• Published 16th May 2012
  • 8,004 Views, 286 Comments

Light My Heart Afire - Material Defender

Sky Shift's long unrequited crush on Spitfire will soon take an interesting turn...

  • ...

Like Old Days

"Fine," Shift conceded. "Like old days. With all due luck, you won't bump into a lantern this time," he teased.

"Oh, still using that against me, huh?” Spitfire said, laughing heartily. "Well, flier boy, this is my territory. Let's see just how well you do on an official race course... might even be able to knock you down a few levels." With a flip of her head, her flight hood was on in the blink of an eye, and she pulled her goggles over her eyes.

Shift looked at himself, acutely aware of his distinct lack of a flight suit. “Uh, isn’t that cheating a bit? I don’t have a flight suit.”

Giving a teasing look, Spitfire smiled at him. “It’s alright, Shifty, you don’t need to wear a suit to beat me, right? I have complete confidence and faith in your abilities,” she said, holding a hoof to her chest with joking bravado.

“Oh, haha. Okay, fine, I guess we’ll see how I can do without, Spitfire. But like you said, this is your neck of the woods, so I don’t know how well I’ll do...” Shift said, rubbing the back of his head. There was the undertone of amused interest in his voice, giving away his anticipation of facing off against Spitfire at her best.

Soarin’ chuckled. “You know, I’m kind of looking forward to this myself. Ah, if only I had—”

“--a pie?” Fleetfoot finished. “You and your pies, Soarin’... it’s a wonder how you haven’t been kicked off the team yet for gaining too much weight.”

“What can I say? I like my pies, and I like the Wonderbolts. So long as I keep things balanced, as per my agreement with the manager, I get to have the best of both worlds!”

“Oh, my gosh, this is going to be so awesome!” Dash said. “My own coach racing against Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts! I wish I could take a picture so I have proof to show my friends in Ponyville!”

“That can be arranged,” Spitfire said. “Soarin’, you still have the camera with you, right?”

“Uh, of course,” Soarin’ said. “Never got around to leaving it with the manager’s staff. It’s still in my saddlebags. Want me to get it?”

“Definitely,” Spitfire said, wrapping an arm around a surprised Shift. “I want a picture to commemorate this special event: my first victory against Shift!”

“On your terms, I might add,” Shift added humorously. “But it’s fine, I guess you’ll need every single advantage you can get against me, right?”

Dash quietly snickered as she was the only one of the group to notice a blush slightly forming on his face. She had to resist every urge to oust the infatuated Shift and embarrass him as such, but the respect for her coach outweighed her desire to pull a prank on him.

“Alright, Soarin’, you ready now?” Spitfire asked.

“Yeah, hold on. Just let me set this up... and there we go!” Leveling the camera, Soarin’ focused on the pair as Spitfire removed her goggles for the time being, and smiled at the camera alongside Shift. “Alright, you two ready? Here we go... three... two... one...” A bright flash went off and the deed was done.

Soarin’ put the camera back in his saddlebags. “Alright, cool. I can get those developed later, but for now, let’s get this race started. Anyone want to place bets?” he said, winking.

“No gambling on the job, Soarin’,” Fleetfoot said. “You know how much trouble we can get in for that?”

“Okay, fine,” he said, holding a hoof. “Didn’t mean anything by it, but if what Spitfire says is true, I think we’re looking at a race between two of Equestria’s best fliers. And, seriously, who doesn’t want to put a bet on that?”

“No means no, Soarin’.”

“Alright, we’ll just go let them do their race, then.” Soarin’ looked to Spitfire and Shift. “Well, you two... what are you both still here for? Take up your place at the starting line!” He pulled out a flare gun, like the ones that Wonderbolts races always began with.

Spitfire nudged Shift in the side. “Well, come on, Shifty.” She jumped into the air and held a hover. “I can’t win a race if I’m the only one in it, right?” She flew off towards the cloud fields.

“Right behind you!” Shift said, about to take off until he felt a hoof stop him. He looked over his shoulder and saw magenta eyes looking back at him. “Dash?”

“Good luck to you, coach,” Dash said. “In... uh, both of your... endeavors.”

“Both?” Shift asked.

“You know what I’m talking about... lover boy,” she whispered with a grin. Shift’s face flushed as she walked away laughing. “I hope you win the race!” she shouted from her seat.

“Uh... thanks!” Shift said, flying off to the starting line. Spitfire sat on the cloud, watching him circle around as he came in the land beside her. “So, Spitfire, are you ready?”

She laughed. “Ready? I think I might actually be able to win this. Say, despite what Soarin’ said back there... are you up for a wager between friends?”

“Only if it doesn’t involve bits.”

“Sure, I can do that. How about the loser has to buy dinner?”

“That sounds a little too easy,” Shift said. “You sure you don’t have anything... oh, I don’t know, grander in mind?” He stretched, flexing his wings and tensing his muscles, a last minute preparation for the race.

“Well, what do you propose, then? Loser has to do whatever the winner asks of them?”

“Why, that sound a little bit too risky, even for you, Spitfire.” He held a hoof up to his chin. “I’m surprised you aren’t afraid of what your dear friend Shift might ask you to do!”

“Well, I can imagine you’ll want to put me through my paces for old time’s sake, and I know that you won’t try anything... hmm, interesting. I know that you think you’re too good for that,” Spitfire said. “Even if I haven’t seen you all that often, I always have the feeling like you haven’t changed a bit.”

“You’re correct in that regard. And I was thinking about having you cover my mailpony job for a day, just for you to see what it’s like. I know Post would agree to it, and it would be so great to see how you fare pulling my daily routes. I especially want to see how fast you can fly between Stalliongrad and Manehattan.”

“Oh, I’d think I might try my hoof at it...”

“Come on, how long are they going to keep talking?” Fleetfoot said. “I should have brought the megaphone, since they can’t hear us when they’re in the clouds... do we have any signal flags nearby?”

“Nope,” Soarin’ said. “Stored away for when the actual tour season begins. We’ll just have to let the two have their time, I guess.”

Dash sat on the bleachers, trailing her hoof along the ground in boredom. Despite her current situation’s idleness, she was now here, and talking to these Wonderbolts as if they were any regular pony she would pass on the streets. To be able to rub shoulders with her idols like this was great, but the interest for the moment was held on Spitfire and Shift.

“Do you get the vibe that Spitfire has... oh, I don’t know, a thing for that mailpony? For Shift?” Fleetfoot asked, making Dash do a double-take. And here Dash had thought she was the only one to realize it...

“Uh... maybe?” Soarin’ said. “She definitely loves to talk about him.”

“He’s not that bad looking, either...” Fleetfoot said. “I can already imagine him in a Wonderbolts uniform, flying alongside us. He’d probably pick up all the mares. Even more than you, Soarin’.”

“Jealous, are you?”

“I am so not jealous! I mean, I’ve read about mailpony wages, and a first-class mailpony makes a good sum. It would be nice to retire on savings from that job... maybe even settle down...”

“Oh, so that’s what this is about, huh?” Soarin’ laughed. “Thinking about retirement already?”

“Well, no! I love the Wonderbolts, but I just like to think I have the option there... Sure, Wonderbolts retirement pays for a lot, savings and all, but I wonder what it’ll be like when it’s all gone. It’s not like we’re going to be in the Wonderbolts forever, Soarin’. We’ll have to go back to being normal ponies someday.”

“You have a point... so you want to get hitched with an nice stallion, huh?”

“Always with the lack of tact, aren’t you?” Fleetfoot said flatly.

“I’m just saying out loud what we’re all thinking. I hope Spitfire hooks with him; Celestia knows she’s been cutting herself off from more intimate contact these days.”

“Okay, okay, let’s not get caught up in our own little talk about the future here. Are we going to do this race now or what?”

“Hey, are you two ready?” Spitfire and Shift stopped their conversation, now recalling that the very reason they were standing on a cloud was for a race. Their conversation had gone uninterrupted until Soarin’ stepped in.

“Whew, I think we got a little too into that...” Shift said.

“Yep,” Spitfire said, laughing. “Alright, Soarin’, we’re ready! Just count us off and start the race!” She looked at Shift, flaring her wings in an intimidating fashion. “I hope you’re ready to be left in the dust, Shift.”

“Oh, I certainly am. But I’m not going to make it easy for you. Who knows, maybe you just might end up eating my cloud trail again. One lap takes all?” Shift asked.

“As always.”

“Okay! Three...” Soarin’ said. Spitfire narrowed her eyes at Shift, who merely returned an amused smile at her. “Two...” Shift flared his wings, and they stood facing each other for a moment before they took his cue and crouched down into their starting stances. “One...” They looked towards the racetrack before them, each equally focused on winning. “Go!”

They both shot forward, a dark gray and yellow blur, immediately shooting down the first line stretch for the first turn. Spitfire, knowing the course, had the knowledge of the ins and outs of the stadium’s airflow, and managed to pull an early lead on Shift. He trailed just barely behind her, seeing the small circle of the first corner quickly rushing towards them.

He slowed down for a moment, drifting to the right of the lane as he began to break into a wide turn. Spitfire, however, did the same, pulling in right in front of him and quickly flaring her wings as she took the corner with ease, gaining a now-sizeable lead against the mailpony.

Shift only barely managed to regain some of his lost ground. The racetrack was nothing like flying close to the ground; where there had normally been a standard airflow on his routes, the stadium, due to Canterlot’s height on the mountain and the open-air of the stadium, had an airflow naturally tailored to competitive pegasi racing. Despite his experience, this was one of the things he hadn’t had much exposure to. A smile broke across his face: this was new, and perhaps Spitfire really did stand a chance of winning, after all.

A small cloud zoomed by on his right as Spitfire’s form slowly began to shrink in his vision. He kicked into overdrive, pulling his wings in slightly and gaining speed, and was about to catch up until he realized that another turn was approaching. Mentally cursing, his eyes darted off to the left: the turn wasn’t a large one, and it would serve his needs more than enough. He slowed his acceleration and pulled his body slightly sideways.

He stuck his tongue out at Spitfire as she slowed down at the beginning of the curve, he himself taking only a slight speed hit drifting through the turn as she was forced to maintain her current slowed entry. By the time she was able to break out of the turn and start speeding up, their former respective positions at first and second now switched around.

“Not today!” Spitfire could barely hear Shift’s voice over the roar of the winds, but she certainly understood what he was getting at. Even against her own teammates, she could easily outpace them on this track, but Shift still had plenty to throw at her.

“For you, maybe!” she shouted defiantly. Striving with all her might, she slowly began to pull forward again, trailing him through the minor turns on their way to the final stretch of the lap. This was it: she had to win this part, and on the stretch that she knew better than anyone on the team. She was but a pony’s length behind Shift when they entered the last part of their race.

Spitfire’s attempts to catch up to Shift were futile, as anything that she tried was only returned with a move in turn by Shift, denying any attempts to overtake him. If only there were some way to find flaws in his routine, or even to beat him at his own game...

And then it appeared: a slight break in Shift’s stance, as he struggled to maintain his speed in the turbulent positions. He faltered slightly, but it was all Spitfire needed to get ahead. She grinned, taking the lead by a nose’s length and was neck and neck with him as they sped down the lane.

“I’ll... win.... this... time!” she said, gritting her teeth. Her wings felt like they were on fire, having been pushed to limits far beyond what she was used to. The flag poles of the finish line raced past her face... but she could see Shift just out of the corner of her eye, wearing that grin of his, staring straight ahead.

They quickly came to a stop and pulled around, landing on the cloud as they each took their breaths.

“That... was... good...” Shift said, smiling at her.

“So... who... won?” Spitfire said.

“Shift won, Captain!” Soarin’ shouted from below. “By a hair!”

“Damn!” Spitfire said.

“Wow, I can’t believe it was that close!” Fleetfoot said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen any pegasus go hoof-to-hoof with the captain before.”

“That Shift guy can sure walk the walk,” Soarin’ said. “His speed’s impressive! And that turn... I don’t really think I’ve ever seen that move before. I think I’ll ask him about it after the race.”

“Yeah, that move was pretty crazy. And pulling it off at those speeds? Not hard to see how Spitfire got to where she was, if he was in charge of her training,” Fleetfood noted. “I wonder if he’s single,” she laughed in a hushed tone.

“Maybe we could use him as an instructor for the entire team for training, so — wait, what was that last part?”


“Hmm...” Soarin’ hummed. “Alright, then...”

Shift and Spitfire returned to the spectator deck to the cheers of the three pegasi waiting for them. Dash was again tempted to clue in Shift on the little conversation that Fleetfoot and Soarin’ had, but decided against it. It wouldn’t do her well to spoil the fun before things became so enjoyable, would it?

“Whew!” Spitfire said, gladly taking a cup of water from Fleetfoot. “That was a good race, even if I lost... I haven’t pushed myself that hard since our last race, Shifty!”

“You mean you Wonderbolts don’t do this normally?” Shift laughed, pouring himself a cup of his own.

“Of course not!” Spitfire took a long drink from her cup, emptying it all in a single go. “When we do our routines, we focus on controlled speed and awesome shows, not flooring it like no tomorrow like you do, Mister First-Class Mailpony.”

“Point taken. I don’t recall our races being so intense, though...”

“Maybe it was the whole official racetrack thing, huh?”

“Totally...” Shift panted. “Sheesh, and to think some pegasi do this for a living... I think I’m fine just pulling my own weight at my mailpony job. So... I guess I won...”

“Yeah... you did.”

“Guess that means you have to take me out to dinner now,” he sang.

“You have to what?” Fleetfoot said.

“It was just a friendly bet!” Spitfire said, blushing.

“Oh, Captain... you should really loosen up more...” Fleetfoot said. “It’s alright, we won’t tell anypony. Go ahead and enjoy yourself. It’s like you said: we’re done with the auditions for today, aren’t we?”

“This should be nice...” Dash said, walking up to them. “Go on, coach, enjoy yourself for today. I guess I’ll just head on back to Ponyville since this is all over...”

“No way, Dash,” Fleetfoot said. “You’re the last of our priority applicants, and you were pretty awesome at the royal wedding. Why don’t you come hang out with me and Soarin’ for today, take a look around the town with us?”

“You really mean it?” Dash said, shocked. “Oh, my gosh, this is turning out to be the best day ever!”

“Well, it’s only just hit late afternoon,” Soarin’ said. “And I could use some pie right about now, so we’ll part here, alright?” he chuckled. “Good luck, Captain, hope you don’t mess up! Come on, Fleetfoot, Dash. The town’s just waiting for us today, and besides, I want to talk with Dash about her Sonic Rainboom, and her routine today.”

“Oh, yeah, definitely going to be talking about that over some late lunch,” Fleetfoot said. “The Sonic Rainboom is some pretty awesome stuff! And that stunt you pulled would turn heads at any show.”

“So there we have it!” Soarin’ said. “Oh, yeah, Shift, if we ever get free time later, you totally have to show me how to do that crazy side-turn thingy you did in the race.”

Shift laughed. “Of course, Soarin’. Whenever you guys have free time.”

“After today, I don’t think we’ll have any until after the Manehattan show. Can you believe it? Biggest one yet, and it’s completely sold out! It’s going to be packed to the brim with tons of fans, and it’ll be one awesome show.” They turned to depart, leaving the racing duo to their own day until Dash stopped and quickly walked up to Shift.

“Good luck,” she said. And with that, she disappeared before Shift could react.

“What was that?” Spitfire asked.

“Nothing!” he quickly responded.

She narrowed his eyes at him, and then sighed. “Really, Shifty... I just don’t get you.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, curious. “Well, I have to admit that in recent years, we’ve sort of fallen out of touch, but before that, we stuck together through thick and thin.”

“I guess I just... well, it’s like we had that conversation before, at Weststratus... about me second-guessing my whole job. I thought on it a bit, and it’s... different now, but... I guess the best way to put it is that you... inspire me.”

“Inspiring...?” Shift said quietly. “Heh, I guess I’ve never really thought of myself as anything more than what I am... what about me is so inspiring to you, Spitfire?”

“Your preoccupation with flying, like so many times before,” Spitfire said. She pulled off her goggles and head and let the wind blow through her mane, watching the clouds in the open sky outside of the stadium slowly drift by. “Simple. That’s what always comes to mind when I think of you. Trust me when I say I’ve had my share of fans and spotlight time, but at the end of the day, sometimes it feels that just talking to my own team feels like a chore. But you’re always there, always willing to listen, even if I just show up out of the blue in the middle of the night.”

“I remember that time...” Shift said. “You wanted to talk about the stress with the Wonderbolts.”

“Yeah, it was really bad around that time. The manager thought I wasn’t performing my best, and he was right: I sort of slacked off, even though I was the Wonderbolts’ star performer, and captain to boot.. Speaking with you just... just kept me down to earth, I guess. Every talk with you only wants to make me try harder. For you. For myself.”

Shift said nothing, merely waiting for Spitfire to continue.

“You remember the time back when we were foals?” she slowly said.

“Well... it depends on what we’re talking about, I guess. What time?”

“That time... we were playing outside of the city. Skillet had just overcooked one of his orders over at Weststratus and practically threw out the whole restaurant so he could vent, so we went to play at the park near the gates of the city. I remember it... it was sunset.”

Shift gulped. He knew what she was talking about, and where she was going.

“There was an open spot where the walls parted to look over the valley, and a tree that sat on top of a small hill looking over it all. We just sat there, looking out over the whole valley, when you asked me...” She closed her eyes for a moment, her mane flowing back and forth as she reminisced. “You asked me out.”

He blushed and looked away, not responding through the embarrassment — and subsequent heartbreak — the aftermath had brought him.

“I know I was a silly filly back in those days, but now that I have the time to think about it... I’d like to give it a try.”

“Huh?” Shift looked at her, surprised. She turned to look into his eyes, her orange eyes aglow with a tint of regretfulness.

“Come on, flier boy,” she quietly laughed. “What do you think I mean?”

“Would you like to go out on a... date? Just you and me, a night on the town?” he asked her.

“Why, yes, Shifty... I think I’d like that.” She moved closer to him, leaning her head on his shoulder, giggling. “Gosh, I didn’t think I’d ever end up so mushy like that, but I guess if it's for you, it's fine. Your looks aren't half-bad, you know?”

“I didn’t think you’d make the move before I did,” he said, sighing. “Now I have to try twice as hard on the date to impress you. And I try to maintain my looks, thank you very much."

“Hmm, you already impress me plenty, Shifty. Just be yourself, that’s all I’m asking.”

“Aw, I’m touched. You want the plain old me? And here, every single mare in Canterlot and maybe even Equestria would have turned me down because I’m too normal.”

“Have mares actually turned down the oh-so-amazing Sky Shift?” Spitfire asked, closing her eyes. “They don’t know how much of a great stallion they’re missing out on...”

“I’m flattered, but I have to ask... why the change?”

“I guess I just realized that I really like you, Shift. You’re handsome, funny, talented, and one amazing flier, but you’re also fun to be around and so down to earth, kind of dense at times when you want to be, and you never want to go to parties, even when I’m the one inviting you.” She opened her eyes looked at him. “But I guess that’s why I love you!”

He laughed. “Why, thank you. I’ve never seen anyone put... well, me so eloquently. And I love you, too, Spitfire.” The prospect of finally being able to say those words made him elated, but he both laughed and lamented at the situation where he’d finally been able to say it.

“We are such a weird couple, aren’t we? I’ve seen Fleetfoot reading romance novels once, and I sort of thought I’d end up the same way: meet my dream stallion, get swept off of my hooves, and we’ll go live happily ever after. But those are fairy tales, and I think what I have now is much better.”

“You don’t say... so, loser buys dinner?”

Holding her soft smile, she jabbed him hard in the side. “Sure, Shifty. But I get to pick where we eat. And I want to treat you tonight, so I’m taking you to one of my most favorite restaurants in Canterlot. I have a feeling that you’ll like it.”

“I feel bad now... you know what, how about I just pay—”

“Nope, a bet’s a bet, Shifty, and I am a mare of her word! Besides, your mailpony wages won’t be able to cover the kind of cost for the place we’re going to.”

“Oh, no, it’s one of those posh restaurants, isn’t it?” Shift asked.

“Don’t worry, the manager of the place knows me, and the Wonderbolts always hosts their little staff parties there. We’ll be able to get a table away from the public areas.”

“What about the paparazzi? Didn’t you tell me that you hated them?” Shift flapped his wings, leaning on top of Spitfire’s head. “I know that some ponies on the streets won’t be able to recognize you out of uniform, as stupid as I think that is, but at a place where the Wonderbolts visit often...”

“I guess that’s a chance I’ll have to take, hmm? There’s risk with that. I like the challenge. But, that comes last. We have the entire day to spend together, lover boy, and I intend to make the best of it. Now shush, I’m trying to enjoy this.”

They sat for a moment in silence, enjoying each other’s company, until Shift broke the silence. “So... ready for our date, Spitfire?”

She giggled. “Ready as we’ll ever be.” She nuzzled him, eliciting a short gasp, making her fall over laughing. “Oh, come on, Shifty! We haven’t even gotten past dating yet, it’s a bit early for you to be squeamish on nuzzling! Besides, now that we’re together, I plan on doing this a lot.”

“Oh, dear. Well, I guess that means I have to get used to it, won’t I?” he laughed, exiting the stadium together with her as they headed downtown.

Comments ( 60 )

Ending's slowly coming into sight...

The plan is simple, ladies and gentlemen... we KILL the Writer's Block.

And then the feelings finally came out. :rainbowkiss:

Yeah update :pinkiehappy:


awwwwww, so cute

1060354 Kill it? But that'd be mean!

YESYESYESYESYESYES!!!! :rainbowlaugh:

The truth is finally out of there, what about Fleetfoot since she seems to like Shift as well haha.

Man I love this fic so much. I constantly yell at it to get on with it, but it never does. AND I LOVE IT!

Also I am great at killing writers block.

Best of luck on you fic mate. Writing is solid and I just love this.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Looks good so far, besides the planned murder of course.. :rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

I liked this. MAKE MORE NAOW!

Yes! The dating has commenced!

First, this was one of the best OC x Wonderbolt shipfics I have ever read. Next, thank you for not clopping, Last, please show them on their date! I need to see this with all my heart! Then, go off you flank and write a Derpy fic!

Yes. Yes. Yes yes yes. Seriously, I love this. I love this to a million bits and beyond.




I don't need those fancy plans, i just take my 12 gauge shotgun and put a bandana on my forehead.
Gather round fellow agents of destruction and together we shall destroy writersblock. FOR THE HERD.


I have a cannon. :pinkiecrazy:

1061580 Say what you will, but Plan S sure makes things interesting.

You sir, are a great writer!:twilightsmile:

Guys come on, we need to proceed with Plan 9.

1061478 wow this pic looks like Soundwave Jackys Rainbow supernova stage 2 ( out of my Story):moustache:

Set the World on Fire Guys

1060471 what if is plans are numbered?

1060354 But why can't we kill the Batman? It's so much fun!

As mentioned above, it's about time. That said, the way you did it seemed just too simple and, well, vacuous. Like it was written in a vacuum itself, ignoring a lot of the material the story thus far provides to enrich the moment(s). If I can further intuit or discern exactly why I have this feeling and give words to it, you'll hear of it. That is, if you don't mind.... :fluttershysad:

Well, it's not like writer's block is something conducive to harmonious co-existence. What would you suggest, then? Bashing it to the Moon? Or Sun? Perhaps encasing it in stone with weaponized friendship? Dare I suggest hurling it to parts unknown by means of a force field/repulsion wave of pure love? (The last, if I may be so bold as to voice my musings, leaves it the definite option to fester and regather its strength off-screen, only to return at an arbitrary and, historically, ironically inconvenient time.)

1065115 That's fine. I sort of had the feeling writing the chapter myself, and that's mostly due to the fact that unlike most good shipping authors, I don't exactly have a feel for the... well, feel. This entire fiction in itself is an experiment on my own behalf to see how well I can write a romance story. There might be a good chance that this entire chapter will undergo revision to make it better, but given my timetable, that may not happen.

Well, that is just absolutely amazing.

DMDeck, we all have your back. Revision or not the chapter was great. I've been ready for this for a while and i'm glad that you did it. I think this opens up alot of doors to things you can do now that they are "official".

The part every one was waiting for :facehoof: finally

Two Weeks...


1183601 I'm working on it! The next chapter's at about 1k words right now. Of course, it's a mixture of both writer's block... and Guild Wars 2, which has been totally awesome so far. Oh, and I have finals for my geology class coming up on Friday, so I have to study for that, too.

1062841 you say that now, but how would we pay slendy?

TACOS! :pinkiehappy:

no pinkie we cant pay slendy in tacos, he doesnt have a mouth.

we can make him one :pinkiecrazy:

...lets make spike do it... :moustache:

if we must :twilightblush:

1198809 Just give him twenty bits and no wifin' in the club. :trollestia:

The DAW is rising quickly :rainbowkiss:

However, something is bothering me: Shift's mother said that Spitfire was the spitting image of the mare of his dreams, does it mean his ideal mare or another mare that resembles her? Plus his feelings got hurt, and the exchange of feelings between the two seemed rushed, implying he's not that serious. I dunno it seems like something is amiss, but I might be wrong.

Anyway this is a great story, can't wait for more :pinkiehappy:

1214351 No, you're not wrong. What everyone is essentially reading is me one day sitting down, getting an idea, and turning it into one giant experiment using the tried-and-true writing method known as 'winging it'. I promise that my future romances will have much more foresight and planning involved. :derpytongue2:

if only i could speed up time so the next chapter would be out

gaah. whens next chapter coming out? :raritydespair:

1372380 Well, it's on hiatus. I'm currently working on making it a lot less Gary Stu and in general changing a lot of things with Shift, and also possibly condense down the number of chapters for the romance. When the new version goes up, it'll be an entirely new story.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooh okay :rainbowderp:

Update! :3


When will be revision be finished and be continued?

How's revising going?

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