• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,738 Views, 14 Comments

Wrap it up - SolidFerret

Poor Whirlwind... her wings is busted. Good think Prism's there to fix it right up. May the awkwardness ensue.

  • ...

Prism the nurse

"So..." Prism snorted as he reached for the gauze, "how did this happen?" He asked, trying not to laugh.

Whirlwind had a near permanent blush on her cheek as her wing was examined by her best friend, who also happened to be her ex boyfriend.

"Please Prism, this is already embarrassing as it is. I don't need you rubbing it in." She groaned.

"Hey, you always laughed at me when I crashed."

"That's because 1. it's funny when you do it, and 2. you always brag about how you're "the best flier in all of Equestria"." She deadpanned.

"Hey, I'm awesome at flying. And awesome fliers do tend to wipe out from time to time."

"By wipe out, you mean crash onto Twilight's balcony, Cl-"

"Hey, nopony asked for a list-"

"Claire's shop, a few weeks after she opened may I remind you. There was the time you almost took out Fluttershys hen house."

Prism tired to change the subject. "So how did-"

"My favorite was crashing into the throne room at Canterlot castle."

"Okay!" Prism said rather loudly. "You're just trying to change the subject, I see."

Whirlwind didn't respond.

"Yep, thought so." Prism snarked as he examined the wing more closer.

"OUCH! PRISM! Be gentle!" Whirlwind yelped, a slight tear formed in her eye.

"Calm down, woman. Jeeze, I'm tryna be helpful."

Whirlwind only just grumbled to herself, though Prism thought she was just imitating him.

"What'd you do anyways?" He asked again, smirking.

Whirlwind sighed, no use in hiding it. "I was just doing some tricks. Had a little crash. Nothing crazy." She tried to brush off the whole thing.

Prism chuckled. "Heh, you gotta be more careful." He said with a fake motherly tone.

"Yeah, yeah. And where'd you learn how to be a nurse?"

"Candy taught me a few things. She's always wrapping up my wings after I prank Claire."

"Sounds right." Whirlwind said before giggling.

"Alright, let me get a good look here." Prism lifted up her wing, examining it.

Whirlwind hissed in pain. She knew there was something wrong with her wing just by the way it felt.

"Yikes, this looks sprained."

"Is that bad?" She asked, sounding a little scared.

"Oh chill. You just need to not fly so much. Probably not fly at all today." He told her.

Whirlwind groaned. "Nooo. I hate being grounded."

Prism, for once, actually felt bad. "Don't worry. Since you have such great friends, we'll help you."

"Really, where are they?" Whirlwind joked.

"Oh hush, you."

"How do you plan to help me?" She asked.

"Well first, let me get this wing all wrapped up. We don't want wittle Dubz to get a boo boo."

Whirlwind blush as she felt the gauze get wrapped around her wing. Despite the pain she felt earlier, Prism was rather gentle when wrapping it. She laid her head on her hooves as she waited for him to finish.

"Alright," he tightened it with his teeth. "You've been a good girl. Would you like a loolipop?" He joked.

"I'll pop you in the kisser if you don't shut up." She said as she got on her hooves.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Whirlwind only blushed.

"Now come on, for being a good girl, and cause I'm such on awesome friend, how about we go to Sugarcube corner. My treat."

Whirlwind thought for a moment, before agreeing.

"... So after I get to her office, I see Blaze there, and he tries to hide under her desk."

Rainbow Dash and Soarin were having a get together with Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser at Sugarcube corner.

"How much you want to bet he has her modeling photos under his bunk?" Cloud Chaser joked.

"Bet? I've seen them." Soarin told them. "Was a really awkward day after."

The group busted out into fits of laughter. It wasn't until Cloud Chaser noticed her daughter and Rainbow Dash's son walk in that she spoke up.

"Oh hey, the old couple just walked in." She commented.

"Oh, my son and you're daughter are here." Rainbow Dash said without looking.

Cloud Chaser began to giggle before looking a bit closer at her daughter.

"Wait a second..." She got up, deeply concerned as she nearly ran over.

The two had just ordered when they turned and saw Cloud Chaser right in front of them.

"Oh hi, mom- what are you-"

"Shush!" Cloud Chaser began to look at her wing. "What happened?"

"She had a crash, so I fixed her up." Prism told her.

Cloud Chaser looked at the wing closer, and saw that it was just a sprain.

"Oh, thank you Prism."

"You're quite welcome." He said brashly. "It's what I, a supreme gentlecolt, does." He said with a bow.

Both Whirlwind and Rainbow Dash rolled their eyes.

Thunderlane also checked out the wing, noting how it was well taken care of.

"Wow, Prism. You did a great job. I could've have used you when I busted my wing."

"You mean the time you were trying to impress Cloud Chaser?" Rainbow Dash said, snickering.

"M-m-maybe..." He responded.

Prism reassuring hoof on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Thunderlane. Your daughter was doing the same thing." He joked.

"Hey!" Whirlwind blushed as the group shared a laugh.

"Then what happened, mommy?" A little purple and blue filly asked.

Whirlwind looked at the little filly in her hooves, who was snuggled close to her chest.

"Well Raine... that was it." She told her. "He got me a chocolate shake and then went home with his parents."

"What, no happily ever after kiss?" Raine asked.

"Nope... that didn't happen till about two years later."

"Tell me that story!"

Whirlwind smiled. "Well-"

The door opened, letting the sound of rain into the house. In stepped Prism Bolt, who shook some of the water off of him.

"Daddy!" Raine got off of her mother chest and ran over to her father.

"Hey there, Raine." Prism picked up his daughter and kissed her cheek. "How was your day?"

"It was so much fun!" Raine exclaimed. "Mommy told me a story about you two."

"Don't believe her, I didn't crash into Claire's shop." He told his daughter, making her and Whirlwind giggle.

"No, this time mommy crashed." Raine snickered.

"Oh, and I fixed her up. I remember that." Prism said, looking at Whirlwind.

"Yep, my hubby is a nurse." She said as she pulled him into a kiss while giggling.

Raine had a look of disgust on her face.

"Ew, romance."

Comments ( 14 )

Ebrony stallion, eat your heart out

5236902 Hey now, he's still a good writer.

5237037 thats not what i meant.

cause whenever he sees a PrismXwhirlwind story I believe he screams like a little fangirl

A story centered around my OTP? Consider it faved!

That was sweet. Good job. I wish you good luck with future stories.

There's a random "a" at the end of the line where Prism mentions Candy wrapping his wings.

When Dash acknowledges the kids, you used "you're" (you are) instead of "your" (possessive).

"It's what I, a supreme gentlecolt, does."

This is a bit awkward. Add in "as" between the first comma and the "a", and change "does" to "do", so it reads out as;
"It's what I, as a supreme gentlecolt, do."

And this made me crack up;

It wasn't until Cloud Chaser noticed her daughter and Rainbow Dash's sin walk in that she spoke up.

That's either a typo, or a bad opinion on Prism.

Nice story overall, though.


First off, it's Ebony Stallion (unless you were making a joke about putting Brony in Ebony, which then, I compliment you for your cleverness), and I don't fangirl scream...I just get uber-excited. I'm sorry that I hadn't updated lately...the latest chapter is just becoming brutal for me.


Thank you for that compliment. The story itself was nice...although too short for my liking. You got points though for Prism and Dubz and their little miracle Raine. Respect, man.

Haha so cute especially the ending.

D'aaw :rainbowkiss:
A little short...but I love it anyways :rainbowkiss:

Dawwwwww, so cute! *dies from cuteness*:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

her daughter and Rainbow Dash's sin walk in

I think you mean "Rainbow Dash's son", don't just rely on spellcheck to correct you, sometimes you need to come back and look at it after a few minutes.

"My favorite was crashing into the throne room at Canterlot castle." funniest line xD

Why is it tagged 'Incomplete'?

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