• Published 27th Oct 2014
  • 2,739 Views, 39 Comments

Beautiful: Fleur de Lis - TheLandgrave

A bad day and a rainy night. It’s enough to drive a mare to drink, and Fleur is no exception

  • ...

Part Two by Nom_deCheval

It’s good to be dry again. Running in the rain is something of a new experience for me—particularly in the manner I just performed—but it was a bit of an adventure. Too much adventure can ruin a night, though I have discovered a little does add some adrenaline to the blood.

And so I find myself in this pavillion with a mare who has—quite literally—taken me under her wing. The odd thing is, I still find myself pressed up against her. This ill kept, painted boulder. I’m taking advantage of her, and I will do no such thing. It is improper at best, and at worst an insult to the both of us. Even if I still find it difficult to pull myself away from her warmth.

“My apologies.” I also find it difficult to look her in the eyes at this moment. “Thank you for bringing me…” I finally get a chance to look around. The rain is falling like the iconic waterfalls outside Canterlot, covering everything and blanketing the view, but still this is no place that I have been before. I am in unfamiliar territory. “Well, I don’t know where we are.”

“Ah, don’t worry. You were having a bit of a rough time, so I swooped in for the save. It’s kinda what I do.” Words like that are enough to get me to look at her. She is as full of bravado in her eyes as she is in her voice.

Looking deeper, I can see something gleam behind the red irises, and somehow it changes her. Takes the painted boulder and turns her to a sculpted piece of marble, painted over to disguise its true beauty.

With a grace that is far too practiced, I step to one side, settle into a sitting position and wrap my tail around my flank. Once to act demure, now to hide unwanted flaws. It is that very same practice that allows me to suppress the chuckle that wants to rumble up from my lungs.

“Well, nonetheless, I feel I owe you a debt.” A soft smile, not too much, just a hint over the lip. A larger smile shows lines I prefer to keep hidden. “Though I cannot be indebted to someone that I don’t actually know. My name is Fleur de Lis. What is yours, if I may ask?”

“Uh, well, you did just ask. But sure! I’m Rainbow Dash!” She flaps into the air for a moment, spreading her wings out in a rather blatant display. It’s adorable in its own way. “Maybe you’ve heard of me?”

“Sorry, no, but I don’t think that we travel in the same circles.”

The expression on her face is priceless. It’s like I just took away one of her favorite toys as a child. Ah, the exuberance of youth.

“Save the world a few times, but does anyone recognize me? Heck no.” I can barely hear her mumbling to herself. With no pomp or circumstance she deposits herself rather unceremoniously beside me.

“Saved the world?” That does sound familiar. The stories of Equestria’s newest princess and her friends are well known, and a point of pride among some—myself included. “Does that mean you are one of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rarity’s companions? One of Rarity’s Ponyville friends?”

For a moment it looks as though I actually slapped her. Her entire face shudders before settling back to itself. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! You know Twilight and you know RARITY, but you don’t know me?”

“Well, the way you say it, it sounds bad. I know of your exploits via association, isn’t that good enough?” I can tell that I’ve said the wrong thing. By no means did I wish to hurt her feelings.

She looks at me with intensity in her eyes. “I saved the Wonderbolts, you know! Got a Silver Medal at the Equestria Games! I’m staying with Princess Celestia! By invitation!”

That is a rather impressive resume. Now I find myself genuinely surprised that I don’t know her by name. In fact, it makes many things questionable.

“Rainbow Dash, if you don’t mind me asking, what were you doing down at that rather… colorful bar?”

The look she gives me has a tinge of humor to it, but more of a deflection. “You mean besides getting drunk?”

“Yes, besides that. I believe that part was covered thoroughly in the bar itself.”

“Just, you know, hanging.” She turns away from me, looking out into the downpour.

“By yourself? Seemingly wanting no company? I find that hard to believe.” My eyelids close slightly and my lips soften. “You can tell me the truth. I will not judge you.”

I see her look from the rain to the ceiling of our impromptu asylum. They roll slightly around, finally coming back to rest on me. “Fine. I had another bad date with a stupid stallion who couldn’t handle my awesomeness. And I wasn’t ready to go back to my room. Happy?”

Let the paint flake away at your own pace. “You have my deepest condolences. I can only conjecture the pony in question was of far less than equitable mien.”

“Uh...maybe? If that means he was a jerk, then yeah. He was a huge jerk.” A slight ruffle of her feathers indicates more of a story.

“What did he do to you? Nothing improper I hope.”

“Huh? Oh, heck no! I’da kicked him hard enough to make sure his kids felt it! Nah, this was just a stallion with a stupid name who wasn’t able to handle all of this!” The gesture she makes towards herself is a wonderful addition to her statement. There is no lack of confidence in her, that is certain. I remember when I possessed it in equal measure—in a much better time.

Wait… funny name? That sounds… “Excuse me, but by chance you were not courted by Copious Assets were you?”

“Courted? Phht. Not hardly. He even made fun of my dress.” She looked down at her own tattered garment with some anger. “Rarity knocked herself out making this! ...and she’s gonna kill me when she sees what happened to it.”

“Well, I can assure you that Copious Assets is a spoiled whelp. You are far better off without him.” I share a look at her clothing. “And, by the way, what did happen to your dress?”

“That was just a...thing. Well, sorta my thing. I mean…” She took a deep breath and I saw her expression lighten. “Okay, it’s like this. My friend Rarity set me up on this date, right? For some reason she thinks that I need to get out more and find a stallion outside of Ponyville, and since she’s such a good friend, I figure why not? I’ll indulge her a little.”

I see her hoof travel behind her head, scratching her mane on the surface, but on a deeper level she’s searching for something else. “So she gets me to put on this dress, which is way, way too tight for someone like me. I mean, seriously, watch this.”

She twists her body to a position that most ponies would find impossible, let alone uncomfortable, and the seams on the garment split wide, revealing the trim muscle of her body beneath. I do try not to stare. There was a time that others would stare at me that way, after all.

“See? I mean, it’s no surprise that it ripped when I…” She doesn’t finish her sentence, and instead looks down at the floor of the pavillion.

“What? When you did what?”

I watch her chest expand as she takes a deep breath—perhaps watching a little too much, actually. “Okay, so I was out with Doofus Dumbname and he took me to this nice restaurant, uh, The Closet Club or something—”

“The Clover Club. Yes, I know the place.” I hate interrupting her, but that is one of the five best eateries in all of Equestria, let alone Canterlot.

“Did you know that place doesn’t even serve hayburgers? I mean, what’s up with that?” The shocked expression on her face is priceless. “Oh, but yeah, the dinner. So, we were sitting at this fancy table and there were, like, seven or eight forks in front of me, and he was sitting across from me and I was trying to figure out why somepony would need more than one fork, and he orders some food for both of us. Stuff that I can’t even pronounce.

“When it shows up at the table there is a plate that has four or five tiny vegetables on it, and this tiny bowl of water that they told me was soup. I think there were more forks than food, to be honest.” She shakes her head, and her mane falls down, the water from the rain letting it hang naturally once more. It fits her much better. I’m suddenly painfully aware of how mine must look right now. “Then I look over at him, thinking I might get a clue, and...and he’s staring at the mare at the next table.”

My heart sinks a little. My mind flashes back. This mare isn’t the sort that is prepared for that sort of thing. Then again, what mare is?

“So, I kinda cleared my throat. Reminded him I was at the table. You know what he does? He looks at me and apologizes, telling me that he was distracted by her delicate beauty or something like that.” It’s odd. She almost has a smile on her face while she’s telling me this. Not expected. “Hey, I might not be like you or Rarity, but I sure ain’t somepony you just ignore. Especially when we’re on a date—even a crummy one!”

“I totally agree.” Did she just call me a delicate beauty?

“There….” She hesitates. I don’t press her. “There were some things said, and some things done. It doesn’t matter. I tore my dress and the date ended badly. So, I got outta there and just started wandering the streets. I saw it was about to rain and spotted the bar, and...well, here we are.”

There is something she’s not telling me. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. I’m grateful that she’s sharing anything with me at the moment. What is it about this brash, cerulean pegasus that is so comforting? Certainly not her manners nor refinement. Perhaps it is the distinctive lack of those traits that appeals to me. Perhaps it is her being blissfully unaware of how fleeting her beauty will be from the ravages of time. Or maybe just the fact that she seems… genuine.

“He is an idiot, and one that you shouldn’t give any second thought. The mere fact that he does not recognize your unique beauty is his loss.”

“Exactly!” She bursts up into the air once more, flexing her wings out. I get the distinct impression that, were she not having to interact with others, she would not be spending any time on the ground at all. “Not all mares are made of fluff and stuff. No offense.”

“None taken.” I would never call myself fluff, however. It isn’t wise to judge a mare by her coat, as they say. My coat may seem white, but it is hardly pristine any longer.

“Your turn.” Her words catch me off guard, and I am certain that it is reflected in my appearance. For the briefest of moments I find myself apoplectic.

“My… I… what are you talking about?”

“Just that it’s your turn. I told you why I was at the bar, now you gotta tell me why you were there.”

Plopping herself down once more, she grins at me. It’s not a smile, it is a grin. A mischievous, playful grin. I suddenly have the feeling that I was being played. Set up by somepony who likes to dally in games. Well done. Once upon a time, I would put her in her place, but that was long ago, and far from this day.

Like her, I take a deep breath before I begin. “I don’t suppose you know who I am, do you?” She shakes her head, confirming what I already knew. “Well, I am married to one of the most wealthy and influential stallions in Canterlot. He is a fine, revered member of Canterlot elite. We met many years ago at a social function. I was working as a model at the time and was lucky enough to catch his eye. We spoke, things progressed, we dated, and less than a year later I wed him in a very extravagant and acclaimed ceremony. It was covered in all of the social columns and publications. We were the talk of Canterlot.”

“But...that was a long time ago, right? I meant why were you there today?” A long time ago? Of course it seems a long time ago to her. She’s young and beautiful. Seeing somepony so far past their prime must seem like I come from a distant era.

“Yes. It seems that it was indeed a very long time ago.” My mind wanders back to the events of the day. To that moment which sent me scurrying from home and onto the streets. It burns me now as much as it did then, and I decide not to hold it in. “Time makes an old mare of all of us, Rainbow Dash. I am older than you, but I do not believe there are many who would call me...mature. I work hard to look like I do. Yes, I was gifted with good genetics, but it is with effort that I maintain my appearance. I’m sure you understand. You surely have to work to maintain your looks as well, yes?”

“Uh...sure.” She nods, lying. I doubt she cares what she eats and simply lounges about all day.

“Then let me share with you a secret that I discovered far too harshly today. No matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you try to hold on to your beauty, it ultimately doesn’t matter.”

My beauty. How long can any mare hold onto that which invariably fades with the passage of time. Yes, I can–I have–used some of my wealth to visit doctors, both in Equestria and far beyond, but that was only so that I might maintain a career. Continue to contribute what I can to the social pages and inspire the… young.

I notice that my voice has fallen to little more than a whisper, even as I growl out the next words. “If all you have to offer is your looks, then you will surely discover that there is always a mare younger than you. Somepony trim and fit, with a dusty coat and dark mane that….”

Now I hold it in. I will not go that far. There is no way that I will give him that victory. He might see me—or once have seen me—as nothing more than a body to enjoy and display, but I know that I am more. I am more. I am. Better stallions than him have tried to do far worse to me over my years, and he will not be the one to beat me. I will not cry.

“Uh, are you okay?” Her voice breaks into me and I turn to her. The red in her eyes dims in the gray light of the rain, becoming warm and welcoming.

“Of course I am.” I straighten myself, settling back onto my haunches slightly, smiling back the dampness in my eyes. I don’t speak so much as expel the words. “I was at home. I encountered my husband in a… compromising… manner and left. Like you, the rain caught me and I entered the building. Discovering it was a bar, I had a few drinks and…. Well, as you phrased it, here we are.”

The colors in her face blanche, then immediately flush bright red. She is not blushing, however. “Where is he?”

I have to nip this, quickly. For her protection as much as anything. “Who? My husband?” I gently try to calm her. “No, no. That’s...not your concern.”

“Of course it’s my concern! You’re my friend! And nopony gets away with treating my friends like that.” Friend? We just met. How can you…? You mean that, though, don’t you?

For a moment I consider granting her request. Directing her to my home and letting her go in, brash and headstrong, giving him everything that he deserves and more—even it is just a strong reprimand and tongue lashing. How I would love to see this fireball in action. Then I remember myself, and more importantly, the rest of my life.

“It’s not a matter of how he treated me, it’s more… It’s complicated. I’m not…” How can I explain this? Define a life that has always relied on a veil of appearances? “I’m just not the mare I used to be.”

“Not the mare you used to be?” Her tone. Her actions. She doesn’t understand. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

The breath comes out of a me a bit heavier than I intend as I settle in to explaining aloud what I’ve said in my head too many times. “It means that I’m old. That he’s always had an eye for youth, and that I… This is Canterlot.”

“I… that doesn’t…” She presses a hoof against her temple. “Gah!” The frustration is apparent before she says a word. “You’re not old. You’re gorgeous! Any mare would kill to look like you.” It suddenly occurs to me that my feelings might not be the issues frustrating her. “To be graceful…”

“Yes… gorgeous. I thought that exact same thing earlier.” Worked. Crafted. Created. A fabrication put on display. “And you have no reason—no pony has any reason to want to be like me. You… you move far more dynamically than I could ever hope.”

“Tell that to all the stallions back in Ponyville.” I’m surprised at how fragile she can be. This bold blast of color and energy is still just a pony. She feels. She hurts. So desperately in need. And she is right in front of me.

“I shouldn’t have to, but if somepony needs to, they should.” I bring my hoof under her chin, redirecting it to my face. “You are very special, Rainbow Dash. Any pony that does not see that… Well, they don’t deserve to see it, then.”

“Heck yeah, I’m special. I’m awesome.” I hear and feel her kick the floor, but I don’t look down. I want to keep her face in my eyes. “For all the good it does. No stallion wants a mare like me. They want mares like you and Rarity. Beautiful and elegant and charming…”

I chuckle at her words. Age does give a little perspective on some things. “Stallions have no idea what they want most of the time. We think we can tell them, but, in truth, they never make up their minds. They are always fickle beasts. A wise stallion would gladly look at you and be thrilled.” She is stunning. “And so would many mares, for that matter. You underestimate yourself. Sometimes, we all do.”

“That… uh… that doesn’t change that your husband deserves a good flank kicking,” I should back away. Give her room. I may have pressed too hard. And yet, I don’t. I move closer.

“To what end? He will have his way, ultimately. Money has a way of bringing power. He will never understand what it is to have to endure doubt. He can buy his pleasure. Though he will never have the pleasure of being in the position I am at this moment.” I close the gap between us slowly. Gracefully bringing my lips towards hers. “His loss.”

What happens next is not something that needs to be detailed. Suffice it to say that two mares found each other at the right juncture on that day, and for a short while that was all that mattered.

The rain falls down in a blanket to cover us in that pavillion, hiding us from everypony with a view, and preventing any more random passers by. The roar of the water drowning out all sounds that tried to compete with it. We see none of it. We hear none of it. Lost only in the sights and sounds we share among ourselves.

The rain subsides just as Celestia brings the sun to the horizon, revealing the two of us sitting together, her wing over me yet again as I lay against her side.

“You gonna be okay?” Rainbow asks me. Ah, the depths of that question.

“Right now? Yes. Later? Time will tell.” I give her the only answer I can.

“What are you gonna do?”

“What any good Canterlot wife would do,” I explain, “nothing. I will go on with my life, playing the role that I have set for myself as the female figure of our household, smiling and hoping that the smile is genuine each time. He will figure out that I know, and he will do nothing. We will live our lives together—apart.”

“Wow. That’s really messed up.” She pulls her wing off of me slowly. “You don’t have to do that, you know. You can do anything you want.”

“Thank you. Not only for those words, but for giving me something that will help me to maintain a genuine smile.” I inhale, tasting the odor that follows a storm. Sweet and refreshing. “And I can have my dalliances, too, can’t I?”

“I guess.” I watch her pace forward, looking out from under the roof at the sky above. “Yeah, the weather ponies are clearing everything out. We should be good to go.”

“And where will you go?”

“Rarity is probably chomping at the bit to find out where I’ve been. Guess I’ll have to go give her the bad news,” she sighs.

“About your date?”

She turns back to me, her face twisted into a curious look. “What? Heck no! Glad that’s over, and it led to a great evening anyway.” She smiles at me and I return it. “I just don’t want to tell her about the dress.”

I look to the folded cloth I placed to the side a short while ago and a warmth spreads through my body once again. I speak to Rainbow without looking away from the dress. “I want to buy it from her. From you.”

“You what?” Rainbow’s question brings me back around to her, and I carefully levitate the cloth beside me and trot over to stand with her. I feel the tension in her instantly. “You want to pay me for—”

“No!” I place a hoof over her lips. “No. Nothing of the sort. I could never think that way of you. And I hope you would never think that of me.”

She relaxes, much to my happiness, though some color plays across her cheeks as well.

“I want to purchase this dress. It caught my eye in a most delightful manner, and I refuse to let it go. Please inform Miss Rarity that I request her presence at my home so that she may alter the dress to fit me accordingly.”

“If I go back without the dress, then Rarity—”

“Tell her whatever you like. A charity auction at the restaurant. That I was an annoying piece of wealth who pestered you until you relented. The important thing is that this dress… that the mare who wore this dress is important to me, and I wish to have it with me during any further difficult times.”

I hear her hooves scuffle against the floor. “Uh, you could just kinda have that mare, maybe.”

As I release my breath I curl up my lips, genuinely delighted by her naïveté. So charming. “No. We both know that can’t happen. What would I do in your world? How long could you endure mine? This was… lightning. We caught it this once, but I do not want to tempt it burning me with a second try.”

Her ears and shoulders droop. Disappointment? Realization? They are so close to each other. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“And you, dear,” I lean over and give her a light peck on the cheek, “are wonderful.”

She rises up like a phoenix, hovering a few feet off the ground. “Wonderful? I’m awesome!”

“Yes, I suppose you’re that, too,” I chuckle.

For a long moment we stare at each other. No expression. No words. Just sharing that last passage of time together.

“I guess I’ll see you around,” she finally says.

I nod. “Always.”

With a dazzling burst of speed she darts into the sky. Two quick loops and she turns towards the castle, flying out of view in seconds.

Looking to the dress, I move it to my back, holding it lightly in place with my magic. The first step off of the pavillion lands my hoof in a puddle, and it means nothing to me. Something shallow that I have to deal with on a regular basis now.

“Good morning.” I turn to see a Royal Guard walking past, nodding politely my direction. “Looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous day, huh?”

“Gorgeous?” I smile, and turn my head down. A reflection stares back up at me, shimmering from the street slick with lingering rainwater. “Gorgeous is something crafted with love and care, a result of dedicated effort, like an artist’s painting or sculpture. This...this is beautiful.” My smile traces back up to him. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

He returns the smile. “Completely, ma’am. A perfect description.”

With another nod he passes by, and I watch him for a moment—but only a moment. I have places to be.

I follow the street down and with a turn finally recognize my surroundings. The long shadows of the earliest morning dancing across the golden light reflected in the slick roadways. I follow those rays, letting them guide my eyes up to see the towers of Canterlot above me.

With my head high, I break into a slow trot and head for home.

Comments ( 33 )

Outstanding! A very fluid and immersive narration, I really enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Lovely little story. Makes me wish it was a slice of life story with more chapters. In either case, I enjoyed reading it greatly.

I too wish for more.

I've read a few multi-perspective fics on this site, and this is the only one I've seen thus far that actually justifies the multiple perspectives. The first-person Rainbow Dash/Fleur de Lis just makes it so much better and worth reading both! It's nice seeing how Rainbow and Fleur interpret identical situations. That being said, I'd actually like to see more of that. I read Fleur de Lis' POV second, and I found myself skimming a lot of the dialogue-heavy sections because I'd already read it before.

Case in point: this is possibly my favorite line in the story:

What happens next is not something that needs to be detailed. Suffice it to say that two mares found each other at the right juncture on that day, and for a short while that was all that mattered.

That may be the most elegantly euphemistic description for sex I have ever read. It's just so Fleur! :raritywink:
There's no Fleur emote . . .

“No!” I place a hoof over her lips. “No. Nothing of the sort. I could never think that way of you. And I hope you would never think that of me.”

I just can't seem to understand that bit. What was being implied by wanting to buy the dress?

Very good story otherwise, by the way, although I don't see why it's necessary to add "sex" to the tags when the sex is avoided and merely implied.

The implied implication was that Fleur wanted to pay Dash for sex. Obviously, that's not what she intended to get across.

I have two new favorites tonight.

5199700 Thank you! I was particularly proud of that line, myself. (...god, that sounds so egotistical... I'm not, I swear.)


What happens next is not something that needs to be detailed. Suffice it to say that two mares found each other at the right juncture on that day, and for a short while that was all that mattered.

Like, effing perfect.

And for you, even though I've yet to truly read but already know this gone be good:


~Skeeter The Lurker

Very good story and writing guys.
And very good ship, I must say. You guys did it, you've made me fall in love with yet another pairing. It's just so good! It makes me wanna write my own story about it (which means I'll be writing non-stop for the next few months to make). It also makes me wish this story had some sort of sequel.

Sweet merciful christ you two work amazing together.

I said it once on the other, but I'll say it again.

I would seriously love to see more like this fro you two.

~Skeeter The Lurker

You two have written something akin to a fine score of music - the two pieces complement each other beautifully!

5207744 I couldn't agree more. Thank you.

You two guys. You two.

Damnit. Can't find the words to describe such a pair. Really, you two had that good idea, and made it into that doom-OP double POV fanfic. It's just perfect.
Your pairing is one of the best. Your concept is damn good. Your plume, no words. According to the POV, it was slightly influenced to reflect the pony's personality. You just took the idea, and threw it perfectly on your keyboards. I don't see any imperfection- not too rushed, not to detailed. Just enough to let the reader see, appreciate, and keep the story light. It ain't heavy in words. It ain't heavy in content. And it ain't 'not enough'. Though, i'd like a sequel, then again wrote in double POV.

You guys are artists. You know what you're doing, and you're doing it good.
I approve of this story. Clearly a masterpeice to be read, and read again. It must be pinned on Fimfiction's homepage for a while.
Thank you guys for such a good read. And please, give us more.

Wonderful job on Fleur's characterizations! Loved the story, and it begs for a sequel!

Okay, seriously, thank you everyone for such kind words.

I, for one, am rather humbled.


Is there a story behind Rarity trying to set a date up between Rainbow and a Noble?

5217184 Yes I have.

I was simply wondering why Rarity would believe that a date between a noble and Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt-in-training, would go well.

I am not trying to criticize the story, I just thought that there was potential for a story exploring why no stallions in Ponyville would be available. Is there some sort of quasi-conspiracy in Ponyville that makes all the stallions avoid her?

From the way the stories are written, it sounds like none of the stallions in Ponyville are even remotely interested in her, which could be explored in another story. Keep in mind that I may be seeing things that are not there.

Any explanation you have is just as good as mine. Maybe you'd like to write a story about it?:raritywink:

5218175 I will think about writing it. My mind is starting to build a sadfic. Maybe I will call it Beautiful: Rarity and Rarity's perspective will show what is wrong with Ponyville that no stallions will date Rainbow... My mind just went somewhere really sad when I answered that question. Would you like me to PM you two my hypothesis?

Lovely work on both stories, both of you! Just the right amount of sweet and sad, and the dual-perspective worked very well. :twilightsmile:

If that is something you want to do, I'll be happy to give you my opinion on it. But don't feel like you need special permission from me to take it anywhere you want. Write your story the way you want it.

I now want to see more of this. Though I imagine the narration could be more boring since Fleur will just act as if nothing happened. Maybe be more catty and coy with the dress on though, the touch and feel reminding her of Rainbow Dash and giving her some more brash attitude. Just maybe Fancy Pants enjoys this new Fleur, but she never gives in to his advances since that would only tarnish the memory the dress holds. It is her armor to strike back at the stallion that has tossed her aside.

I need more of this ship. It's so... excuse me for lack of a better word, awesome! Or at least, you guys made it awesome. Makes me sad I finished it so quickly.

I want to see more a forbidden love tail secret meetings and shade romance. The model and the wounderbolt, and hopefully dash gets a chance to sock fancy in the jaw. Lol

the ravishes of time

The ravages of time.

Are you sure? I know time can't keep its hands off of me. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't walk for eight hours straight.:trollestia:

5279197 Your picture and that statement are just to funny.

Both these stories where very well done. :rainbowkiss: heart warming with lots of feels. A very nice read. :twilightsmile:

5222684 oooooh, excellent description .:raritywink:

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