• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 4,307 Views, 27 Comments

Come and Get Your Love - KalenNighteyes

While working hard on a new festival idea from Celestia, Twilight gets a welcomed distraction from the tedious work she's been doing for days.

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Come and Get Your Love

I sat working in my office, the place I had been stuck in for forever. It wasn't even elaborately decorated like the rest of the castle. The small office had a couple of smaller bookshelves for some of my favorite books, a couch for when I worked late and didn't feel like going to my bed, and my desk and chair. I let Rarity have freedom to do some decorating around the castle, but I made this room off limits. I just wanted my office to be simple. No expensive wallpaper, or paintings. In fact, the only thing on the wall was my poster of Starswirl the Bearded.

My life as a princess is wonderful one, but it also had it's disadvantages, like time to spend with my marefriend being short to non-existent the past few days. Rainbow Dash had been by several times, but the work I had to do limited the time we had together.

The massive amount of work I had came from a letter Princess Celestia had sent me detailing a new festival she wanted to be held here in Ponyville. Why she had written me, and not the mayor was clear: As the local Princess, and the Princess of Friendship, she felt it should be me to set the whole thing up. Especially since Celestia was calling it The Festival of Friendship. One of the few times I saw her, Rainbow suggested that I get the Wonderbolts to come preform a show for it. Being in the reserves, she could deliver the letters to Spitfire for me.

Rainbow didn't seem to mind how busy I had been lately. She always managed to pull me away from working just to have a few precious moments with her. Whether it was coming to me and giving me the random kiss or hug, or even that moment when she finally told me that she loved me.

I suddenly began to feel very annoyed with myself. I felt like I was hurting Rainbow by not seeing her more often, even though she seemed happy nonetheless. It was like she was satisfied at any time with me, no matter how small. Her loyalty was something I cherished dearly, because I knew that she would always be here for me.

Just when I was about to drop my quill and go find Rainbow, I heard music playing. Or at least, what sounded like music playing. “Now, what could that be?” I asked aloud, then shook my head, realizing I had I had just asked a question an empty room. Twilight, I think you are starting to lose it., I thought, and walked out of the office, thanking Celestia for the distraction.

As I entered the corridor, I noticed the music increase in volume. It was much louder than it had been when I was in the office, mostly because of the echo the corridor created. What ever the case may be, it was a very catchy tune. The style of the music made it sound like something my parents would have listened to when they were younger. It had a very upbeat melody to it that made me want to nod my head along to the beat.

Eventually I came to the living area down the hall from my office where the music appeared to be coming from. When I entered, what I saw was something I never imagined I would see in my life: Rainbow Dash was dancing, and it was the most silly dance I had ever seen. She had somehow managed to stand up on her hind legs. Not only that, but she was swaying her hips back and forth to the beat of the song, and stepping back and forth.

As I watched, I tried to hide the giggle that built up, but ultimately failed. Rainbow turned, but rather than stop dancing, she started shimmying toward me. I knew I had surprised her because I could see her cheeks had turned a slight pink color.

When she got close to me, she did a quick spin, then grabbed my forelegs, pulling me up to her. I was now standing on my hind legs. Rainbow gave me a sly smirk, and kissed me on the lips. With a slight laugh, I returned the kiss.

“Heya Twi,” Rainbow said, breaking the kiss, that mischievous smirk still on her face.

“Hey Dashie. What are you doing?” I asked, using my magic to lower the volume of the music so I could hear her talk.

Her smirk turned into a smile. “Just dancin' like the awesome pegasus I am! Why don't you join me?”

Rainbow backed up a little, slowly let go of me, and I quickly fell back to all fours. “I can't stand on my hind legs. Honestly, I don't even know how you are doing it.”

“It's easy! Anypony with wings can do it! It's one way that we pegasi dance! You just spread your wings out and they help to balance you as you stand!” she said excitedly.

I must have had a confused look on my face because Dash grabbed my forelegs again and pulled, attempting to lift me back upright. Not wanting to ruin her moment of excitement, I gave my wings a quick flap to help get me on my hind legs like she was.

“Come on, spread out your wings and hold them there. I promise, you won't fall. If you do, I'll catch you,” Rainbow smiled.

I wasn't sure I believed her, but then again, she had never let me down before. With a deep breath, I spread my wings out to their full width, and let go of my marefriend. Immediately I knew this wasn't going to work, and I fell forward into Dash, who caught me in her forelegs.

“It's okay, you'll get it! Keep trying!” she laughed, helping back into the standing position.

Once again, I spread out my wings and tried to stand on my own. This time, however, I began to fall backwards. I felt sure I was going to hit the floor, but my marefriend managed to quickly fly behind and catch me just in time.

In frustration, I flapped my wings, pulled away from her, and landed with all four hooves firmly on the ground. “Dashie, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I don't think I can do this.”

“I'm not takin' no for an answer, egghead. If anyone can do this, it's you,” she teased.

I gave her a playful glare, unable to resist the challenge posed to me. “Oh, you really think so?”

“Yup! I have no doubt in my mind!”

That's my Dashie—always so full of confidence on pretty much everything. With a sigh, pushed off the floor with my forelegs, gave my wings a quick flap, and I was back on my hind legs. I was a little wobbly at first, my forelegs flailing around me as I tried to balance but I managed to stable myself. I really should have had no problem doing this since I'd been in a form that only stood on two legs, but pony legs were a bit different than human ones.

“Yes! You're standing by yourself! Now, take a step!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Hesitantly, I raised my hoof off the floor and moved it forward a bit. So far so good, I thought. I brought my other hoof even with the first, and when I didn't fall on my face, I gave Rainbow a big smile.

She returned it, and threw her forelegs in the air. “Yes! I knew you could do it! Now come on, let's dance!”

Rainbow rushed back over to the stereo, pushed a button, and the song that was playing started over. Judging by the chorus repeating, “come and get your love,” I figured that might be the name of the song. Honestly, that was all I could understand from the whole song, but I knew why Rainbow was playing it.

“You planned this didn't you?” I asked.

Rainbow gave me a guilty smile as she walked back to me, wrapped a foreleg around my waist, and pulled me close to her. “Kinda. You've been working so hard that I figured that you could use a break, so I threw on this song. It's a song my dad used to listen to a lot when I was a filly. These days, the song makes me think of you when I hear it.”

I felt my cheeks flush. “For a pony who has a hard time fully expressing her feelings, you sure have a way with words, Rainbow.”

“Yeah, I know. I'm awesome like that. Now, let's dance!” she exclaimed.

“But, I don't know what to do! I've never danced this way before.”

“Okay, just do what I do,” Rainbow said, and began swaying her hips back and forth.

I cocked my head slightly to the side. The fact that Rainbow had any idea how to dance at all was a little strange to me, but I followed her lead. When I realized I was doing alright with the hip swaying, I looked up into Dash's magenta eyes and smiled. I felt her begin to push toward me so I instinctively took steps backwards, all the time still keeping my hips swaying. After a couple steps back, she pulled me back toward her by my hoof, but she began stepping back. I took steps toward her as she moved backward.

A few steps later, we stopped and, taking her hoof in mine, she raised our forelegs upward and she twirled me around. When the twirl was over, she put her hoof around my waist again, and pulled me close into her. As our bodies pressed together, I could feel the warmth of her, and could feel her heart beating as we stood there together. In that moment, I was so glad to have this mare in my life. As the song ended, I leaned into her, and kissed her deeply on the lips.

After a moment that I wished was an eternity, I broke the kiss and stared into her dark pink eyes once again. “Rainbow, this has been such a wonderful distraction from my work. I'm not sure I could manage doing this job without you around to give me moments like this—precious moments that I cherish.” I paused for a moment, and looked down. “I'm sorry that I've been so wrapped up in my work. I've been worried that you might be angry with me, or be feeling neglected.”

Rainbow placed a hoof on my chin and lifted my head to meet her gaze. “I could never be angry with you for doing your job, and of course I don't feel neglected. I just want to help you keep your sanity. I love you Twi, nothing will ever change that.”

I gave her a smile, rested my head on her shoulder, and hugged her close. “That's all I ever need to hear.”

“So, you don't need to go back to work now do you? I was hoping we could have the night?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Work can wait. Tonight, I'm all yours.”

Author's Note:

Huge thanks to the ever awesome 314. Couldn't ask for a better editor!

Comments ( 27 )

Absolutely adorable TwiDash. Simple moments of fantasticism. Need I say more?

I want to apologize for accidentally adding your story to two groups it doesn't belong in. I'm taking care of it.

5305708 You're good. I must have missed which ones they were haha.

5305731 I accidentally added it to theTwiShy and TwiJack folders of Organized Shipping (most common), instead of just the TwiDash. I've already sent a message to one of the group admins.

5305738 Oh okay. No worries! Honest mistake! :twilightsmile:

Half way I stopped and put the song on, hit the repeat button, and I'll be damned if it didn't make the story all the more wonderful. Love it!

5305840 Yes! That song is what inspired me to write this. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

I love it. It's adorable. :rainbowkiss:

Fluffy TwiDash is best TwiDash. This was adorable.


Adorable in so many ways.. Love it ^^

5307494 I'm glad that you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:


5307557 You're welcome ^^

AweSOME! Stories like this are why I love TwiDash. :moustache:

5311922 I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile: TwiDash is my favorite :rainbowkiss:

I had a bad day today and was looking for some short TwiDash-fluff to cheer me up. And it worked:twilightsmile:
Very well done.

There are no days so dark, that TwiDash couldn't make them brighter:heart:

side effect: Now I want more.:twilightblush:

5312282 Awww. I'm so glad that my story could help make you feel better. Makes me happy to know that something I created helped to brighten someone's day :twilightsmile:

Ah yes. The perfect couple.

Saw this story and thought of this.

~Skeeter The Lurker


And it's a good story too!

Not bad, man!

~Skeeter The Lurker

5334942 Why do you think I wrote the story? :P Partial inspiration from the song and partial inspiration from Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm glad that you liked it! :twilightsmile:

EDIT: Also, great name for the shelf you added this too :P Love it.


Hehe, thanks man.

Even better to know the song DID inspire it.

~Skeeter The Lurker


I was listening to The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy when the music part came up. Upbeat music in a story; upbeat music in real life. Now I'll only ever think of that song whenever I read this. Have a like and fav!

6340046 Thank you! I'm very glad that you liked it! Thank you so much for the like and fav!

Cute story! Typo: "preform" should be "perform".

Love it.

The fact that this is the song playing when I had my fist kiss doesn't hurt either :twilightblush:

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