• Published 23rd Nov 2014
  • 5,339 Views, 84 Comments

The Assembled Letters of Twilight Sparkle, Protégé of Emperor Discord - Caligari87

Emperor Discord sends his star pupil Twilight Sparkle to investigate a mysterious new phenomenon called "Friendship".

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Letter 4

Honorable Emperor Discord,

I hope you are doing well! I haven’t heard from you lately. Perhaps you’re off spreading Chaos to one of our sister countries, or maybe you’re on a beach in your office and the secretary is holding your mail? Anyways, I look forward to a letter from you soon. By the way, thank you! We had peppermint hail yesterday! Things have been depressingly normal in Ponyville lately, and such a surprise was quite refreshing (not to mention delicious!).

I visited the castle, like I mentioned. I’m still not sure exactly what’s causing the odd behavior, or if it’s related to Friendship, but I’ll keep looking into it. What’s for sure is that my Chaos magic doesn’t work there. Of course, since no pony lives out that way, there’s no reason to bother.

I’ve discovered that this Friendship phenomenon is strongly rooted in unity between ponies. For example, I learned that Applejack is honest with me because she considers me a Friend and Friends tell the truth. It’s the flip side of the coin, but so far I don’t see any harm from it. Chaos still reigns supreme over Discordia, freeing your subjects from the daily grind of normalcy, but not all are as used to it as you and I. Perhaps being unified gives ponies extra ability to tolerate unpredictability when most prefer stability. Of course, I’m probably just guessing here. There’s still more to learn.

Your chaotic student,

Twilightning Sparklers