• Published 16th Nov 2014
  • 2,197 Views, 13 Comments

The Final Moments of Princess Celestia - Caligari87

Princess Celestia calls the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot for an urgent matter: She's dying of old age.

  • ...

"Do alicorns die?"

"Do alicorns die?"

Thousands of voices had asked that question over the eons. Now Celestia, Eternal Princess of the Golden Sun, finally had an answer for them.

It had taken the Princess the better part of half a millennium to come to the conclusion that She was not, as once assumed, immortal, and most of past last century to face the grim reality that She may not have much more time in the world. Relatively speaking.

The idea was unprecedented, to say the least. She and her sister were the oldest, presumably the first of their kind, and even She could not remember the very beginning; memories of the early days had grown foggy and dimmed as ages passed. She could not recall the exact circumstances that had caused the planets and elements to align, creating Her. Now, it was finally time to face the inevitable.

Her sister, the Moon Princess, already knew. Celestia had told broken the news last night. Luna had not yet completed the stages of grief, and was wandering somewhere in the castle trying to find acceptance, not only of Celestia’s imminent mortality, but also her own.

Celestia had also revealed Her imminent demise to the Princess of Love, Mi Amore Cadenza, and her husband Shining Armor. Both had been understandably distraught, but had taken the news exceptionally well. They had each other, and their own fiefdom in the Crystal Empire. Her next envoy would be to her friend Ambassador Spike, who was far out of country on permanent assignment. The written announcement would then be spread to the far corners of Equestria by the Royal Air Guard.

Her most recent letter to the Princess of Friendship had been characteristically short, without preamble, simply asking to gather the remaining Elements of Harmony to the Palace at Canterlot. Celestia knew this would be the second-most difficult announcement, after Her own sister. In the quarter-century since Luna’s return and cleansing by the Elements of Harmony, the Princess and the Bearers of the Elements had become close friends.

Almost too soon, the guard at the door announced the arrival of the Council of Friendship, Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. An alicorn, a unicorn, an earth pony, and two pegasi entered respectfully, hooves and wings sounding gently in the echoing throne chamber.

“Princess Celestia, you sent for us?” the alicorn asked, curious but not concerned. Her eyes gleamed as gears turned in her clever brain, still trying to figure out what they were here for.

“Yes, Princess Twilight,” Celestia nodded, stepping down from her throne to greet the Element of Magic. She embraced each Element in turn, wrapping them in Her enormous wings. It was a gesture equal to the close friends they had become. She then glanced over the room, feeling a presence, but not seeing anyone else.

“You know,” she said wryly. “I was expecting six of you.”

“Oh good!” A disembodied voice floated into the room and snapped into corporeal existence as a draconequus, who bowed respectfully. “I was beginning to wonder if I was actually going to be included this time or not.”

“Thank you, Discord,” Celestia said. “Now, I must have your full undivided attention, free from any distractions.” She glanced again at the draconequus, who sheepishly disappeared away a bag of caramelized popcorn. “I’ve brought you here to make an announcement, and I must stress that this is not a joke, or to be taken lightly.”

The group all looked at each other quizzically, then back to Celestia expectantly.

“As you know, I have never been one to sugar-coat anything. Still, I wish there was an easier way to say this.” Celestia took a deep breath and looked Her friends in the eyes.

“I’m dying.”

The words hung like fragile crystals. The whole hall was painfully silent for a moment, as if the slightest sound might shatter that crystal and make the words come true.

A gentle choking gasp stirred the air, as a delicate voice half whispered, half-sobbed. “Oh no.”

“Wait, WHAT?” Twilight Sparkle nearly shouted, seemingly caught between disbelief and anger. The others around her seemed unsure how to react. They began whispering, a flurry of voices.

“What did she say?”

“I thought…”

“That’s impossible!”

“It’s got to be a joke…”

Celestia closed Her eyes and gently tapped Her hoof. “My friends.”

The voices ceased.

“You have heard me correctly. I am not, as all Equestria presumed, immortal.” She paused before continuing. The others did not interrupt, as they once would have. “For the past five hundred years, I have felt the onset of age, although it came slowly to me. In the past century, I’ve felt the process accelerate.

“Since the return of my sister, Princess Luna, it has begun to onset even quicker, which is partly why I have relied on all you so much. My magic is still strong, but it is no longer enough to sustain my physical body. Thousands of years take their toll, regardless of one’s power.”


Celestia looked toward Applejack, the Element of Honesty. The earth pony removed her trademark wide-brimmed hat, looking down at it as if unsure what to think. “I… I reckon I speak for all of us when I say this comes as a mighty shock. I mean, none of us planned on outliving you.”

“Yeah, I mean, you’re the Princess,” said Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty. Her wings fluttered as she struggled to stay grounded on all four hooves. “Can’t you do anything?”

Celestia shook Her head. “I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve spent decades researching possible solutions, even travelling far outside the borders of Equestria. Unfortunately, not even the most powerful magic is able to offset old age.”

Fluttershy whimpered and hid her face in her wings. Discord placed a tender claw on her shoulder. “I must say, this does put a damper on things,” he said solemnly. “For once, I’m... really not sure…” He trailed off, uncharacteristically lost for words or actions.

Rarity, Element of Generosity, was the next to speak. “Yes… this is beyond dreadful. ” Her voice lacked much of its normal high-cultured intonation. She also moved to comfort the Element of Kindness. “There there, dear…”

For a few minutes, the only sound was Fluttershy’s quiet sobbing. Then her quiet voice cracked. “I… I wish Pinkie… were here.”

Celestia glanced to one of the nearby stained-glass windows, heart aching as She saw the joyful tribute to three pastel balloons, forever immortalized among the heroes and greatest deeds of Equestria.

“Yes indeed,” She said quietly. “I too would give anything for a tiny bit of Laughter in this moment.”

“So what now?” It was the first Twilight Sparkle had spoken since her initial outburst. Her tone was measured, even. Almost emotionless.

“I have already begun the process of transferring my portion of the royal powers to Princess Luna,” Celestia said. “She will be the next ruler of Equestria in my stead. My advisors are being briefed on the transition as we speak. Everything else will remain as normal.”

Twilight nodded. “How much longer will you be with us?”

Always the logical one, Celestia mused. Her former student had not lost any of her youthful fire, but it was now tempered with maturity and experience. Twilight had always been given to valuing rationality over emotion, and now Celestia worried it might be leading her to shut down and not feel anything.

“As I mentioned, the process has been accelerating rapidly. My mind is still strong, but I estimate my physical body has already begun failing, and will probably not last through next week.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, Rainbow Dash gasped, and Fluttershy whimpered again, fresh tears falling as she leaned into Discord’s comforting arm.

Celestia stepped forward, regal in the face of grief and sorrow. “At this time, I wish to impart some last words to each of you. These few short decades we have spent have brought me closer to you than almost anypony I have ever known in my long life. You were once my students, but you are now my friends, honored among all others.”

She turned and approached Applejack, who was bravely biting a quivering lower lip.

“To you, Applejack, I thank you for your unflinching commitment to integrity. You have been the voice of Honesty, ever-faithful to factuality even when others were not. Your words and advice have kept many from straying when it would have been easier to be less than candid. To you, I appoint the position of High Advisor to Canterlot. May you ever be such a voice to any who need to hear the truth. I am truly honored to call you my friend.”

Applejack nodded, tears welling in her eyes. Celestia didn’t need words to know how much this meant. She approached Rainbow Dash next.

“To you, Rainbow, I thank you for your continued Loyalty in the face of every trial that has threatened to pull these friendships apart. You have stayed with your friends and loved ones even when the days were darkest and all others had turned away. To you, I appoint the rank and position of Field Marshal in Equestria’s Civil Defense Guard. May you continue to inspire fealty and dedication to Equestria, and those who protect it. I am truly honored to call you my friend.”

Rainbow raised her trembling hoof to salute the Princess. “It - It’s an honor, ma’am,” she said, voice cracking. “I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” Celestia said, earning a grateful smile in return. She stepped to Rarity and Fluttershy, kneeling down next to the distraught mares.

“Rarity, to you I give thanks for your selfless Generosity to all those you meet. You have always given your time and means to those who are in need, asking for nothing in return. You always have left everything better than it was when it came to you, as shown by the lives you’ve touched with your benevolence. To you, I appoint the position of Royal Treasurer, keeper of all Equestria’s riches and artifacts. May you continue to bring beauty to our heritage and generosity to our future. I am truly honored to call you my friend.”

Rarity seemed caught between emotions, her face flashing between gratitude and disbelief. She bowed her head in humility, tears splashing the polished floor. “Thank you,” she gasped between sobs. “Thank you ever so much, Princess.”

Celestia nodded approval, then turned to the quietly sobbing pegasus. “Fluttershy?”

The tender-hearted Element of Kindness stifled her sobs but didn’t look up until a massive wing gently lifted her chin.

“Fluttershy, to you I give thanks for your everlasting Kindness to every creature, great and small. You are the most gentle soul I have ever met, and your love of all you meet has been a boon to untold thousands of Equestria’s citizens. To that end, I appoint you as Guardian of Equestria, keeper of harmony for all that live within our realm. May you be an envoy to every creature which suffers or is alone, to bring them charity and care.”

Celestia’s words were met with a grateful smile between Fluttershy’s tears. However, there was more to be said.

“Also, Fluttershy; of all of us, you have been among the first to reach out to those who are different or misunderstood. Through this, you came to know Discord and become his friend.” She looked up at the draconequus, who half-smiled sheepishly at remembered indiscretions. “And by the same kindness, you became closer to Pinkie Pie than any of us. Despite your differences, you understood her best in the end. That is why I must ask you for one further promise. It will not be easy, but I believe in you.”

Fluttershy took a shuddering breath. “Anything, Princess,” she whispered.

Celestia smiled, a tear forming in her own eye as well. “Equestria needs joy more than ever before, and bringing joy to others, as Pinkie Pie did, is often simply kindness and a desire to bring a smile… mixed with a little bit of chaos.”

Rarity gasped.

“Therefore, I ask you both, Fluttershy and Discord, to become joint-bearers of the Element of Laughter. Although none but Pinkie are able to carry it alone, together I believe you can do so. May you strive in bringing happiness to all who live in our great land. Bring back the spirit of our beloved Pinkie Pie, and honor her memory by the joy of every life you touch.”

Celestia raised Her other wing and drew Discord and Fluttershy into a warm embrace, looking each in the eye.

“And I am truly honored to call you both my friends.”

Fluttershy and Discord hugged Celestia, then each other, tears flowing freely. From somewhere unknown, a handkerchief appeared to dab their wet eyes as if of its own accord.

Celestia then turned and walked a few steps to where the alicorn was standing, stoic but visibly trembling. “Princess Twilight?”

Twilight took a calming breath, but her voice remained steady. “Yes, Princess Celestia?

There was a long pause as Celestia gathered Her thoughts. Finally She spoke. “Twilight Sparkle, you… You were my most faithful student for many years. Upon discovering the extent of your own magic, you transcended my greatest expectations and have become a powerful Princess. Your command of the Element of Magic, and your commitment to spreading the magic of Friendship, has brought an era of unprecedented harmony and prosperity to Equestria.

“These past years, you have a become an exceptional mare. You have surpassed the foibles of youth while not forgetting its idealism. You value science and rationality, but do not let it stand in the way of compassion and love.”

Celestia embraced Twilight with her wings. “To you, Twilight Sparkle, I can ask nothing further. You reign as the Princess of Friendship, I hope you may continue to spread that magic to all you rule over. To me, your counsel and friendship has been the greatest gift anypony could ever desire. I thank you for standing by me when hope was lost, and for staying there when it returned. I thank you for your wisdom and insight in difficult times, for being the voice of reason when nothing else made sense. I am truly, deeply honored to call you my dearest friend.”

Stepping back, Celestia watched as Twilight’s jaw remained set, not breaking. They stared for a moment, searching each others eyes.

“Twilight, please say something.”

Twilight’s eyes lowered momentarily, then she looked away. “I don’t know what to say. You’ve been here since the beginning, and I thought you’d always be here.” Her voice broke and she sat back on her haunches. “You’re my teacher, my mentor.”

“I haven’t been your teacher for quite some time now, Twilight.”

“That’s not the point!” Twilight almost snapped. “My entire life I’ve looked up to you as what a Princess should be, and now you’re just going to be gone.”

“You sound angry.” Celestia’s voice remained gentle.

“Of course I’m angry! You’re the Morning Star, the Summer Sun! You melt the snow, warm the air. You brought Harmony to Equestria and made this land what it is today! You can’t just leave!” Twilight’s pleading eyes met Celestia’s. “You're the Eternal Light. You’re supposed to be forever.”

Celestia knelt and gently wrapped Her wings around the distraught Princess again. “Not even the brightest star can burn forever, Twilight.”

Twilight choked out something incoherent that might have been a word, and tears began pouring down her cheeks. She leaned forward, into Celestia’s warm embrace. It seemed her heart was being slowly torn in half, beating violently in her chest as her lungs gasped for air between sobs. “No, no no no no! You can’t leave, you can’t!”

“I must, Twilight. I can’t stay any longer.”

“No, you have to stay!”

“She cannot stay, Twilight Sparkle.”

All eyes turned to the door. Even Twilight’s sobbing broke momentarily as Luna, Princess of the Moon, entered the throne chamber. Her deep dark eyes were swollen from tears, but her face was resolute. “Nothing in this world can keep her with us any longer.”

Luna strode forward, briefly embracing the Council of Friendship before reaching Celestia and Twilight. Celestia leaned in and nuzzled Luna gently. “How are you faring, sister?”

“Of a truth, there have been happier days,” Luna said. “But having spent quite much time in earnest thought, and I have come to… accept what must be, and meet it with grace.”

Celestia’s heart warmed. Behind the somewhat antiquated and awkward mixture of modern and ancient speech, Luna’s words were sincere. “Thank you, sister,” She said. “Have you given any thought to my final request?”

“I have indeed, and though it greatly pains me, I will do that which you ask.”

Luna’s voice was heavy, and Twilight looked up, eyes searching. “Do… do what? Celestia, what does she mean?”

The Princesses of Night and Day glanced at each other, silent for a moment. Finally Luna raised a hoof and deferred to her sister. Celestia took a deep breath. “I asked Luna for a final favor last night. My physical body is failing, but I do not wish to spend my last days in the care of doctors while I helplessly waste away.”

“I don’t understand.”

Celestia closed Her eyes wearily. This was more difficult than She had anticipated. Still, probably best to drop the news now. “Twilight, I’ve asked Luna to send me to the Sun, where I may pass from this world in peace.”

Twilight gasped. Discord’s jaw quite literally hit the floor. Rarity very well might have fainted if she’d brought her couch. Almost immediately, there was a cacophony of voices from the others. They were shocked, angry. Being sent, no banished, was what Celestia had done to Nightmare Moon. Luna couldn’t do that, it was a punishment, It was revenge, it was a fate worse than death. Maybe they could override this madness, perhaps Her mind was failing too. Maybe…


Celestia rose to full height and flared Her wings, not in anger, but as a simple reminder that She, and no one else, was still the ruler of Equestria. The protesting voices trailed off.

“This is my decision, my final request, and no one else’s. I am of sound mind, and asked Luna to do this of my own free will.” After a moment, the rest of the ponies nodded in acquiescence.

Rainbow Dash was the next to speak. “So… When?” She yelped slightly as Applejack jabbed her in the ribs. “What? It’s a valid question.”

Celestia nodded. “It is a valid question, Rainbow. At the rate my age is catching up to me, I had planned it to be sooner, rather than later.” She looked to Luna, who sighed and closed her eyes.

“My sister hath asked me to perform the ritual as early as I feel ready... Although She did state She would prefer it to be on this day.” At the collective gasps of dismay, Luna winced. “Of course, we could always postpone further…”

“No,” Celestia said firmly. “I do not wish to wake up in a week, unable to even drag myself out of bed. Already I am growing weaker, and this spell may take what remaining strength I have. Sister, I will not force you, but if you have the resolve, please make it today.”

Luna nodded, jaw set. Celestia locked eyes with each of Her friends, knowing this was the last time She would see them in flesh. “I will deeply miss, and ever think of all of you, my dearest friends. I have lived a long and incredible life, and yet it would still be incomplete, had I never met any of you. Live your days to their fullest, and may the magic of friendship ever blossom in your hearts.”

Twilight was still distraught as she dragged herself to her feet. Her whole body seemed heavy from sorrow, but she put on the bravest face she could manage. “Princess Celestia… on behalf of the Council of Friendship, I… we…” she trailed off, voice faltering. For a few painful moments, her mouth moved, but nothing came out.

Applejack strode forward and put a foreleg around Twilight’s shoulders. “I think what she's tryin' to say is: We’re all gonna miss you somethin’ fierce, Princess. But on my honor, we’ll never forget ya, you can count on that.”

Rarity wiped her eyes. “Princess, do you think there will there be any… proper send-off for you?”

“Yes, Rarity. The Royal Guard have been instructed to perform a brief ceremony after I have departed, to avoid any petitions or questions from my subjects. You are all invited to speak if you wish to, and Captain Shining Armor will read my eulogy as Luna takes over the task of lowering the sun on my final day.”

Celestia glanced out the window. “In fact, sunset is in a few hours. The ceremony is short, all other preparations are made, my affairs are in order, and I do not wish to cause yet more heartache by delaying further.”

Twilight's knees buckled. “No…” she whispered fervently. “Not yet…”

“Stay strong, Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia said. “Do not mourn for me. You have come so far, and there is no further I could lead you, even if I wanted. Equestria needs your strength now more than ever. Be strong for them. Be strong for your friends.”

Twilight nodded, unable to speak any more. At that, Celestia took a final look around the room. No other words were forthcoming; it seemed everypony was completely drained. Celestia sighed. “It is time.”

“Art thou ready then?” Luna asked.

Celestia nodded. “Yes, as ready as ever I can be. I shall miss you most of all, dear Sister.”

“And I you.” The two embraced fondly. “This last time hath been far too short. I… I am so eternally sorry for the wasted years…” Luna’s voice broke.

“Weep not, sister,” Celestia pleaded. “A few short decades of love and friendship are of far greater worth than a millennium of resentment. Our kingdom looks to you now, my Luna.”

The Princess of the Moon nodded and stepped backward, horn glowing as she began the spell.


Discord, seeming to realize that this was indeed the end, quickly approached and bowed respectfully. “My dearest Celestia, it’s truly been an honor. Thank you so much… for giving me a second chance.”

Celestia smiled. “A true friend always deserves a second chance, Discord. Thank you for taking it.” The draconequus smiled back through tears and returned to Fluttershy’s side. Nothing further needed to be said.

The air was growing thick with magic now. It was only seconds away. Celestia looked back to her friends. All were crying freely.

“Be of good cheer, my little ponies,” She said, raising Her voice above the growing wind as Luna’s spell intensified. “I do not know what lies beyond this world, but I feel someday we'll meet again.” Then a broad, truly joyful smile broke her lips. “Who knows? Perhaps when I get there, Pinkie will even throw a party for me!”

Celestia heard the choking, crying laughter that caught Her friends off-guard. Yes, they would miss Her, but they would be okay. As the magic wrapped around Her, the last thing She saw was Twilight Sparkle, a bittersweet grin on her tear-streaked face, as she imagined the Princess of the Sun being greeted by the greatest party pony Equestria had ever known.

And the world became nothing but infinite, enveloping, white.

Author's Note:

2014-11-23 : Some minor updates to improve flow and fix a couple inconsistencies.