• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 2,389 Views, 13 Comments

Making Amends - Sholuna

Graduation day is upon CHS, and Sunset Shimmer has some unfinished business she must attend to before she leaves the school for good. Sadly, it's a lot harder than she thought it was.

  • ...

Making Amends

“Welcome to your graduation, Wondercolts. Before I hand the microphone over to your class representative, somebody who I think you have made an excellent decision in choosing due to their impact on everybody’s lives, I would like to talk a little bit myself about how far you’ve all come in the four years here at Canterlot High.”

Behind the curtain, Sunset Shimmer sighed and toyed with her hair idly as she thought. How many kids are out there? A thousand? More? She shivered at the thought.

“I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for making it this far. The progress you all have made since you started here has been astounding, and I am very proud of each and every one of you for that. But, above all else, I am proud of you all for coming together and proving that even the most diverse of people can bond together and become the best of friends.”

Sunset rubbed her eyes and thought back to last night.

* * *

“Cider’s up, everybody!” Applejack yelled.

The seven of them were in Applejack’s bedroom at Sweet Apple Acres on the outskirt of Canterlot City. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie leapt to their feet and instantly ran over to the crate of bottles Applejack had just brought in. Fluttershy remained seated, reading a book entitled ‘The Wildlife of the Everfree Forest’, with Twilight reading over her shoulder and occasionally explaining an odd term or bit of biology. Rarity was too busy painting her nails on Applejack’s bed to care about the drink.

Sunset Shimmer chewed her pencil and watched Rainbow gulp down her fourth bottle. Occasionally she glanced down at her notebook, scored out a sentence or two, and then wrote another one underneath it.

She felt a poke on her shoulder and turned her head. Twilight smiled at her and offered her a bottle. “You thirsty?”

Sunset smiled back and took the bottle. “Thanks, Twi.” She went back to staring at her notebook.

“Don’t mention it. Do you need any help?” Twilight asked. Sunset looked at the bright smile on her face, and watched the way she bounced lightly on the balls of her feet.

Sunset felt oddly guilty. “Oh. No, it’s alright.”

Sunset scored out another sentence and then glanced back up. Fluttershy, who was still reading the book, started to appear a bit queasy. Rarity had moved from the fingernails down to her toes. Rainbow Dash had just finished drinking a bottle of cider - Sunset worked out from the amount of bottles around her that this was her seventh. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were sitting in the corner at the other end of the room, playing a fighting game. She felt Twilight pressed next to her. She slammed the notebook closed.

“Sunset, you’ll be fine. There’s nothing to worry about. I promise.” Twilight said. “Pass the book here, I’ll help you out.”

“Uh… no, it’s fine. Go back to reading with Flutters,” Sunset replied.

Rainbow stumbled over to where Sunset sat. “Yeah, you’ll be fine! No need to worry about it! It’ll be aweshome!” she yelled. Sunset heard a ringing in her ear as she pushed Rainbow away from her.

“You need to keep away from the cider, darling.” Rarity said to Rainbow. “You’ve drank, what, nine bottles now? Slow down, please.”

“What?!” Rainbow shouted. “Oh, we’ve ran out of cider!”

“There’s another crate downstairs, RD, but I’m not gonna get it for ya until-” Applejack began, but Rainbow was already out of the door.

With Rainbow downstairs, Sunset went back to her notebook, scoring out more and more. Twilight had gone back to reading with Fluttershy. Or, as she soon noticed, consoling her - she was now in tears, most likely from reading about a particularly grim monster.1

Sunset was once again finding it very difficult to concentrate, and now her mind was drifting to other things. “Hey, Rarity,” she asked, trying to get the fashionista’s attention, “what time do you want me down at Carousel Boutique again?”

Rarity looked up from her nails. “Come down at eight and I’ll make you so pretty Flash will be begging to have you back.”

Sunset blushed. “You know full well I don’t want him to want me back, Rarity.”

“Not even a little?”


A crash could be heard from the kitchen. “Well, crap. Pinkie., I’m just gonna pause this for a moment, so don’t even think about cheating.” Applejack said as she stood up, paused the video game they were playing, and left the room. “RD’s probably passed out from the amount she’s been drinking, so I’m just gonna get her back upstairs and keep her as far from those bottles as possible.”

* * *

Sunset Shimmer was leaning over the counter in Applejack’s kitchen, still writing in the notepad. No, that won’t work either, she thought as she scored through another paragraph. Next to her were three empty bottles - she’d drank two of them, plus the one offered from Twilight, the bottle of which was left upstairs, so the third one must’ve been the one that Rainbow drank. Maybe. She was having trouble remembering. Or caring.

She yawned, dropping her head onto the table and staring off into space. Big Mac was standing quietly in the corner, washing up. Sunset wondered when he went to bed, then forgot about it as an acidic apple-y burp escaped her mouth.

“Woooow,” she mumbled, “That’s some strong stuff.”

Big Mac rumbled a laugh while he worked. Sunset started giggling uncontrollably. She could hear the rest of the girls talking quietly out in the corridor. There was a burst of laughter, probably from Rainbow, and then Sunset lurched up straight and snapped her notebook shut just as Twilight crept through the kitchen door.

“Hey,” she chirped. She sat next to Sunset at the table. She was wearing her pajamas that she borrowed from… was it Pinkie Pie? Whatever.

“Hey,” Sunset said. She leaned her head on her palm and let out another yawn. “You enjoying the party?”

“Enjoying?” Twilight laughed. “Party’s been over for the last hour or so.”


“Yeah, we ran out of cider and everyone started drifting off. Rarity offered to sleep on the couch - you know how she is - but Applejack threatened to tie her to her own bed before that.”

“Cool. How’s Fluttershy doing?”

“She’s fine. Didn’t really drink anything, like me, so she’s just making sure Rainbow’s alright. She drank waaaay too much.”

“Pffft. Yeah. Can you blame her, though?” Sunset tapped her pencil on the wooden table and went back to staring at the wall. “She’s pretty much the most promising young athlete in the country right now, or something. I dunno. Got a lot of reason to be happy, I guess.” Sunset made a half-hearted attempt at a laugh. “Seems everyone does these days.”

Twilight didn’t say anything for a moment. Sunset shifted uncomfortably, feeling the tension in the room thicken until, without a word, Big Mac set down the clean plates and left the room with a polite nod, shutting the door quietly behind them.

Sunset looked at Twilight in confusion.

“So… why aren’t you?” Twilight asked, a touch of concern present in her voice.

Sunset thought for a moment before answering. "Because everyone else has found their calling in life. Like, what am I by comparison, some stupid filly who hasn't even gotten her cutie mark yet?"

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “Sunset, this world doesn’t have cutie marks…”

“I know, Twilight. I’ve been here a lot longer than you. But the concept is still there. Answer me this question - what is a cutie mark?”

“It’s, erm, the mark a pony gets on their flank when they discover something they’re good at? That’s a really difficult question to answer so simply…”

“No, you’ve pretty much got what I asked. Now, think of it like this. A letter of acceptance allowing you into a high class veterinary school. A will of inheritance giving you a piece of land. An apprenticeship to a bakery. An approval to set up your own business. And, of course, a talent scout requesting you try out for a world class soccer team. They may not seem like it, but they’re cutie marks. What have I got on this world? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

“Okay, then. Let me combat your question with one of your own. What does your cutie mark mean to you?”

Sunset pondered this for a moment before delivering an answer. “You know Celestia’s cutie mark is a sun?”

“Sunset, now you’re just changing the subject…” Twilight interrupted.

“No, I’m not. Celestia’s cutie mark is a sun. Mine is a sun, but with two less rays, and it matches up with my hair - sorry, mane - colour, instead of the colour of the sun. I’m not sure what it means now, but way back when, I thought it meant that I would be the one to succeed Celestia. But, when I ended up here, I started looking at it as if I would overtake her, hence… actually, let’s not bring that one up. But, after that plan failed, I have no clue what it’s supposed to mean. It just doesn’t have any meaning on this side of the mirror, I guess.”

“Maybe… maybe the reason why it doesn’t have any meaning on this side of the mirror is because you have no meaning on this side of the mirror, Sunset.”

“What? You don’t mean-”

“I do. But, ultimately it’s your decision, and I’m not going to force anything upon you that you do not want. If you’re okay with life on this side of the mirror, you’re more than free to stay here.”

“I… I’ll think about it. Thanks, Twi.”

“Just trying to help out my friend.” Twilight smiled, and then yawned. “I’m starting to get a bit tired. Going to try to get some sleep. Need anything before I go?”

In response, Sunset lifted up the notebook she’d been writing in for the majority of the night. “Every time I try to write something, it comes off as either insincere or incomplete. Think you could help me out with it?”

“Write a list of what you want to say. That’ll help.”

"That might work, I'll try it out. Thanks, Twi."

Twilight yawned again. “It’s no big deal. I’m going to bed now. Night.”

“Night, Twi. I’ll be up shortly.”

When Twilight left the room, Sunset opened up her notebook and wrote down some notes that she felt necessary to say. Afterwards, she closed the book, only to quickly reopen it and write down a single word - Sorry.

* * *

“And now, I would like to hand over to your representative for the year, who shall continue onwards from where I left off from her perspective.” Principal Celestia continued, “Please give a warm welcome to Sunset Shimmer!” she finished, yelling into the microphone.

Showtime. Sunset thought as she parted the stage curtains and stepped onto the stage. When her face came into view, a massive round of applause assaulted her from all angles.

“Hello.” she said when the applause died down. “I am honored that you all would decide to allow me to stand here and talk one last time. Now I stand above you not as a tyrant, but as a peer and loved member of your school. When I first came, I wanted none of this. I only wanted the power I felt would come from oppressing others. However, you all never gave up. All of you continued to rally around each other and when given the chance, proved to me and the world that the Wondercolts were strong and united. Nothing could break you apart and in return, when I was broken, you all allowed me to join the chain and be repaired. I felt your warmth and care throughout this year as my cracks were forgotten and warmth filled them. Remember what you all did for me as you progress forward. You did not allow a tyrant to break you, you proved your strength together, and I am certain that going out into the world you will continue to change all that you touch. And I suspect, it will definitely be for the better.

* * *

Twilight Sparkle walked down the red carpet in the Canterlot throne room. “Hello, Celestia.” she said when she’d reached the throne at the top.

“Ah, Twilight, it’s nice to see you back. How is everything in the other world?”

“It’s fine. The girls just wanted me to attend their high school graduation. They see me as just as much of a friend as they see each other, so how could I decline?”

Celestia nodded. “It wouldn’t be a particularly good thing to do, no. Especially since Equestria is currently in no great danger. How are they all doing?”

“They’re pretty happy. They have every right to be, of course - they are, after all, heading off into the next stage of their lives.”

Celestia frowned for a moment before regaining her straight face. “Does that include Sunset Shimmer?”

In response, Twilight’s horn started emanating a lavender glow. In an instant, the door to the throne room opened to reveal a beige unicorn with a red and yellow mane that gave off a fire effect.

Tears filled both Celestia’s and the unicorn’s eyes. “Sunset… I’m so glad you’re back…” Celestia said after a moment of silence.

“I’ll leave you two to catch up.” Twilight said. And in an instant she teleported out.

Thank you, Twi. For everything, Sunset thought to herself.

Author's Note:

My first submitted fiction! Please, feel free to rip into it. I'm not going to improve if you don't. ^^

Comments ( 13 )

This was a pretty solid start, though it felt a bit rushed. Looking forward to where you take this.

Excellent job, I noticed an incomplete looking forward to more!

redemption is one first step for fallen students

This is my first fic I'm publishing to this site, so feel free to rip it to shreds.

I just love it when people say that. Now I get to be as mean as I want and I won't feel bad about it :rainbowdetermined2:

How many kids are out there? A thousand? More?

I'm going to have to assume that Sunset is just exaggerating here because she's freaking out. A graduating class of 1000 is really large. Especially since what we've seen of CHS suggests that there aren't more than a few hundred students there at all, if that. Apparently they were all able to fit into the cafeteria for one lunch period at least.
If she's including family members, other students, teachers, and other people who came to watch the graduation but who aren't graduating themselves, the number could easy reach 1000, but then she should say "people," not "kids."

Sunset rubbed her eyes and thought back to last night.

This is, in my opinion, quite possibly the worst habit that authors in this site have developed. There is a time and a place for flashbacks, but this isn't it. There's no reason why you couldn't have just started the story with the sleepover and moved these four paragraphs at the beginning of the story to after it.

“You need to keep away from the cider, darling.” Rarity said to Rainbow. “You’ve drank, what, nine bottles now? Slow down, please.”

Nine bottles in a few minutes? I think you're overdoing Rainbow's cider obsession there. Just go and try to drink nine bottles of anything in just a few minutes and tell me how that works out for you.

she was now in tears, most likely from reading about a particularly grim monster.1

Random 1 sitting there.

“Come down at eight and I’ll make you so pretty Flash will be begging to have you back.”

Does Rarity not realize that Twilight is in the room with them? Or have she and Flash finally gotten over each other?

A crash could be heard from the kitchen. “Well, crap. Pinkie., I’m just gonna pause this for a moment, so don’t even think about cheating.” Applejack said as she stood up, paused the video game they were playing, and left the room. “RD’s probably passed out from the amount she’s been drinking, so I’m just gonna get her back upstairs and keep her as far from those bottles as possible.”

Again, you're really overdoing Rainbow's cider obsession. I can't tell for sure if that cider is supposed to be alcoholic, but if it is, then this is really, really bad. Like, "forget whatever the rest of this story was going to be about, now it's about having an intervention for Rainbow Dash because she'll be dead by the end of the night if we don't" bad.
And there's a random period after "Pinkie" that shouldn't be there.

“Maybe… maybe the reason why it doesn’t have any meaning on this side of the mirror is because you have no meaning on this side of the mirror, Sunset.”

Okay, this is just my opinion here, but I have two problems with this. First, I am personally of the opinion that humanland is Sunset's home now and that she should stay there, but I don't really mind you seeing it differently. More importantly though is the second problem: What about humanSunset? Canon still hasn't explained what happened to her, of course, but she must still be around somewhere. And to me, this really sounds like this means that she doesn't have any meaning either.

In response, Sunset lifted up the notebook she’d been writing in for the majority of the night. “Every time I try to write something, it comes off as either insincere or incomplete. Think you could help me out with it?”

“Write a list of what you want to say. That’ll help.”

To me, this seems like Twilight isn't really trying to help Sunset. She should at least look at what Sunset has written before tossing out some advice and walking away. Sunset could have written a list, for all she knows.

“And now, I would like to hand over to your representative for the year, who shall continue onwards from where I left off from her perspective.”

This is a really awkwardly worded sentence. I'm pretty sure that no one actually talks like that. And I also think that your missing a word or two in the first half of the sentence.
It would sound much better as something like "And now, I would like to [give the stage to/turn the mic over to/something like that] your representative for the year, who will share a few words with you."

However, you all never gave up. All of you continued to rally around each other

Not really. Sunset did have them beaten and separated for several years before Twilight showed up.

I felt your warmth and care throughout this year as my cracks were forgotten and warmth filled them.

This metaphor doesn't really make sense. What cracks?

You did not allow a tyrant to break you,

Again, they kind of did.

And I suspect, it will definitely be for the better.

"Suspect" and "definitely" contradict each other here. It's like saying "probably definitely" or that "sixty percent of the time, all the time" quote people love. It doesn't really make sense.
And you left of the quotation mark at the end.

Afterwards, she closed the book, only to quickly reopen it and write down a single word - Sorry.

Jumping back a bit, Sunset didn't include an apology in her speech.

a beige unicorn with a red and yellow mane that gave off a fire effect.

"A fire effect?" That makes it sound like her mane looked like it was actually on or made of fire. Either leave that part off or say something like "a red and yellow mane reminiscent of a fire" or "a mane the colors of a fire."

Now let's go back and look at the description.

Graduation day is upon CHS, and Sunset Shimmer has some unfinished business she must attend to before she leaves the school for good. Sadly, it's a lot harder than she thought it was. Fortunately, Twilight Sparkle is there, and she's more than willing to lend a helping hand.

What unfinished business? Giving a speech? That's not really what I would call unfinished business. Maybe you meant giving one last apology? Because once again, she didn't really do that. Or could you have meant finally reconciling with Celestia? Twilight did actually help with that one, at least, but she did it after she left CHS.

So now what? Is the story over? It's marked "incomplete," but everything in the description has happened and been resolved, and the story does seem to have reached a point at which it could end. I think pretty much anything you add after this might work better as a separate story, unless maybe you just add a part where Sunset and Celestia make amends and Sunset figures out what she's going to do for the rest of her life, but unless it's really extensive, I don't think it would work too well as its own chapter.

So overall, the story is decent, though perhaps a bit lacking in substance. Pretty good for a first story though. But I definitely recommend that, at the very least, you make some changes to Sunset's speech, and consider changing the description a bit too.
And a thought just occurred to me: After you rework Sunset's speech to actually include an apology, consider adding a line or two after the speech where Sunset says something about there being someone else who she still needs to apologize to, and then you cut to the scene with Celestia.

Finally, I would like to note that I am incredibly amused by the ad that fimfiction put at the bottom of this story, which is warning against underage drinking. I think this is rather appropriate, given Rainbow's only actions in the story.

Interesting start. Looking forward to seeing where this is going.

Not too shabby, there. I liked Sunset coming back to Equestria at the end, there.

I am confused as to how the cider seems like it's being portrayed as alcoholic here. The Equestria Girls setting is in the USA (as evidenced by all the bills being green in the shorts) so part of the standard definition for just cider is "non-alcoholic" & Americans wouldn't legally be allowed to drink alcohol until they turn 21, which they wouldn't be at High School graduation unless they got held back a few years. & if the cider isn't alcoholic in the story, why does it kind of seem like it is?

“I do. But, ultimately it’s your decision, and I’m not going to force anything upon you that you do not want. If you’re okay with life on this side of the mirror, you’re more than free to stay here.”

I like the idea of Sunset coming back; even just to visit. To reconcile with Celestia, if nothing else...


And I suspect, it will definitely be for the better.

There should probably be a quotation mark at the end of her speech there. Also, seconding the contradictory qualifiers. If she suspects it, it's not definite.

Tears filled both Celestia’s and the unicorn’s eyes. “Sunset… I’m so glad you’re back…” Celestia said after a moment of silence.

:fluttercry: :pinkiesad2::twilightsmile:

A nice little touching story. The characters seemed spot on, though their dialogue was rough at times. An example would be Twilight addressing Celestia by her first name only. That is something I have yet to see Twilight actually do.

Other than that, I have to say I liked reading this story. Good on Sunset Shimmer!

Greetings, citizen. As thou knowest wherefore I am here, I shall forgo opening pleasantries and instead get right to the chase, as ‘twere.

After reading thy fic, I deduced that it contained significantly fewer issues than the average story; as such, the following review may seem particularly nit-picky. Do keep in mind that ‘tis not because the work is of poor quality—far from it—but instead because I believe thou seekest places where the writing could improve. Therefore, my goal here is to point out such places, regardless of how damning the actual item is.

With that said, let us away into the long description.

Graduation day is upon CHS, and Sunset Shimmer has some unfinished business she must attend to before she leaves the school for good. Sadly, it's a lot harder than she thought it was. Fortunately, Twilight Sparkle is there, and she's more than willing to lend a helping hand.

To begin, I believe thou shouldst write out the school’s name, rather than using initials. Give it a proper introduction so that thou canst be sure that the reader hath grasped what the initials stand for.

Next, in this and other descriptions where one of the goals is to attract a reader’s attention, do thine utmost to avoid boring verbs, in this case conjugations of “to be”. These verbs are not active and thus do not leap out and give the story a vibrant feel.

Then there is a case of repetition. Thy second and third sentences both begin with an adverb followed by a comma. Such repetitious prose threateneth to pull the reader from the story and make her aware of the actual writing; ‘tis not so bad a problem in a description, but I still feel it worthy of note.

Now for the story proper.

Thine opening paragraph is a block of dialogue with neither dialogue tags nor any sort of narration to ground the reader. ‘Tis certainly acceptable to lead off with dialogue, but be wary not to let the character speak for too long without narration. This particular dialogue is not truly attributed to anyone until two-thirds of the way through the story. Thy reader should at least know who speaketh.

Behind the curtain, Sunset Shimmer sighed and toyed with her hair idly as she thought. How many kids are out there? A thousand? More?She shivered at the thought.

Thou shalt recall my earlier warning about repetition. Here, thou usest the word “thought” twice in relatively quick succession. I realize that one is a verb and the other a noun, but that mattereth not.

Also take note that there is a space missing after a question mark. I did not notice this until after I pasted the dialogue into a word processor, as the error is covered up by a line-break in the story.

The seven of them were in Applejack’s bedroom

This introduction seemeth to expect the reader to already know who “the seven of them” actually are. I know thou proceedest to name Twilight’s friends and Sunset, but ‘tis jarring nonetheless.

Fluttershy remained seated, reading a book entitled ‘The Wildlife of the Everfree Forest’, with Twilight reading over her shoulder and occasionally explaining an odd term or bit of biology.

Is Twilight doing so on her own with no prompting, or is Fluttershy asking Twilight to explain these terms? Both scenarios provide different characterizations and lend the interaction between Twilight and Fluttershy different meanings.

Sunset Shimmer chewed her pencil and watched Rainbow gulp down her fourth bottle.

Applejack just brought the cider into the room, so when did Rainbow have a chance to drink the first three? If thou wishest to indicate that Rainbow drinketh quickly, then thou needest describe it as such, or providest narrative wherein Rainbow quaffeth the bottles. Details are important.

Occasionally she glanced down at her notebook, scored out a sentence or two, and then wrote another one underneath it.

I am further curious as to what Sunset is actually writing. If thou wishest to keep it a secret, then fine, but at least provide some sort of context that clueth the reader in to the fact that ‘tis a graduation speech. She knoweth what ‘tis, as well as Twilight and most likely the other girls. This information should not be completely shrouded.

“Don’t mention it. Do you need any help?” Twilight asked. Sunset looked at the bright smile on her face, and watched the way she bounced lightly on the balls of her feet.

Sunset felt oddly guilty. “Oh. No, it’s alright.”

Sunset scored out another sentence and then glanced back up.

Dost thou recognize the repetition in this passage? “Sunset looked at this and this. Sunset felt this. [Dialogue] Sunset scored this.” Keep in mind that I ask thee not to use purple prose as a substitution for names, but rather to use more pronouns. If this leadeth to confusion as to who the pronoun referreth to, then rearrange the prose so that the confusion is lifted.

Fluttershy, who was still reading the book, started to appear a bit queasy.

Kindly provide some context for this. Wherefore would she get queasy?

Following this, we learn that the cider is, in fact, alcoholic. I cannot objectively complain about this, but I find myself skeptical. These girls do not seem the types to partake in underage drinking, at least not without showing hesitation or feeling some small modicum of doubt. I particularly cannot believe that Twilight would be perfectly content to let Rainbow drink herself into a stupor.

“Sunset, you’ll be fine. There’s nothing to worry about. I promise.” Twilight said.

That second-to-last period should be a comma.

Sunset was once again finding it very difficult to concentrate, and now her mind was drifting to other things.

Recall my earlier warning regarding conjugations of “to be”. I urge thee to avoid them whenever possible, as is the case here. “Sunset was once again finding” could become “Once again, Sunset found”. “Her mind was drifting” could become “Her mind drifted”. The latter of each example ringeth much more strongly in mine ears and shall do a far better job of keeping the reader’s interest.

Rarity looked up from her nails. “Come down at eight and I’ll make you so pretty Flash will be begging to have you back.”

Sunset blushed. “You know full well I don’t want him to want me back, Rarity.”

“Not even a little?”


I appreciate how, in the first two sentences, thou providest description of their actions. The reader can see what Rarity and Sunset look like as they speak. However, I wish thou wouldst do so for the two lines following. There is certain to be some sort of body language from Rarity, who would likely be either surprised or confused.

“Well, crap. Pinkie., I’m just gonna pause this for a moment, so don’t even think about cheating.” Applejack said…

Thou hast either an extra comma or period after Pinkie (methinks ‘tis the period), and the period after “cheating” should be a comma.

…Applejack said as she stood up, paused the video game they were playing, and left the room.

When did they turn on the video game? Thou expectest the reader to already know this, by the way this passage is worded.

Next to her were three empty bottles - she’d drank two of them, plus the one offered from Twilight, the bottle of which was left upstairs, so the third one must’ve been the one that Rainbow drank.

On the other hand, this detail is too specific. Thou canst “dumb it down” a bit.

The dialogue between Twilight and Sunset in this scene is too sparse when it cometh to narration. Tell the reader what they are doing as they talk. Is Sunset frowning? Is she rolling her eyes? Mayhaps she yawneth, or some such. Paint the picture; otherwise, they are just sitting there staring straight ahead as they speak.

Principal Celestia continued, “Please give a warm welcome to Sunset Shimmer!” she finished, yelling into the microphone.

These two dialogue tags clash; I suggest only having one dialogue tag per paragraph, but certainly only one per line. Further, “yelling into the microphone” is likely not what thou meanest. I can see Celestia speaking enthusiastically, or even raising her voice, but yelling is too much. ‘Twould deafen everybody in the audience.

Showtime. Sunset thought as she parted the stage curtains and stepped onto the stage.

To remain consistent with earlier examples of Sunset’s inner dialogue, put “showtime” in italics. Also, the period following it should be a comma.

When her face came into view, a massive round of applause assaulted her from all angles.

I would also describe what Sunset seeth. Can she see the audience, or are the bright lights blinding her so that she can only see a black void from which the applause emanateth?

Twilight Sparkle walked down the red carpet in the Canterlot throne room.

Provide just a bit more evidence that Twilight hath returned to Equestria and is again a pony.

In the final scene, when Sunset returneth, the beginning of the scene is told from Twilight’s perspective. However, thou writest the final line from Sunset’s. Thou needest remain consistent with thy perspective. Mayhaps Twilight noticeth Sunset staring at her, eyes watering, but with a wide, wobbling grin on her face. Or, mayhaps the entire scene is from Sunset’s perspective as, hidden from Celestia’s view, she watcheth Twilight.

I did enjoy this story; ‘tis a delightful look into Sunset’s change and her search for some sort of redemption. There is unfortunately very little of her original personality, which I would expect to be present in some form. Mayhaps a little arrogance or a tendency to get defensive with relatively little provocation, but that is a small complaint.

Thou canst see above where I noted that the story requireth more description or more narration. The dialogue, relatively long conversations in particular, lacketh a great deal of context, so that the speakers seem more to be talking heads. Do thine utmost to provide further description of facial expressions, body language, or even actions the characters take as they speak. This giveth the dialogue a more organic feel, as though ‘tis but a part of a larger story, rather than the only thing happening at that time.

Do also keep thine eyes open for cases of repetition. I noted the most egregious example above, but there were similar cases throughout the story. These are not always easy to find; thou shouldst note this to thine editor(s) so that they know what to watch out for.

I have naught else significant to say about this story, other than well done. Kindly keep up the good work and continue to produce quality works like this, even as thou continuest to improve thy skills. I wish thee the best of luck with thy future endeavors, author. Fare thee well.

Here is that long-promised review from the Pleasant Comment and Review Group.

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