• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 1,298 Views, 5 Comments

A Shadow's World - Invanger

King Sombra finds himself in a dreaded ice cave for a short ammount of time. He manages to get out and tries to retake the Empire. After failing and being imprisoned in his horn for three years, King Sombra is forced to be reformed.

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1. Banishment ★

She turned me down. Then she banished me. For her sister!

Sombra thought as he paced in his new prison.

Celestia will pay!

Lots of thoughts swarmed through his mind. He stop pacing to look around the cave. It was just a flat, boring ice cave. Lots of ice formations grow from the ground and roof.

I was doing fine until Luna was corrupted by something stronger than me!

He stomped his hoof in anger, accidently causing a large black crystal grow. He made it dissapear and looked around the cave from where he would be staying for the next millennium.

Better explore this wretched place.

He thought bitterly as he started walk. The armor on his legs and hooves makes some noise as it hit the ice with each step. The cave was very large and had a semi low ceiling. He saw something move out the corner of his eye and swung his head around to look at it. He didn't see anything, so Sombra stepped closer. As he moved, he noticed there are shadows.

And If there are shadows, then there is light. If there is light, then there is a place to get out. For the sun cannot reach down here through the ice.

He tried to ignore the shadows and continue to look for what had moved. The only thing he was able to see was his own shadow. He decided to give up on that and go in the opposite direction that the shadows were pointing. He reached the spot that the light seemed to be coming from. A sky light. The ice was just barely thin enough to let light in.

"Stupid Celestia" he snarled, his hatred for her clearly showing.

He walked away from the light to a wall of the cave that was the darkest. Sombra layed down and wondered why an ice cave? He slowly fell alseep thinking about how he will get revenge on equestria.

***********50 years later*************

Sombra wandered around aimlessly, thinking about how to escape yet again. He grew a black crystal let smack into the roof. Sombra growled when he saw that it didn't do much damage. He turned into a shadow and started testing the walls. As he was about to start on the roof, a bright light blinded him. He returned to pony form and hissed at the harsh light. It is soon gone and he opened his eyes to see if he could see what made the light.

It was always rather dark in there, so a light that bright really burned his eyes. Most ponies can easily see in that light. Unlike Sombra, who can almost see better in the dark than in broad daylight. What do you expect? A pony who can turn into a shadow enjoying a ton of sudden light?

"It was probably Celestia again." he growled to himself, not bothering to be quiet about it either.

Celestia seems to just apear in a bright ball of light and make sure the walls and roof are still extremly strong. He didn't hear her calling out to him and began to walk towards where the light had been. His hoofsteps echoed around the room, as usual.

"Who's there?" A slightly familar voice calls out.

He ignored the voice and continued walking. Sombra decided to give the pony a scare and turned into a shadow. He crept up behind the pony. A mare who has a dark blue body and a few shades lighter blue mane. Her wings and horn are just as dark as her body. He couodn't see her cutiemark because he was directly behind her. He returned to normal form and just stood there, waiting for her to notice him. It seems like she spots him and whips around.

"Who art thou and what are We doing here?" She asked.

"For starters, you are in my world of being banished to the icy north by Celestia. And I will not tell you my name lest you tell me yours. If you managed to get in here, then you should be able to know who I am."

The mare glared at me.

"Nightmare Moon."

"Okay Nightmare Moon. I am King Sombra. Now tell me why you are here and how you got here." he said with a voice full of authority.

"Fine. Banished to the moon by Celestia. We found a portal to some world and after a litlle while, found another portal and it lead here. And We are here because We wanted to see where the portal went."

I see another bright flash.

"Hide yourself. That is Celestia." Sombra said demandingly.

She turned into this thing that looked like her mane and goes to hide.

"Sombra!" Celestia yells.

He growled. She refuses to say 'King Sombra' just as he refused to say 'Princess Celestia'. He stepped away from where Nightmare Moon had been.

"Sombra!" Celestia yelled again.

"What!" he yelled back at her.

He didn't really need to yell though. He just yelled at her because he felt like it. He walked towards her and saw her under the sky light. He walked foward, but stayed in the shadows. He would not stand next to her willingly.

"Sombra, learn how to like this place as you will live eternity inside this frozen cave. You took my sister from me." She said angrily.

"Do tell me how."

"Ugh. Not long after we defeated you, she grew jealous." Celestia paused for a second. Sombra grew angry at what she said.

"She had been acting really different since you were banished here. I tried to reason with her, but you corrupted her."

"I do not corrupt ponies. Most of all a so called 'princess'. And, why would I want a sister of you?" he seethed, his anger showing in his stance.

He didn't have the need to hide emotions. Celestia grew angry at this.

"Because you are an evil, twisted shadow that should return to being a shadow on the wall peremently!" Celestia said.

"Oh, and by the way, her new name is Nightmare Moon!" Celestia yelled an left in her bright flash thing.

"Did that sorry excuse of a sister leave?"

"Yes." He growled, still angered from Celestia.

"Find someplace to sleep in here. By the look of the light coming from the sky light, it is almost night." I said and walked to where I normally sleep.

He lay down on the ice that has some crystal in it. He had made it by by carving into the wall and growing some crystal, then making that flat. The crystal was so he wouldn't freeze his tail off. He slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.

********Next morning*********

Sombra awoke to the sound of hooves. He thought it was his imagination again until he remembered that Nightmare Moon was there. He groaned slightly and stood up. He slowly walk out of the small overhang that he had made. He looked around to see if he can spot Nightmare Moon from here. He glanced at the roof and made a large, sharp black crystal grow rather fast to the ceiling. It crashed into the ice and a shower of ice splinters fell down. It didn't get very far into the ice. He made the crystal disapear and began to wander like the day before. Nightmare Moon spots him and comes over.

"What did thou do to be on Celestia's baishing list?" Nightmare asked.

"I took the crystal empire from the current crystal pony that was elected to rule. I simply got rid of her and made them my slaves. Surprised that you don't remeber sending me here."

He kinda was surprised. She was the one to send both him and the crystal empire into banishment, after all.

"We did?"

"Yes, your good side did." he said, kinda not wanting to talk very much.

"What doth thou do all day?"

"Wander, grow crystals, train to retake the crystal empire." he stated flatly.

Nightmare walked beside him. He walked over to one of the darkest parts of the cave and turned into a shadow. He tested the walls again. He could have sworn that they were weaker yesterday. He turned back into a pony and started walking around, not knowing what to do. He was suddenly blinded by a bright light, the same light that made Nightmare Moon apear.

"Follow Us!" he heard her call and followed her through the portal. It brought them to some sort of forest.

"Where did you take me?" he asked with a slight growl.

"A world where villians can live without the do-gooders bugging us. Your portal will always be there." she explained.

He nodded slightly and made and crystal grow on both sides of the portal. The light it made disapeared as soon as they walked out of it.

"This is where both of us can train to take over equestria and the crystal empire. Best part is, we fight each other." Nightmare says with a smirk.

He grined evily and prepared to fight her. They wouldn't kill each other because that would be just plain stupid. Both of them wanted to take over different places, so why not help each other grow stronger?

*************250 years later***********

He was in his icy cave with Nightmare Moon. She seemed to not want to leave. I don't really like being with other plnies, but it's nice not to be totally stuck in this horrid place alone. Discord managed to visit once. That shall never happen again. Not only had he just randomly apeared, he was beyond annoying. Sombra swore he'll end up killing him sometime.

Both Nightmare Moon and Sombra had grown stronger. Celestia stopped coming and just stayed in her stuck up canterlot. Renewing the spell from there.

*******************700 years later***************

Nightmare Moon left for who cares what reason. He didn't know why, but didn't care in the slightest bit. He was finally alone in this wretched place. Nightmare Moon had decided to stay. Not hearing a word he said about enjoying not having anypony constantly bugging him.

"What to do today."

He started thinking about what he should do with his over abundant amount of time. Nothing to do apart from staring at a wall. Everything else is just really boring now. Oh well. His life for the past thousand years has been boring.

He got even more bored than he already was. If that's even possible. He stood and just started aimlessly wandering the cave again. He seemed to do that a lot.

After half an hour of doing absolutely nothing, he lay down and dozed off.