• Published 19th Nov 2014
  • 6,774 Views, 102 Comments

Your Mother? - Dr Atlas

Discord's mom, Eris, shows up during his evening with Fluttershy to see how his evil plans of causing chaos all over Equestria are going.

  • ...

The good old days


Discord smiled as he continued making Fluttershy squeak. He was happy to know that Eris was enjoying it, and he had to admit, he was having fun too, but part of his mind knew Fluttershy probably didn’t have the same attitude.

He looked at Fluttershy, seeing she was starting to wheeze a bit from this entire experience. He knew this was getting a bit too hard for her; he could see it in her eyes, which looked like they were begging him to stop. So, he stopped squeezing and set her down. She then immediately fell on her side and continued wheezing. Eris noticed this and made another roar of laughter. “D-did yahahaaa...ya squeak her too hahahahaaard.” She continued snickering.

Discord laughed nervously, secretly hoping he didn’t do too much damage. “Well, ya know ponies...heh.” He leaned down to Fluttershy and whispered, “Um...you are okay...right?”

Fluttershy opened her mouth and raised a hoof in the air, only to collapse on the floor again and continue wheezing. “Yeeeehahaaaah...heaaaahehaaa...haaaah.” Was all she could wheeze out.

Eris laughed again. “Oh Dissy, please tell me other ponies do that too! This would make for a delightful game.”

Disord had no idea how something like this would turn into a game. “Um...I think she’s the only one.” He didn’t really know if other ponies did the same thing. “I should probably test that after this.”

Eris stood up and wiped a tear from her eye. “Ah...Dissy, this takes me back, back to the days when it was absolutely hilarious to see ponies suffer, to see them beg, and to even see them get tortured like this, you remember that?”

“Um…I...uh…” Discord had to think about that. The only thing he remembered when he was a kid was...was… “Uh...Eris, I don’t think I remember.”

“You don’t?” Eris stepped back. “How could you forget me causing destruction wherever I go.”

Discord raised an eye. “Eris, I’m being serious, the last thing I remember is you fighting...someone...t-then after that you were...sent somewhere or...something…” He started trailing off.

Eris frowned. “Aw, come on Dissy, you know what happened, I told you and the others to stay back while I handled what those two meddling alicorns.” She snickered again. “And to think that even after all that their plans failed...” She coughed. “Well, they kinda failed...a-at least I still made you guys.”

“Who are you talking about?” Discord couldn’t remember much after getting turned to stone the first time.

Eris punched him in the arm and smiled. “Don’t you remember? I battled with the two most powerful ponies in Equestria, and I almost defeated them if it wasn’t for that his wife did.” She scoffed. “You’d think after corrupting your king’s mind you would give up, but noooo she had to be a suck up, red-haired alicorn and run right at me with her magic.” She shook her head.

Discord rubbed his arm and continued staring dumbfounded at Eris. “Mom, I have no idea what you’re talking about. The only thing I remember is seeing you fight and...then they...then you...uh…” He closed his eyes and rubbed his head, hoping it would jog his memory.

Eris sighed. “I guess it was a long time ago, being young can really make you not remember a lot of stuff.”

Discord opened his eyes. “Then you were...sent somewhere.”

Eris shushed him. “Dissy, I’d rather not remember them casting me away, it was pretty funny thinking they would never see me again, but it was as if me creating Chaos, Strife, and Discord was something they could all handle, and after seeing what you did, I was pretty sure the others would’ve done the same...” She sighed. “Well, they would’ve anyway.”

“What others?” Discord asked. “Eris, from what you’re talking about, it’s as if you literally made-”

“Chaos, Strife, and you.”


Eris smiled and nodded. “Yeah, Chaos is in some other land, and Strife is somewhere on the other side, and you are here doing what you do best! Seemed like third time was the charm, eh?”

Discord was starting to get even more confused. “So...what you’re saying is that I...but that makes-”

“I know, I know, I should’ve made more, but the three of you were all I needed, and it did work too...Sorta...” She laughed nervously.

Discord was starting to lose it. “Wayway wait, so what you’re saying is that...Chaos...and Strife…”

“What about them?” Eris didn’t seem to notice him getting very confused from all of this.

“That...they’re actually…”


Discord and Eris looked down to see Fluttershy starting to get up. “Looks like your servant is still finding ways to be a bother.” Eris brought her head down to eye level with Fluttershy and glared.

The pony reacted with a yelp. “Um...y-yes, E-e-eri-”

Eris then grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and held her in the air, their eyes still locked with each other. “I thought you told this pony to behave! Why does she continue being a thorn in my side, I’m the one who does that!”

Discord pulled Fluttershy out of his mothers grip and held her close. “Eris, she’s still trying to catch a breath, ponies breath too.”

“Since when do you care?” Eris said with crossed arms. “And you don’t have to breath all the time Dissy, you know that.”

Fluttershy continued shaking in fear, afraid to say anything. Discord looked down and sighed. “Look, Eris, I know that ponies are supposed to be considered the lowest form of life to you, but you need to realize that they, uh...play an important part in all of this ‘ruling business’”

Eris looked at the pony, still trying to understand what her son saw in this creature. “It’s not like you have hundreds of other ponies to serve you, Dissy, and if one is to perish, just pluck another one out of the group, heck, you can get a young one and train it to serve you; it’d be better than their parents raising it, unless, of course, you off-ed them soon after.”

Both Fluttershy and Discord cringed at that. “Eris,” Discord started. “you can’t just ‘off’ ponies left and right, you need to...keep them for as long as possible, you know, in order for their life to live to its fullest extent of serving me.”

Eris thought about that and sighed. “I guess...but, what is it with that one in particular. I know the squeaking is hilarious, and I know you’re trying to break a record for longest servant, and she is one of those helliments...or whatever they were, but you need to know that the more you hold onto something, the harder it is to detach from it. It’s almost like you like the thing.”

Fluttershy looked up at Discord, worried about what his mother was getting at. “Eris,” Discord said. “letting go of something is pretty hard.”

“It wasn’t for me, I let the three of you go pretty quick.”

“Letting go involves...wait, what?”

Eris shrugged. “I’m just saying that if I can let go of something, you can do the same.”

Discord dropped Fluttershy off to the side and stepped closer to Eris. “What do you mean ‘let go?’ Are you saying that you...abandoned me?”

Eris frowned. “Don’t think of it as ‘abandoning.’ think of it as just leaving you and waiting for the plan to come into-”

“So I’m just your plan now?” Discord was starting to remember why his mother wasn’t with him all those years ago and how it was just him trying to take over.

“You’re not a plan, you’re my-”

“Well, it sure sounds like I am.” Discord was now face to face with his mother. “I think I remember just why it was only me who had to deal with those alicorns…”

Fluttershy looked up and backed away, realizing what was about to happen “Oh dear…” She turned away and tried to think of a way to steer this conversation somewhere else.

Eris coughed. “Dissy, if it wasn’t for me, I wouldn’t have let you rule this world.”

Discord grinned his teeth. “Eris. I’m starting to realize just why I wanted to forget about-”

“Um...m-master…” Fluttershy walked up to him and tugged on his tail, now having full confidence in her plan.

Discord turned away from his mother and faced Fluttershy, his eyes literally burning with frustration. “WHAT!?”

Fluttershy meeped and sank to the ground, now losing all hope. “U-uh...uh…” she hid under her hair, not wanting to see his face

Discord blinked, doing so extinguished the flames. “Nice going, Discord…” He thought. knowing how vulnerable she was to arguments, especially ones this loud. He quickly cleared his throat and stood higher. “What is it, slave?”

“Yes, slave.” Eris stepped in. “What is it that’s so important to interrupt our contradiction?”

Discord raised an eye at her. “contradic- It was an argument.”

Eris rolled her eyes. “Oh please, I’m sure it would’ve led to that, arguments are pretty hard to stop, Dissy. So why don’t we continue talking about how you think-”

“W-well,” Fluttershy spoke up. “I was gonna say that whenever me and my mom had an argument, we would sing something to calm us down, like a lullaby or a poem or-”

“I don’t know much about ‘lulliquees’ and ‘pounds,’” Eris interrupted. “but I do know Dissy here can sing with the voice of a thousand forcibly chanting ponies.” She chuckled and pointed at the pony. “And if her passed away mother can do it, I’m sure you can pull it off too, Dissy”

Fluttershy fidgeted. “A-Actually, My mom’s still leading all the pegasus guards in can-”

Discord wrapped his tail around her mouth and cleared his throat. “What she means is that she was working there until I dealt with all of them.” Discord leaned into her ear and whispered, “Now’s not the time to bring up singing!”

Eris seemed to care more about the song than Discord’s continued white lie. “Come on, Dissy, I’m sure you still love to sing those beautiful, heartless, cruel, unkind and wicked words.” She ended with a smile.

Discord’s face turned red. “I-I don’t even know what you’re talking about, mom, and I’m still mad at you for aban-”

Eris stepped closer. “Oh come on, Dissy, for once, your slave is right. We shouldn’t be yelling at each other, we should be celebrating about how my son conquered a world way better than the others! I can still remember your favorite song too.”

“Favorite song? I-I don’t have a favorite song.” Admittedly, Discord could still remember how it went, but singing with his mother in the room wasn’t something he would want to experience again, he’d rather do it in front of an audience.

Eris put on a wicked smile. “Well, how about I jog your memory.” With a snap of her claw, she grabbed a violin out of the air and a bow in the other.

Discord groaned. “Not the violin…” Discord could already tell she this was some excuse to play her instrument. “If shy would’ve let us argue for a few more minutes…” He thought.

“Oh yes, the violin.” Eris interrupted his thoughts and spun her instrument around, preparing to play it,

Fluttershy managed to get Discord’s tail off of her and asked, “W-what about the violin?” She whispered to him.

Discord glared at her and whispered, “Why did you have to remind her of songs, you have no idea what you’ve done.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Well, I didn’t want to see you two argue, so, I thought bringing up something nice would fix everything”

“But she’s not nice when it comes to songs.”

“Now let’s see,” Eris said out loud. “position and pose starts by fanning your toes and placing your left foot right.” She did just that and held her violin in playing position.

“Oh no…” Discord grimaced.

“W-What?” Fluttershy asked. “I-Is she not good or-”


“EEE!” Eris exclaimed.


“BEE!” She said even louder.



Discord pulled his ears to rid the sounds of his mother tuning her instrument, which was nothing but her pulling the strings and letting go to create a horrible sound. He turned to Fluttershy, who was cringing and plugging her ears with her hooves. “Does that answer your question?”


“EFF!” A misshapen musical note came out of the violin and hit Discord in the face. Eris didn’t seem to notice and brought up her bow. “Now for the best part.” She said with a smile.

“Eris!” Discord pulled the note out of his head and walked closer to his mother. “If you play that instrument-”

Eris pointed her bow at Discord, making him stop. “Are you ready to sing, Dissy, this is how I beat that Stallion downstairs.”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “Stallion downstairs?”

Eris shrugged and rested her bow on the strings. “Eh...Some red pony who wanted me to show him my mad playing skills in that contest of his, sure showed him whose soul was better.”

Discord face clawed. “Eris...I’d rather not sing with someone playing in the background, unless the sound department wants me to, but other than that. I am not having.”


Eris played a long note, causing both Fluttershy and Discord to cringe and cover their ears.

“Wait!” Eris said. “Hold on, lemme start again.” She cleared her throat and adjusted her stance.”

“Eris! For the love of all that is chaotic! Don’t play another-”


Discord pulled his ears again and Fluttershy dropped to the floor once Eris plaid another note, she then did another, and another, and before anyone knew it, she was playing a song, which was nothing but a combination of poorly played notes.

Eris laughed. “Haha! I still got it!” She continued playing while Discord was starting to lose it.

Fluttershy stood up and looked up at Discord. “Dis- M-Mast...w-whoever, c-can you please make her staAH!” Fluttershy felt pain in her back once Discord turned around, whipping Fluttershy’s back with his tail in the process, flinging her across the room.

“I’ll tell you Dissy, those five minutes of practice really paid GYEAH!” Eris went off balance and fell to the floor once Fluttershy made contact. She went body first and landed on her stomach with a loud slam. She laid there and groaned.

Discord put down his claws and sighed in relief. “Ah...the sound of silence...Wait...sound of si...Eris?” Discord turned around and gasped, seeing both his mother and Fluttershy on the ground, groaning in pain.

“Ugh...Discord...So help me if your…*GASP*” The second pushed her front claws up she froze and went wide eyed. “N-No…”

Discord walked up to Fluttershy first and got her up. “W-what is it, Eris?” Discord asked.

“Owww…” Fluttershy managed to call out. “W-what happened…”

Discord bit his lip. “W-well, you see, I-I kinda-”

“W-what have you done…” Eris interrupted.

“What?” Discord asked again. “Eris, d-did something-”

Eris stood up and turned around, clenching something in her claws that made both Fluttershy and Discord gasp in horror.

“My...my baby…” Eris cried out, her head looking at the parts of her now shattered violin.

Discord reached out. “I-It’s okay Eris, y-you can just snap in another-”

“BUT IT’S NOT THE SAME!” Eris threw the mess of chaos crafted wood and strings on the ground, her head still hung. “I-I’ve had that piece of work for many a millennia, and now…”

“B-But you can fix it…” Fluttershy squeaked out. “I-I’m sure your magic can...c-can…” Fluttershy trailed off once Eris looked back up, her eyes staring daggers into the pony’s

“You…” Eris said coldly.

Fluttershy pointed at herself. “M-me?”

“No, the other idiotic pony...YES YOU!” Eris stomped, causing a crack in the floor. “You smashed my violin!”

Fluttershy whimpered and Discord looked at the enraged draconequus. “E-Eris, it wasn’t her fault, it was-”

“Oh, I know it was this pony! What? were you too jealous of my skills? Or were you just trying to find more ways to tick me off…”

Fluttershy made her way behind Discord. “I-I…I...I…”

Eris flew forward and continued looking at Fluttershy, her body inches away from Discord’s. “Don’t you ‘I’ me, you pitiful excuse for some servant. You ran into me and made me fall right on top of my...my first violin…”

Fluttershy held onto discord’s right leg and started to shake, making Discord shake as well. “Eris.” Discord started. “She’s telling the truth, I turned around and accidentally threw her over to you.”

Eris sighed. “Dissy, I think it’s time…”

“Time?” Discord raised an eye. “Time for what?”

Eris stepped back and raised her claw. “Time to finish this filly…” Her claw glowed with a yellow aura, similar to Discord’s, only a bit darker. “Once and for all.” She clenched her claw, making Fluttershy yelp as the same yellow aura surrounded her.

Fluttershy panicked as she felt her body drag across the floor. Discord gasped and made a grab for her. “Eris, don’t even think about-”

“This is for your own good, Dissy, sometimes you need to off a couple ponies so others can learn from their mistakes.” Eris pulled her claw closer, making Fluttershy do the same and start levitating in the air.

Discord gasped and grabbed Fluttershy. “Don’t do this, Eris!”

Eris glared at both of them. “Dissy, you need to stop clinging so much to your slaves, they are nothing but trash, a mistake, a miserable pile of friendship that must be enslaved.”

Discord felt his grip get looser and looser with every second. Fluttershy could only hide her eyes behind her hair and hope this would all be over. “They’re not like that, Eris!” Discord yelled between strains.

With one final pull, Eris yanked the pony out of Discords grasp and held it in her own. “I don’t get you Dissy, you say you rule, you say you are in control of these ponies, you say you have taken over all of this land.” Eris held up the quivering pony. “But you just can’t bring yourself to end this ponies life...why?”

Discord froze. Knowing now this was it, it was either tell her the truth or…He shook his head and thought about this “I can’t let her take Fluttershy away...but I can’t tell her like this. I can’t disappoint her...she may have left me, but she still loves me, and I just can't let her down…but I can’t let her...” Discord looked up, seeing Fluttershy looking at him through her hairs. He looked away, and with a deep breath, he said, “Alright Eris, you wanna know why?”

Eris crossed her arms. “Yes, Discord. Why is it that you can’t off this po-”

“Cause I can’t.”

Eris tilted her head. “Can’t, what? You can’t bring yourself to-”

“No, I-I mean I literally can’t.” Discord flew over to her side and said. “She can’t be killed.”

“What!?” Both Eris and Fluttershy yelled.

Discord shrugged. “Yeah, s-she can’t. I mean, that was the reason why I froze her friends in the first place, I tried offing them, but it’s as if those elements make them immortal.”

Eris dropped Fluttershy and started completely baffled at Discord. “W-What can..h-how...for...s-she ta..but...w-what? H-How is that even-”

Discord rested his claws on her shoulders. “I know, that was my same expression, I tried everything.”

“Everything?” Eris looked at the pony, her body still shaking from almost getting killed. “H-how can something so weak be invincible?”

Discord shrugged again. “Like I said, the elements. I guess Celestia just decided to be annoying and create six ponies to bother me.”

Eris continued staring in disbelief. “But...ponies can't-”

“Alicorns can.” Discord stated. “I’m sure that princess transferred her powers over to them, forcing them to live forever.”

“B-But I didn’t see that crimson haired mare anywhere.”

“Nice rhymes.” Fluttershy pointed out, only for her mouth to get zipped from Eris’s magic.

“Quiet! Immortel or not, you’re still on my list.”

Discord sighed. “Look, Eris. I know this is hard to believe, but some ponies just can’t be offed. You just need to live with them.”

Eris froze. “W-what did you say…”

Discord raised an eye. “I said that not all ponies can parrish, some are just forced to-”

Eris clenched her chest and rested her claw on Discord’s shoulder. “One more time, I-I need to make sure…”

“Some ponies can’t die.” Discord said blankly. “I know this is hard to take in, but I’m sure you can-”


“-take it...easy…” Discord watched Eris fell to the floor, completely knocked out from the information Discord just told her. Discord kneeled down and shoved her. “Uh...Eris?”

Fluttershy walked up to them and grimaced. “Mhh hmm mmhmhm hm mh?” she mumbled through her zipped lips.

Discord sighed and picked his mother up. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s just probably overreacting to all of this.”

“Mh hmm mhmhmh?” Fluttershy mumble again.


“Mh hmm mmhm hmmmhmhmh?”

Discord set Eris down on the couch and raised an eye. “I can’t make out what you’re saying.”

Fluttershy gave a muffled sigh and pointed at her zipped up mouth. Discord now realized this and said, “Oh! Yes, Um...l-lets see if we can get that off.”