• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 488 Views, 10 Comments

Black Isis: Champion of Loyalty - VampDash

Where one champion dies another takes his place... but sometimes that champion is questionable

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Strange Origins

Rain poured as 21 year old Rainbow Dash walked down the streets of Ponyville. She quietly headed down to her comfy cloud home in the abandoned subway system of the city, a place that many homeless called home. Rainbow slipped under the splintered wood that only barely blocked off the area below and headed down. The place was empty, almost all of the other former residents having either been arrested or forced to try and find better accommodations for their families, leaving Rainbow all alone. As she headed to the security guard station, her room in this place of the forgotten, she heard a small rumbling sound, like a car was coming. Rainbow raised an eyebrow and wondered if she was hearing things.

“Wait a second, I don’t live in an abandoned subway station!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she got a very stern look on her face.

Well this IS about how the actual Captain…

“Wait, didn’t they change his name?” Rainbow…

“And stop saying I said something! I mean I’m CLEARLY talking!”

Okay, okay, calm down. Anyways.

“And another thing WHY am I this… Black Isis… What the flying buck is that?!”

That’s your superhero name.

“Well it’s not cool enough! Why not something like… Captain Shazam?!”

I’m sorry but I didn’t have time to think up any BULLSHIT like that. Seriously? THAT’S the name you want? I probed for a GOOD substitute name for you and this is how I get repaid?

Look you two, let’s not say anything we’re going to regret, let’s just take a minute and..

Oh don’t get me started “CAPTAIN MARVEL” You and I both know that Billy’s real name is Sha-

“What was that? Something about me being Captain Shazam?”

Call yourself that again and you can kiss your Alicorn status good bye.

“Wait… I get to be a WHAT?!”

Look you two just stop for a sec..


No… but I will tell you who is.


*whispers in her ear*

“WHAT?! WHY..”



“I’m not!”

Let’s just… Get back on track please?

“Blame the bucker who made a big deal about the name.”

Also TRY to stay in character or we can this whole thing!


After all this section of the subway had been closed for years. Again he heard the rumbling, this time followed by the tracks down below him vibrating, of a train coming. Suddenly a bright shiny subway car rolled up with the doors sliding open. The light was so bright that it blinded the mare, if only for a moment. As Rainbow closed her eyes, she heard the sound of wind whipping all around her. When she opened her eyes she looked up to see an old stallion sitting on a stone throne in front of her.

She also saw that this was definitely not the subway station was just just in, but what looked like a cave of some sort, with the only light coming from torches along the walls and seven statues of grotesque figures labeled as Pride, Wrath, Lust, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Envy.

"H-hi there M-mister, I'm Rainbow... Rainbow Dash." The mare finally managed to stutter out, smiling nervously. The old stallion sat there, craning his head to stare at the mare for several long moments.

"I know who you are, young one. I have been keeping my eye on you for you for some time now." Spoke the old stallion in a surprisingly powerful voice.

"You have?" Rainbow asked, an eyebrow arching more in confusion than surprise. The old stallion nodded his head gravely before sitting straighter in his stone chair and staring a little closer at the young mare.

"Yes, I have. I am known as the wizard Shazam. I have been the Guardian of the Rock of Eternity and Keeper of the Living Lightning since before time had officially begun. I hold residence at the Rock of Eternity, to watch vigil over the world and to keep the Seven Deadly Sins from running amok and ravaging it. I have seen ponies rise to dizzying heights, only to be struck down. I have seen ages of heroes come and go, until only legends remain of their deeds." The Wizard told Rainbow, earning a look of amazement from the mare as she stood in silent wonder.

"For reasons you shall soon come to understand, I must ask that when you address me, not to call me by my name. Though it may seem rude for the moment, I would ask that you simply call me 'Wizard' for now."

"Uhhh…all right Mister Shaza... Wizard sir." Rainbow hesitantly replied. The Wizard just chuckled.

"Now, I trust you have some questions for me? Let's hear them then, if you please." Rainbow stepped a little closer to the old wizard.

"Um, what do you need me for Mr. Wizard?" The mare queried.

"I hold a position of power and authority in the grand design and my position must be filled. There must always be a Champion. It is the nature of things and maintains the Balance. However I am getting too tired, too old... I am dying." Rainbow may not have always gotten straight A's when she actually went to school, but he was anything but stupid.

"Whoa! Wait a minute! I think you have the wrong mare here!" Said Rainbow, waving her hooves about frantically.

"I did not wish to place this burden on you young one, but things are progressing faster than expected, and we are out of time. Great darkness is on the horizon. I have faced such darkness before, but I can no longer defeat it. I am too weak. Unopposed, it will lay waste to the entire world, with only a care given for power and not the innocents that will stand in its path, giving neither quarter nor mercy. Only you can stop him... my successor." The orphan held a look of amazement, but was left speechless. However one question begged to be asked.

"Why me?" Was the only thing Rainbow could say.

"It has always been you, Rainbow Dash. You possess the qualities needed to bear my power. You will possess my wisdom, my strength, my courage, my power, my stamina, and my speed. All of it shall be yours. I... wanted to wait until you were older, more prepared…more ready…" The Wizard said, seeming to shrink in on himself as the young one watched on.

"But there is no time. Never enough time. When you are in need, when injustice is before you, when innocents are endangered say my name. Say it with conviction, say it with purpose, say it with all your might! You are now my Champion in the battles to come." The Wizard said as he began to fade into nothingness.

"Wizard?!" Rainbow asked before the Wizard began to completely fade, speaking his final words.

"When the moment comes my Champion... say my name." Came Shazam's final words. And with that Rainbow was left alone, now suddenly back in the subway station, pondering what the Wizard meant.

Author's Note:

The only time the random tag is useful for is because of certain chapters that show up. They kinda.. break the tension between chapters at times.

Comments ( 10 )

Good first chapter. Funny 4th wall break.

Isn't isis a terrorist organisation?

5218204 No that's Icicles.

5218204 Isis in this context refers to a woman who was chosen by Black Adam to share in His mystic power.

Isis is also the name of an Egyptian goddess of magic and some other stuff I have to research. She is the mother of the god Horus, most noted as the king of Egyptian gods, has a falcons head, and has a symbol known as the Eye of Horus which means protection against evil.

God I knew the moment those guys popped up people would be associating them like this!

Sorry for the rant.

5218325 So... do you like the story so far dude?

5218328 About to, at work right now, but I felt I had to address that.

Okay, I like, proceed good sir.

5218386 Also keep in mind. This ISN'T Shazam... this is someone else.

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