• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 741 Views, 18 Comments

Muffin Slices - CDRW

Hello, my name is Derpy Hooves, and this is my journal.

  • ...

Entry Number 1

Testing, testing, one, two, three. Is this thing on?

Of course it's on, you ninny, it's a typewriter! Typewriters are always on!

You know, I probably don't need to write everything that I think.

Yes, I do. That's what journals are fo.

Fo' 'sho. 'Sup dawg?

See what I mean? Do you really want to remember this? Is this what you want Dinky to read about when you're on your deathbed and hand her your diary so she can have something to remember you b—


...ok, that was pretty good, but it's time to get serious now. I should talk about my day, not my glorious aaaaDinkyisgoingtoreadthiswhatiswrongwithyou!

Dear diary journal (it sounds more dignified), today was a great day. I woke Dinky up at seven (that is way too early for a foal to get up in the morning, but I have to send her to school) and we had breakfast together. It's important to have breakfast as a family, even if there's only two of you. We had omlets. Dinky's had cheese and onions and green peppers, and mine had cheese and mushrooms and hot sauce. I don't know where that filly got a taste for onions. It certainly wans't from me.

Anyway, we talked about what she was going to do at school today. She's at that age where she doesn't want to talk about school though, so I did most of the talking. There was a lot of awkward questions and more awkward silence, but I persevered. It's important to be interested in your daughter's life.

Sometimes it's hard because she pretends that she doesn't want me to be interested. I know she does though, because sometimes when she forgets that it's not cool to talk about school (I'm a poet, and I sure as Tartarus know it!) she'll start chattering on and on about what new history tidbit Miss Cheerilee put in the tidbit square on the board today, and the latest misadventures of the Cutiemark Crusaders (I think she wants to be friends with them but is too shy to ask. I wish I knew how to help her with that. Is it something I'm supposed to be parental about? Or am I supposed to leave it alone so she can figure these things out on her own?), and the latest news from Diamond Tiara (that girl needs a swift kick in the aaaapogee) and Silver Spoon (I can't help but feel sorry for her. Somehow I think that she wouldn't be such a jerk if she didn't hang around with DT all the time).

After breakfast I sent Dinky off to school. I really miss walking her to school, but a mare's gotta work and I screw up enough times that I don't dare ask if I can adjust my hours.

No, don't get depressing! It was a great day, it really was! You are not allowed to be depressing on a great day!

Dang it, I already screwed up my first journal entry. Sorry, can you give me a few minutes? I refuse to be depressing in my journal, so I'm going to go do something to take my mind off work and then come back and finish this entry. Wait, no, I got it! I'll just think of the most ridiculously cute thing I can think of and then write it down!

Kitten farts.

ofh my giosh. I can'';t even tyypee ritenow, mustr laugh

Oh. Oh dear, that was great. Kitten farhfld;skajlsakhfk;sh

Alright. You've got this, Derpy. You can totally go on with—

Kitten farts and puppy poots.


Dear Journal, I have had a muffin and ten minutes time to ponder. I think I am good now, but I refuse to re-read anything above the line, lest I be slain by laughter.

Oh yeah, I should mention. Dinky was trying to do her homework when I had my gigglefit. She pretended to ignore me, but I saw the looks she sent my way. You know, those "what are you on?" looks. So I said... that thing to her, and she did the most adorable facetable I've ever seen! I've seen a lot of facetables in my day too, most of them adorable as Tartarus because they came from Dinky. This one definitely trumped them all. I wish I had a camera.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I sent Dinky off to school and then went to work. It was great! I didn't drop a single thing! And you know what? I don't think that's a fluke. I really have been doing a lot better lately. I might... I might even ask for a raise this year, if I can keep it up. It's only three more months until employee evaluations. I think I can do it.

No, I know I can do it.

Then next year, they might even give me a promotion if I'm good enough. I've worked here longer than most other ponies and even though I'm clumsy, I know how everything in the company works. I've been shuffled through every damn department that courier company has. I know more about the day-to-day operations than anybody there, even the lifers! All I need to do is show them that I can handle the responsibility, and I'm a mom. I can totally handle responsibility!

I'm a single mom! I handle more responsibility every day than those guys have had to deal with their entire lives!

Yes, I can do this. I can totally do this. I'm bucking for a promotion. I've never had a promotion before. I hope it doesn't mean I have to spend less time with Dinky. That might not be worth it. Although I guess it might not be that bad. I try to avoid smothering her, but sometimes it's really hard. If I have to spend more time at work...

No. No, absolutely not. I'm a single mom, bonding time is precious and scarce. I'm not going to give it away for anything.

I'm still bucking for that promotion though. I'll just have to tell them that I can't work long hours.