• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


A new stallion by the name of Gear Gizmo moves into Ponyville, and of course, Pinkie tries to introduce herself...with mixed results.

Turns out Gear is not only not very sociable, but he can't seem to understand the concept of other ponies' emotions, and appears to be prone to anger. Gear can't explain why he acts this way to Pinkie, as apparently, he doesn't even know himself.

So, Pinkie feels that she needs to help Gear through this difficult point in his life, help him find answers to his complicated personality, and help him make some friends. Celestia knows he needs some.

A story about the everyday social and emotional struggle of those with Asperger's Syndrome.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 32 )

Interesting. You have a really unique idea going here. If I was pinkie I would have left him alone after that because the first sign of unfriendliness for me is to back off and walk away I just have a hard time approaching people anyway so that doesn't help. Of course Pinkie isn't me she is willing to give ponies the benefit of the doubt. I can't wait for the next chapter. :scootangel: Aspergers is complicated isnt it? People think its as simple as not being social but its more than that.

Gizmo's going to learn the hard way that Pinkie lacks the ability to tell when ponies just want to be left alone.

My mom tells me I have high-functioning Asperger's, so I can relate to how Gizmo feels.

5354007 Yeah, Asperger's is actually a lot more than just not being a social person. It also leads to impaired motor development (Gizmo's difficulty in flying), anxiety, and being very irritable over small things. It can also lead to a sort of insensitivity to others because of the difficulty in reading social cues, and leads to a lack of empathy (Gizmo not taking Derpy's impaired vision into account)

Yeah. Asperger's is really annoying.

5354044 Ehhhh, I don't think I'd entirely say that Pinkie doesn't understand that. In the end, she did get that Cranky Doodle Donkey preffered his privacy, and that her over-the-topness, sorta had him on edge. They ended up on good terms though.

Gizmo...is not the same. Because of the anxiety that his Asperger's and other ponies put on him, and he wants to avoid it all by being completely alone FOREVER. It's not really because he's grumpy or resentful or anything. He's just scared to death of ponies. It's actually really sad looking at it, although, I didn't put a sad or comedy tag here because both would've been misleading. I'll just say it'll have its moments. :twilightsmile:

I can tell you don't like pinkie. Someone who likes her wouldn't insult her character like that. :twilightangry2:
So true it is annoying. I mean you want to understand people and it's frustrating.

What? No. I like Pinkie, she's my fourth favorite of the Mane Six. I was just saying that, "Cranky Doodle" being a good example, she can sometimes be a bit... oblivious to when ponies (or donkeys) want to be left alone.

Oh okay fair enough I guess even if you like something you can tell point out its flaws. Do you know why she's oblivious? My theory is she wasn't exposed to many different ponies. Like me i know who to stay away from but she clearly doesn't know that certain ponies er donkeys should left alone. Still you made a good point Gizmo is about to learn how oblivious she is.

I'd like to start by saying that your description at the start of the effects of Asperger Syndrome relating to social interaction are virtually spot on. I often find myself over thinking the simplest things, going so far as to avoid family gatherings out of fear of having nothing to contribute to conversations. To make things things worse, experience proves me wrong on those fears, yet I still have them.

tl,dr; As someone with Asperger's, I can really see where Gear Gizmo is coming from.

Interesting story, and one I can relate to. Good job so far.:moustache:

Another thing I'd suggest doing is redesigning Gear Gizmo, and using something other than Pony creator for the cover image.

5362160 I try to get artists whenever I can for these, so most likely I'll to get something other than ponymaker for the coverart eventually. (I attempted to draw Gizmo once though, and he looked like a wiener dog.) Redesigning him though? I don't know about that. Don't know if you mean, like, overall redesign or just certain things. I dunno, I kinda like him how he is. :derpyderp2:

5363234 Maybe just touch up the colour, especially if he's shown with Pinkie.

5363244 Probably making him a bit of a lighter shade of purple would be a good idea.

I hope this story isnt dead. This is a good concept i almost forgot about this story and went to see if it had been updated yet.

5498802 I've got a majority of the next chapter written, but I just keep finding myself not happy with it. Don't worry, story's still alive. I wouldn't kill it off after only one chapter. :derpytongue2:

I know how he feels. I was diagnosed last year and while I was antisocial (and sill am kinda) It was more of a work anxiety that prevented me from getting and keeping jobs. It became noticable in highschool but it went 8 years to get diagnosed. I am 23.

interesting. I was diagnosed in 1992. I sometimes miss signs, but I like to think I do
a good job. however, I'm at the very low end to where it's barely "I have a disablility?
that's news to me." it doesn't affect my life that much, but I have seen more severe
instances. this is a good story. continue please.

5929623 This is kind of interesting because Gear doesn't even know he has it at all, which should make for some goood drama later on.~:pinkiehappy:

And I'm glad you like this because this is my attempt at showing an accurate representation of a pony with Asperger's and Gear is probably one of the most personal characters I have. Just looking at him being all awkward and not good with emotions makes me feel like I'm looking at myself and I've broken down crying sometimes trying to do Roleplays as him. :fluttercry:

I know how you feel Gear. I have your... "situation", too.

I know how he feels. My sister dragged me out to the mall one day to help me socialize. It was before I was on my Aspergers meds.

I didn't realise you could get medication for Aspergers. That's really interesting.
Also I hope you continue this story, I'd love to see where it goes.

I really hope this story continues, as an Asperger myself, I sympathize with Gear Gizmo and, since my mom decided to teach me how to be social, it's really funny to see him trying to understand his own feelings, he doesn't realize that he likes Pinkie Pie.


Are the medications really necessary? since I'm also a Celiac, I cannot get a number of medications and my mom instead of going for those, she decided to teach me how to socialize with people and getting used to not follow a schedule. While the experience was )and still is) a nightmare, I have learned and now it's easier for me to go around my country Venezuela (a very social country) a speak to people and understand what and how to speak.

Liking this so far. I also have aspergers, i sympathize with Gear.

5929623 actually, that is high end, and chances are, you had to work for that

5929675 I literally have an OC exactly like this... Creepy. Mind if I change my OC's name? he's autistic and specializes with machines, but... here's the thing, I thought up the same name, now, a different look, mind you, but still

7216799 Yes, I have extreme Aspergers, i cannot function without my meds, I get WAAAAY to hyper, and spacey at the same time


Oh, I see, thank you for the clarification.

I'm an adult. physically, yes. mentally, I'd say she's about 6-10 years of age.
I'd punch her in the snout. see if that works.

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