• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...

All in a days work

Rainbow Dash was woken up by a beam of light which shined in her eyes through the curtains, as her eyes adjusted she turned away from the burning light to notice Bishop was in the bathroom. As she heard the water running she rubbed her eyes, a throbbing headache began to pulse in her forehead.


Dash looked up to see Bishop in his suit, buttoning up his shirt as he smiled at her.

“The bathrooms free for half an hour.” He said with a small chuckle.

Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow before walking past to look at herself in the mirror, her mane was a knotted mess. After quickly adjusting it with her hooves until it was back to the way it was, she heard Bishop packing his suitcase outside. Flying back into the room she sat at the window looking out, staring at the hills and fields that surrounded her, for a split second she could have sworn that she saw sweet apple acres in the distance.

“So. …. What’s happening today?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, I have that meeting I told you about but after that. …. I suppose we can go find something to do.”

Dash had a glint of joy in her eyes as she looked at Bishop with a large grin on her face.


“Yeah. I’m sure there’s something fun we can do. I could use a break.”


Dash did a small summersault in the air, landing on her hooves. This was finally a chance for them to spend some time together, no fighting, no war, just the two of them, which was all Dash wanted since she left him.

“Well, we better get going. I suppose you can have a look around the harbour if you want.”

“What? …. Really?” She said, uncertain.

“Yeah. Don’t worry. Everyone’s much friendlier here, nobody will bother you. …. Hey. It’s better than being stuck in a hot room for an hour, especially now you’ve broken the air conditioning.”

“Eheh. Yeah. Sorry about that.”

“It’s alright. You should have seen the general’s face.”

The both of the laughed as finished packing, Rainbow Dash opened the window as Bishop walked to the door with the case in his hand, switching off the lights he walked outside before locking the door behind him, leaving Rainbow Dash poking her head out of the window.

Dash waited until she saw the captain walking towards his car before she opened her wings and glided towards the ground. As she touched down she gave Bishop another contempt smile before jumping into the vehicle, as Bishop got into the driver’s seat he looked at the Pegasus to see that she was resting her head on the open window of the car, sighing as she felt the cool breeze tickle her nose.


As the car drove down the long roads towards Pearl Harbour he looked over to see Rainbow Dash with a nauseous look on her face.

“Hey. …. You alright?”

“Uh. …. I don’t know.” Dash said weakly. “I feel sick.”

“It’s okay. We’re nearly there, try and think of something else.”

In response the first thing Rainbow Dash did was lean forward a press her hoof against a silver flap which made the panel open up. Bishop was still focusing on the road as Dash pulled out a wooden box from inside.

“What’s this?”


Bishop looked at the, he frowned as he saw the wooden container in her hooves.

“What? …. Did I do something wrong?”

“No j- …. Open it.”


“Yeah, yeah, go ahead.”

Rainbow hesitated before opening the latches with her teeth, after unlocking the latches with her teeth she opens the case. The first thing she noticed was the polished firearm, surrounded by the blue velvet interior of the case. The next thing she noticed was the golden medal next to it, ignoring the pistol; she smiled as she looked at the reward.

“It’s really nice.” She said, looking back up at Bishop. “What did you get it for?”

“…. I don’t really know anymore.” They said it was for "exceptionally meritorious efforts and contributions to the welfare of the Nation." As far as I know, all I did was stay alive while I watched good, honest men die.”

“You didn’t want it.”

“…. How did you? Oh yeah, you read my journal. …. Okay, were here.”

Bishop pulled up to the security gate before leaning over and closing the box Rainbow was holding and putting it back in the glove box before sitting up in his chair again.

“Hey.” He said with a smile stroking Dash under the chin. “Come on. In an hour we’ll be able to enjoy ourselves.”

“Sir?” A soldier said walking up to the drivers’ window.

“Morning soldier.” Bishop replied.

“Oh, wow, it’s you sir!” The soldiers neutral expression flipped into a smile as he recognised the captain. He leaned forward holding his hand out.

“It’s an honour to meet you sir.” He said as Bishop shook his hand.

“It’s great to meet you too.”

“You going to general W. …. What’s that?”

Rainbow Dash looked at the guard as he stared back at her, the Pegasus frowned, she didn’t appreciate being gawked at.

“Is there an issue?”

“Um. …. N-no. No sir. …. No problem. Uh. Have a good day sir.”

The large gate in front of the car opened up as the soldier backed away from the window. As Bishop began to drive down the narrow bridge he noticed Rainbow Dash looking angry.

“Are you alright?” Bishop said, asking the pointless question.

“…. I. …. I don’t like it when people stare at me.”

“Well it’s not everyday someone sees a talking pony, you’re gonna have to get used to it. People are gonna look.”

“Yeah, I know. …. But it just makes me feel like. …. Like I’m a freak to you guys.”

“…. *Sigh* …. You’re not a freak. …. You’re just not from around here. I’m sure if I went to your world, I’d get stared at just as much.”

“Heheh. You’ve got a point. You’d look like a giant in Equestria.”

Bishop drove onto the island and slowed down before he began to slowly manoeuvre his car around soldiers as they walked by and trucks as they came in the opposite direction. Before long Rainbow Dash saw the familiar building ahead, picturing in her head how she broke into the building, feeling like her hero, Daring Doo as she did.

“We’re here.” Bishop said as the car came to a halt outside the building.

“How long is this gonna take?”

“Shouldn’t be no longer than an hour, but something could always come up. …. Come on. It’ll be over before you know it.”

“Urgh. …. I hate meetings.”


After what felt like a millennium, Rainbow was finally walking out the building with Bishop right behind her as she flew in a small circle in the air before landing on her feet.

“Whew! I thought that was never going to end.”

“We was only in there for an hour. It was hardly a struggle to sit through it all.”

Dash ears then perked up as the same heart-warming smile as before spread across her face again.

“So what are we going to do?! Where are we going to go?!”

“Err, Dash? Didn’t you remember? …. I need to go the docks first.”

“What?” She said, her smile slowly dissolving.

“The general gave me this file. Surely you remember, you was sat next to me.”

“Oh, I must’ve fallen asleep.”

“…. Anyway, once I’ve given this file I’ll take you somewhere alright?”


Dash lifted herself off the ground, hovering at Bishop’s height as she followed him towards the docks of Pearl Harbor.


“Cool.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked with Bishop onto one of the large ships in the docks, keeping the captain in the corner of her eye, she took a good look around her crowded surroundings, noticing how the entire ship was completely spotless. She also noticed how almost everyone she passed was looking at her as they walked past.

As Bishop walked up to the captain of the ship Rainbow Dash kept him in sight as she wandered off to look at one of the large guns on the deck. As she circled around it she accidently bumped into the leg of a sailor, she looked up, only to see a look of confusion on his face as he stared back.

“What the hell?”

“Um. …. Uh. Sorry.”

Dash backed away as the soldier continued to stare turned back to Bishop, just as he finished talking to the captain. The smile grew on her face again, this time Bishop was smiling back, as he started walking off the ship. Dash was right behind him as they made their way off the metal leviathan, they both started walking towards the car as Bishop looked at Dash, taking off his hat and coat.

“So.” Bishop started. “What do you want to do? There’s a bowling alley down the road. If you want a game.”


Dash felt her heart sore, this was going to be a good day. Finally after all the boredom, fighting and struggling she’ll be able to spend some quality time with her hero. A man who she looked at as a farther.

When they both got to the car Bishop opened both doors before throwing his coat and hat in the back seat. As he got behind the wheel, he closed the door, seeing Rainbow Dash was already by his side, smiling at him. Bishop reached out, stroking her mane, looking forward t-

“CAPTAIN!!” A soldier yelled in the distance.

Bishop looked up, it was the private from the gate, Dash groaned as Bishop opened the door and leaned out.

“What is it?!” He shouted back.

“You gotta see this, sir!”

Bishop looked back at Rainbow and sighed.

“Cant it wait?!”


“…. *Sigh* …. Sorry. Stay in the car, I’ll be right back.”

“Alright.” Dash said, annoyed as Bishop walked out of the car before she was given another odd look by a soldier which only pissed her off even more.

Rainbow watched as the captain ran into the distance before meeting the private at the door of a bunker. She leaned her head against the window, tapping her hoof as she looked at the sky. Then. …. She noticed something in the horizon, as she squinted; it looked like a metal bird, flying low along the sea as it got closer to the harbour. Rainbow Dash continued to watch as the metal bird got closer and closer, she then saw something drop from its underbelly but the object disappeared. She looked around, she saw soldiers also staring at the planes, her head then turned to the ship she just came from, seeing the commotion as soldiers began to run on the deck. The all of a sudden.


Dash’s eyes widened as she saw soldiers getting thrown into the sky as the fireball consumed almost half the ship. Her breathing became erratic as another explosion, coming from her left, her mind froze as she could feel the heat getting hotter. Debris showered the car as another explosion erupted only a few yards from the vehicle, making it rock violently. She was thrown into the back seats of the car as she could hear the gunfire tearing the veichle apart; she cowered in the back seats, covering her head.

As her mind began to proses what was going on her body began to shake, terror strangled her senses, she was struggling to breath, she began to whimper through gritted teeth as she closed her eyes.

“N-no! …. Not again! NOT AGAIN!!”


She opened her eyes before looking over the seats, she then felt something white hot graze her cheek, making her wail in agony as she looked through the windshield of the car through salty tears. She saw the captain, sprinting towards the car, a look of horror in his eyes as he watched the car get showered by stray gunfire.


Dash saw the open door, she leapt towards it but the an explosion, only a few feet from the car, flipped it onto its side. Dash opened her eyes, she found herself pinned against the front seat of the car and roof, she flailed her legs wildly, but she didn’t budge, looking back up at the Captain sprinting towards her she saw the metal bird flying right behind him. She couldn’t move, she used every ounce of her strength but she couldn’t move.


The captain heard the roaring engines behind him, he didn’t look back he kept the vehicle in sight as the ground seemed to explode around him. Dash could only watch as the captain sprinted from the gunfire missing his feet by only centimetres to spare. Bishop threw his legs in front of him before sliding on his back until her next to the car, shielding him from the bullets.


The captain crawled through one of the smashed windows, seeing the Pegasus stuck in the mangled wreck that was his grandfather’s car. He reached forward.

“Give me your legs!”

Rainbow reached out as much as she could, Bishop saw the gash on her cheek as he got a grip on her hooves. With one firm tug he pulled, only causing Rainbow Dash more pain.

“NO!! STOP!! AHHH!! STOP!!” She screamed in agony.

Bishop crawled in further, grabbing the driver’s seat and using all his untamed might to pull on it. It moved but only a bit. Bishop screamed as his arms burned under the strain, finally he ripped the seat from its mountings, freeing Rainbow Dash, who then jumped forward to hold him tight. The captain then saw the open glove box and the wooden case inside, after pulling it out he crawled from the wreckage.


Rainbow nodded back as she was put onto Bishop’s back, she leaned forward and wrapped her forehooves around his neck, and her back legs around his waist. She grasped him tightly as he began to sprint through the carnage which surrounded her.

As she looked up, her mouth fell agape. The sky was filled with the metal birds, flying low as the explosions destroyed the buildings that surrounded them. Rainbow Dash looked in horror as men crawled from flames; that familiar, ungodly smell of burning flesh made her wretch. She looked forward to see a group of soldiers shouting at the Bishop as he ran towards the building for cover.


Another explosion consumed the structure, engulfing the soldiers, the force throwing both Rainbow and Bishop to the ground. The captain groaned in pain as Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, seeing a large glass shard sticking out of Bishop’s shoulder. Before she could say anything the Captain stood back up before grasping the splinter. Ripping it from his shoulder he growled like a wounded lion as he turned to pick up his case again.

Pulling the pistol from the wooden box he saw his medal of honour on a pile of rubble, surrounded by deceased soldiers. As he took one step towards it he was cut off by gunfire as it barely missed his legs. Another metal machine flew overhead as Bishop ran towards the dock, the only place was wasn’t yet destroyed.

Running with all the strength his legs could muster, Bishop was soon sprinting on the ports, where he then ran back onto the ship he was on not minutes ago.

“BISHOP!!” The captain of the ship screamed. “GET UP HERE NOW!!”



Another explosion rocked the ship, Rainbow Dash grasped Bishop’s neck tighter as she watched the metal birds flying towards the ship.



“BISHOP!!” Rainbow Dash screamed, pointing her hoof towards the incoming planes.

Bishop froze, looking in horror before diving to the ground.


The explosion was the strongest one yet, the ship lurched to the right as its hull was struck by the shell. Dash closed her eyes, wanting desperately to shield her ears from the defining assault, listening to men screaming as the flames burned their flesh. The engines roared past, leaving the ship critically damaged.

Bishop stumbled onto her feet, his ears were ringing, he searched for the enemy bomber, looking around before he noticed another plane with a bomb underneath, coming in for an attack.

“Rainbow.” Bishop grunted. “Let go.”

“N-n-no.” Dash whimpered, tears freely flowing from her face.

“Listen to me! Let go now!”

Dash slowly loosened her grip before she was grabbed from behind, looking back she saw a soldier holding her tight.

“Hey, let go!” She screamed. “Let go!”

“Listen to me Rainbow!” Bishop stood close to her. “You stay here! Your hear me?!”

“No! NO!! DON’T GO!! ….. NRGH!! LET GO OF ME!!”

Dash flailed widely as the soldier holding her, kept a firm grip on her waist. Bishop held his pistol in his hand, checking the magazine for ammunition as he walked up the deck on the slowly sinking ship. The metal giant’s nose began to point into the air as Bishop climbed the vessel, Dash could only watch as the plane began to fly towards the captain as he aimed his weapon.

Bishop took a deep breath, stood on the nose of the tilting ship, staring at the bomber as it flew in for the kill. He poised his aim, holding his breath; everything seemed to run in slow motion as he pulled the trigger. Firing his weapon multiple times, Dash was held back as she reached out for him sobbing hysterically.

“BISHOP, NO!!!!”

Bishop was on his last bullet, he grasped the weapon tight, rising his aim before pulling the trigger one last time. Success, the bullet struck the pilot, the bomber veered to the left, barely missing the ship before crashing into the water.

The captain wasted no time in sliding down the ship as two enemy planes opened fire. Bishop stopped just in front of Rainbow Dash who had a look of fury in her eyes.

“Alright! Let go soldier! Get everyone off this ship, NOW!!”

“Yes sir!”

The second the soldier released the Pegasus, Rainbow Dash began to hit Bishop as he held her in his arms.

“YOU JERK!! …. Y-you JERK!!”

Rainbow punches grew weaker before she began to cry in Bishop’s arms as he ran off the ship, looking in all direction for cover as the merciless assault continued. His heart pounding furiously in his chest, Bishop followed the other soldiers as they made a break for a clearing.

Dash watched as the bombers continued to fly perilously close to the ground, firing their machine guns at the soldiers in front of them, tearing their bodies apart as they screamed in agony, falling to the ground. Dash covered her head as Bishop ducked from the gunfire, seeing a group of soldiers taking cover nearby. Jumping down, allowing himself a moment to breath, Dash looked up at him, seeing him staring into space.

“Captain! …. CAPTAIN!!”

Bishop snapped out of his trance, seeing the soldiers in the ditch looking at him.

“What do we do captain?!”

Bishop stood up, still holding the Pegasus as she grasped him tightly, looking at the harbour, what was left of it.

“I.” Bishop gasped between breaths. “We need to move. IS there any shelters around here?”

“They’ve all been taken out.”

“Bunkers?! Anything!!”

“No! Everything’s gone!”

Bishop kicked the ground in rage before looking at the Pegasus in his arms, he looked into her eyes as she stared back into his. Rainbow Dash’s was disorientated, confused, it was all happening too quick for her, she nothing but a sobbing mess in his arms. Bishop held her close, trying to comfort before a distant rumble shook the ground beneath his feet.

Bishop turned around he froze in horror as he saw a plane flying towards them, a bomb primed and ready underneath its hull.


Bishop pulled out his pistol and fired, realising the chamber was empty, it was too late the plane was too close, there no time; Bishop used what was left of his strength to throw the Pegasus as far as he could. Rainbow tumbled through the air, unable to control her trajectory as she fell into other soldier’s arms. The second she opened her eyes she watched in horror as Bishop was consumed by a fireball, throwing him into the air as the bomber flew past. Bishop’s body landed on the ground a deathly silence swept the ditch as Bishop lied motionless on the ground.

Rainbow Dash ran to him, terror fuelling her heart as she kneeled beside him, looking at his unconscious body as the soldiers crowded around him. She broke down into a mass of tears, lying on top of Bishop’s shredded body before screaming in anguish into the sky. Collapsing on top of him, she looked at the soldiers crowded around.