• Published 29th Apr 2012
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The Last Holdouts - A Conversion Bureau Story - Aedina

The last few humans who've waited for conversion bid farewell to Earth as it succumbs to Equestria

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Imminent Incursion

The Last Holdouts

By Aedina

A C o n v e r s i o n B u r e a u S t o r y

Chapter Eleven

Imminent Inclusion

Florrie had felt the tilt of the storage bay's hull. Thinking, at first, that it was just another wave, she was grateful that the angle of the climb wasn't enough to send the groggy newfoals into a sudden tumble of awkward limbs. She heard the engines stalling, and guessed that the ship must be too close to the Barrier for them to function any more - but still, they shouldn't be frozen in this odd position, should they?

Wide colorful eyes began to blink open around Florrie, filled with confusion and wonder. Some of the more bold were making efforts to move and rise. This was good. 20 minutes was the usual conversion time - had it been that? Time itself seemed to be stretching and shrinking in random patterns with the hectic shifting of the day's events.

All Florrie knew, was that it was time to get these newfoals up. "No time for dilly-dallying colts and fillies!" The authority in her tone was unquestioned, and her patients responded with further attempts to climb to their hooves and get walking.

"Up onto the deck, that's where we're all supposed to meet for the big moment. Come on, up with you now, I know it's not as hard as it seems. And once we're safe in Equestria, you can all take a nice doze, if you still need to." As Florrie gave out orders, she moved around among them. A nudge of her muzzle would help somepony to break from their post-conversion stupor, or she'd lend her shoulder for somepony to lean on, while they got their legs more firmly situated under themselves.

The ship's suspension still had the medical unicorn worried, but there were more pressing concerns in the scheme of things. She herded everypony with a determination that brooked no nonsense. Soon they were all moving up the companionway.

Florrie scanned a last look around the cargo bay, to be certain she hadn't missed anything. The light was dim, but she saw a sparkle flicker along the inner hull. A hint of glittering curve; a portion of the Barrier had bulged up through the keel! Startling at the appearance of its radiant glow, Florrie bucked and turned, making her own hurried exit....as around her very hooves the deck began to transform into something resembling sculpted crystal.

Florrie almost smacked into the rump of the rearmost pony on the stairs. She fought to regain her calm. "No lolly-gagging, I know you're tired, but we really need to hustle, foals, pick up the pace if you can", she urged. She silently prayed that nopony took it into their post-conversion euphoric heads to halt and take in the scenery with their new senses. Knowing how co-operative to orders their newfoal status made them, Florrie figured that so long as she kept them focused, kept their eyes on the prize, as it were, they'd keep to a constant pace and make it safely.

A loud crackling noise echoed behind her as she climbed. A glance down confirmed that the ship, too, was now being converted - but to what? And how much time did they have? Would it harm the newfoals, or the crew? So many questions. "Nothing to be done about it" she thought, and who'd have ever thought that the ship would become something else at all?

Greenwind caught a corner of parasail in his muzzle just as a trio of newfoal pegasi joined him from the constellation. It took but a gesture of his head and wings, and each of his volunteer helpers mimicked him. As the winds picked up again, Greenwind gathered his small squad so that the parasail was a taunt-spread blanket between their four corners. A flick of his wing-tip and they turned in unison, banking sharply and with precision. Rushing air filled delicate nostrils and sensitive ears. Salt and spray churned beneath them, as they brought the sail under the descending herd. Now they had a safety net. Even more important, a solid surface that could cradle the pilots with ease while they converted, yet one that could move WITH them. As they approached the rest of the constellation once again, he muzzle-bumped the nearest unoccupied pegasus. Through gripped teeth he asked, "C'n u tk ovr?". It took a second for that to be parsed out by the colt in question. But in just a moment, the pony took Greenwind's sail corner with a smile and a wink.

Like a verdant bullet, now, Greenwind shot up to Mr. Heskin's dark form. "Mr. Heskin, Sir!", he shouted, trying to make himself heard above the chaos of incursion. Fortunately for him, Oliver was already diving his way. "Get them on the sail, and give 'em their potion, now, Sir!"

Oliver gently lowered Artie onto the sail, flask of potion in hand. Above him Smollette was speeding his passenger, Paul, to meet them. Wild-eyed panic was plastered across the Captain's muzzle. "The SHIP!" was the only thing he shouted as he practically bucked Paul onto the waiting catch cloth.

"Get them to the ship, fast as possible, keep everypony together!" was Oliver's parting command to the rest of the constellation. Then he plunged and followed Smollette back down to where the Bon Chance hung like a jeweled ornament on the crest of a swelling bubble dome. It was no longer a matter of them crossing the Barrier, the Barrier was coming to them. Unfortunately, so were the waves.