• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 8,394 Views, 458 Comments

Where no mare has gone before. - Tobbzn

Rainbow Dash boldly goes where no mare has gone before...

  • ...

Chapter 8

Rainbow Dash didn't really like beans. Perhaps she had been spoiled by Applejack and Pinkie Pie, but her favorite foods were still apples and pastry. Not only could you make any number of delicious dishes with them, but they didn't make you fart all the time, like beans did. She had hoped the creatures taking care of her either wouldn't notice or wouldn't care, but she was embarrassed when they seemed to react to the first fart and promptly left.

I guess I should consider myself lucky I get any food at all. Had they been dragons, they would probably have left me to die.

She thought of how weak she had felt when she first awoke, and gleefully realized she had grown a lot stronger since then. It was doubtful she could fly until at least some feathers had grown to regular size, but with some effort, she could probably walk short distances if she had to. Taking a look at her flank, she sadly had to conclude that her cutie-mark was gone together with her tail-hairs. Oh well. It would grow back, eventually.

As she decided to inspect her surroundings more carefully, her gaze briefly landed on a bookshelf on the wall. The letters adorning the books seemed somehow familiar, but she couldn't understand any of the titles, so she decided to not bother trying to fetch any reading material. She wished she had access to Twilight's bookshelves instead. She might only be able to understand half of their contents, but at least she could have read some novels about Daring Do or have looked up these creatures in a bestiary.

No chance of that, though. Boredom ensued.

They could at least have opened a window before leaving...

Another negative result... What on Earth is going on?

No matter what tests Christina ran, the non-Newtonian gas sample acquired from the pegasus was so far chemically indistinguishable from air.

I guess I should go gather some more, in case the gas is simply too diluted to react,

After quickly making sure with the nurse that she wasn't needed for anything, she trotted off to the pegasus' residence with some of her equipment. It wasn't a long walk, so she soon arrived to find Tarry in heated debate with Flora.

"It's not a pony, it's a pegasus!" Flora insisted.

"Come now," Tarry said, still keeping that charming, nonchalant cool he never seemed to lose. "It's a fitting nickname for a small equine - just look at how cuddly it is!"

"You can't just conclude just from that! A primary characteristic of a pony is a heavy bone structure, and for this specimen, it's completely opposite! It doesn't even look like a pony, so please, call it a pegasus, as that's its proper name."

Christina's entrance saved Tarry from his imminent resignation, and he immediately caught on to the opportunity to change the subject.

"Ah, Christina! What brings you to my humble abode, my dear?"

"Please, don't mind me." Christina thought it would be interesting to see him joke his way out of this situation. "Do continue your discussion while I take some more samples of the dilatant gas."

"Oh, that's right." Flora didn't react quite as hoped. "Tarry, your recording spoke of 'a layer of non-Newtonian gas'... What does that mean? I didn't notice any gas. I mean, apart from the..."

Quick glances were exchanged between the two as she let out a sigh.

"I can show you if you want," Christina interjected without bothering with further inquiry. Tarry wore his 'fart joke'-expression, explaining more than she needed to know. "It should be fairly easy to observe."

She led the expedition into the bedroom, where the antibiotic's smell had been overwhelmed by the expected one. Before taking a second breath, she had opened a window, providing some much-needed relief for everyone in the room. She then started unpacking and talking to Flora.

"I think a demonstration is the best way to explain what we mean, so try petting her. First slowly, then gradually more vigorously."

Though obviously sceptical, Flora did as asked. The pegasus looked more than a little uncomfortable, but kept calm as she focused on the hand moving up and down her flank. Surprise streaked over both faces as they saw the hand slow down when it should have sped up.

"What the hell!?" Flora yelped in confusion, as she discovered she was unable to pull loose her hand from what was, or at least appeared to be, nothing but air. Applying more and more force, she even got up on the bed to pull.

She knew she would have to explain, but Christina couldn't resist laughing a bit. To someone not familiar with the phenomenon, it could easily look like witchcraft. Idly, she noticed Tarry going silent.

"Relax, Flora, just hold your hand still for a second, then move slowly afterward."

Taking a moment to calm down and gather her wits, Flora complied, which promptly released her hand.

"A dilatant is a non-Newtonian fluid that seems to solidify when applied pressure, you see, so once you're inside, it's almost like a Chinese finger-trap," Christina told her. "And this one's special, because it's a gas. You see, almost all non-Newtonian fluids we've encountered before have been liquids."

Flora still breathed heavily, inspecting her red hand closely, as Tarry sat down to repeat the experiment.

"Tha... that was a little scary," Flora stammered. "I've never seen anything like that before."

Tarry had gotten his hand stuck in the gas, and was straining to pull it towards him.

"Don't worry, we'll find out exactly what it is and how it works, even if we have to get the physicists involved."

Christina finished unpacking her equipment, and prepared to take another gas sample. There was something strange, though. Despite being a guy who would normally have childish fun with a non-Newtonian fluid, Tarry bore a serious expression, as if he was deep in thought.

"What's wrong, Tarry?" she asked. "You've been silent, despite a pretty funny prank being pulled."

He turned toward her, still pulling his arm straight up from the pegasus' bare flank.

"It weighs only about four kilograms," he said. "So why am I not able to lift it?"