her small frame mold against his long one. He groaned again against her mouth and moved his claws up into her hair, tangling his talons in the long locks.

She gasped and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue along her lips. She shivered and melted in his arms, he couldn't help but grin. He deepened the kiss further, tasting all that she was offering him as she opened for him. He moaned when he felt her small tongue slide tentatively against his and along his lips.

Her hooves moved to his shoulders and then down along his chest, even that gentle touch set him on fire. He growled and swung around with her still in his arms, he then had her pressed against one of the trees lining the path. He moved his hands down along her waist, feeling her shiver under his touch. He moved to her neck, wanting to taste her sweet skin again after having dreamt of it these past few nights.

He nibbled on her neck and she let out a tiny squeak, the sound made his ear twitch and he growled again. He gently ran his tongue along the soft length and up to her soft ear, running it along the lobe. She whimpered and in the softest voice whispered,


Hearing his name again spoken like that sent a fog running through his brain. He left her neck and returned to capture her lips again. She moaned in appreciation as he began to ravish her mouth. His hands were slowly moving down her waist, over her hips and down her thighs. She gasped again at the sensation and moaned his name, he felt as if his heart would explode. If she breathed his name like that once more he would definitely keel over from a heart attack. He felt himself growing more lost within the thick fog of desire. Some sane part of his brain managed to break through the fog and told him to stop.

You love this mare right? This isn't how she deserves to be treated! You're out in the open for crying out loud!


He stopped and pulled away from her lips, breathing heavily. He looked down at this beautiful mare who he intended to make his queen, to make his wife...She was also breathing heavy and her face was deeply flushed. She looked up at him with her beautiful eyes and there was no mistaking the fire burning in their depths. He chuckled, happy that she had been enjoying it just as much as he had.

"Fluttershy...this is...this is not what I meant...to happen…" He said, taking deep breaths trying to get oxygen back into his lungs. He grinned at her and reached up to stroke her cheek. She closed her eyes and sighed, the sound made his heart jump. He groaned, closing his eyes and leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers. He opened his eyes to stare into hers,

"My darling...beautiful Fluttershy...what are you doing to me?" He gave her another soft kiss which she returned earnestly. He pulled back and sighed again, he smiled down at her and then pulled away from her completely, afraid of what would happen if they stayed the way they currently were. She seemed confused at the lost contact, he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck.

"My dear...I must apologize...I'm afraid that I...well...you may be afraid of me after hearing this but…" He stopped and looked back at her. She was staring at him completely lost, he sighed and stepped closer to her again. He took both her hooves in his hands and smiled down at her. She began to blush deeper, he didn't know how much more she could blush before her fur would remain a permanent red. The sight made him chuckled again and he bent to kiss her hooves. He looked back into her eyes and tried to explain himself,

"I hadn't planned on...um...'attacking' you my love...I'm sorry if I scared you at all...but I can't...I can't seem to control myself around you. Forgive me my dear...you deserve better than the way I've just treated you."

She frowned up at him and then surprised him when her lips twitched and she let out a full laugh. It rang through the gardens and he was sure he could hear birds answering the angelic voice. He smiled at her then bowed and said,

"So I take it my lady is not too upset with me?"

She giggled again at him and answered,

"No...not at all...I...I actually...en-enjoyed it when...you…" She stopped and hid behind her mane as her blush spread further along her face. He stood up again and smiled, he held out his arm for her to take. Which she did willingly, she seemed much more relaxed now and it made his heart warm to see her eyes shining at him.

He only hoped that soon those gorgeous orbs would be shining with love. He continued on their walk, the whole time listening to her tell him about her childhood. He found himself growing more interested in her and her past. He wanted to know as much about her as he possibly could. Never had he felt like this, he didn't even know that much about Flash before the stallion had come to the castle. He looked up as they neared his surprise for her. He stopped suddenly and she looked up at him, tilting her head to the side.

My word, she is so adorable when she does that!

He resisted the urge to kiss her again, knowing this time he may not stop. He grinned,

"Close your eyes darling…"

"Huh...my eyes? Why?"

"Because I have a surprise for you...let's just say...it's my way of telling you how I see you." He grinned at the blush that returned to her cheeks, she closed her eyes and when he was sure that she wasn't peeking he took her hooves. He pulled her forward slowly, they passed through a curtain of vines and into a secluded part of the gardens. He pulled her to the center, then turned her so her back was to him. He leaned close to her and whispered into her ear,

"Ok my love...look…"

She opened her eyes slowly and then covered her mouth with a gasp. All around them were roses, every color you could think of was present. Flying among the flowers were thousands of butterflies, all enjoying the garden's calmness. Off to the right was a small waterfall that fell into a small pond. The garden was beautiful and serene, just as his darling love was. She made him feel relaxed and happy whenever she was near him, he hoped that she would realize that with how the garden made her feel.

She looked all around and then slowly turned to face him, her eyes were shining with tears again as she smiled up at him.

"Oh Discord...this is...this is...so relaxing and...beautiful…" She whispered, he cupped her cheeks and whispered,

"Not nearly as beautiful as you are. Fluttershy...this is how you make me feel. This is why I want you so much...why I need you as my queen...tell me you understand my darling...please…" He had moved closer to her as he said this and he noticed her swallow. She looked up with large, frightened eyes. It was seeing that fear which doused the fire inside him. He dropped his hands and pulled away from her.

He turned his back and growled softly to himself, he didn't understand. She responded to him every time he touched her. She seemed so happy when she was around him, just as he was with her. So...so why was it every time he mention making her his queen she panicked?

He slammed a fist against a nearby tree and heard her whimper behind him. He turned and saw her hiding behind her mane, there were tears running down her cheeks and he felt awful for frightening her.

"Oh my dear...I'm...I'm sorry…" He went to her and pulled her into his arms, she came willingly and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into his embrace. He held her close and began to gently stroke her mane.

She shook her head and cried,

"You have nothing to be sorry about it's...it's...not your fault...I'm sorry Discord but...I still can't be your queen...no matter how I…" She stopped, but he understood what she was about to say.

No matter how I want it.

He frowned as he continued to stroke her mane, she still refused to accept his offer...to accept him.

He pulled back from her, but kept his arms around her. He sighed,

"Fluttershy...why...why don't you want to be my queen? What can I do to make you see that you're perfect?"

She shook her head and pulled out of his hold. She flew by the pond and sat down on the grass, her back to him. He silently moved up behind her and heard her sniffling. He knelt to the grass and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Tell me love...please...I just want to understand…" He whispered to her, hoping that she would at least give him a clue. Something for him to work with, something he could use.

"I'm not a princess…" She whispered and it shocked him so much he couldn't respond. If that was the only…

"I'm not a princess, I'm just a plain mare...Discord how...how can I rule anything? You keep telling me I'm perfect to be queen, but...but I'm not!"

She turned to face him and he was saddened to see the hurt in her eyes and she was crying harder than before. He hated to see her this upset, but at least now he knew what she was afraid of, why she was so reluctant to be his queen.

"Fluttershy...you don't have to be a princess in order to be perfect...look at me...I...I wasn't a prince before I created this kingdom. I need you because you can take care of my people, give them what they need. I need a mare that can love my people unconditionally. A queen who is kind and compassionate to all those around her...tell me...am I wrong in thinking you are that kind of mare?"

She shook her head and said,

"No...not really...but Discord...there's so much more to this...more at stake...you said that the mare you choose...she will have access to your wealth right?"

He frowned at the mention of his money, she had never mentioned it before, it was one of the reasons he found her fascinating. She seemed unfazed by his wealth, as if it didn't matter...as if he was the only thing that mattered.

He loved her for making him feel like more than his crown. Could he have been wrong before thinking that she was different? It hurt him to even consider that...

"Yes...I did say that. As incentive for the princesses to come here...but...but what does that have…"

"Everything Discord...I don't need your wealth...but...but there are those out there that do. Queen Celestia's people...Canterlot is in dire need of the funds you can give them. I can't be so selfish and expect you to give me everything when I don't need it, but they do...Discord...that's why I can't be your queen."

Her words, they meant more to him than she would ever know. If he thought he loved her before, now he was completely at her mercy. At that moment his heart pledged it's undying loyalty to her. He metaphorically fell at her feet, ready to worship the ground she stood upon. This amazing mare...he had just been doubting her and she proved him completely wrong. She was refusing him because of his wealth, because she believed there were others that deserved it more.

He chuckled at the absurdness of it, this was what had held her back. This was why she had tortured him so, if she really wanted him to help Canterlot all she had to do is ask.

Wait that's it...if I tell her that I will still help Canterlot...will she agree then?

"Fluttershy...that doesn't mean you can't be my queen." He whispered and she looked up at him shocked. He grinned at her and stroked her cheek, then he whispered the most obvious fact in the world.

"I said the mare that marries me and becomes my queen will have access to my wealth and be able to do with it as she wishes. What's to stop you from giving it to Canterlot?"

She froze again and opened her mouth, then closed it. She seemed stunned and he chuckled at how cute she looked. His spirits began to lift as he felt he was finally going to win his...she shook her head and looked up at him sadly.

"That doesn't mean I'll be a good queen...or that...or that you'll want me later on, after the...this passion goes away...I mean Discord...we've known each other for what, two days? How can you expect us to marry after such a short time."

Because I love you with my whole heart. I don't care how long we've known each other, my heart wants you and only you. I can't imagine going a day without seeing your beautiful smile or feeling you in my arms. I need you by my side forever, I can't ever let you go…

"Discord...I just don't think...I don't think I feel that way yet…"

His heart sank at her words...he had finally gotten his answer. She may feel something towards him but it wasn't...it wasn't...he turned his face away from her and whispered,

"You don't love me...do you?"


He flinched with his eyes shut and didn't see the guilt flash across her eyes. Or the way she started to retract what she said. He stood up and turned away from her, his heart dropping to the floor, but he had to admit one thing. She was right. They didn't know each other that well, but that didn't mean what he felt for her wasn't real. He loved her, completely and truly...he'd never love another as he did her. He was starting to see that Dashing in Flash's tale wasn't just a rendering of the stallion, it was also one of Discord. Now he understood what Flash had said that morning, when Discord had been teasing him over his newest novel

You know that this story isn't just about my heart right?

He looked back at her, she was still sitting in the grass her head hung as tears silently fell down her cheeks. Even like this she was so beautiful, he had to have her. He couldn't let her slip away from him like this. He had to find a way...

He thought of another idea, something that was risky and would most likely come back to bite him, but he had to try. He went back to where she was sitting and grabbed her hooves, slowly lifting her up. She spread her wings and hovered in front of him, looking slightly confused at the soft smile he was giving her. He pulled her to him and placed his lips over her soft ones. She relaxed under his kiss and he sighed. Then he pulled back from her and reached up to wipe away her tears. He whispered,

"My darling Fluttershy...you have to know that I still want you to be my queen more than anything, but…" He placed his claw over her lips when she would have protested. His eyes softened as he said what he hoped would help him win her heart in the end.

"But...no matter how much I want you to be my queen. I also love you too much to force you into something like this so suddenly...so I want to make a deal with you...if you'll let me." He whispered and waited to see how she would react. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then she looked away from him and whispered,

"What kind of deal?"

He took in a deep breath and sent a silent prayer that this gamble of his would pay off.

"I wish to court you...the right way, over these next seven days...until the ball. I know that's still not a long time, but I'm hoping it's enough my dear. I want to get to know more about you and tell you anything you want to know about me. I want to show you my world, to show you that I want you to be a part of it, that I need you in it. Fluttershy...

"I want to prove to you that I am a stallion that can make you happy in life. So my darling...all I ask is that you give me a chance...to show you who I am, so you can better decide...then on the night of the ball. I will announce to everypony there that I have found my queen...I will announce to all in attendance that I love you and that you are the one I choose...if after these seven days you feel that maybe...just maybe...there's a chance that you could love me back...accept my offer then."

She looked up at him and swallowed, then spoke in a quiet tone.

"And...and if I don't think I can…" She looked away and he felt a stab in his heart as he said,

"If you don't think you can ever love me...then don't come to the ball, I'll take that as your answer...but Fluttershy...I want you to know something else. No matter what you choose...I will give Canterlot and the Crystal Empire the money they need to rebuild, and more in the future should they wish it."

She gasped and turned back to him surprised. He lowered his ears and whispered,

"I don't want my wealth to have any part in your choice...darling, I want you to choose me because that's what you want...not because of a sense of duty."

He let go of her hooves and started to step away from her when she surprised him by throwing her arms around him and kissed him. It was the first time she had ever initiated it and it set him on fire again. He wrapped his arms around her and returned her passionate kiss. She pulled back and placed her hooves on his cheeks as she said,

"Thank you Discord. I promise you that at the end of this week you will have my answer. I...I want you to know that...although I'm not sure about loving you...I...I do care for you...so...so once I get to know you more...well…"

She leaned in and kissed him again and his heart swelled with hope. She had basically just told him that there was a really high chance that she could love him! He groaned and pulled her fully against him.


He didn't know what took over his brain, but he felt himself lowering to the grass and laying her on it. She didn't protest and just moaned in response, the sound made him melt. He knew that he wouldn't push too far, she was still a lady and deserved to be treated as such, but he needed to feel her against him again. Even if that meant more sleepless nights for him.

He ran his hand along her leg and felt her stiffen slightly at the touch of his claws on her ankle.

"Shh...relax love. Trust me darling...I'm not going to force anything on you...do you trust me my love?"

He looked down into her eyes and was happy to see they were slightly clouded. She nodded, her face flushed. He smiled and moved his claws up past her ankle and to her knee, her eyes closed and she shivered, but he could see it was from desire not fear. He smiled and moved his hand away from her leg up to her face, cupping her cheek. He leaned forward and captured her lips once more, fueled further by that brief touch she had allowed. He felt like he was lying with an angel and he didn't deserve it, however being the greedy stallion he was...he would take all that he could while it lasted.

He felt her small tongue run along his lips and it made him jump. He growled and opened for her. He held himself still, allowing her to explore him, as he had done before. He had to let her move at her own pace, to show her that he really did cherish her and would never do anything to hurt her.

She let out a soft moan as her tongue ran along his, encouraging it to move into her mouth. He felt a deep growl emit from his chest as he obliged her, enjoying the soft textures of her sweet mouth. He nearly exploded when he felt hers run along the roof of his mouth. Then to push him further he felt her soft hooves move to the inside of his simple tunic, which he had chosen over formal attire for the warm afternoon. When her hooves brushed the fur on his chest, he knew he wouldn't last!


"Fluttershy…" He gasped pulling away from her suddenly, she was pushing him too far. He wasn't sure how close he was to losing control, but he didn't want to chance it. When she finally accepted his love and returned it, then he would allow his passion full range, but until then he had to behave.

"Darling stop…please...I...I can't…" He continued to rasp trying to gain a firm reign on his raging desire. She looked up at him and in that moment she looked like an earth goddess tempting him to his doom and everlasting bliss.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were clouded with her own desires, she was breathing rapidly and her hooves were still pressed against his chest. He gulped down a large amount of air, hoping to slow his racing heart. No go, but it was worth a try, he groaned and buried his snout in her beautiful mane.

He took a deep breath and sighed in bliss as the mixture of her and the earth filled his nostrils. He groaned and whispered to her,

"Fluttershy...I don't want to take advantage of you darling...but saying that...I still desperately want you...so...so you have to be careful how far you push me my dear. I shouldn't have laid you down in the first place, but I wasn't thinking again...I told you...I don't know what you are doing to me my love."

He pulled back to place a soft kiss against her lips again. She moaned and it almost set him off again so he closed his eyes and pulled back, throwing himself backwards away from her. He was now laying on his back in the grass staring up at the sky. He grabbed his chest hoping to use his magic to slow his heart rate down, but nothing he did could calm the pounding organ. He opened his eyes and found himself staring into her beautiful face again. She was flying above him smiling and if he wasn't mistaken, she was laughing at him. He growled at her and covered his eyes with his lion arm.

"Are you dead my lord?" She asked, giggling and the sound made him smile despite his sudden discomfort. He was suddenly happy for his mix-matched body, it had it's advantages some days...such as hiding a certain part until he chose to show it…

"Not yet, but I swear you are trying to test my immortality…" He growled and it made her giggle again. He uncovered his eyes and smiled wider at her, he sat up on his elbows and watched her as she laughed.

He chuckled himself and then lifted himself off the ground and offered her his arm. She happily took it and followed him out of their 'secret' garden. He smiled down at her as they continued to walk. She looked so much happier and Discord realized that by the end of this week she would be his.

He was fully confident that she would grow to love him, considering how she already reacted to him now. He prayed that she would realize it sooner though, he wasn't sure how much longer his self control would win out over his desire. She stiffened suddenly and he looked down at her confused. She pulled at him until he was standing in front of her, looking up at him worried.

"Discord I...I have to go...I...I'm sorry…" She started to fly away from him, but he grabbed her hoof, holding her back.

"Wait darling, what's…" He started to ask, but she cut him off by grabbing his face and giving him a quick kiss.

"I'll see you at dinner...but I have to…"

"Wait...after dinner...promise me you'll come to my music room." He asked and she smiled nodding enthusiastically, then her eyes shot to something over his shoulder and she paled slightly. Real fear flashing through her eyes before she gave him one last kiss and flew off into the gardens. He noticed she was taking the longer route to the castle, one that would make it harder to spot her.

What on earth was that all about?

"Ah your highness...what a pleasant surprise to find you out here."

He turned at the sound of her voice and gave a slight bow to Queen Celestia and Queen Luna. He stood up and looked at the queen, before looking back to where she had flown off to. He frowned, thinking about what that could mean.

"Is something wrong my lord?" Celestia asked him as she looked in the same direction he was. He didn't know what possessed him to lie, maybe it was the fear he had seen in her eyes.

"I was just trying to decide if I should let the trees change color for autumn or if I should leave them green?" He said and the two queens looked at him oddly, but shrugged it off as something he would say.

"Well, I hope you make a decision soon." Celestia said as her, Luna and their captains continued to walk through his garden. He had the sense that she wasn't referring to his trees. He frowned after the alicorn, he had planned on telling her that he would be giving them the help they needed to recover, but now...now he wanted to figure something strange out first. Something that wasn't sitting well with him and was bringing out the aggressively, protective side of him.

Why the hell did Fluttershy look terrified of Celestia? Did the alicorn threaten her in some way? Hmm...one way or another I'll get the answer tonight.