• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 3,488 Views, 17 Comments

Fluttershy and the Kissing Curse - TheCrimsonDM

When Twilight leads the group in search of ancient unicorn lore, Fluttershy gets cursed, and there is only one way to fix it.

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Six Kisses

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Fluttershy followed closely behind Twilight as the group made their way through a large hallway that was lined with statues of ponies in heroic poses. The clip clopping sound of the six ponies’ hooves echoed through the hall as they walked towards the large door at the end. Fluttershy was carefully examining her surroundings; this place was dark, lonely and a little scary. Twilight turned back to look at the group and said, “Okay everypony, this should be the last room here. If the book isn’t here then we go home empty hoofed.”

Rainbow Dash was flying at Fluttershy’s side and startled Fluttershy when she suddenly said, “Pfft, like hay we will. I’m not leaving until I get that book.”

“I’m surprised to hear you say that, I didn’t realize you respected ancient unicorn history so much,” Twilight said.

“Yeah right, I just went through an entire dungeon full of traps, monsters, and stuff. I am not going home without the treasure, even if the treasure is just some lame old book,” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Uh, Sugarcube, we all just went through that together, you can’t take credit for everything,” Applejack stated.

Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head and said, “Yeah…I guess you guys did help out…”

Rarity rolled her eyes and whispered to Fluttershy, “And her ego swells.”

Fluttershy stayed quiet. Even though she enjoyed everyponies company, and loved to hear them talk; it just wasn’t in her to be the talkative one, usually. Pinkie Pie was bouncing on her hooves behind the others and asked, “So Fluttershy, what do you think about our epic quest for Twilight’s secret book of unicorn’s secret secrets?”

It took a few seconds for Fluttershy to process the question, let alone think of a way to answer without standing out. Finally she finished in a quiet voice, “I…um….think Twilight has a good reason for all of this.”

Twilight then explained, for the sixth time, “Of course I have a good reason. This book contains ancient unicorn history, along with some long forgotten spells. I of course did months of research on every trap, monster, and spell that we might encounter just so that I could get my hooves on this book.”

The six ponies finally arrived at the large door. The door stood nearly ten feet tall, that was nearly three times larger than anypony here. Twilight used her magic and pushed the door open with practiced ease. Twilight was the first to walk in, leading the others by example.

Just past the door was a large chamber, lit up by a pale white light that was cast by some magical crystals hanging along the edges of the walls. A single pillar stood in the center of the room, standing over forty feet tall. Fluttershy felt herself becoming ill looking up at the pillar. At the top of the pillar was a small book, floating in mid air as some sort of spell kept it afloat.

Rainbow Dash said, “Oh yeah. I got this one everypony.”

Rainbow Dash flew into the air and straight towards the book, Twilight began shouting, “STOP!” suddenly a lightning bolt appeared from the pillar and struck Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground, she landed with a thud and didn’t move for a few seconds save for her back leg which was twitching.


The group waited several minutes for Rainbow Dash to wake up and stared out at the pillar. Twilight had explained that there were traps set to protect it, and Rainbow Dash set one of them off. Fluttershy was scared of this dark place, and worried for her pegasus friend. Finally Rainbow Dash began to stir and everypony focused on her.

“Ow,” Rainbow Dash stated as she sat up slowly.

“You okay,” Applejack asked?

“Yeah, I feel like I’ve been struck by lightning,” Rainbow replied.

“You were,” Applejack explained.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and quickly cringed in pain. After a few seconds she said in a lame voice, “I…my wings are hurt. I don’t think I can fly.”

A deep silence surrounded the room for a long few moments before Applejack finally said, “Well Ah reckon Twilight could fly up there.”

“Actually I can’t, I need to use a shield spell to keep whoever ends up flying up there safe from the lightning trap. If Rainbow Dash would have waited a few seconds for me to explain, instead of dashing off without thinking,” Twilight explained while giving a dirty look to Rainbow Dash.

Rarity then offered, “Well Fluttershy is a pegasus, surly she can fly up there and grab the book.”

Fluttershy let out a tiny squeak at the mere thought of flying up into that dangerous trap filled space. Everypony turned their gaze at Fluttershy, making her the center of attention. Fluttershy felt her face warming up slightly as she bowed her head and began backing away saying, “Oh well I um…I couldn’t go up there, it’s um…really high up.”

Twilight let out a sigh before saying, “Fluttershy, I swear that my magic will keep you safe. Nothing bad will happen and I really need your help. Please help me.”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight and even though she was terrified, she couldn’t let her friend down. This book was important to Twilight, and she was promised safety. Fluttershy took in a deep breath before saying in a quiet voice, “Okay…if it really means that much to you. I’ll do it.”

Twilight jumped into the air and wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy pulling her into an embrace while saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, you don’t know how much that book means to me.”


It took a few minutes of standing nervously and looking up at the tall pillar before Twilight had finished casting her spell. A golden orb of transparent light surrounded Fluttershy, like a protective bubble meant to ward off lightning. Twilight nodded to Fluttershy, giving her the go ahead to fly. Fluttershy took off the ground slowly, and gently rising up into the air. It took a little bit but she managed to reach the pillar and without too much fear of being struck by lightning.

Fluttershy reached out with her hooves and gently grabbed the book before pulling back to her chest and holding it tightly. She turned around and began flying back down towards the others. On her way down Twilight asked, “Is it the right book?”

Fluttershy looked at the cover, and found no title on the book. Just a flat brown surface, she then opened it up and saw some kind of mathematical equation that made absolutely no sense to her. As she stared at the book’s pages she felt a very warm feeling spread through her face before vanishing.

Fluttershy landed gently and said, “I…think so, it’s really confusing.”

Everypony simply stared at Fluttershy with shocked expressions. Fluttershy gave the book to Twilight who continued to stare at Fluttershy as she placed the book into her saddlebags. After a few long moments of being stared at Fluttershy finally asked, “W-w-what is it?”

Rarity pulled a small mirror out from her own saddlebag and levitated it over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked into the mirror and saw something she didn’t expect. Fluttershy looked completely normal except for these glowing golden butterfly marks that were now over her face and surrounding area. There was one on her ear, on her forehead, another one on her cheek, and her nose, yet another one was on her neck, and the last one was on her lips. Fluttershy’s face was covered in golden butterfly markings, similar to those of cutie marks.


A few minutes went by with everypony staring nervously at Fluttershy, and she couldn’t stop wiggling under their watchful eyes. Fluttershy hated being the center of attention, no matter what it was for. After a few long minutes of Twilight reading through some of the spell books she brought with her, she finally shouted, “AHA, I found the spell.”

Twilight stood up and everypony focused their attention on her. Twilight began explaining, “Okay everypony, Fluttershy will be just fine. Apparently those marks are part of a curse called a Kissing Curse. Essentially if the Kissing Curse is left alone, Fluttershy will lose her cutie mark forever.”

Rainbow Dash jumped in front of Twilight, and screamed at her, “HOW IS THAT OKAY?”

“I was getting to that,” Twilight stated before pulling a handkerchief from her saddlebags and wiping her face clean of Rainbow Dash’s spit. Rainbow Dash backed off and Twilight continued, “The Kissing Curse is easily removed by kissing the very spots that are effected by it. Very simple fix.”

Fluttershy squeaked and everypony simply stared at Twilight in silence for a few moments. Rarity finally spoke up asking, “Twilight, darling, who exactly has to kiss her again?”

“Oh we can do it, it’s not a True Love Curse, so pretty much anypony can kiss her and it will work. I suggest we each kiss her at least once to make it fair for everypony,” Twilight explained casually.

Another squeak escaped Fluttershy’s lips as her entire face was beginning to burn from embarrassment. Pinkie Pie bounced in the air saying, “That’s an awesome idea.”

Rarity facehoofed before saying, “Twilight, how do you think Fluttershy feels about us kissing her? Don’t you think there might be a incy wincy little problem with this?”

Twilight was very quiet for a few long moments with a contemplative look on her face. Soon her face began turning a light shade of pink and she began looking worried as she said, “Oh…this might be a little…uh embarrassing for her.”

Fluttershy was simply covering her face with her legs by now, attempting to use an invisibility spell. Of course considering she had no horn, using such a spell would be impossible, but that didn’t stop her from trying. This was simply too much for her to handle, being kissed by anypony was going to be embarrassing, but by her friends. That was just the worst.

“Fluttershy, you need to let us try and help you,” Twilight said. “I want you to choose which one of us will kiss you where.”

Fluttershy squeaked again and was quiet for several long moments. Finally at length Fluttershy asked, “H-h-how do I choose?”

Everypony was quiet for the longest time, this was truly a dilemma for everypony. If it had been anypony else, a few kisses may not have been a big deal, but with Fluttershy everything even slightly intimate was a huge deal for her. The awkward silence forcefully took over the room’s atmosphere and finally Fluttershy came up with an idea.

“Um…who…who is um…who here likes mare’s?” Fluttershy asked her voice on the verge of cracking.

Everypony looked at themselves and then to each other, finally the settled on staring at Fluttershy. They all looked nervous with the exception of Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy was afraid that she had just opened up a box with that question, one that would not ever close again.

Applejack took her hat off and said, “Ah like Stallions mahself.”

Rainbow Dash said, “Sorry Flutters, but I like stallions too…with the exception of the Wonderbolts of course.”

Rarity then explained, “Well, I already have a…some feelings for a certain male.”

“Yeah, yeah, we get it, you have a crush on Spike. Good for you,” Rainbow Dash said sarcastically.

“What? But how did-” Rarity began asking before silencing herself.

Twilight let out a sigh and said, “I’m not interested either way. Mare’s, Stallions…they’re all the same to me.”

Everypony looked at Pinkie Pie who didn’t meet any of their gazes. Pinkie Pie looked away, her cheeks actually becoming more pink, if that was physically possible. Rainbow Dash finally asked, “You okay Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie nodded and said, “Um…mares.”

Twilight looked at her and asked, “Mares what?”

Pinkie Pie closed her eyes tightly and said, “I like mares, okay.”

Fluttershy then spoke saying, “I…um…I don’t want to do this anymore.”

Twilight let out a sigh and walked over to Fluttershy while saying, “You only have a few hours Fluttershy. I know you’re embarrassed but what could possibly be keeping you from saving your cutie mark?”

Fluttershy back stepped at Twilight’s approach and said, “I like mares too…and um…I don’t want…to….I might get…my feelings hurt.”

Twilight stopped and then sat down. She was quiet for a few moments before finally saying, “Fluttershy we want to help you. It’s your choice…choose who kisses you, and where at…we will all listen right girls?” Twilight looked back at the others and they all nodded in agreement.

Fluttershy felt her eyes beginning to water up. Embarrassing as it was, she was happy to know how far all of her friends were willing to go to help her. Fluttershy sniffled a little before saying, “Okay…thank you…just give me a few minutes to think, um if that’s okay…”


Nearly ten minutes later Fluttershy was lying on the ground and lost deep in thought. She had come up with a plan, sort of. She didn’t like it but it was all she could come up with on such short notice. She sat up straight and said, “Um…everypony I…I figured out what to do.”

Everypony had been waiting for her patiently and then turned to face her with almost eager speed. Fluttershy cleared her throat before saying, “Um…Rarity…you um…can kiss my forehead.”

Rarity gave a small smile to Fluttershy as she walked up and said, “Thank you, darling.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes as Rarity began leaning in. after a second of nothing she felt Rarity’s soft, gentle kiss on her forehead. It wasn’t as embarrassing, nor as scary as she had originally believed it would be. Fluttershy opened her eyes to see Rarity smiling at her. Rarity then turned and went to go sit back down by the others.

Fluttershy then said, “Applejack…um…the nose…”

Applejack walked over and said, “Good choice, Ah don’t think Rainbow Dash brushes her teeth.”

“Hey,” Rainbow called out in defense.

Applejack leaned in and quickly kissed Fluttershy on the nose. Fluttershy was beginning to feel braver about these kisses, they were not as scary as she always thought they would be. Applejack then went back to the others.

“Rainbow Dash…um…you get the ear,” Fluttershy said nervously, she didn’t want anypony kissing her ear, but that’s where the mark was.

Rainbow Dash trotted over and without warning kissed Fluttershy on the ear quickly. Rainbow Dash quickly trotted back to her seat and refused to make eye contact with anypony else. Twilight smiled and said, “Good, the marks are already beginning to fade already. Three more to go, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and said, “Twilight…um…neck.”

Fluttershy didn’t open her eyes as she listened to Twilight walk up to her. Twilight then leaned in and kissed Fluttershy on the neck gently but quickly. Fluttershy opened her eyes and watched as Twilight returned to her seat.

“Pinkie Pie…you can k-k-k-um my cheek,” Fluttershy barely managed to say at an audible level.

Pinkie Pie bounced into the air and landed on her forelegs then did a summersault over to Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie ended the summersault and kissed Fluttershy on the cheek. Pinkie Held the kiss, with her tender lips pressed against Fluttershy’s face for several seconds before pulling away. Fluttershy’s eyes met Pinkie’s and they stared at one another for several seconds before Pinkie Pie pulled away. Just before Pinkie Pie broke eye contact Fluttershy caught a glimpse of something odd in them.

Now everypony looked a lot more nervous as there was only one kiss left to do, but nopony knew who Fluttershy would choose. Even Fluttershy didn’t know. Fluttershy took another look into the mirror that Rarity had lent her and noticed that the butterfly marks on her face were almost all gone, the one on her forehead had vanished completely.

Fluttershy looked back up at her friends and admitted, “I’ve never kissed anypony before.”

Nopony looked too shocked by the discovery, but Rarity said, “We know darling, that’s why we are being the kindest we can about this. It must be terribly difficult for you to make this decision.”

“Yeah, and no matter who you choose, none of us are going to be jealous. I mean it’s not like you’re choosing us based on kissing skills, otherwise we all know who would win,” Rainbow Dash said. “It would be me of course.”

“R.D. Ah don’t think she wants to hear your ego right now,” Applejack said.

Everypony then looked back to Fluttershy, waiting patiently for her to make a decision. Well everypony except for Pinkie Pie who was looking down at the ground, her hair looked a little less bouncy than normal. Fluttershy couldn’t see Pinkie’s eyes since Pinkie’s hair obscured the way. But Fluttershy could see the tears that were running down Pinkie’s muzzle before dropping to the ground.

“Pinkie Pie, what’s the matter?” Fluttershy asked, forgetting all about her own troubles.

“I…I shouldn’t have agreed to this. I just wanted to help you Fluttershy…but…” Pinkie Pie tried to explain. Pinkie Pie sniffled a little. Everypony now focused their attention on Pinkie Pie, their expressions growing more worried as they realized that Pinkie was upset.

“Pinkie Pie, tell me what’s the matter?” Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie Pie looked up and met Fluttershy’s eyes. Pinkie’s eyes were wet from crying, her usually happy smile was gone and replaced by a sad frown. Pinkie Pie then explained, “I…I know you won’t choose me to be your first kiss…so I won’t even ask. But I can’t sit here and watch somepony else kiss you, I’m sorry.”

Pinkie Pie began to stand up and Fluttershy said, “Pinkie Pie, tell me what’s wrong. If the kiss means so much to you, then you can do it.”

Pinkie Pie stopped and blinked, she looked stunned as she asked, “Really?”

Fluttershy nodded and said, “Of course, I didn’t know it meant so much to you.”

Pinkie Pie wiped the tears from her eyes and explained, “It’s just that, I’ve been saving my first kiss for when I get a very special somepony…so I understand why you would want the first one to be special…and…and I can make it special. I Pinkie Promise to always cherish it, and all that stuff.”

Fluttershy smiled and she said, “I would like that. Um…you can kiss me if you want…”

Everypony looked a little shocked as Pinkie Pie walked over to Fluttershy before sitting down in front of her. Fluttershy stared longingly into Pinkie’s eyes for the longest time, time seemed to stop as she looked into those deep blue eyes. When Pinkie Pie leaned in Fluttershy’s heart began beating rapidly, her face was heating up immensely at the shear closeness of Pinkie’s muzzle. Suddenly their lips touched, and Fluttershy felt like her lips were on fire but she loved it. She kissed Pinkie Pie back.

The two pulled away after a few seconds and could only stare into each other’s eyes. Pinkie Pie was the first one to speak as she said, “Um…does this make us special someponies?”

Fluttershy nuzzled Pinkie’s nose a little before saying, “Yes, um…yes it does.”

Pinkie Pie gave Fluttershy a hug and said, “I really like you, Fluttershy.”

“I really like you too, Pinkie,” Fluttershy admitted.


On their way out everypony walked just a little ahead of Twilight as she read through her new, and now un-cursed book. It seemed like the curse could only be activated once, and now Twilight was getting to enjoy her new book. Twilight had skipped through the book until she found something catching her attention.

As the group neared the exit Twilight exclaimed, “Wow!”

The others turned to face her and Twilight explained, “Here on page ten of the spell list, I found the Kissing Curse spell, and better yet, I found the counter spell to it.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow and asked, “So yer sayin that we all just kissed Fluttershy, for nothin?”

“Exactly,” Twilight answered happily.

Twilight was nearly bouncing as she continued to read her new book while saying, “I can’t believe we actually got a tome of Starswirl the bearded.”

Fluttershy looked at Pinkie Pie who was walking next to her. Fluttershy gently draped a wing over her new special somepony and pulled Pinkie in closer. Fluttershy then said, “even if it was possible to get rid of the curse with a spell, I don’t think we wasted our time.” She turned to look into Pinkie’s eyes and finished, “After all, I got you out of all of this.”

A slight blush appeared on Pinkie Pie’s face as she said, “Yep.”

Comments ( 16 )

You have my support!

5324136 Thank you. I'm glad to see people enjoying this story. XD

5324140 i love it! It's really so cute!

Needs a once-over for capitalization and punctuation issues, but otherwise I see nothing wrong.

5324150 Pls fix the many capitalization errors, at the beginning of every quote except for continuations of previous quotes MUST BE CAPITALIZED, IT DOES NOT MATTER IF IT'S IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE (No, I'm not yelling, just trying to make a point) Good story all the way, never thought a FlutterPie story could be so awesome, write a sequel or another pls? Also, if you need an editor, just ask, i'm willing to help you in any way possible.

5324208 Thanks for pointing that out, i was under the impression that it was the other way around. Lol, now I feel silly. Thanks again for pointing the capitalization mistakes, and for enjoying the story.

Don't worry, I do have more Pinkieshy stories in mind for future projects. So keep a look out for them. XD

okay, I just fixed all the capitalization mistakes I made. Now it should look pretty. XD

So... much... d'aww...

Hey, look, FlutterPie! I haven't seen you in a long, long time my friend. Always a treat to read one of you, especially after Filli Vanilli. I think that episode destroyed any chances of this ship growing, and that kind of ticks me off, because these two are adorable together. I mean, why does a single episode bring down something so lovable, just because of the way a character acted?

But I digress. This was rather cute for what it was. I always like to see new spells emerging in Equestria, even if it's protected by a... kissing curse. Okay, what possible threat does a curse like that serve? How could that possibly slow down anyone?

...Eh, well, Equestria's full of other crazy stuff like this as well, so it's not exactly far-fetched as they go. If it was just another reason to bring Pinkie and Fluttershy together, then I've got no complaints.

As for the characters, they were alright. Though I couldn't help but feel that they were slightly flanderized. Take Rainbow Dash: everything she said here was to do with her ego, and that's fine for the most part, if you're setting this during Season One, but this takes place after Twilight becomes an alicorn. Believe me, I can get that she'd say some of the things she did, but not at the quantity she did. She wouldn't have stroked her own ego as much, is what I'm saying, and it kind of made her one-dimensional, to a degree.

Then there were some reactions. Take this:

Twilight jumped into the air and wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy pulling her into an embrace while saying, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, you don’t know how much that book means to me.”

It's alright, but it kind of feels that Twilight is overreacting. Grabbing Fluttershy in a hug is a bit hasty, especially in this situation, because, again, this takes place some time after Magical Mystery Cure, and Twilight wouldn't really act like this on a whim. It could possibly work better with a few back-and-forth sentences of dialogue, ending with the hug. Makes it feel slightly more fleshed out, rather than jumping to an action so quickly. Then again, Twilight's so obsessed with books that she might very well do this, so don't take my word for it—it's just my two cents.

Those are really my only narks with this. There's a few typos I found too, but I enjoyed this as a whole. It was very cute for what it was, and I liked it, so have my upvote. We can always do with more FlutterPie. :twilightsmile:

This is so cute! :heart::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::yay:

That was adorable! :pinkiesad2:

A bit predictable, and it could _definitely_ use some fleshing out or better pacing, but otherwise, an okay fanfic.

I will buy the awfully suspect kissing curse, because this curse was put on the book a Thousand years ago or so. It would make sense that at the time nopony knew how the curse was lifted, but that the trick was figured out much later. Untill then, I imagine quite a few ponies probably lost their cutie mark to this curse. After all, who would think to start kissing them?

It's only trivial now because they knew the trick, if they hadn't, goodbye butterfly.:fluttercry:


I of course did moths of research

Just past the door was a large chamber, light up by a pale white light that was cast by some magical crystals

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