• Member Since 14th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Feed me, Seymour.


The discovery of a temple has the residents of Ponyville in an uproar, but what lies inside will ultimately decide the fate of not only Equestria, but of the whole world.

After her daughter Nyx and friends stumble upon an old and broken shrine within the Everfree Forest, Twilight Sparkle sets out to study the incredible find. But not all is what it seems, for something lies within its centuries-old walls. When Spike becomes possessed by a mystic stone, Twilight and her friends are faced with a being unlike any they've ever faced, setting them all on a path more dangerous than any they've walked before.
Nyx belongs to Pen Stroke, and I take no credit in the creation of her character.

Original Cover Image was done by Folklore17

Be forewarned; this is a multi-act story. There will be four in total. Also, the story has been undergoing edits. Be prepared.

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 248 )

You might have forgotten to publish chapter 1 or misnamed it.


Don't you mean WHAT

“Well, I’m too sure that he’s alright.”

All too sure, or just remove the 'too'. I'd suggest the latter.

“Nyx, want was he holding?”


"Oh, wha' the hey is goin' on, anyhow?"

Wha' is used for British or U.K. slang.

possible gary stu alert

I love how when you finish one chapter you ask yourself questions

Trying to get the next two chapters typed up.

So far............ I'm very impressed with this story and your way of imagery that sparks my interest further. It's fluid and coherent. Great job.:moustache:

Check my blog if you want to see updates for the next chapters and how far I am to completing them!

Finally, NEW cover-art! Started on it Sunday and just finished it today for you all to see. And yes, that IS Novis flying alongside a dragon. Don't know WHY? Maybe you should read on to find out, but I can promise you this, it WILL. BE. EXCITING!!!

Click the link below to be in the know for the latest news on the progress for new and extended chapters right here, http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/508842/chapter-extension-chart

I love this story!! It's so freaking awesome so far!! Keep up the good work. What does everyone else think????

True, it is quite pleasing and well written. Keep it up

6630757 Oh, well...New chapter next Saturday!

6860607 She's about nine years old, the story will span the coarse of 2 years, so she'll be eleven when it ends.

This entire story is quite amazing, it has emotion, as if it was alive. The way it is described I could imagine the feelings, the scenery, the looks on the characters faces. Almost as if I could jump into it and be there. I really enjoy it, and will love to read more once it is posted. This is the type of story that could be made into a hard back book.

I'm sorry for bugging you and I don't want to sound mean or anything because I really like this story so far. But this chapter I think might be contradicting chapter 4. Because in chapter 4 Rarity talks to Twilight about how Twilight and Nyx will live on for ever like the rest of the Princesses and Spick when Rarity and the others will not. Which in Twilight's mind she a grease with Rarity about she will will live for ever and watch her friends die and will not join them in that. But now here in chapter 8 in Celestia's letter you say that Twilight gave that up and will die. I'm sorry to say this but that is getting me all mix up and it might be a good idle to pick out one or the other and change the chapter that you want to change. again I'm sorry about this and hope you have a nice day.

7035862 I was going to have it explained later that even though she's given up immortality, if she wanted, she can claim it back. But oh shit, I had completely forgotten about the forth chapter. This is why I go back to edit and extend chapters. When I finish with this first act I will go back and fix it. I, after all, have a plan for Twilight to have the possibility to become a modern Minsore. Also, have you read the tenth chapter yet? If so, what is your opinion?

7035862 Also, please thumbs up my story if you haven't already.

FolkloreBrony this chapter 10 is quite amazing, you're very good at describing the details.

7036046 I read chapter 10 and I like it and I hope to read more soon

7037273 I'm hopping you are not killing her because that would be sad

7037552 By the way, have you thumbed up my story?

7039142 I normaly wait until I read the last chapter because if at some point I end up not likeing the story but at the same time not dislike it I won't click like or dislike at all but if I click on like but then don't like what I'm reading anymore I will then swift to dislike and I don't like doing that so it is safe for me to just wait until the end

7039227 Well you will be here for a while. This story STILL has at least 30 chapters left to it.

7040071 that is fine besids would you rather have me put on like now and then change it to a dislike latter because I don't like it anymore or would you prefer me waiting and if I don't like but don't hate it just leave it be

7040150 Do you not like it now? I don't think you're going to hate it in the future. I have a lot of interesting plans for this story.

7040407 I really like the story now but I have had it were I read a story and oh say by chapter 25 it starts to in my thought go down hill and I'll read up to chapter 26 to chapter 30 and if it is still not to my liking I'll stop reading some times when that happens in that way it will get better but other times not so much so I just want to play it safe.

7040506 Okay. I would actually prefer it if you were to add a comment to every new chapter that I add for now on. That way I can know what your opinion is on the direction of the story. I really do enjoy what you have to say, and I wish that the other readers would ask questions and comment. I have a really hard time getting people to do this, and seeing other stories where people will do it, it makes me jealous and a little bit sad.

7042689 we will see most of the time if i put a comment down I'll just say that I like the chapter and hope to read more soon if I like it

7042729 That's fine. As long as you are honest.

Hey I was wondering if there is going to be another chapter for this story. I have read the chapter's and I got to say it is very interesting. I hope you can continue with this story. :)

7164712 The next chapter has been taking awhile because it will be extra long. At the moment it's hit the 10,000 word mark(It's going to be very action packed). I estimate that it will be released mid to late May. I'm happy to hear that you have enjoyed the story thus far. If you haven't thumbed up the story yet, please do. And to answer your question, I will be continuing this story for a long while. Probably at least thirty more chapters to this thing, and then the sequel Crimson Fires(Mostly because it will be rated M for Mature.)

Hey sorry I have not responded the last message you sent me but sweet I will be looking forward to reading it.:pinkiehappy:

7192451 Chapter 11 will be finished some time this month.

:ajbemused:You had to kill Fluttershy... I was hopping she would be okay:fluttercry:

Wow, Folklorebrony that chapter 11 was very good.

This chapter and the fighting is awesome :pinkiehappy: I couldn't stop reading it but I did go sad on fluttershy death. :fluttercry:

7248841 I didn't add got to my comment and instead saying " I got sad of fluttershy death" I accidentally put "go"

7246642 Dude, do you have two accounts or something?

5985717 So, do you like what I've done with Spike so far?

6360241 What do you think of the new chapter?

I have exclusively enjoyed this story and think it should become a book as well , and quiet possibly a movie . The comment by Lucondrix is shared I to have a great imagination and this writing helps me see what the story is telling . It is possible to self publish this a kick starter campaign could net you the money needed . I am a book collector and reader I read a lot of things from basic literature to intellectual material and I see this as being well written and realistic in it sence of Pony literature . I am a Brony and spend a large amount of time on MLP/FIM and enjoy it .

No ! Just as it was at the beggininig an end why? But being rediculous saying this I've met the end again the story was flowing like a river out of control the excitement was mounting then Darkness . I have reached the end ? I really enjoy this and was amazed I thought there was more . I will be waiting to here /read more hopefully soon.

7275677 There's an eleventh chapter, you know that right?

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