• Published 25th Apr 2012
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Lyra's Human 2: Derpy's Human - pjabrony

Serveral years after the events of "Lyra's Human," Derpy Hooves meets a human of her own.

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96: Derp Contact

It was a rare event that the Equestrian weather was worse than that on Earth. Since the pegasi had control of weather anyway, and since very few ponies wanted rain on what was widely a day off, most Sundays were also sunny days. But for some reason that Derpy didn’t know, they had scheduled a cold and blustery day.

Back in Karyn’s apartment, the sun was strong enough that she had opened the windows and worn a shirt that, while long-sleeved, was of a thinner material. Now, standing outside waiting for Twilight, she felt the bite of the cold.

“Sorry I can’t make it any warmer,” said Derpy.

“It’s all right. I can handle it. Wait, I can handle it.” She flashed green and magicked herself up a winter coat.

“Does that work? Don’t you feel it against the skin of the coat?”

“No, I don’t. Because it’s still me, but it doesn’t have any nerves.”

Derpy was still skeptical, as it was a blending of magic and science, but she didn’t know enough about either to continue the argument, and in any case it was then that Twilight emerged from the library.

“I’m ready to go. Got plenty of scrolls to take notes on.”

“I promise we’ll show you the best time possible, Princess,” said Derpy.

“Don’t treat me different from anypony else. Well, amend that. Don’t take me out to eat or to the tall buildings. I want to see the school that Karyn goes to.”

Karyn huddled within her crafted coat, but picked her head up at that. “You want to see my university? Well, sure, we can do that.”

“Of course I do. You can find out the most about a culture from their education.”

“Have you seen that with other cultures? Are there griffin or mule universities?”

Twilight scratched the back of her head. “Well, no. Not that I’ve seen. But it makes sense, right? So let’s go.”

Karyn mounted Derpy and Twilight spread her own wings. Though Karyn was a religious watcher of My Little Pony, seeing Twilight with wings still threw her off. Even more so when she remembered that Twilight was long used to them. If she was not a fast flyer, she was an experienced one, and she could keep up with Derpy who did it for a living.

They reached the point at which they usually transferred. Now that they once again had a winged pony with them, they could forego the clock tower. As the two mares got out their spells, Karyn reflected that if Twilight wanted to see the university, they could proceed to the old location that led to the dormitory. But in the first place, they were already on their way, and in the second, Karyn preferred to travel the distance in the nicer weather on Earth.

The ponies activated their spells at the same time, but it looked to Karyn as though Twilight vanished a split second before she did. It might have just been her eyes playing tricks on her, or else the natural affinity of Twilight for magic in general made it work better.

“Ah, it’s nice to be back. I’ve got to change out of this winter coat.” Karyn realized that there was a hangup in her plan. There was no way for her to go back to her shirt without showing off her changeling powers. She could, of course, run inside, but felt it was silly to go in and right back out again. Instead she removed it while keeping contact with her hands so it stayed contiguous, then used her power to force it back into herself. It could only be seen from the house, and if Gayle was watching , all that would happen would be another squee from her.

Now free from her confinement, Karyn led the way down the road toward the university. Part of her resented having to make her familiar walk on a Sunday, but it was for a happier reason than usual, so she chose instead to relish it.

“So this is what Earth is like,” said Twilight. “I hadn’t realized it was so…blended.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just the way all the colors and shapes are, the way light works, it’s different from our world.”

Karyn realized what she meant. Equestria was still what would be considered an animated world. Karyn had gotten used to it by now, and figured that Derpy had as well. “You’re right, it is. But I wonder why the other ponies didn’t notice.”

Derpy said, “Rainbow was probably too focused on the clouds and Applejack on the apples, and those are things that do look similar to Equestria.”

“And Fluttershy?”

“Maybe she did notice, and that’s what contributed to her silly reaction.”

Twilight interrupted. “Excuse me, but is it very far? I’m sure I could arrange some teleportation if we have to go a great distance.”

“No, we’re nearly there,” said Karyn. “I picked this apartment, among other reasons, for its proximity to school. And if it were farther away, we would have driven or taken the train.”

“Driven? Oh, right, in the auto-running cart that Applejack told me about.”

The residential area ended at a highway that was bereft of cars at that time of day on a weekend. Beyond that was the campus, and Karyn thought about asking Twilight to close her eyes so she could be led up to the high tower and take it all in at once. Instead, she just waved her hand and said, “There it is!”

“Which one?”

“Beg pardon?”

Twilight repeated, “Which one is your school?”

“Oh, they’re all the school.”


Derpy leaned in and whispered. “Twilight, remember. You’ve got to keep your voice down.”

“Oh, yes, I’m sorry. But it’s unbelievable. I mean, I know that there’s so much to teach and to learn, but I could spend years studying here, if all of these make up the school. Back in Equestria, a school only takes up one building.”

Karyn recalled when she was still in high school and went on several visits. “There are some schools that are like that, but they’re specialized. I could have gone to one that was specifically for technical subjects, but it was way too expensive. And that’s another thing. Even if you wanted to spend years studying here, that would be a lot of money. Just my four years are costing…well, I probably can’t put it into Equestrian terms, but a lot.”

“I see. Yes, an educational economy based on the skillset it offers. Could work, could be very interesting. But what happens to the students who don’t earn back the cost?”

“To paraphrase a popular saying, they’re going to have a bad time.”

Derpy had to explain further. “That’s something that Karyn’s worried about. She’s studying hard so that she can get a good job that will pay for all the school and let her live well as well.”

“I see. Let’s go around and see some of these buildings.”

Karyn led the way, but Derpy did most of the choosing of direction, since she had seen the campus and knew which parts a pony would be most impressed with. She explained the various disciplines. Although Twilight subscribed to the scientific method when researching, she was still amazed at how many diverse ways there were to study.

“But what I don’t understand,” she said, “is how you do experiments without magical observation.”

Karyn shrugged. “We use regular observation. What we can see or record.”

“Right, but at a small enough level, you’re not going to be able to see the true nature of things.”

“We have microscopes that let us see tiny things.”

“I don’t know if I’m explaining it right.” Twilight held up and thought for a while. “Let’s try this. If you’re making observations, you’re doing it by sight or hearing or some form of recording, right? But the light or the sound or whatever is interacting with you. So that skews your results.”

“Oh! You’re talking about quantum physics and such. I don’t really understand that. Few people do. We have a few theories on how to deal with that through probability estimates.”

“Probab—ooh, that would work!”

“Um, excuse me?” Derpy stepped in between them. “I’m more confused than usual.”

“You’re on the same level as me,” said Karyn. “If Twilight says anything else, I’ll be confused too.”

Twilight hadn’t heard and was still reeling from her observation. “Are there people here who study things like that? Did one of them come up with that probability model? Can I meet them?”

“Hold it, hold it. In the first place, there might be some professors here who do some kind of research, but it really isn’t that kind of university. It’s more for teaching regular people like me what everyone already knows. At least, none of my professors have ever done anything noteworthy. Second, if you met with a professor, you’d probably freak them out. Particularly if you have some magical way around the uncertainty principles that underlie our understanding of the universe.”

“Fair enough, but what about—I know you don’t have a princess who reigns here, but there must be some leader of the university.”

Derpy was happy to finally have one she could answer. “There is, but they’ll have much more to do with administration than with research or even teaching. It’s really the same thing with Princess Celestia. If she does have time to give any personal attention to Dinky, it’s rarely teaching her. Those moments are precious, and everypony looks forward to when the princess can give a lecture.”

“I see. I saw a lot of her. Maybe things have changed with more unicorns enrolling.”

Karyn was skeptical. “Don’t forget, too, that you were her personal project, so that you would find the Elements of Harmony and become a princess yourself.”

“True. Would it be possible to audit a class? Just to see how the professors work with the students would be informative.”

“Listen, Twilight.” Derpy sighed and put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, after some fumbling since they were both invisible. “You’re a fine guest here, but the humans don’t have an obligation to you.”

“I see your point.”

“So I’m sure that their classes are running fine, and they don’t need you to run an audit on them.”

Twilight burst out laughing, and even Karyn had trouble resisting a chuckle. “I didn’t mean that kind of auditing! I just meant to observe a class without participating.” Her voice became more serious. “Technically I could participate, I just wouldn’t take the tests or be graded.”

“Oh.” Derpy didn’t mind her mistake. “She can do that, right? I mean, not the participation, just watching?”

“It’s academic,” said Karyn, then corrected herself to forestall another misunderstanding by Derpy. “I mean it’s a moot point. It’s Sunday, and there are no classes.”

“I see,” said Twilight. “Well, then there’s no point in me being invisible, right? I can see how ponies like Fluttershy would prefer it, but I would like to see Derpy and vice versa.”

“You can’t do that! Just because there aren’t classes doesn’t mean that there won’t be any people around.”

“You mean caretakers and such?”

Karyn shook her head. “Plenty of students will be around. They’ll be studying, doing activities, or just using the facilities for fun. Campus life, you know?”

“I actually hadn’t thought about it. When I was being educated, that was when I was more concerned with books than friends. And afterwards, it wasn’t organized study, just the natural learning that everypony does on her own. But if that is the case, can we see some of the recreation?”

“Of course we can. Let’s go down to some of the practice fields and see what’s going on.”

It was up to Karyn to lead the way. Derpy could have with her impeccable sense of direction, but she would have had to fly up and down to use it. Karyn pondered whether Twilight had a similar power now that she was part pegasus herself, but even if she could it would be necessary to take her high up so she could map the campus first.

For Karyn, it was nothing more than good, old-fashioned memory. The sports facilities were spread throughout the campus. USCI could not boast any major athletic teams, being more of an academic school, but a few existed, and it would be the best way to show off.

They made their way past the student union building, and Derpy flashed back to when Karyn had been part of the student government. She brought it up. “Hey, maybe they’re having another meeting today. We could show Twilight that. It would be a great way to introduce her to the school.”

“It’s not likely, but we’ll try.”

They ducked in, and Karyn felt the warmth of the still-running heat combined with the sun streaking through the glass windows. Their steps echoing, they walked through to the meeting room to find it barren. One of the side rooms though had its door open slightly, and through the crack they could see a few people at a table.

“No meeting,” said Karyn. “Let’s keep going.”

“Hang on a moment.” Twilight opened the door wider. “Let’s stay and observe.”

Karyn was self-conscious and wished that they had a third invisibility spell. But she moved in and sat at a table, pulling out her phone so that it looked like she was doing something. Two of the heads turned to look at her, but the rest kept poring over the book they were reading.

She didn’t know what sort of observations they were supposed to be making, so she just kept her ears open. It was much the same as any study group, and she had been a part of some herself. One of the people said, “Thanks for making it this week, by the way. With the test coming up I needed to hit this hard.”

“No problem,” another replied. “I know how hard this section is.”

Karyn felt the touch of a wing on her shoulder and left the room. Once outside, Twilight said, “I saw enough there. Let’s move on to the place we were going.”

They got back on the walking path and headed a few more yards into the center of the campus. They could hear the sound of bodies slamming into each other and whistles as some sport was being played. Karyn didn’t follow many herself and hoped that Twilight wouldn’t ask for a detailed explanation.

Instead, they all leaned against a chain-link fence and watched the scrimmage. A coach kept directing the action, telling people to get up and move to various parts of the field where others were calling for specific exercises.

Near the fence, enough to make Karyn jump back, two of the players tried a move, winding up with one of them on his backside. The other extended a hand, lifted him up, and they carried on.

“I’ve seen enough again,” said Twilight. “Let’s find someplace a little more secluded.”

The quad was nearby, and it was empty enough that Karyn could sit on a stone bench and listen.

“What did you want to tell us?” asked Derpy.

“Just this. I think it’s great that you’ve let my friends and me come to Earth to visit, but thus far it’s still only been Karyn and Derpy welcoming guests. We need to go beyond that. It’s time to introduce one of your guest ponies to another human.”

Both girls were stunned. “Really?”

“Yes.” They could hear the smile in Twilight’s voice. “You’ve done a wonderful job caring for each other, but now I’ve seen that Karyn’s not the only one who’s like that. All around are humans here who act toward each other in friendship just the way that ponies do. If that’s the case, then they’re ready to meet us.”

Karyn took a deep breath. “You know, Twilight, not everyone is like that. There are some people who would do terrible things if they knew the kind of power a pony like you had.”

“I do know that. But I’m not looking for those people. I’m looking for the kind who comes in on a day off to help a friend study, or who picks a friend up when they’ve fallen down.”

“All right. I’m sure we can find someone who fits that bill. Let me think about it a little.”

“Not too long,” said Twilight, still perky. “I want to spend a little time with them.”

Derpy sucked in air through her teeth. “You mean now? And to meet you?”

“Yes I did. I’m ready to be an Equestrian ambassador. Truth be told, I’ve done that on a few occasions when Princess Celestia was busy elsewhere.

Karyn was coming to grips with how adamant she was. “Well, if we are going to meet someone, I’d prefer it be someone who already knows about Equestria. I think they run some gaming tournaments on campus, and the people there are most likely to be the kind of geek I’m looking for.”

Twilight had no objection to that, and so they trekked deeper into the campus. The gaming club was at one of the classroom buildings that was kept open on Sundays so the professors could have office hours, hold meetings with their department heads, or just sit on the university’s exceptionally fast internet and play online games.

What Karyn was hoping for was someone wearing a brony shirt or carrying a brony bag, some obvious sign that they were a fan of the show and would be impressed by Twilight. What she would settle for was any geek who looked harmless enough that, even if confronted by the supernatural, they wouldn’t react in any crazy way and so would satisfy Twilight’s request.

The card gamers were indeed there, huddled around a wide table, each with a hand and some cards on the table, and Karyn wanted to wait until they were finished. It also unnerved her that there was not a female to be seen among them. The game went on, and Karyn tried to insinuate herself into watching. After a few awkward smiles, they returned to play. As one of them took a particularly long time to make a move, the others were discussing different games.

“I’ve heard really good things about the My Little Pony CCG,” one said, and Karyn perked up her ears.

“I’ve checked it out,” said a tall blond youth, “because I watch the show. When we’re done I’ll show you the cards.”

Now Karyn was very intent. Aware of how it would look, when the game ended and they were reshuffling their cards, she sidled behind the one who had mentioned pony cards and said, “Sorry to be so forward, but could you come with me a moment?”

Eyebrows raised across the table, but he went. As she looked for an empty room where they wouldn’t be disturbed, she introduced herself.

“I’m Cal. Calvin, but Cal’s fine.”

“Nice to meet you. You were saying that you’re a My Little Pony fan.”

“Yeah, a brony, if you know what that is.”

“I do.” They had reached a classroom, and after letting the ponies in, closing the door and standing against it so no one else would enter, she said. “Now, you might want to brace yourself for this. All right, girls.”

Cal looked around, and the two mares deactivated their invisibility spells.”

“Wow that’s…” he started, but then took a second look. “Are…are they real?”

“We are,” said Twilight. “I am Twil—“

“Holy F—“ He cut himself off before he could swear. “I can’t believe it.”

“Yes, in fact we are here to greet you and become friends—“

Again he interrupted. “Derpy Hooves! I can’t believe I’m meeting you!”

Twilight’s jaw dropped, and Derpy was sheepish at the reaction. She cleaved closer to Derpy, and Twilight raised her voice a little in volume. “Ahem. Yes, Derpy and I, Princess Twilight, have come to learn more about you, teach more about us, and grow closer as two worlds do.”


“Karyn, Derpy. Why don’t you head back so I can talk to Cal one-on-one?”

Derpy cast her eyes down. “Are you sure you don’t want me here for support?”

“You handled it once when you met Karyn for the first time. I’ll have to do the same.”

Karyn was nervous as well, but as Derpy went invisible again, she walked out, checking over her shoulder frequently. As they passed the gaming table, she said, “Your friend Cal might be a while.”

It was a long walk back to Karyn’s apartment, and they filled it with conversation.

“I guess that’s it then,” said Derpy. “I’m not a special pony anymore.”

“Sure you are. You’ll always be the first pony on Earth, and nopony can ever take that from you.”

“Good point. But Twilight wants us to not only bring in other ponies, but other humans as well. Where are we going to find them? Do we have to make a list like we did in Equestria?”

Karyn crossed the street on the edge of campus. “Hopefully not. We’ve met enough people in our time together that it may be just a case of thinking of them and bringing them together with the ponies who’ll match best.”

“That sounds like a good starting plan. If Twilight hadn’t rushed us, we might have matched her up with one of your professors or something.”

“Or someone. But not everyone is going to know what ponies are. I mean, they’ll know Earth ponies…not Earth ponies like Pinkie, but the ones we have here…never mind. What we have to do is find a way to connect someone who doesn’t know Equestria with somepony who comes from there. I’ll work on that.”

Author's Note:

We're rapidly approaching the one-hundredth chapter, which is going to be very special! Let's see what we're heading towards!

“Well, good luck with that. I’ll be waiting to hear all about it.”

Derpy skittered as if she’d forgot something. “Am I supposed to be reporting on all these visits?”

“No.” Twilight laughed. “Whoever goes with you will do that.”


It really wasn’t until she saw the top of Derpy’s head and the wings on her sides that she started to get unnerved.

“But, they’re horses.”

“We prefer ponies. My name is Derpy Hooves."


Karyn moved her chair around to Derpy’s head and kept her voice low as she did in public. “Those two are natural friends.”

“They have a lot more in common than you and me.”

“But we’ve had a lot more time together."

Come back for another special guest!

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