• Published 27th Oct 2014
  • 4,562 Views, 368 Comments

Princess Changeling Rainbow Magic Pants - Justice3442

Princess Changeling Rainbow Magic Pants, the beloved being from beyond Eqestria's skies who also resides in a land flooded with magic much as if Starswirl the Bearded's basement was flooded, senses that Twilight Sparkle needs her help.

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Chapter 4: Pinkie Pie

Princess Changeling Rainbow Magic Pants

Chapter 4: Pinkie Pie


“We must now make our way to the element of laughter!” Magic Pants announced in a voice as crisp as the morning air as Twilight, Applejack, and her trotted away from Fluttershy, who was busy sobbing uncontrollably.

Twilight turned towards Magic Pants, averting her eyes slightly as the sun above caught the crystal changeling-bat-pony-zebra-draconequus-breezie’s crystal body and fired a rainbow directly at Twilight. “Okay, but you still haven’t explained—”

“TO SUGARCUBE CORNER!” Magic Pants exclaimed in a voice like an angel’s choir accompanied by an angel’s marching band.

Twilight sighed as Magic Pants flew off. “Well… At least Pinkie might not freak out…”

“Are you sure this a good idea Twi?!” Applejack exclaimed.

“If anypony can handle Magic Pants, it’s Pinkie…”

“Maybe…” Applejack uttered. “… But who knows what she’ll do when she sees her! What if she tries to throw a big party fer her and brings her all over town?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide. “Oh no! We have to warn her!” Twilight suddenly spread her wings and took flight.

Applejack sighed. “Alright… I’ll jus’ run some more…” She uttered in a grumpy tone as she broke into a gallop. “Since I can’t fly or nothin’…”

Twilight flew at full speed, soon coming across Magic Pants as she descended to the ground, right in front of Sugar Cube corner. A few citizens of Ponyville all stopped what they were doing and fled as fast and as loudly as the could as they caught sight of Magic Pants, her magnificence simply too much for them to behold.

Magic Pants began to trot up to the front door of Sugarcube Corner, regally raising each foot before daintily setting it down once more.

Twilight quickly teleported herself in front of Magic Pants.

Magic Pants halted majestically.

“Wait!” Twilight pleaded, she leaned her head down slightly as she tried to catch her breath. “Let me just... huff… puff… just go inside and let Pinkie and any pony inside know you’re coming.”

Magic Pants gave Twilight a perplexed look as Applejack came galloping up and stood next to Twilight.

“You wish to announce me?” the brilliantly shiny pony asked as Applejack also tried to catch her breath.

Twilight stopped for a moment to think about this. “… Yes,” she answered.

Huff… puff… You mean warn other ponies…” Applejack uttered.

A small “Ooff” escaped Applejack as Twilight planted a hoof into her side while grinning nervously at Magic Pants. She wrinkled her brow and shot a small irritated glance at Twilight.

“Oh, Twilight,” Magic Pants said in a voice as warm as freshly made pancakes. “Despite the fact that I’m the most royal of royals, I am also very humble and do not expect ponies to treat me differently.”

“It’s fine!” Twilight insisted. “I mean… I know a… erm… accepting pony such as yourself will be fine with whatever you’re given… but uh… erm…”

Applejack took a half step forward. “Ah think what Twilight is tryin’ to say is that ponies would feel more comfortable if they had just a little time to prepare for yer arrival… You know… you being super royalty or whatever…”

“Oh dear…” Magic Pants uttered in a voice as gentle as the fuzzy fur of a kitten. “Well I don’t wish for ponies to feel overwhelmed by my unexpected visit.”

Twilight’s face lit up as she reached for the door. “Well, just let Applejack and I… er… mentally prepare Pinkie Pie for your arrival!”

Magic Pants waved grandly as Twilight and Applejack quickly piled into Sugarcube corner. “I shall wait patiently here to be called and simply bestow love and joy at all those who pass by,” Magic Pants said, the melodic echo of her flawless voice only slightly interrupted by a pony’s high-pitched scream from down the street.

Twilight flashed Magic Pants one last nervous grin, then closed the door after her, breathing a sigh of relief. “Thanks, A.J.”

“Sure, sugarcube,” Applejack replied. “Let’s just hope we can wrangle Pinkie from doin’ somethin’ too crazy… even by Pinkie standards.”

Twilight paused for a second. “… We’re pretty bucked, aren’t we?”

Applejack nodded. “I reckon so…”

Twilight and Applejack walked up to the front counter of Sugar Cube corner, mentally celebrating the store was empty at the moment, save the familiar pink pony smiling widely at them from behind a counter of colorful treats.

Pinkie Pie waved enthusiastically as the two approached. “Hello Twilight! Hello Applejack! Crazy screaming weather we’re having today, huh?”

Applejack pursed her lips slightly. “Well, that’s all on account of the new… sorta-pony that’s come to town.”

Pinkie gasped. “A new sorta-pony in town?! We have to throw her a not-sorta welcoming party!”

“NO!” Twilight exclaimed. “No party! Not yet…”

“No party?!” Pinkie cried in disbelief. “We can’t have that! How will all the ponies of Ponyville enjoy the splonderful feeling of meeting some pony new if we don’t throw a big ‘ol party?!”

“By keepin’ as far away from this gal as possible!” Applejack answered.

“A.J., seriously!” Twilight cried. “Can you at least try to work this out with me here?”

“Well, you know as well as Ah do that a party is a bad idea…” Applejack turned and cocked an eyebrow at Pinkie. “‘Splonderful’?”

Pinkie frowned at Applejack. “Splendid plus wonderful, d’uuuuuh! And since when is it a bad idea to throw a party, ever?!

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Ow…” she exclaimed as she raised a forehoof to said eyebrow.

Twilight tilted her head slightly and looked at Applejack in concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Ah need to switch which eyebrow I raise for a bit,” Applejack said as she raised and lowered her other eyebrow a bit. “Ah think I’ve overworked one…” She turned back to Pinkie. “An’ remember the day my family was sad ‘cause Winona’s mom passed?”

Pinkie pursed her lips and thought for a moment. “… Okay, ‘Happy dead pet day’ was kinda a bad idea, but this is a welcome party! Aside from birthday parties, they’re like… the most important parties ever!

“Pinkie?” Twilight began. “While Applejack’s delivery could use some work—”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Jus’ tryin’ to keep an awful lot of pony breakfasts and lunches from comin’ out the wrong end…”

Twilight creased her brow and shot an irritated glance out into wall-passed Pinkie. “—she’s right in that our new arrival is maybe not party material… because of erm… reasons…”

“Reasons?” Pinkie replied. “What kind of reasons?! Ooo! Ooo! Is she too sassy? Clashy? Trashy? Gas—”

Applejack quickly placed a forehoof against Pinkie’s mouth as she looked at Twilight. “Twilight?” she said. “Ah think its okay to admit that Magic Pants is so utterly bizarre-looking, we’re having to be cautious about who sees her.”

Outside, a group of school-aged foals all screamed and ran past one of the windows of Sugarcube corner.

Applejack frowned. “Even if we’re no good at it…”

“Wait children!” Magic Pants cried from outside in a voice as inviting as a freshly laundered welcome mat. “I only wish to share the magical candy produced from my sweet glands!”

Twilight sighed heavily and hung her head.

Pinkie gasped. “Magic Pants! Best name ever! And she sweats… sweets…? Candy! I knew my horrorscope was wrong when it said I’d be visited by unimaginable horror!

Twilight looked up at Pinkie. “Actually, her full name is Princess Changeling Rainbow Magic Pants.”

Pinkie depleted the area in front of her of oxygen. “EVEN BETTER NAME!”

Applejack creased her brow at Pinkie slightly. “I think you meant ‘horoscope’, not ‘horrorscope’, sugarcube.”

Pinkie shook her head. “No! My horoscope said that today I’d wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go back to sleep! So far, it’s been dead on…”

Twilight shot Pinkie a quizzical look. “Wait, so you actually have something that gives you a daily ‘horrorscope’?

Pinkie nodded. “Yepper! But it pretty much says the same thing every day…” Pinkie rolled her eyes, a happy smile still on her face. “I don’t even know why I even check it!”

“Well, it jus’ may come true today,” Applejack said.

“A.J.!” Twilight said sternly.

“What?” Applejack protested. “She’s pretty dang scary-lookin’! You know it, I know it, everypony who’s seen her today knows it…”

“Oh, silly fillies!” Pinkie said with a dismissive wave of her forehoof. “It’s not the outside that counts, but the insides! And inside everypony is the same army of tiny gnome-ponies that take our food and deliver it to the parts of the body it needs to go to!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, taking care to choose the one she hadn’t pulled just minutes ago. “Pinkie, Ah’m not sure you have a completely accurate grasp about how the insides of ponies work…”

Twilight raised a forehoof. “It’s fine, I’m sure Pinkie can handle a little weirdness.”

Applejack lowered her eyebrow, turned to Twilight, then raised it again. “A little?”

“Applejack! That’s not nice!”

Applejack shook her head. “I’ve jus’ seen what too many ponies had to eat after them gnomes had gotten to it.”

Twilight let out a frustrated groan.

“Gee, Applejack,” Pinkie said. “You seem to be talking a lot about pony’s food and where it ends up today,” she mused.

“Yer about to find out why,” Applejack uttered.

“She’ll be fine!” Twilight insisted in a voice that hinted that she was trying to convince herself as well as anypony.

“You hear that, Applejack?” Pinkie asked. “I’ll be fine! And if Twilight’s princess sense says it’s true, it must be.”

Twilight cocked her head slightly and raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie, that’s not a thing…”

The front door to Sugarcube Corner suddenly opened, revealing the being of splonderful beauty on the other side. “Is some pony in need of my princess sense?!” Magic Pants asked in a voice as full of concern as it was with illustriousness.

Pinkie grinned wide and turned towards the door. “Oh Helloooh-hoooo-oooooh-noooo…

“Ah, The Element of Laughter!” Magic Pants said as she fluttered up next to Applejack and Twilight and extended a forehoof. “It’s a pleasure! I too spread mirth and merriment wherever I go!”

Pinkie held her giant grin for a couple seconds before her eye twitched and she let out a high-pitched shriek. “AAAAAIEEEEEEE! Kill it! Kill it!

“Pinkie, calm down!” Twilight exclaimed. “She’s just here to help! … I think…”

Pinkie reached into her display case and started flinging cupcakes at Magic Pants. “KILL IT!

‘Splat! Splat!’

Awww...” Magic Pants uttered with a smile as cupcakes splattered against her body. “She’s bestowing gifts upon me!”

“KILL IT WITH FIRE!” Pinkie suddenly reached into her mane and pulled out a can of hairspray and a silver lighter. Despite the immense fear she felt at even looking upon Magic Pants, she leaned forward onto the case and held the lighter and can of hairspray mere inches away from the crystalline being whose mane continued to shimmer with beautiful neon rainbow light.

“Twilight!” Applejack cried as she pulled Twilight away from the front case. “Get down!”

“PINKIE!” Twilight cried, extending a forehoof as Applejack dragged her back several feet. “WAIT!

Pinkie didn’t wait. She, in fact, did the opposite of ‘wait’, which in this case meant quickly creating a small flame with her lighter and spraying the hairspray at it. A small inferno suddenly erupted from the can and lighter.

“Pinkie! NO!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Welp,” Applejack said as she tilted her hat up, “coulda been worse…”

Magic Pants giggled as the flames licked her face. “And she does tricks! She is truly the Element of Laughter.”

Applejack sighed. “It’s worse…”

“OH CELESTIA!” Pinkie shrieked as she ceased spraying Magic Pants with flames. “She can’t be killed! I need… I think I need to throw up…”

Pinkie made a mad dash for bathroom.

Twilight let out a frustrated groan and turned to Applejack. “When she gets out, do you think we can convince her to stick around and help figure out what to do with Magic Pants?”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. “She tried to set her on fire, Twilight. Unless ye’re lookin’ for some other way to off this crock-pot of mystery stew, I think maybe we just write off Pinkie and move onto… onto…” Applejack frowned and trailed off.

Twilight sighed heavily. “Rarity?”

Magic Pants nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! We should make haste to the Element of Generosity.”

Applejack hung her head. “Oh, this won’t be pretty…”

Magic Pants suddenly reached out for Twilight and Applejack and pulled them close to her. “Hold tightly to my friendship flank, friends.”

“… What?” Twilight uttered as her face contorted in confusion.

“… Pass…” Applejack said.

“We shall teleport directly to Carousel Boutique!” Magic Pants announced in a voice as soothing as aloe on sun-burnt skin.

Applejack frowned heavily as she quickly hooked an arm around one of Magic Pants’ back legs. “Teleport? Ya mean we aren’t gonna warn—”