• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
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I am the Storm Scribe. Let my words thunder across all creation! Let my imagination rain down and bring life to new worlds and adventures. Above all else, may you enjoy what meager gifts I bring...



In an alternate take on the ending of Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Sunset Shimmer gains a pair of wings, she and Twilight realizing she's become an alicorn. But more has happened now. Because of Sunset Shimmer's ascension, magic, once thought non-existent in that world, starts to awaken as more and more gain the ability to use magic. And meanwhile, a shadowy force that once was the servant of a blank-faced nightmare begins to revive...

Takes place in the Waking Nightmares universe, starting two years before it and then with a couple of timeskips to get to the beginning of the Waking Nightmares timeline.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 119 )

This story started out as a question on Tumblr about Rainbow Rocks and the Equestria Girls timeline.

It involved into an actual story idea.

So here we are. I hope you enjoy!

Shiet. Still haven't watched Rainbow Rocks.

5332918 The fact that I mentioned the ending in the summary should be a clue that there's spoilers.

Hm. I'll... add a spoiler warning to the summary.

I wonder what would be the Dazzling´s punishment... maybe being forced to become Sunset´s first students (with a few Geas on them, of course)?

YAY, I was wondering when you would write this, but I didn't expected it to be this early. I really liked how you described Sunset emotions when she was transforming and her reunion with Princess Celestia. Can't wait to see more! (except I really can wait...but you kow what I mean)

Rainbow Dash always dresses in style


Also, if Barricade is going to appear in this story too, what job does her EG version have?

I'd imagine that Barricade is a High-ranking officer in the the Air Force.

5332625 Well done, good sir!

This shall definitely be interesting :pinkiesmile:

When's the next chapter coming?

What is the Waking Nightmares verse?

5679746 Waking Nightmares and Magic Lives are in the same 'universe' of stories.

Quick question sense this is a side story to with MLP/TF:2 do the Rainbooms come from the same world as the BLU team if so will there be any encounters with the TF:C team? Or are you waiting to See how the current merc team deals with there TF:C counter parts?

Wait at the end of RR didn't Humane Pinkie stick her head in the portal?

5719409 The EG!verse is not the same as the TF2!verse. Spy and Engineer will visit the EG! World briefly in a later chapter, when the narrative catches up with WN.

Is it just me or is the populous of Equestria way to panicky is even one thing is minutely wrong?

Because they sure do like to panic. The Flower Trio do not count, they're in their own category.

Oh, that will be so deliciously awesome!!
I can't wait for that chapter.

And now I'm imagining the Humane Six wearing at least the costumes of the RED Team after they transform.

(Expect Fanart for the above concept.)

" Fluttershy nodded, speaking with perfect confidence. “Absolutely. I would trust him with my life.”

First of all, how do you dare? This is not okay. My feelings... THEY HURT ! (Translation: nice move, Knight)

Anyway, I'm looking forward for more of this. I'm going to guess that creepy stuff isn't going to happen here in a while, so I'll enjoy this time of peace.

Cool chapter, I like the age difference between the two sets of Mane 6. I take it from the fact that Tia is an alicorn that that means Celestia and Luna were born alicorns in this story?

Also, interesting twist on the sirens. The mirror doesn't give them their true forms, because if they turned back into sea ponies they would probably drown on land, but it compromises with some kind of sea/land pony hybrid. Will they ever regain their true forms, even if they never gain back their magic?

Oh, and I was kind of surprised that Burger Princess had an Applejack plushie. :ajbemused:


*Looks at Murphy's Law meter.* It's about neutral for now. Might want to grab that set of over-powered armor just in case.

whats the waking nightmare universe? Do i need knowledge to understand this story?

Definitely love the interaction between the doubles, and definitely kicking myself for not favoriting this thing after reading the first chapter.

5725675 The plushies on sale that day were Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, Smart Cookie, Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.

None of the Elements, just the Founders.

5983115 Whoops! I mistook founders for bearers, I guess.

any word on the vanilla story update?

s**t is about to hit the fan at sonic rainboom speed:pinkiegasp:,... or has it already:applejackconfused:?

very nice showing the interaction between the Equestria casts and CHS cast

The wave of Harmony spread out over the forest, becoming a single beam of light that transformed into the Rainbow of Light itself, strengthened by the music of the Rainbooms. It pierced through an unholy gate deep within Everfree, lashing down past the hordes of the damned and demonic... and piercing through a small burlap bag, held within the bedroom of a slumbering demon king. From inside the bag the Rainbow of Darkness burst forth, swirling joyously around the Rainbow of Light.
I am free! the Rainbow of Darkness thought happily.
Yes, the Rainbow of Light thought back. Never again will you be used for evil.

hope to see a chapter on how CHS universe Twilight was on school grounds and why

Whadda revoltin'development THIS is. Vice Principal Stupid and Nerdlight Velma done made the scene. We need Voltron.....or Planeswalker Ditzy Doo.

the different elements make sense. the counterparts are similar but slightly different. The two flinching at the rainbow wave was interesting. DQ was to be expected really.

hmm. now that is interesting. Either it's the same demonking or seperete. and I'm not certain which would be worse.

... I kind of want a side story starring Power Words and Swift Saber.

No not THAT kind of story, get your mind out of the gutter!

I mean I'll take it if you make it that kind of story, but still...

This is an accurate depiction of someone eating any Zap Apple products

The last part of the chapter was funny

and Pinkamena I'm pretty sure would have a go with anything that said yes that wasn't a corpse or kid

Pansexual Pinkie! Just the exact headcanon that I have for her! This makes me happy.

Great chapter. It was interesting to see the ponies interacting with their human-verse version. Also, is that how the Rainbow of Darkness got free? Interesting.

Just a little thing... wasn't Rainbow Rocks supposed to happen before Season 5? Because if not, I'll have to rewrite a part of my own fanfic.

5994849 WN and ML are both AU at this point, so don't take my placements too seriously.


So then I guess that you are altering the order of events... I wonder what you have in mind.

Whenever authors write out LSBFF, for some reason I always read it as lesbian BFF. Dunno why.

So this story would explain why Discord turned back to stone and Celestia going mad I see

“World not ending.  Discord behaving himself, has not overthrown Celestia and Luna.  All other relevant apocalyptic villains still neutralized.  Celestia just showing off.  No danger.  Do not panic.  Seriously, don't panic.  I mean it.  Don't make me come over there,”

LOL! That should become a standard precaution, especially if she gets bored.

“Cuteness... rising to lethal levels...”

Excitedly, the two Fluttershy hugged each other, thrilled to find a fellow animal lover.

“HNNNGH!” Sunset Shimmer cried, faking a heart attack and collapsing. 


That was me at that very moment.

Flutters smiled.  “Oh, I can imagine...” she said.  “My father is a doctor as well, but my mother isn't a guard.  She's considering retiring and becoming one, though.”  

Fluttershy hmmed, curious.  “So what does she do?” she asked.

“She's a professional wrestler,” Flutters said, smiling.  

Fluttershy blinked.  “...A wrestler?” she asked.

Flutters nodded.  “World heavyweight champion.”  

Fluttershy thought about it a moment and giggled.  “Yes... Yes, I can see that.”  

... This is a different story. I can't see it. Where is it?

Immediately, the Flower Trio decided to ruin the moment.  “B-But, what if they're EVIL counterparts from another world?” Rose suggested, shivering.

“Yes!  Evil counterparts with evil magic!” Lily added, shaking.

“Evil counterparts with evil magic come to conquer us all in the name of the SMOOZE TURNED SENTIENT?!”  Daisy added, quivering.  

Smooze turned sentient? Really girls? Are we throwing logic and sanity out the window already?:facehoof:

Moon Shake?  What's that?”

“Something we added to the menu in honor of Princess Luna's return from exile!  It's chocolate and coffee flavored ice cream with marshmallow fluff in it, with dark chocolate chips, white chocolate chips and graham cracker bits mixed in!” the clerk said, smiling.  

“...That sounds absurdly delicious and I'll have an extra large,”

Yes it does and so will I... seriously, I'm gonna try to make one of those!:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: But then there's this.:pinkiesick:

“There's one thing I want to know right off the bat... Why is my mane and tail so... floaty and floofy?”

“Floaty and floofy?  That's a new one...” Tia looked thoughtful.

LOL... just... LOL! I wonder how many there are... I could think of about 5 right now.

“I really shouldn't.  I'm on something of a diet...”

“Gah!  Bad word, bad word!”

PREACH IT SISTAH!:pinkiehappy::trollestia: She knows what's up.


“You're an alicorn now, and that means your metabolism actually REQUIRES a lot of food to fuel it.  I'd never get away with the amount of cake I eat otherwise!”


No, no you wouldn't. And neither would I. Thank biology for high metabolism!

Donut Joe, meanwhile, was staring at the two of them, frowning..  He levitated a chair into the air, giving Celestia a worried glance.

“Changeling?” he tried.

“Nope,” Celestia said smiling.  

“Evil clone?” Joe asked.

“Neither evil nor a clone,” Celestia insisted, frowning a little.  Tia stared at the chair, worried.  

“Invader from another reality?” Joe tried.

“From another reality yes, invader no,” Celestia said, getting annoyed.  “For crying out loud, Joe, she's a school principal!”

A light smirk played over Joe's face.  “...Considering some of the principals I've known that doesn't really help her case.”  

Lol. Joe must really get around.

Great story, loving every minute of it. Keep it up!

Imagine Satan escaping Hell, only much more evil and much more powerful

Hmm... No. Not even close. Beyond being okay with hurting people, Tirek was a pretty straight forward villain: want magic. Besides stealing power( which is pretty evil), he never did anything evil, like , oh say, murder or torture. And he is relatively insignificant, cosmetically speaking. Maybe Weight 5: Planetary. Satan, on the other hand, revels in slaughtering the innocent and torturing every soul he gets his hands on, by doing things like tearing off their heads, and stritching them into their stomachs, while they're on fire, and is so powerful, he destroyed a third of the universe, by accident, during the Fall. Now, who do you think is more evil and powerful?

6089912 Tirek in the Waking Nightmares/Magic Lives version of events basically is Satan, and is evil as you say. The Tirek that faced the girls was either an avatar or a descendant of the original, ultra-demonic Tirek (I'm keeping it deliberately vague), which is capable of enslaving one half of Harmony Itself, the Rainbow of Darkness.

So Twilight in the mirror verse is essentially a scientist. I would love to know what the cutie marks of Mirror! Shining and Mirror! Cadence are like.

The wave of Harmony spread out over the forest, becoming a single beam of light that transformed into the Rainbow of Light itself, strengthened by the music of the Rainbooms. It pierced through an unholy gate deep within Everfree, lashing down past the hordes of the damned and demonic... and piercing through a small burlap bag, held within the bedroom of a slumbering demon king. From inside the bag the Rainbow of Darkness burst forth, swirling joyously around the Rainbow of Light.

I am free! the Rainbow of Darkness thought happily.

Yes, the Rainbow of Light thought back. Never again will you be used for evil.

...So THAT'S how it happened...

... Do I need to reread Waking Nightmares? Because this story would make sense only if there was some heavy rewriting going on. Particularly in the whole "Alicorn Twilight" department.

6223563 The current part of the story takes place BEFORE the events of Waking Nightmares.

"The Smooze turned sentient"

...in universe foreshadowing?

I can see HVinyl just chilling in front of the statue, giving a little wave as Sparkle and Woona go in.

To be honest, That's probably Bulk's official job these days. Keeping the trio from forming a flash mob.

...why do i get the feeling that five of those scrolls had "Code P. I repeat code P." on them?

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