• Member Since 12th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I am a girl who got into My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 7 years ago. And I've finally decided to try and write fanfics, so...yeah. That's about it. If you ever want to talk feel free to PM me.


While she is stuck on the moon, Luna begins to beat herself up over how she let Nightmare Moon take over her actions. But help from an unknown source allows her to gain just enough confidence to begin to fight back once again. Although, Nightmare Moon is not ready to give up very easily. Will Luna be able to overcome her darker half? Or will she forever be a prisoner of her own self?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Another take on one of the big unanswered-by-canon questions of My Little Pony, and one unlikely to ever be answered in canon since the possible answers are all just too dark -- what was Luna's exile like from her POV. I try to answer this question myself in chapter 1 of Nightmares Are Tragic, and I basically assume that she was in a state of war within herself between her own damaged soul and her possessing Night Shadow; but I also have her only dimly remember that millennium of imprisonment after her liberation -- which, really, is merciful, as she was insane and being emotionally-tortured most of that time.

I also touch on it in chapter 1 of All the Way Back, when Luna is haunting her own wing of the Palace eying her own Night Guard with dubious intentions. You'll notice that she stops obsessing on it as the story progresses and she is able to take meaningful action in service of Equestria: that's her sanity returning. Luna will after that story start focusing on building up Equestria's military to meet the coming challenges from the Night Shadows, playing her key role in winning the Shadow Wars, resuming her role as Guardian of Dreams and the High Lady of War.

I'm curious -- in your story, are all the voices fragments of Luna's own personality, or is one of them a possessor? In other words, is your Nightmare Moon purely Insane Luna, or is it the fusion of Luna with something else? I know these are the two main takes on the character; mine being that Luna went insane first (from abuse and misfortune in the Disastrous Fifth Century of Harmony) and that her madness caused her to call upon the Night Shadows and invite one into herself. Alex Warlorn's idea is that the Nightmare was purely generated internally by Luna herself. And IDW Comics has the Nightmare Forces being purely external. Which way do you go on this?

5921235 The regular text is Nightmare Moon who is a part of Luna, and is referred to by Luna as her "darker half".....the italicized text is Luna, the good/kind part of her....the bold text is not a part of Luna, I deliberately left it unknown as to exactly what that speaker is....and the last line which is both italicized and bolded is the unknown speaker and Luna speaking in unison.....


Okay, I think I understand this now. Hope you didn't mind me referring to two of my stories, but those two are very relevant to the matter at hand in yours, since they're my take on the same issue.

5921280 As I said in PM, I do mind....quite a lot actually, in case you couldn't tell....

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