• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 1,266 Views, 98 Comments

The Adventures of Spectrum Slash - CCC

Rainbow Dash tries to write a story. Discord decides to lend a helpful paw...

  • ...

Rainbow Dash/My

"It is strange," said Spectrum Slash, as she and Dash strolled away from Sweet Apple Acres, "that every pony which I have met in this world is the counterpart to somepony from my world. Except one."

"Oh, really?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yes," said Spectrum Slash. "Really. You are the one single exception."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Really?" she asked. "Rainbow mane? Totally awesome pegasus? Oldest friend of the shy yellow pegasus? Helped defeat Nightmare Moon? Sound familiar?"

"Yes," said Spectrum, "but we are talking about you now, not me. And I didn't just help defeat Nightmare Moon, I did it all by myself, because I'm just that awesome."

"Gah!" said Rainbow, planting one hoof firmly on her forehead.

"Do you find that pleasant?" asked Spectrum Slash. "You appear to be doing it quite often."

Rainbow Dash sighed.


"This is my rock," proclaimed Discord, proudly. "Look at it, Tia. It's perfect."

"It... is a rock," said Celestia, carefully.

"Yes!" enthused Discord. "And not just any rock! It is my rock! It is big and gray and mottled and just abosolutely, incredibly, amazingly perfect!"

"There... there are many rocks exactly like it in this part of the desert," replied Celestia, hesitantly.

"Ah, no there are not!" cried Discord, triumphantly. "The difference is that this rock is big- is sma- is gra- it is my rock! And it is the best thing ever in this whole, complicated world! Why, I do not know how I could possibly stand it, if something happened to my rock! It is the most stupendously precious thing in all of possible existence! It is perfect!"

"It... it is a rock?" said Celestia, shuffling a few steps away from Discord.


"Alright, look," said Rainbow. "The truth is -"

"The horror, the HORROR!" screamed Rose, charging suddenly between the two mares and running for the horizon. Both mares blinked at each other, then turned to look in the direction she had been running from, only to see a giant hydra lumber out of the Everfree Forest, all five heads hissing with anger.

Spectrum Slash crouched down, and spread her wings. "This," she said, "looks like a job for Spectr-"

Rainbow held her hoof over Spectrum's mouth for a moment, then said "Don't bother. Fluttershy's got this one." She pointed towards where a small yellow pony took off and flew towards the behemoth from a point partway between the cottage and Twilight's library.

Spectrum Slash raised an eyebrow. "Yellowshy?" she asked. "But she's, she's, um, she's..."

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, going to talk to a hydra."

Spectrum narrowed her eyes. "She'll get killed."

Rainbow shook her head. "No, she won't. I mean, sure, it freaked me out the firt time I saw her talk something dangerous into just going home and... well. But she's really good at this."


"And now I am going to do something for my rock!" said Discord.

"You musn't!" objected Celestia, raising one hoof warningly.

"Oh, come now. I'm just building a house for my dear, darling little - big rock," said Discord. He snapped his eagle claw, and planks and bricks appeared, flying through the air to rapidly build a house.

Celestia squealed and dived to hide behind the nearest rock. Then, realising that she was hiding behind Discord's rock, she screamed again and found a different rock to hide behind.

And above them blackness spread through the clear blue sky like ink pouring into a saucer of water. Dark clouds flowed from nowhere, thick and heavy.

Discord looked up, and frowned.


Lightning burst from the clouds, slamming into Discord's rock.

Discord frowned. "Is that -"


"That's... a lot of lightning for one rock," murmured Discord, as his rock crumbled under the deadly lightning assault. "I mean, um, nooooooo. My rock. My rock is destroyed. Nooooooooooo. How terrible." He rolled his eyes at his own words, and then flew up and stuck his head into the clouds. He rummaged around in the nearest one,and pulled something out with a pop.

Then he strolled quietly towards where Celestia was hiding, as the clouds gurgled and vanished as though running down some giant sky-based plughole.

"The first time it hurts," murmured Celestia, flat on the ground and trembling, with her hoves over her eyes. "The second time it kills. The first time it hurts. The second time it kills. The first time it hurts. The second time it kills."

"And what happens the third time?" asked Discord, gently.

"Dunno," whimpered Celestia. "Nopony's ever tried a third time."

"You know more about what's going on than you've been telling me, don't you?" asked Discord.

"...won't help if I do..." muttered Celestia. "...even you can't help..."