• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 16,529 Views, 712 Comments

Reformation Buddies - Metool Bard

Can former villains learn from one another without driving each other and everyone else insane? Discord seems to think so. Sunset Shimmer, however, has her doubts. And the Sirens aren't helping matters, either.

  • ...

The More the Merrier

"That, was, SO AWESOME~!"

"I-I honestly wasn't sure what to expect, but in the end, we were simply fabulous, if I do say so myself."

"Everyone was so happy. I'm glad everything turned out okay."

"Okay?! That was better than okay! It was stupendaterrifawonderful!"

"That ain't a word, Pink."

"Well how else am I gonna describe something that was stupendous, terrific, and wonderful at the same time?"

The Rainbooms all found themselves in incredibly high spirits as they congratulated each other backstage. Outside, they could still hear the cheers of the crowd calling their name. Only Sunset was reserved in her enthusiasm, as many conflicting thoughts and emotions weighed heavily on her mind and heart.

"I reckon we all deserve a pat on the back," said Applejack, tipping her hat to the Sirens. "Especially you two. You really surprised us with that there light show."

"I know, right?!" Sonata gushed, floating about with her Equestrian magic. "I mean, did you hear 'em, Aria?! They were cheering! For us!"

"Y-yeah. I-I guess they were," said Aria, looking over at her silky fins. "But, how did that happen? I thought our magic was destroyed."

"Not destroyed, my dear Aria. Merely suppressed."

A voice coming from seemingly everywhere echoed around the Rainbooms. After a brief search, they found Discord coming out from below a dimensional trapdoor.

"Suppressed? What do you mean?" asked Aria, raising an eyebrow.

"All ponies from Equestria, whether they be from the land, sea, or sky, have Equestrian magic within them," Discord explained. "That magic cannot be destroyed; merely diminished. When the Rainbooms defeated you, all they did was deny you access to your dark powers."

"So, wait. We had our magic the whole time?" asked Sonata, rubbing her head.

"Pretty much," said Rainbow Dash with a shrug. "At least, that's what Sunset believes. And she knows more about this stuff than we ever will."

Sunset looked up at Discord. "I-I don't understand. Why did you set all this up?"

Discord smiled. "After our little argument, I discovered that something was amiss with these two," he said, gesturing to Sonata and Aria. "Instead of storming home empty-handed, I decided to stick around and get the full story. I overheard your conversation with Aria, and then it hit me."


"The ultimate way to prove that I'm a changed draconequus. As you know, I have a reputation for destroying friendship. So, I figured if I used my powers to create friendship, there would be no way for you to dispute my word."

Sunset looked over at the Sirens, and then back at Discord. "So, you invited them to join our band because..."

"I see you're catching on, Sunset Shimmer," said Discord with a nod. "Not only have I exposed these lovely ladies to the magic of friendship, but I've done away with their sole reason for hating the Rainbooms. Now we can all be friends!"

Aria blinked. "W-wait, wait. Time out," she said, gesturing with her hands. "Th-there has to be a catch to this. I mean, you wouldn't just give us our magic back just so that we can all get along. That's not you."

"It is now," said Discord. "A lot has happened in Equestria since your banishment, Aria. Although I suppose there is a slight catch in your case."

Aria scoffed bitterly. "I knew it."

"The magic you used on that stage is not the dark magic you're used to. You can no longer hypnotize others or feed off of negative energy."

Sonata tilted her head. "But if we're not feeding off of negative energy, where do our powers come from now?"

"Why, from the magic of friendship, of course," said Discord with a wink. "That and music."

Aria frowned. "So, what? You expect us to go against everything we ever knew and change overnight? We've been creating conflict and feeding off of negative energy since the beginning. That's all we understand. This magic is great, sure, but we could never use it on our own. Besides, without our dark magic controlling what people think, everyone hates us. You can't exactly use this precious magic of friendship without friends."

A sudden epiphany hit Sunset like a ton of bricks. Aria's words caused a cascade of painful memories to flood her mind.

But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship.

The turmoil and confusion disappeared from her mind. In its place was a sharp pang of guilt. With a deep sigh, she approached the Sirens.

"Listen, I understand how you guys feel," she said, casting her eyes downward. "You just discovered a new way to be strong without causing suffering to others. It goes against everything you've done up to this point. You're scared, and you don't know what to do."

Sonata's eyes went wide. "Whoa. It's like she can read my mind."

"Oh, please," Aria huffed. "I-I'm not scared. I just don't think this'll work. No, I know this won't work. W-we can never get anyone to listen to us without our powers."

"You sure about that?" asked Applejack, arching an eyebrow. "Sonata here had the guts to try."

"Th-that's 'cause she was afraid of Discord," Aria spat.

"And Discord was defeated by the Elements of Harmony; the ultimate weapon of friendship," said Sunset plainly. "Aria, maybe you don't want to admit it, but I've been in your position before. For the longest time, I had to endure everyone being cold and distant to me because of what I did at the Fall Formal. Sometimes, I even wondered if I'd ever be accepted."

She then looked up at Aria, tears welling up in her eyes. "Well, I'm here to say that I'll accept you two. And as someone who can truly empathize with you, I'll help you through this if you'll let me."

"That goes for me as well, girls," Discord said somberly. "Everything Sunset here has said applies to me, believe it or not. That's why I wanted to become her friend in the first place. It's nice to have a friend who knows what you're going through."

Sonata twiddled her fingers. "Y-you mean, people will adore us again? For realsies?"

"Not just that," said Sunset with a warm smile. "They'll adore you because you're good people, not because you force them to."

"Don't forget about us!" Pinkie chimed in. "We can teach you loads of stuff, too! Right, girls?"

"Heck yeah!"


"But of course, darling."


Sonata's eyes watered. "Aria, I-I feel weird again. I-I'm so happy right now. S-so, why am I c-crying?"

"Because you're being a sap," said Aria, rolling her eyes.

"And what's wrong with that?" asked Discord with a sly smile. "From what I heard, you're pretty sappy yourself when it comes to Sonata."

Aria blushed profusely. "Y-you're making that up."

"No, I can vouch for him," said Sunset with a giggle. She then held out her hand. "What do you say, Aria? Friends?"

Aria looked at the hand for a moment, then at Sonata, then back at Sunset. Finally, she sighed.

"I suppose this is better than not having magic at all," she said, taking Sunset's hand. "Alright, I'll give it a shot. But I'm just doing this for Sonata."

"Yay! People will like us again!" Sonata cheered, throwing her arms around Aria and Sunset.

"Not only that, but we're all besties now, too!" Pinkie chirped, joining in the fun. "This calls for a celebration! Slumber party at my house!"

Discord chuckled and shook his head. "Heh, some things never change."

"Hold it right there!"

A sharp, angry voice interrupted the festivities. Everyone turned around to see a battered and bruised Adagio Dazzle. Egg yolk, tomatoes, and bits of cream pie decorated her hair, and her clothes were ripped and torn. She glared daggers at Aria and Sonata, her hands clenched into fits.

"I knew you morons were a lot of things, but I never thought you'd be traitors!" she spat, pointing an accusatory finger at the two.

"Eep!" Sonata squeaked, hiding behind Aria. Aria herself had a smug grin on her face.

"Wow, Adagio. You're a mess," she snickered.

"S-stop laughing! You're the one in trouble here!" Adagio screamed. "After everything I did for you idiots, this is how you repay me?! By joining our greatest enemy?! You two must really be braindead!"

Her glare shifted over to Discord. "And you!"

"Me?" Discord asked innocently, casting his gaze upward as a halo appeared above his head.

"Your plan was an entire bust! None of your traps worked!"

Discord furrowed his brow and stroked his goatee with his paw. "I don't follow."

"They all blew up in my face!"

"No, see, that was supposed to happen."

Adagio did a double take. "Wh-what?!"

"Well, I heard about what you did to Sunset Shimmer this morning, and from that, I pieced together how you led me astray," said Discord simply. "I couldn't have you ruin my last chance to get in Sunset's good graces, so on the off chance that you didn't accept my generous offer, I took a few precautions."

"B-but I did accept!" Adagio bellowed. "You set up those traps to sabotage the Rainbooms so that they wouldn't be able to use their magic against you!"

Discord sighed and shook his head. "Tsk tsk tsk. You really don't get it, do you, Ms. Dazzle? I just told you what the traps were for. And if you had just put your petty revenge scheme aside and joined your friends on stage, you would've gotten your magic back, too."

"Why do those, those turncoats deserve their magic more than I do?!" Adagio howled. "I'm the one who dedicated myself to your will! I was priming Sunset Shimmer for corruption the entire time!"

"That's just it, Adagio. I don't want to corrupt Sunset Shimmer," said Discord. "My only goal in all this was to become her friend. I've long since retired the status of a tyrant, and I've discovered that friendship truly is magic."

Adagio's face lost all color, and her entire body trembled. "Th-that's impossible. Y-you're— Th-this doesn't make any— Sh-she was— But I— Th-they— Ooooh~."

With that, she swooned and collapsed to the ground.

"Huh. She took that better than I expected," Discord mused.

Aria stifled a laugh. "Heh heh heh. I-I knew it was gonna be hilarious to see this bite Adagio in the butt."

"We're still gonna help her, though. Right?" asked Sonata. "I mean, this new magic would make her act a lot less crazy."

"Yeah, I suppose," Aria conceded. "Adagio might be a pain in the neck, but she's our pain in the neck." She then smirked. "Besides, it's about time she followed my lead for a change."

"Let her know that we're extending the same courtesy to her, then," said Sunset.

Applejack arched an eyebrow. "You sure 'bout that, Sunset? I mean, she almost drove you and Discord apart."

Sunset let out a self-mocking chuckle. "If people like me and Discord were given a second chance, why not her?"

"Makes sense to me!" Pinkie chirped. "Now, about that party..."

"Maybe another time," Aria interrupted.

Sonata's expression drooped. "Aww. Why not?"

Aria looked down at Adagio and scoffed. "I think we need to get someone home, don't you?"

"O-oh, right," said Sonata sheepishly. "I-I totally knew that."

Aria rolled her eyes. "Of course you did," she said. "C'mon, help me out here. She's probably a bit heavy."

With that, Aria and Sonata hefted Adagio off of the floor and over their shoulders. Aria turned to the Rainbooms and smirked.

"I guess we'll be seeing you guys around," she said.

"Yeah, bye!" Sonata said with a wave. "Looking forward to that swim team thing!"

"Just remember that you have a bathing suit for a reason, a'ight?" said Rainbow Dash, waving back.

"Don't be a stranger, y'all."

"Take care, darlings."

"Hope your leader becomes nice, too!"

"Be careful on your way out."

The Rainbooms and Sirens exchanged goodbyes. As Aria and Sonata left, they began talking.

"Hey, Aria?"

"What's up?"

"I never knew I could play the trumpet like that."

Aria chuckled. "You're telling me. I never knew I was so good with the saxophone."

"Hey, maybe we should find an instrument for Adagio, too! Then we can have our own Equestrian magic band!"

"If it'll stop her from pestering us about getting revenge on the Rainbooms, I'm all for it."

"Great! I actually have a great instrument in mind. It's perfect for her."

"What is it?"

"The bagpipes!"

Aria deadpanned. "You're joking."


"Sonata, that's the most annoying instrument in the world!"

"Says you! I happen to like bagpipes."

"Yeah, you would like something like that, wouldn't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Sonata, you have, like, no taste. At all. In anything."

"Hey, I have taste! I had enough taste to try and befriend the Rainbooms, didn't I?"

"Th-that's entirely different!"

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Is not is not is not~!"

"Is too is too is too~!"

The two of them continued to bicker and argue all the way out the door. The Rainbooms watched in stunned silence before Rarity cleared her throat.

"Those two have an, um, interesting way of displaying their affection, don't they?" she said.

"I don't see how. We argue 'bout stuff all the time," said Applejack bluntly.

"Oh, that's not—"

Rarity stopped herself mid-sentence when she caught sight of Applejack's knowing grin. "Ugh, I almost walked into that one."

Sunset giggled. "I think those Sirens know more about friendship than they think they do." Her smile faded, and she hung her head. "That's more than can be said for me."

She looked up at Discord and heaved a great sigh. "Discord, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have been so hostile towards you. Especially since now I know that you're telling the truth about your reformation."

Discord shook his head. "No, Sunset. I'm the one who should be sorry. I appeared before you without any sort of warning or indication that I had changed; you had every reason to doubt me. What's more, I didn't really bother to listen to you and find out what you really wanted. I just acted on my own initiative, thinking that at long as my intentions were noble, and they were, you'd be fine with it. It was wrong of me to make that assumption."

"That doesn't excuse what I did, though," Sunset mumbled. She hung her head again as a few tears fell from her face to the floor. "You were right. I was acting like a hypocrite. I should've been more patient with you, but I was too worried about being corrupted or backstabbed. I-I didn't want to go back to..."

"The way you were," Discord said, completing Sunset's thought.

Sunset sniffled. "Y-yes."

"So that's why you didn't like being compared to him," Rainbow Dash mused.

Sunset nodded. Discord pulled on the powder puff at the end of his snake tail and tore out a handkerchief, using it to dry Sunset's face.

"If it makes you feel any better, Sunset, I'm not offended," he said warmly. "In fact, it's all the more reason I should share the blame for what happened. I honestly thought that us being similar was a good thing, and I didn't take your feelings into consideration. I really should work on that."

"B-but you didn't really do anything wrong," said Sunset. "I'm the one who should—"

"Oh, for Pete's sake!" Pinkie growled. "You were both wrong, and you already apologized to each other! So stop kicking yourselves and make up already! I don't host pity parties!"

Discord couldn't help but laugh at Pinkie's choice of words. Sunset let out a chuckle of her own.

"She's right, you know," said she. "We still have a lot to learn about friendship. It's only natural for us to make mistakes along the way."

"Indeed," said Discord. "Which is why I came here in the first place. This road is a lot less treacherous if we tackle it together." He then extended his paw. "So, what do you say, Sunset Shimmer? Friends?"

Sunset nodded. "Friends. Oh, and Discord?"


Sunset grinned from ear to ear. "Call me Sunny."

Discord's face lit up as he coiled his body around Sunset and gave her a big hug. Sunset returned the gesture as she felt a great weight tumble from her shoulders.

"Now ain't that sweet," said Applejack whimsically.

"H-hang on, I got something in my eye," said Rainbow Dash, brushing away a single tear.

Rarity giggled. "Of course, darling," she said. Suddenly, she looked down and discovered that her keytar was strapped around her shoulder. "Oh my! Wh-where did that come from?"

"Hey, guys?"

The tender moment was interrupted by Vinyl poking her head through the curtain. She hastily cleared her throat.

"Um, not to interrupt, but the grand piano on stage suddenly went missing," she said. "I don't know where it went."

The Rainbooms looked at each other, then at Rarity's keytar, and then at Discord. Discord cast his gaze upward and whistled innocently.

"Wait, so Rarity's keytar was the piano the whole time?" asked Fluttershy, scratching her head. "Th-that doesn't make sense."

Discord let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, Fluttershy. What fun is there in making sense?"

The Rainbooms all shared a laugh.


Dear Princess Twilight:

Well, it turns out you were right about Discord. He really did change his ways in the time I was gone from Equestria. I'm very happy to call him my friend now. Not only that, but he actually helped us reach out to the Sirens as well. It's a bit of a long story, and I'm sure Discord will give you all the details himself. For now, I want to focus on a few lessons that we all learned today.

Discord learned that while it's great to take initiative, you can sometimes get a bit carried away if you're not listening to the person you're trying to help.

Sonata Dusk learned that friends can always guide you through new experiences, especially when they're frightening.

Aria Blaze learned that showing concern for someone you care about is not a sign of weakness.

Adagio Dazzle...

Okay, she didn't really learn anything. At least, not yet. We're gonna be working on that.

As for me, well, I learned a little something about trust. I knew all about Discord from Equestria's history, and that's all I knew about him. Seeing him pop up without any prior notice and claiming that he had changed had me suspicious. And I was right to take his word with a grain of salt. But that didn't mean I was justified in latching onto any excuse I could to oust him when he was genuinely telling the truth. Being skeptical about the extraordinary is perfectly healthy and natural. By the same token, however, you can't just assume that you're in the right.

Very truly yours,
Sunset Shimmer

Twilight looked over the page in her magic book and smiled. Nestled between the pages was a little postcard depicting a picture of Discord, Sunset, Aria, and Sonata. All of them wore large smiles, except for Aria, who settled for a half smirk. Sonata was also giving Aria bunny ears behind her back. On the back read the following:

Told you I'd send a postcard.


Twilight chuckled. "I guess this is how Celestia felt whenever she got stuff like this from me," she mused. "Y'know, I could really get used to that. Well done, Discord. And congratulations on your new friend, Sunset Shimmer; my most faithful student."

The End

Comments ( 134 )

Ah, man! It's over already?!

Damn! I hate seeing a story with so much potential just stop like this!

Aww, it's over already?:pinkiesad2:

Now this is a great Christmas gift! A happy ending! :ajsmug::derpytongue2::yay::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::twilightsmile:

Fantastic story; you've every right to be proud of it.

*clutches chest* The feels... nooooooooo........



I was grinning like an idiot the entire time.

Endings are weird. You spend the entire story building them up, but you never really want them to come... And they're easy to mess up. Get it wrong, you sour the journey you took to get there. Get it right, you make something to be remembered.

Great job. This was an awesome story, one I'm glad to have followed all the way.

(That was a sappy comment, for a short comedy story.)

I read the last chapter. Then two word materialized in my head: "Totally Zing!"

I want a sequel now. :pinkiesad2:

This is a great way to end, especially during the holidays. However; I would've liked seeing them "work" on Adagio, so to speak. It's not a flaw so much as a missed opportunity; though it isn't my story (and is better than what I could come up with), so maybe I'm wrong.

I don't know what else to say, so:

Excellent and heartwarming end to an wonderful adventure. Well done sir-or-madam.

Ahh! This was so awesome :3
Thank you so much for the incredible story!

That was a splendid read, Metool, much congratulations are in order. :twilightsmile:

Sequel, make it happen, please.

5420654 Honestly, guys. That music number in the penultimate chapter would be very hard to top in terms of climaxes for this setup. For all intents and purposes, I think I ended this one on a strong note.

Though, as 5420752 and 5420754 have suggested, a sequel focusing on Adagio's redemption is not entirely out of the question. Only thing holding me back from that idea is that I believe someone else tackled it already, and I'm not sure what I could bring to the table. :unsuresweetie:

5420783 I know it's hard to top it. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

Also, can you direct me to that Adagio redemption fic?

I Love This Story. :pinkiehappy: Congrats!!!

While it is sad that this great story is over, I feel that this was the best possible ending for it and I'm glad it stopped here. You are a great writer! All of the characters felt as themselves while I was reading, and I especially like the way you wrote Discord. It was almost like watching MLP :twilightsmile: I definitely look forward to reading more of your stories (if they are stories with Sunset Shimmer or Discord, then don't doubt that I will be one of the first to click the like button.) Thank you for this story...It was a great Christmas gift!

ps. In the part where Sunset says "Call me Sunny" I literally had to stop for a minute and reflect on how great this whole story is. I was so happy :pinkiehappy:

5420787 The story An Open Door, which should be under the Similar tab for this story, deals with the exact themes a sequel to Reformation Buddies would most likely utilize. I haven't read it myself, but from the description alone, I still feel like I would be copying the author of that story if I didn't have anything unique to bring to the table for Adagio's redemption. I dunno, that's just how I feel about it. :applejackunsure:


That was so good! It was a fun ride, and I couldn't ask for a more satisfying conclusion! I think you picked a great stopping point, but I'd love to see maybe some kind of follow-up adventure regarding Adagio's... how should I put it... resistance, to new ways of thinking. Because Siren shenanigans will always make me giggle.

Thanks for the amazing ride, author, and I'll keep an eye out for more from you in the future. :pinkiehappy:

Edit: Wow... guess I'm not the first to suggest the follow-up. :twilightsheepish: That'll teach me not to read the other comments first!

That was a wonderful story. It always cheered me up and I loved how you characterized Discord and the Dazzlings. The other characters were also well-written and I enjoyed every word of it. Thanks for sharing this story with us, and I hope that your next story also does well. :twilightsmile:

Hooray! Wonderful story has a wonderful ending! :yay: All the spikestaches! :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Bravo! This was a really fun ride and I'm glad to have been along for it. Sunset's arc was really lovely and Adagio filled the villain role beautifully. My only nitpick is that Twilight calling Sunset her student feels weird since they're supposedly the same age, but that's a very minor nitpick and doesn't take away from the fact that this was really enjoyable to experience.

I can't wait to see what you come up with next.:twilightsmile:

5420783 Let her agressivly defend her point or make her plot an intrigue. Also you can always end the next story with a statement that she's beyond redemption...


Also you can always end the next story with a statement that she's beyond redemption...

I dunno, I feel like that would severely undermine the themes and morals this story presents. Tone shifts are one thing; diminishing the impact of the original is another. :duck:


5421016 I've been reading this since the first chapter, and it's over. So, here are my few compliments.
This. Story. Is. Amazing. It's funny, it's interesting, blah blah blah, insert long thing about why this story is good.
Good job.

-SYA, The Horse

Awww...excellent ending. Full of warm fuzzies. I really enjoyed this story. :pinkiehappy:

Sequel idea: Treat it like MLP. Call this story episodes 1 and 2, then just follow the (Mis)Adventures of the Redeemed 4 (and Adagio if she feels like it). :derpytongue2:

That was a pretty fitting ending. I enjoyed the story, in spite of a few flaws. Would love to see more, either in straight-up sequels or side stories.

As an editor for An Open Door, and the author would probably agree, just because one story tackles a subject doesn't mean you also can't. Especially since that subject is such a natural follow-up to this story.

But you should also read the An Open Door. Fuel my editor's ego! :pinkiecrazy:

Egg yoke, tomatoes, and bits of cream pie decorated her hair, and her clothes were ripped and torn.

Yoke: a harness for pulling heavy equipment using an animal

Yolk: The portion of an egg that actually develops into an animal. In chicken eggs, this is that yellow part. The 'white' of an egg is called albumen. The yolk is also known as the vitellus.

"Sonata, that's the most annoying instrument in the world!"
"Says you! I happen to like bagpipes."

Tell that to Johnathan Davis, Aria.

5421016 But it would have another - a philosophical - impact that would state that nothing is perfect, no truth is really true and another "world isn't black and white"s. How Discordish don't you think?

This was good. And your speed is out of this world. A great little thing to read here on Christmas Night, as I sit with the computer, too stuffed to do anything else. I really liked this story, as I've said before. That this fic works so well despite me only knowing the pony part this is based on shows that you are good at this.

Merry Christmas (or holiday of your choice).

5420783 How about you bring it differently?


That sounded way smarter in my head.

And with that, we've reached the end. And a wonderful end it was.

I know I already said this a few times, but really enjoyed this story, expecially your depiction of Sonata and Aria. Keep up the good work, and maybe someday we'll see a sequel? :scootangel:

What a great ending. I loved it

This was a fantastic story to read. I greatly enjoyed the fresh ideas, and I was fully invested in the characters throughout. The idea of Discord wanting to connect with Sunset is really original, and it's great to see everyone come through in the end (Except Adagio, but she'll come around in time, I'm sure...). The comedy was spot on too; I can't tell you how many times I let out a good chuckle while reading. The resolution was strong, logical, and heartwarming as well; while I'm a bit sad that it's over, this was a good point to end it. Thanks for taking the time to write this and post it here. :)

The line "I don't host pity parties!" is genius, by the way. ;)

that was a good ride.

you know, for a second there i thought Discord had snuck new gems inside the siren's instruments or something like that.

Told you I'd send a postcard.

yes you did Discord, yes you did.

Hearing Twilight Sparkle refer to Sunset Shimmer as my faithful student is absolutely adorable.:twilightblush:

"The bagpipes!"
Aria deadpanned. "You're joking."
"Sonata, that's the most annoying instrument in the world!"

Why do so many people hate bagpipes :raritycry:


To be honest; the only reason I catch these things is because of over-compensating for mild dyslexia by reading words letter-by-letter instead of being able to process them by glancing at them. It makes me a slow writer due to checking everything a handful of times while writing, and I STILL miss stuff.

It makes me come off as a pedantic asshole sometimes too.

5421957 I've come to the realization that bagpipes are an acquired taste. You really have to get past the droning noise of squeezing the bag in order to fully appreciate its unique sound. :duck:

That being said, Aria kinda has a point. The bagpipes would not be able to harmonize well with a trumpet and a saxophone. :derpytongue2:

Good point:twilightsheepish:
I meant no offence

"Okay?! That was better than okay! It was stupendaterrifawonderful!"

This is a word now, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise!

With that, she swooned and collapsed to the ground.

Cognitive dissonance is a female dog, ain't she?

"Great! I actually have a great instrument in mind. It's perfect for her."
"What is it?"
"The bagpipes!"

I would pay money to see this!

Told you I'd send a postcard.

And, Cut!

Wonderful ending to a wonderful fic. My only regret is that there isn't more to read! Like 5421063 said, a series of sitcommy shenanigans focusing on Sunset, Discord, Aria and Sonata(maybe Adagio if she can be brought around) would be perfect! Heck, with one member more, they could be their own Elements of Harmony!

"And Discord was defeated by the Elements of Harmony; the ultimate weapon of friendship,"

Wait a minute, how does Sunset know this?

"I don't host pity parties!"

They definitely would not fit Pinkie's bombastic style.

5422240 Because it happened 1000 years ago and is plastered all over Canterlot Castle? I mean, she was taught by Celestia, why wouldn't she know about one of the most famous events in pony history? Not to mention that throughout this entire story Sunset Shimmer was talking about how Discord was a tyrant, so she clearly knew about how Discord ruled as a tyrant before the Royal Sisters, and how they discovered the Elements of Harmony and turned him to stone.

"That, was, SO AWESOME~!"

Oh yeah, I usually hate the song Discord, but that was an awesome remix.

"Wow, Adagio. You're a mess," she snickered.

No kidding.

"Me?" Discord asked innocently, casting his gaze upward as a halo appeared above his head.

Yes you.

Adagio's face lost all color, and her entire body trembled. "Th-that's impossible. Y-you're— Th-this doesn't make any— Sh-she was— But I— Th-they— Ooooh~."

This doesn't make any sense? Nor does Discord, you should know this by now.

"Those two have an, um, interesting way of displaying their affection, don't they?" she said.

Yes, but you and AJ argue all the time so, you're hardly one to talk.

Rarity stopped herself mid-sentence when she caught sight of Applejack's knowing grin. "Ugh, I almost walked into that one."


She looked up at Discord and heaved a great sigh. "Discord, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have been so hostile towards you. Especially since now I know that you're telling the truth about your reformation."

I'm just glad you're apologizing.

"Oh, for Pete's sake!" Pinkie growled. "You were both wrong, and you already apologized to each other! So stop kicking yourselves and make up already! I don't host pity parties!"

Thank you!

"Wait, so Rarity's keytar was the piano the whole time?" asked Fluttershy, scratching her head. "Th-that doesn't make sense."

Discord's involved, of course it doesn't.

Discord let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, Fluttershy. What fun is there in making sense?"


Told you I'd send a postcard.

That he did.

5422130 It's kay-o, man. I happen to like the bagpipes, too. :pinkiehappy:


Ah, I was thinking the second time.

I wish I could properly describe in the most intricate and professional tone what the good and bad of that entire work was. But at the end of the day, all I can say for sure is that it's been... a trip.

Sunset Shimmer being Twilight's student is funny when you think about it since Sunset Shimmer is logically the older one.

& the first instrument that comes to mind for me that Adagio could play is the stand-up bass.

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