• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 1,485 Views, 30 Comments

Stereoheart - FimFan14

A story of cutie marks and destinies, and how two colts end up in one crazy town.

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One: First night in Ponyville OR The most awesome caregiver in Equestria!

Authors note:

Okay, everypony; part two is now out! I was going to bring a massive shocker in this part, but decided to hold it off in favor of having a more lighthearted part based more around friendship and character development. But don't worry, the next part is planned, and the doozy will be upon us! And also, from the end of the last chapter, my story officially reached the length to become a novella!

They had really outdone themselves this time.

A royal, Pegasus-drawn chariot! Their own personal chauffeurs to Ponyville! The Princesses had said that they would be traveling in a chariot that would be considered ‘slightly prestigious’, and that may attract ‘a few eyes’. A crowd, more like it. But once they were in the sky, with Ponyville visible in the distance, they felt that they could finally relax. But with the silence came worry, and questions. Who would be taking care of them? Would they be nice? How about the Ponyville ponies?
The chariot slowed on its approach, descending into a large, spacious area; seemingly a marketplace. Almost everypony stopped what they were doing to see the royal chariot land, all surprised to see but two young unicorn colts emerge.

“Thank you, sir,” Stereo said, as he passed the lone carriage drawer. The Pegasus gave a quick “you’re welcome,” before getting a quick run-up, and ascending into the sky. An awkward silence between all the Ponyville folk followed, before some were polite enough to ignore the two embarrassed Unicorns. The other citizens soon followed suit.
Stereo and Frisky began walking down the length of the market space, looking for anypony who seemed to know where they were supposed to be. Before long, they heard a skidding sound behind them.

“Hey,” a familiar voice said. “Sorry I’m late, I had to finish my practices and all.”

That cocky voice, could only belong to one mare that he had…

Rainbow Dash!

Stereo heard the voice of Frisky, ecstatic, and releasing fan-boy yells that Stereo had not previously heard come out of his brother’s mouth. Stereo whipped around himself, not being able to help but grin. This excited him, as well.

“Oh my gosh, we get to stay with Rainbow Dash!” Frisky yelled.

“The one and only! Now howsabout we get home? I’m St…”

Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow let out a short groan, before being bowled over by a pink earth pony.

“Hey Dashie, Rose just came to Sugarcube Corner, and you’ll never guess what! Go on, guess!


“She told me there were two new colts in town! Two! Do you know what that means?”


“We need to throw them a ‘welcome to Ponyville, we’re your new friends’ party!”

A suffocating Rainbow Dash managed to point a hoof in the general direction of Stereo and Frisky. Pinkie looked, and immediately pounced Stereo instead.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie, and you look like you need a ‘welcome to Ponyville’ party!”

“I… I need a… what’s a party?” Stereo managed to stutter.

Pinkie released him, and bounced around him in circles. “Don’t be silly!”
she said. “How could you not know what a party is?”

“I’ve never even had a Party!”

Pinkie stopped mid-jump, slowly lowering to the ground. “N-n-never had a party?” She said, sadness creasing her features, before tightening into a determined expression. “Don’t worry, Stereo, I’ll give you the very best ever ‘welcome-to-Ponyville-because-your-new-and-have-never-had-a-party’ party ever!”

“Pinkie,” Rainbow interjected, “can it be tomorrow? They kinda just got here.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie said, bouncing away. “Tomorrow it is! And don’t be a stranger, your friend Pinkie Pie is always here!”
Stereo and Frisky, now being led by Rainbow Dash, continued past a large gingerbread-house that Pinkie entered. They left the market square, and through smaller roads.

“What was that all about?” Stereo asked.

“Oh, that’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow responded.

“Is she a friend of yours?” Stereo asked.

“Probably the most awesome friend ever! She’s the element of laughter, which means that she’s always throwing parties, and always trying to make her friends smile. And everypony’s her friend!”

“Is that why she said that she’s always there?”

“Yeah, probably,” Rainbow said. “If you have a problem, or a secret, then Pinkie’s your mare. She has never broken a pinkie promise.”

As they crossed a short stone bridge over a river, Stereo noticed a huge round lake, and just beyond that, something white.

“That’s highland reservoir,” Rainbow said, pointing to the perfectly circular body of water just ahead of them. And that over there, that’s my house.”

Stereo looked carefully at the distant white blob that she gestured to, eventually making out cloud architecture and rainbow waterfalls unseen even in a Cloudsdale house.

"You live in that!" Frisky exclaimed.

"Yeah," Rainbow said. "Pretty awesome, don'tcha think?"

"You need a whole new word for it!" Frisky yelled. "It's more than awesome!"

"Well... I try," Rainbow said, casually inspecting her hoof with indifference. "Now hop on, we need to get you two up!"

Frisky got on first, followed by the slightly larger Stereo. They quickly flew up to the cloud-porch of the Greek-inspired home, landing softly on the fluffy cumulus. Stereo stepped tentatively, while Frisky just jumped straight on.

Rainbow Dash never asked any questions as she opened the door, letting the two colts in before her. They took in the sights of their new home; cloud pillars, cloud furniture, everything cloud! Just like they were used to.

"Wow!" Frisky yelled. "This place is huge!"

"C'mon," Rainbow said, heading towards the staircase. "I'll show you your rooms."

"Rooms?" Stereo said, putting emphasis on the plural.

"What? You didn't think that I was gonna make you sleep together, did you?" Rainbow said.

They climbed the stairs fully, before Rainbow led them to a spacious room. The room had a double cloud-stuff bed, a desk, what appeared to be a walk-in closet, and a window that overlooked all of Ponyville.

"Okay Stereo, this is yours," Rainbow said. "It isn't as cool as I would've liked, but I made it myself."

"Are you KIDDING!" Stereo cried. "This is the most awesome room I've ever seen!"

"By the way, my friend Rarity made you a few clothes," Rainbow said, walking towards the closet. "She said something like, 'I can't let the poor dears go without the essentials!'" She said Rarity's quote in a mocking accent.

Rainbow swung open the closet, revealing that it was indeed a walk in, organized perfectly, with coats, boots, fur-lined saddles and hoods on the left; hats, t-shirts, and other summer clothing on the right; and various suits and shoes on the far wall.

"Everything in your room is yours," Rainbow said. "I've gotta go show Frisky his room. Just do what you like with the furniture." With that, they left. Stereo went back to the main room in his 'bedroom complex', deciding to just unpack his suitcase; which it seemed had somehow been delivered to his room. Then he remembered that he had left it in the chariot.

He put the quills and parchment neatly on his desk, then opened a door that, to his surprise, led not only to a bathroom, but to a full-on fancy en suite with a rain cloud shower and everything! He placed his toothbrush and a few other things in the cloud vanity, before he heard Rainbows voice from outside his room.

“The Pizza’s here, come on and eat!”

Stereo trotted out to the hallway. “The what?” He said, addressing Rainbow Dash.

“Trust me,” she said. “You’re gonna love it.”

They made their way back down the stairs, and into a dining area, with everything once again being made completely out of clouds. Even the freezer was a hail cloud. A single cardboard box was situated on top of the counter.

Rainbow Dash flipped the lid open, revealing a whole, mouth-wateringly cheesy pizza; with all of the best toppings and sauces. “Eat up, boys!” She said, with but a second passing before two massive slices were telekinetically lifted out of the box, and shoved into two faces, each showing a degree of ecstasy; somewhere in between ‘this is pretty awesome’ and ‘HOLY BUCK THIS IS AMAZING!’ Probably closer to the latter.

Stereo finished his piece first, before coming up for air. “This is AMAZING!” He sighed, still short of breath, before tackling the next piece slowly. Frisky showed no such wisdom, nearly asphyxiating himself with his second slice.

“So,” Rainbow began, trying to make casual conversation. “How’d you get that cutie mark?”

“Well… it’s a long story,” Stereo replied. “Are you sure you want to hear it?”

“Just shorten it.” Rainbow said. “The Princess told me all about your parents, so I already know most of the story.”

“Okay, then,” Stereo said. “I needed to show my class what Unicorn magic can do, but there’s no book about it in all of Cloudsdale! So I go to the music room to see if I can use them to show how magic can be used on lots of objects at once. So I try a few out, and the teacher says that I’ve got lots of talent, and that he wants to teach me. One day, my ‘parents’ barge in, and try to stop me from learning music, probably because they knew what would happen if I got my cutie mark. I started yelling about why they couldn’t stop me, and about why I love music; then WHAM. An explosion of magic, big enough for Luna to find me, and my cutie mark appears.” At his conclusion, Stereo glanced at his white flank, now adorned with the symbol of his special talent; a black quaver encased in a violet magical aura.

Rainbow dash nodded thoughtfully. “That’s quite a story. Waaaay deeper than mine. I just won a race. Maybe I’ll tell ya some time.”

“Aww,” Frisky moaned. “Can you tell us now?”

“Sorry, kid,” Rainbow replied sorrowfully. “Time for you to get to bed.”

The two colts trudged off slowly.

“And Stereo,” Rainbow yelled, “my friend Rarity has a piano. We’ll stop by tomorrow, okay?”

Stereo smiled and nodded, before continuing up the stairs. He missed Cloudsdale a little; the city, not the ponies. But maybe things would turn out alright in Ponyville. Maybe he would like it. Maybe Luna was right, and the ponies here would like him. He knew where to find his room, but noticed his bed covers for the first time. They were white, with his cutie mark plastered right in the middle.

Yeah, he would probably like it.

Author's Note:

Uhh... forget what I said before, this is getting updated AS IT'S WRITTEN. I realised that I would keep you waiting if I tried to write an entire section, so every chapter will be posted the moment it's finished and edited.